#lmao so sorry I wrote a fudgeing essay by accident
basilcatchup · 7 months
selkie kieran… you cannot just say that he loses half his pelt and not elaborate on how. now I NEED to know
Ohohoh >:]
Ok ok let me explain!
So Kitakami in this au has a tradition of having a massive bonfire a few days after the festival and people tend to bring things to burn (even tho it’s probably not technically aloud-)
The atmosphere at the bonfire is probably sour for Carmine and Juliana (this happens after the whole ogerpon thing)
Kierans pelt was hidden in the attic by him, Carmine finds it basically is like “well we don’t need a seal skin” “kinda gross anyway.”
And she decides to burn it, giving it to Juliana to put in the bonfire.
Kieran isn’t there at the time- he’s heading to the dreaded den and even tho he knows ogerpon isn’t going to be there, he goes anyway (he’s kinda in denial about the whole thing:[ )
Anyway he’s halfway to ogerpons den, and suddenly he’s in searing hot fucking pain. As Juliana tosses his pelt into the bonfire:)
Ogerpon is like “nu uhh, that’s not yours” and saves Kiki’s pelt before it’s all gone- ogerpon goes to find Kieran halfway to her den and puts his pelt on top of him, then she realizes that he’s still not moving (he’s awake but unresponsive because of the pain) and she takes him to her den to make sure he’s not- uhh dead.
(Kierans doesn’t remember ogerpon taking care of him btw :)
Anyway yea then his indigo disk phase starts :] expect he’s kinda uhh more emotionally numb :(
Drawing of him with his burned up pelt yippee!
He can’t bear to look in the mirror anymore after his pelt was burned, even when he’s not wearing it :(
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