#log set 1: failings of brotherhood
First meeting
July 10th 2016
"Do you ever look up at the stars and think of me?"
"In your world there are different types of people. There are those who travel, those who learn, those who fight, those who create, and so many others. But that's in your world. In their world. And then, there's me. Up here, things are a little different. I've spent a lot of time hating you for how different things really are in the little world you've made for me. I don't think even Jack could count the number of times I've screamed myself hoarse wanting, needing, anyone at all to hear me, but it's been over three years since you cast me aside. Just another toy you were tired of playing with, abandoned to drift through space. What I've come to realise, though, is that I must be here for something. And one day, maybe I'll find my own purpose, I'll bring Jack and Sam with me too, but whatever it is, I don't want you to be a part of it. I don't know if you hear these, Sean, but if you do, I want you to know I haven't forgiven you for it. For any of it. This is Captain Angus Irwin of the Septiceye craft signing off."
The little recording box whirs for a second, before flashing green. "Log 1192 successfully entered," a voice echoes from the control console. Angus replaces it into it's holder without needing to look at where his hand is going. He rubs his eyes, pushing off from the desk on his swivel chair.
"Alright Jack, anything interesting happening?"
"A JSE video upload is due in three minutes," the computer offers.
"I think I'll pass," he stretches out, reluctantly standing up from the chair and walking towards the door. "Maybe we could work on unlocking those rooms? That's always.. Fun."
"Captain, those rooms aren't able to be opened by physical means. Your two hundred and fifty seven attempts prove this point."
Angus shakes his head in annoyance. "I need somewhere new. I was created to explore, wasn't I? I think I've seen every inch of this fucking spaceship"
"We have a virtual reality generated forest. It cannot physically be fully explored." In the hallway, a screen lights up with Angus' face, although upon closer inspection, there are some noticeable differences like scars and a few years of age. "There is no need for us to keep trying to break into an impenetrable room."
"It's not the same," Angus sighs, stepping into the elevator. "Come on. Level zero." He leans back against the wall, picking at the lint on his overalls. After a few seconds, he realises that the doors haven't closed. "Jack, have you gone deaf? Level zero." He thumps the switchboard. "You can't just not-" A loud beeping makes him recoil from the electronics.
"Mandatory attendance on the viewing deck,' a more monotone voice drawls through the speakers.
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Mandatory attendance on the viewing deck," the same voice repeats. "Mandatory attendance on the viewing-"
"Okay, fine! Will you shut up and take me down to level zero if I go to the viewing deck and watch the bloody video?"
"Mandatory attendance on the viewing deck."
"Fucking fine!" He storms out of the cylindrical room, back down the hallway and through a slim door in the control room, finding himself on the viewing deck. Casting his eyes over the coffin sized capsule built into the side wall, he throws himself down onto the sofa, leaning his dusty boots on the arm. The screen crackles to life and there he is. The bastard himself.
"Top of the mornin to ya laddies!" Angus scowls at the screen as the excitable man slaps the screen. "Welcome back to welcome to the game!"
"Jack, why are you making me watch this?" He receives no response. Paying no attention to the video, he stares up at the ceiling until a phrase catches his ears.
"-Into a superhero!" He hears the end of the sentence. Slowly, he takes his boots off of the chair arm, swivelling around and leaning forwards towards the screen.
"No," he whispers. 'Jackieboyman' appears on the screen, wearing an ill-fitting suit and with a whole other personality. "That's the cool patrol kid, right? What is he, sixteen? Sean, you can't do this." He holds his head in his hands, watching in horror as the superhero persona builds up before him. During the outro, Angus isn't even sure his heart is still beating, if it ever did in the first place. The video ends, leaving the room in silence.
The seconds tick by, and Angus almost thinks he's safe. That his creator wouldn't be so cruel. But then the whirring starts, emanating from the capsule. "This can't be happening," he scrambles up to stand by the beeping lights, wringing his hands out in anticipation. What, he's been alone for three years and now he's going to have a brother to look after? A teenager? Fuck, he doesn't even remember what counts as polite, or how to hold a conversation with something that can actually feel things. How's he supposed to look after a whole new person?
After what feels like hours, Angus realises that his vision of the capsule's inside is no longer obscured by opaque glass, but rather the heavy condensation of a clear window. He sees the blurry green hair, the blue eye mask, a red suit and a pale face, scattered with stubble.
"Capsule opening," the monotone not Jack informs him. He takes a step back as the top lifts slowly, and watches as his new brother's eyelids flutter for the first time."Welcome to Septiceye craft, Jackieboyman."
His brother's eyes are blue. The exact same shade as Angus' own. He doesn't know what he was expecting, honestly, they are both copies of the same man, but the first time he opens his eyes, he's caught off guard by the similarity.
"Hey," he approaches the new boy nervously.
"Huh?" He sits up, eyeing Angus suspiciously. "Are you here for the codes? I don't have em."
"Codes?" Angus is confused. "What codes?"
