#lmao can you tell that kale is my favorite character
hangmanbradshaw · 9 months
hi i am here for two reasons 1. please tell me about your wip supporting women's wrongs?? and 2. my favorites are IWBTY (obvi?) and sugar daddy hallmark, but the twister au and DLP are right behind them <3
KALE MY DEAREST. You can be here for any & all reasons.
omg twister au look at you go twister au, love all those choices <3 you already know *some* stuff up my sleeve, but more too :)
supporting women's wrongs!! okay more details here but basically it's the Nat centric fic that lives in my heart that's very much giving angry lady country music and maybe a little insane (in a fun way). Will it be funny, mystery, a mix, idk who knows (not me lmao still feeling it out). I just think she deserves to be a lil unhinged, for fun (also deserves a main character moment) <3 you
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foundcarcosa · 7 years
o1. What sort of qualities (physical, mental, or otherwise) are you attracted to in others? >> Some particular arrangement of their features that can’t be categorised. Non-delicate features. A difficult-to-pinpoint air of sensuality. A broad sense of humour. Adaptability, fluidity, puckishness, playfulness. A flair with words. Weirdness (wyrdness) without self-deprecation.  Sometimes it’s just the last one, honestly.
o2. When you think of your childhood, are the memories mostly happy or sad? >> They’re mostly dim. I mostly remember my childhood through the stories my father tells over and over again to anyone who’ll listen. I wasn’t very invested in the mortal realm back then. o3. What is it like being you? Is it enjoyable? >> It’s enjoyable when it is. It has downsides just like everything else does. But I do my best with what I’ve got. o4. What are your opinions on love? >> I have had a million opinions on it, and now I’ve settled into not needing to opine about it at all. It is what it is when it is how it is. o5. Is love something with which you have had a good or bad experience? >> Both, of course. I’d have a woefully unbalanced view on it otherwise.
o6. What is something that you find extremely annoying? >> The clicking sound that most computer mice make. o7. Do you ever feel guilty? What do you feel guilty about most often? >> Rarely, if ever. o8. Do you like to hug others, or does it make you uncomfortable? >> I love to hug in headspace. In meatspace, I have a thousand mental blocks about physical contact, so it’s less enjoyable. o9. Would you consider yourself judgmental? If so, in what ways? >> I don’t think I judge people any more than the average person does (although, of course, I have no actual data on that). 1o. What are your thoughts on the cause of homosexuality? >> I personally don’t understand it as a cause, per se, but a way of being human that has been so intensely and chronically stigmatised by civilisation that fighting for the right to exist and benefit from society has come to be a defining part of gay life. Which, I guess, makes it a cause... I don’t know. The point is, I don’t know how to answer this question. 11. Is there anyone that you hate? What caused you to hate this person? >> No. 12. Are you typically forgiving? What things will you not forgive? >> Maybe? I tend to let a lot of things go because I don’t have the energy to care about them after enough time has passed. If I feel that my penchant for letting-go is being taken advantage of, though, it’ll go very badly for them. 13. Are there any sayings or cliches that you dislike? >> Sure. 14. Are wild parties something that you enjoy? Why/Why not? >> Sometimes. Because I’m Dionysian and I’m always going to love a good party. Just not all the time. Partying has steeply diminishing returns. 15. Do you relate to any of the characters in the last book that you read? >> The last book I finished wasn’t fiction. 16. How likely are you to read for fun? >> Quite often. 17. Do you ever look down on other people? Why/Why not? >> Sometimes, because I was socialised to think of people as inferior/superior instead of just as people. It’s a habit I’ve mostly broken, but social conditioning will always have a habit of rearing its head when I’m not paying attention. 18. What kind of survey questions do you dislike being asked the most? >> Honestly, I don’t care. If I don’t have an answer, I just skip the question. 19. Does poor grammar bother you, or are you more inclined to let it go? >> I really don’t give a fuck about your grammar unless it restricts my comprehension (and 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t). 2o. What subjects did you find most interesting in school? Least? >> I don’t know, because the way I was taught subjects in school was detrimental to my actual learning and interest. 