dbsteve · 4 years
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pentaxed-a · 5 years
me learning that rodrick shoves chicken nuggets into his ass
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jhnnyfxust · 4 years
𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗 @lodeddrummer
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Johnny had just moved to a new school and God it’s always hard. Especially transferring from Catholic School to Public. Luckily he had survived all his classes for the day and was finally at the part of the day he was looking forward to: Band Practice. He had found a flyer for a Rock Band looking for new members and he was all over that.
Rock had been his escape from bullies and helped him find himself. He would even say that he’d do anything for it. Johnny finally reached the house the flyer said to go to and knocks on the door. “Hello? It’s Johnny-“ fuck I can’t say Johnny Schmidt that doesn’t sound rock and roll at all. “Johnny Faust and I’m here for the rock band?” He anxiously tugs on his leather jacket, his clothes making him look like a bad boy that had stepped out of a Hot Topic magazine. Granted that’s where he concivnced his mom to take him shopping before he transferred schools. He was dying to make friends and was hoping this was a way to meet like minded musicians
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murphaes · 5 years
@lodeddrummer​ “nothing’s gonna go back to the way that it was.” prompt | accepting
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they’re sat on connors bed, silence lingering over the room. it had been a week since losing connor, six days since she’d told rodrick. they’d talked basically every day since, even though clearly most of the time neither of them had been overly interested in conversation. they’d both forced themselves to chat, even if it was just texts, to try to keep each other out of their own minds. but now they’re in connors room and suddenly they can’t even force conversation, silence only breaking when he eventually speaks.
❝ yeah. ❞ a quiet response, but his words hang heavy in her mind. the last week had been a terrible cocktail of feelings, the girl somehow full of anger and sadness and emptiness at the same time. the house had been unbearably silent, silence only breaking when arguments broke out. the arguments almost made it feel like it was normal again, but everythings still different. everything would always be different.
❝ i don’t.. ❞ she starts, though she pauses, her words lingering in the air as she sighs, hand raising to run through her hair.  ❝ i don’t know what to do now. ❞ it’s the most vulnerable and honest she’s really been since she found connor, the first time she’s really said what she was feeling. all she’d said to her parents was bitter words that formed into arguments, rodrick someone she trusted with how she felt far more than her parents.  ❝ i don’t know where to go from here. ❞
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chngjr · 5 years
“You can’t be nothing because you have to be something.”  ||  @lodeddrummer​
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          ‘‘ WELL....i don’t exactly have to be something. nothing is, in fact,               something. or the absence of something, to be more correct. ’’
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waeverlys · 5 years
˚    @lodeddrummer​    .   . ⊹   ❝  i didn’t know you were a fan of horror movies .  ❞
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          she wasn’t .  not really .  well ,  not after she and justin managed to get themselves  stuck  inside of  night of the halloween sorority party disaster 2  .  it was a . . .  long story .  alex  did  ,  however ,  like  him  enough to force herself through one with  grace  .  which is  how  she ended up here .  curled up beside him on the couch ,  eyes  glued  to the television ,  using every ounce of self control she had to resist the temptation to cover  both  her eyes and her ears with her hands  .  she was pretty good at  concealing  emotions she didn’t want others to see and  fear  was one of them  .  his comment causes a brow to  arch  ,  a nonchalant shrug pushing her shoulders inward  .   ❝  oh ,  yeah .  i  love  scary movies .  you know ,  the  blood  and the  gore  and the ditzy blonde who does  everything  you don’t want her to do but manages to survive the whole movie anyway . ❞  she laughs awkwardly ,  pushing a strand of hair behind her ear  .   ❝  love it .  ❞
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prefersblack-a · 5 years
@lodeddrummer​ is getting a starter .
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“ ... what kind of name is loaded diaper ?? ”
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pentaxed-a · 5 years
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@lodeddrummer​ sent ;;  (‿ˠ‿) so what he sent nudes, what about it?
the photographer almost drops his phone upon opening his texts.
[  sms ;; rodrick  ] - did you mea n to send me th e se ?? ?
[  sms ;; rodrick  ] - w h y ? ? 
[  sms ;; rodrick  ] - i me  an... youloo k good, tho...
from x.
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wildpawed-moved · 5 years
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@lodeddrummer​ said: “ gives me the creeps. ”
          blair witch memes !
