#location spain without the s rn
specialgrades · 11 months
mans went FERAL against dagon for real. if he wasn’t hellbent on megumi maybe jogo would’ve had a harder time pulling That… anyway. do you think he’d let you use him like a dildo or would he take the reins almost instantly
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httpminyoongigenius · 5 years
We back with more tags from my lovely mutual @exoplvnet
This time!! It is the about me challenge, the rules seem prettyyy straight forward?
Tag the person who tagged you.
Answer the questions.
Tag 10 people.
How tall are you
I’m tiny, 4” 11
What colour and style is your hair?
My hair is blue!! And its real short at the moment but its at my shoulders and i’m still growing it!
Do you wear glasses?
Have since I was 5!
Do you wear braces?
Got them taken off last week!!!
What’s your fashion sense?
Like.. a mix of like pastel colours and black. And I have this one denim jacket I wear a lot with absolutely everything!! I’m starting to stick patches on it too so its unique to me!!
Full name?
Katelyn, excuse me for not wanting to put anything other than my initials here
S, M, Y, E
When were you born?
2001!! 20th June!
Where are you from and where do you live now?
Originally from like, the mid section of Britain, near to southampton, and now a couple miles down from london, again please excuse me for not being too specific with it i dont feel too comfortable sharing my exact location!
What school do you go to?
That would reveal my location 😉
What kind of student are you?
I work hard but I procrastinate harder? Not top of my class but not bottom, if I put my mind to something I can excel at it.
Do you like school?
Sometimes, depends on what we do that day!
Favourite subject?
I dont do it anymore but my favourite subject was history!!
Favourite TV show?
So many!! But if I HAVE to choose, Brooklyn 99 or Disenchanted!!
Favourite movie?
Can’t beat TFIOS, i’m an absolute sucker.
Favourite books?
The book thief ! Or bus 57!
Favourite pastime?
I LOVE video games!!! Of all types!!! I just like playing games!
Do you have any regrets?
My biggest is not standing up for myself as much as maybe I should have in the past!
Dream job?
I would LOVE to be a computer or mechanical engineer!! I just love the field and am really interested in finding out how things work and how systems are put together!!
Would you ever like to be married?
Absolutely, I even have a person in mind!
Would you like to have kids?
How many?
Depending on how healthy my body is when i’m old enough, as I have a chronic illness! Even one would be more than enough for me! But I worry they may be lonely? So maybe two?
Do you like shopping?
Sometimes, depends what for, clothes or tech!! Yes!!! Food shopping, not so much 😒
What countries have you visited?
Greece 🇬🇷
Spain 🇪🇸
Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Ireland 🇮🇪
Turkey 🇹🇷
Italy 🇮🇹
Uhhh.. definitely lots but I cant remember everywhere right now!!
Scariest nightmare you ever had?
I have a lot of these, and the scariest feature the people I love most being taken from me... :/
Any enemies?
I dont believe in hating people, of course I dislike people and disagree, but i’d never call anyone my enemy?
Any significant other?
Yes! I’ve been with him 2 years !! He means the absolute world to me and I wouldn’t be where I am right now without his guidance and love and support all the way through!!
Do you believe in miracles?
I do, a lot of my chronic illness has been solved and helped my medical advances that are nothing short of miracles honestly!
How are you?
I’m real tired rn, coursework is k i l l i ng me!! But I love it so i’m happy too!!
I have no one to tag here so i’ll just tag @exoplvnet again to thank her for this!!
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chicklette · 7 years
name/nickname: Chick
gender: femme
star sign: Sagi
height: 5′4″
time: 8:09 am
birthday: End of Nov
favorite bands: this week?  pretenders, killers, imagine dragons, 21 pilots i’m so basic
favorite solo artist: prince and bowie are always go-tos, also allison krauss (with or without union station)
song stuck in my head: Location - dj khaled (it’s what was on the radio.  I used to earworm it so hard that i ended up downloading a 14 min version of it and looped it so that I felt *less* crazy)
last movie I watched: BLACK PANTHER OMG OMG OMG
last thing I googled: lemon curd recipe.  i wanna make a crepe cake
do you have any other blogs: nah
do you get asks: rare
following blogs: i follow writers i love, mcu (specifically stucky and falcon and a little hawkeye), and hella nice people
followers: poor unfortunate souls
nationality: american, white
favorite color(s): pink, aqua,green
average hours of sleep: 5 to 6 during the week, 10-12 weekends
favorite song right now: dont have one.  the radio is hella tired rn and hubs took my bluetooth speaker for work so i’ve been listening to silence a lot
what am I wearing: dark burgundy pants and a cream colored sweater with lace along the bottom.  it’s adorable and comfortable
how many blankets do I sleep with: 3
dream job: cooking for people I love with chatting and listening to music
dream vacation: several months eating my way through italy/france/portugal/spain
favorite food: is coffee a food?  no?  Then tomatoes
Tagged by: @crystallized-iron (thank you!! <3
Tagging: @duelingnebulas @thatsmysecretduh @brooklynbetty @buffyscribbles and anyone else who wants to
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