#lmao going fully formal with the last name fpr maximum clout haha
strangertheories · 2 years
It would make sense that Will isnt exactly normal I’m human terms. While one probably did let him do stuff there’s definitely a reason he picked Will. There’s a reason he knew Will had a chance at surviving and to escape (even if he let him because Will figured out what to do)
Definitely. We found out in an interview recently that Will is going to be a main focus of S5, a lot of which is supernatural. And it will be going back to S1. Not to mention how the Upside Down froze the day Will went missing. So what if Will is linked to the Upside Down more than we thought and this is the season we're going to find out?
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I've explained before why I think Vecna took Will in S1 (the TV static + the flashing lights at Mike's house indicate he was stalked, the door unlocked itself and there was no blood). He saw into Will's mind and targeted Will to see if he was a good candidate for bringing the Upside Down to Hawkins. It's why Will can see between universes, got mind flayed and coughed up a demogorgon slime baby when he returned to our world; Vecna always wanted him to escape.
But if this was the case, he had to have picked Will for a reason. I think maybe he saw himself in Will. We see parallels drawn between the two of them; Will is a quiet kid described as being sensitive who is ostracized from society for not conforming to societal expectations. We see parallels between them from the way they're described and also the fact they draw the mind flayer the exact same. It's also why Will said he wanted everyone dead except for him in S2. Like he did with Eleven, Vecna projected himself onto the child. He could see he was so full of potential but was overlooked like he was. So Vecna tested Will in the Upside Down and once he was back in the other world, he flayed Will so he would join him, albeit less willingly.
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Photos taken from @bebx
But if we're doing Eleven parallels, could that indicate Will Byers has powers? I'm currently on the fence about that, but I really think he could. Think about it. How did he survive in the Upside Down for a week? How does he have true sight despite the fact no one else who's been to the Upside Down has? And now he's no longer flayed, he can sense the Upside Down. Just like, in my opinion, child Henry Creel could. He didn't like the house because he was 'sensitive' and different which sounds a lot like Will with true sight.
Maybe sensitive indicates Will has powers. They could be from birth or from later in life. They don't nessecarily have to be telekinetic like Eleven's, but maybe him going to the Upside Down and having that tube thingy down his throat meant he absorbed some powers. Or maybe he absorbed some powers from the mind flayer? Interesting things to think about.
Thanks for the ask (:
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