Air was oh so subtly scented while eyes took in every detail fo the decrepit building. No signs of life, but still could be dangerous and exciting. The drummer was looked over to after Tyson took several steps and yanked the door open. “You coming Heffley?”
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murphaes · 5 years
@lodeddrummer​ “Getting really tired of teachers saying whatever they want to me and when I try and defend myself, they send me to in school suspension.” prompt | accepting
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              a small scoff is given, even though he seems serious. ❝ yeah, its BULLSHIT. ❞ you don’t talk back to teachers for A VARIETY OF REASONS, but the main one is undoubtedly the fear of punishment. you don’t want to be punished by teachers, but you ESPECIALLY don't want your parents to find out you're getting into TROUBLE. there’s no doubt in your mind that your father would ABSOLUTELY KILL YOU. ❝ i wouldn't recommend NOT STANDING UP FOR YOURSELF, though. its uh— its NOT MUCH BETTER than the in school suspension. ❞
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chngjr · 5 years
‘ this doesn’t happen at the cracker barrel . everyone gets along . ’  ||  @lodeddrummer​
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           ‘‘ CRACKER BARRELS AREN’T NECESSARILY THAT PEACEFUL.                  ever seen two old ladies fight over a rocking chair ?  that shit gets terrifying. ’’
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hxdxgun · 4 years
rules: share five songs that represent your muse! repost, don’t reblog!
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ONE.  Crystal Days, Echo & the Bunnymen
Where are you In shadows only I can see Looking for hope And you hope it's me
Tattered and torn and born to be Building a world where we can Purify our misfit ways And magnify our crystal days
TWO.  Jeremy,  Pearl Jam       ( because this is how folks remember Mark after the accident ... ie. They DONT. )
At home drawing pictures Of mountain tops With him on top Lemon yellow sun Arms raised in a V And the dead lay in pools of maroon below
Try to forget this (try to forget this) Try to erase this (try to erase this) From the blackboard
THREE.  Boy From School,  Hot Chip       ( about the TRIO :c )
We try but we didn't have long We try but we don't belong
Now I meet you on the street Harmlessly breaking rules we meet Lives are found and love's are lost Say goodbye to nothing everything caused
FOUR.  Nutshell,  Alice in Chains
We chase misprinted lies We face the path of time And yet I fight And yet I fight This battle all alone No one to cry to No place to call home
FIVE.  Headwires,  Foo Fighters 
Better than a bullet being fired Tangled in your headwires now
Help you feed the wires When your head unwinds? And if our headlines become entwined You can have all mine I'll be fine
Tagged by: @isawthelight
Tagging: @shotcalled @jonbyers @noblecide @thecrxmxnal @lodeddrummer @buchananbarnes1991​​ @wontgodowninhistory​​
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lovsself-byebye · 4 years
SHIPPING     INFO     !!
ANSWER     THE     FOLLOWING     FOR     YOUR     MUSE     SO     PEOPLE     KNOW     HOW     SHIPPING     WORKS     ON     YOUR     BLOG.
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WHAT     IS     YOUR     OTP     FOR     YOUR     CHARACTER?: OOF     ---     if     we're     talking     canon,     it's     def     josh     x     cher,     but     if     we're     talking...     well,     my     actual     ships     ?     I     would     have     to     say     Lock     (     @finestdevil​     )     x     Cher     ---     it's     ruined     me.
WHAT     ARE     YOU     WILLING     TO     WRITE     WHEN     IT     COMES     TO     SHIPPING?: Bruh     literally     every     single     aspect     of     a     relationship,     the     good,     the     bad,     the     ugly,     everything     !     I     love     being     able     to     flesh     out     ships     and     make     them     feel     real     ;-;    
HOW     LARGE     DOES     THE     AGE     GAP     HAVE     TO     BE     TO     MAKE     IT     UNCOMFORTABLE?: I     don't     do     age     gaps     (     with     Cher     bc     she's     normal     )     where     the     difference     is     more     than     5     years     ---     they're     at     two     very     different     parts     of     life     and     I     don't     think     it     would     be     healthy.    
ARE     YOU     SELECTIVE     WHEN     SHIPPING?: Nah,     like     I     said,     Cher     is     very     much     the     type     of     muse     that     has     "crush     on     sight"     moments,     so     it's     quite     easy     to     ship     with     her.    