21. What do you think of stereotypes? Do you think that they are accurate? >> I think stereotypes are a byproduct of the way human brains process and collate and recall information. They’re shortcuts, and like all shortcuts, they have downsides. Whether they’re accurate or not depends on where you’re standing and how you think. 22. What is one stereotype that you feel is absolutely untrue? >> I don’t think that about any stereotype. I think they are true when they are, and false when they are, and the main problem is that when they’re false it’s usually a quite uncharitable falseness for the person/demographic in question. 23. Would you feel comfortable with short hair, or do you prefer long hair? >> I have short hair and I prefer it that way for maintenance reasons. I would love to have long hair but it’d have to be fake. 24. What do you think your style says about you, if anything? >> I don’t know what it says about me aside from that I like metal bands and being comfortable and sometimes I like looking like a Hot Topic advertisement but other times I like looking like an RPG character. 25. Do you care deeply about your looks? >> Not deeply. 26. How long did it take you to get over the last person you dated? >> Hm. 27. How often do you feel the need to cuss? >> Constantly, lol 28. Have you ever laughed at a racist joke or comment? >> Sure. 29. Name three unusual items in your room. >> I don’t know how to determine if anything in here is unusual, because it’s all perfectly usual to me. 3o. What are some things that you do on a daily basis? >> Aside from the obvious: check my social media, play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, and do my daily Memrise/Duolingo goals. 31. Which do you enjoy more–hot or cold beverages? >> I enjoy both. 32. Do you take pride in the things you do? >> Sure. 33. Do you like to write for fun? Have you shown anyone this writing? >> Yes and yes. 34. Who is the most unusual person you have ever met? >> I really don’t know how to quantify that. 35. What was the last big decision that you had to make? >> I’m not sure. I don’t feel like I make many big decisions. 36. Do you drink? >> Yes. 37. Do you see a problem with teenagers drinking? >> I do see a problem with it, because teenagers are already impulsive and emotionally charged and consequence-blind by nature, and alcohol increases both of those things tenfold. Not to mention there are things about drinking that you learn to do after a while -- like stopping even when your mind is like “nooo drink MOOOORE 8D” because you know better -- that is difficult to do when you’re young and think you’re invincible. This is not even getting into the social ramifications, which can be staggering (especially from a teenager’s point of view)... 38. What is one moral or belief you have? >> Hm. I don’t know... I think individualism as a social construct (that is, not the act of being an individual, but the encouragement to set oneself apart from others and cease to recognise other people as intrinsically connected to oneself for better or worse) is harmful to humans on several levels, and that it’s served to perpetuate a lot of -isms and other things that we’re now fighting against. 39. Do you get angry easily? What kinds of things make you angry? >> No. I actually have a hard time remembering what makes me actually angry since it happens so infrequently. 4o. How often do you eat breakfast? What do you tend to have? >> I eat after waking up, so yeah, I guess I eat breakfast. I tend to have whatever’s easiest to grab or whatever my executive function has the energy for. 41. What were some of your favorite bands from childhood? >> Pearl Jam is one. 42. How have your music tastes evolved over the years? >> I haven’t stopped liking the stuff I used to like, I just added on more and more stuff as time went on. 43. Have you ever laughed at or insulted anyone else’s music taste? >> I prefer not to. 44. What kinds of foods do you normally crave? >> Veggie burgers, salty things, salad, greens (baby spinach and kale especially). 45. What are some of your favorite internet sites? >> tumblr, reddit, readcomiconline, wikipedia, aeon.co. 46. If the internet was not available right now, what would you do instead? >> Probably read and play video games. 47. What is the most time that you you have spent online in one day? >> That’s hard to quantify these days, with the Internet of Things being such a big part of my life. Technically, I’m always online in some capacity -- even if I’m not on my computer, I have my phone. When I’m playing video games I’m often connected to the internet (and some games are online just by design). 48. How would you describe your relationship with your family? >> Nonexistent. 49. Are there any junk foods you really enjoy? Which ones? >> Kettle-cooked potato chips... gas-station sandwiches lmao 5o. During what time of day are you most likely to do surveys? >> Either at night or in the morning.
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