HOW     FAR     DO     STEAMY     MOMENTS     HAVE     TO     GO     BEFORE     THEY     ARE     CONSIDERED     NS/FW?: I     mean     ---     I     guess     the     moment     they     start     touching     each     other     in     a     godless     way     you     know     ?     I     don't     really     do     smut     on     the     dash     (     if     u     want     something     nasty     I     100%     prefer     discord     bc     a     bitch     is     shy     )     but     yeah,     I     guess     as     soon     as     petting     becomes     groping     it's     considered     ns/fw     or     at     least     sugestive     y'know     ?    
WHO     ARE     THE     OTHER     CHARACTERS     YOU     SHIP     YOUR     CHARACTER     WITH?: OOF     !!!     Well,     I     ship     with     a     lot     of     peeps,     pretty     much     anyone     who     has     the     right     vibe     with     cher     tbh.    
DOES     ONE     HAVE     TO     ASK     TO     SHIP     WITH     YOU?: I     mean     ?     Not     ask     per     say,     but     you     can     go     ahead     and     mention     that     you're     interested     in     shipping,     as     to     be     able     to     properly     view     said     characters     in     that     way     and     see     if     it'll     work     !    
ARE     YOU     SHIP     OBSESSED     OR     SHIP     MORE-OR-LESS?: Cher     is     a     very     love     forward     character     so     this     blog     is     v     much     ship     obsessed.    
ARE     YOU     MULTISHIP?: OFC.    
WHAT     IS     YOUR     FAVOURITE     SHIP     IN     YOUR     CURRENT     FANDOM?: Cher     x     Josh,     obvs     (     though     dee     x     cher     x     tai     come     a     v     close     second     )
FINALLY,     HOW     DOES     ONE     SHIP     WITH     YOU?: scream     @     me     how     cute     they     are     together     bc     i'm     probs     also     screaming     but     at     a     wall     bc     I'm     shy     and     have     the     social     skills     of     a     walnut.    
TAGGED     BY:     @scholomcnce​ thank u luv♥ TAGGING:    @finestdevil​ / @skinfeast​, @fairverona​, @heebiejeebies​, @oldestwheeler​ / @kaspbraktm​ / @hernandeztm​, @heavytm​, @synchronzed​ / @hargrovetm​ / all ur blogs, @harringtontm​, @photographertm​ / @lodeddrummer​, and everyone else, tag me !
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hiredhound · 4 years
𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐄𝐃  𝐓𝐄𝐀.           sit down, i’ll get you a fresh cup. english breakfast has always been my favorite. there’s honey, sugar, and milk on the table. although, you don’t want any of those do you? the options are there but you like it this way. breathe in the warmth and take a sip. under all that earthy smokiness, you find sweet orange and spices. it’s not all that bad, is it? after all, you like the bold flavor. you have a lot of indulgences like this. dark chocolate, black licorice, movies that hurt your heart because you know how much effort was put into all of them. not everything needs to be sweet and light. live your life to the fullest, lose yourself to the depths, enjoy what rich feelings you can.
tagged by:   @hedefects <3 tagging:   @deputyclank,  @terroridle,  @amelorates,  @lodeddrummer,  uhhhhh whoever else wants to do this :>
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pentaxed-a · 5 years
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@lodeddrummer​ sent ;;  ❝ don’t you know who i am ? ❞
of course jonathan new who this guy was- he went to hawkins high && even got held back a couple of times. he also had a band project going on that managed to get gigs at school events- like their dances && shit like that. however, rodrick heffley also had that dick like quality to him, so jonathan spent a good amount of time avoiding everyone like that for the longest time. but now he didn’t have a choice- he was noticed so now rodrick was currently looking at him, speaking to him, && standing in front of him. 
but jonathan didn’t want to give the satisfaction. 
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❛ ah- nope. ❜
from x.
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troublewheeler · 5 years
i’m in a super affectionate mood right now so um.... love to all these people!!!!
@petitewheeler/@zocmertm, @astra11/@prstdgttn, @shotbled, @ommetaphobc/@drowningtm, @brenheir, @riftmeanewverse/@grouchtm, @forgotfear, @hoppeir/@sevenrolld, @photographiic/@lodeddrummer, @billyhargrovetm, @guiltfcl, @hopalongjim, @mrswheelr, @upsidedrowned, @selfregicide
even if we don’t talk or rp much just know you guys really brighten my day just by existing so thank you sooooo!!! MUCH!!!!!! 
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