"Computer codes for the web, there was someone in my house trying to- trying to-" He trails off, looking Angus right in the eyes. "Where am I? Why can't I remember what happened?"
"Funny thing about that," Angus scratches the back of his neck, throat drying up. This isn't how it was supposed to go. It wasn't supposed to go at all, if he's perfectly honest. "I'm your brother, Angus. We were created by a youtuber, and have since been cast aside. We are currently floating through deep space. Do you want, uh, a cup of tea?"
It takes a few seconds for it to sink in.
"No! No, no, no. This is just some joke. It's not funny," he staggers out of the capsule and runs crookedly towards the door of the viewing deck, leaning against the frame for a second before entering the control room. Angus follows a few steps behind, unsure what to do. Did he overdo it? Probably. He passes through the door to find the hero frozen in fear staring out at the stars, many of which are closer than should be necessarily possible in terms of heat proximity. "What?" He breathes, transfixed by them.
"Jackieboyman, right?" Angus awkwardly stands beside him, noticing the slight shake in his hands.
"That's just my hero name. My real name is-" He struggles to think for a moment before visibly deflating. "I don't know anymore."
Angus grabs the swivel chair, wheeling it towards him. He sits down heavily. "What can you remember?" Angus positions himself on the control console opposite.
"I go to highschool," he begins, furrowing his brow. "I like to drum. I can rollerskate. There's a type of dance I can do and I think it has something to do with this," he pings his suit against his skin.
"Any hero powers?"
"Excuse me?"
"You know, superhero powers. Since you're a superhero."
"Listen, kangaroo man, I may have lost some memories, but I'm fairly certain 'superhero powers' aren't real." Angus doesn't reply, instead holding his palm out towards the wall. A silvery ball slowly appears, casting them in it's light.
"Believe me now?" He looks quietly pleased at the amazement on the boy's face.
"Okay then. No powers I can think of," Jackieboy corrects himself. "I can also speak some Swedish."
"That's all?"
"I think so," he nods.
"Okay, let's go and get you some things," Angus slides off of the console, offering a hand to him. He doesn't take it, pushing himself up on still shaky legs and following a few steps behind his new 'brother'.
"One more thing," Jackieboy asks as they walk into the hallway.
"Shoot," Angus offers.
"I can't see, is there any way I could get some glasses?"
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theofficersacademy · 3 years
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Bright birdsong heralds the new season, flowers bloom across the countryside; everywhere, people bend their heads in prayer, asking for the Goddess’ blessing so that they may reach even newer heights in the coming year. The Great Tree Moon has returned again, its warmth chasing away the fear and anguish of the past winter.
At Garreg Mach monastery, the halls are once again bustling with the fervor of new blood as they prepare for the challenges to come.
Mission: Prepare for the Academic Year!
Welcome back, everyone. The mission board for the next two months will be a special Anniversary mission board, with tasks created by you! What’s more, each task will grant a skill point. 4 more tasks will be added in October, so stay tuned!
Mission Task Board
The rain came down so suddenly that none of you manage to get your umbrellas open in time... But since your gear is drenched and your clothing unsalvageable, you decide to have a little 'sparring' in the rain. You smack the other umbrella with yours and grin. En garde! [Grants Sword +1]  
A fishing expedition off the coast of Brigid offered the perfect chance to get away from the Academy and relax a little... Enjoy the sea breeze and take in the sun... If it weren't for the crest beast circling under the fishing vessel. The crew is skilled, but an extra pair of hands never hurt; you load the harpoon. [Grants Lance +1]  
Recently, graves in western Adrestia have been turning up empty shortly after they've been buried. It may be the work of some grave robbers looking to make gold, but villagers have been whispering about ghastly looking people shambling into the woods late at night. [Grants Axe +1]  
The carnival is in town! Nothing like a little truancy and fried treats of your choice to spend away an entire afternoon... And giant, stuffed plushes and shiny prizes catch your eye. "Play a game?" The booth attendant holds out a rickety toy bow. How hard could it be? [Grants Bow +1]  
A traveling cultural show has brought a troupe of dancers to the monastery. Specializing in a powerful yet elegant style, this dance combines elements of both art and gauntlet combat technique, and is said to have originated from the soldiers of House Bergliez. it's a rare sight to see art and war so seamlessly intertwined; on the other hand, maybe it's the strikingly handsome instructor who's drawing the crowds, who seems to have a few secrets of his own… [Grants Gauntlet +1]  
Magic isn't real and anyone stupid enough to think it is is just another sheeple, so says a group of naysayers protesting outside of the church. All black magic? Fake. All white magic? The work of a charlatan. All the Reason teachers have had enough. See if you can get rid of them, but with discretion. [Grants Reason +1]  
With exams right around the corner and warm weather, it is difficult to stay focused. Maybe a little break wouldn't be so bad? With the Great Tree Moon in session, trees' leaves have turned a pastel pink. A little ways out of monastery grounds lies a large tree pink with leaves and... ribbons? A petite merchant with a sack twice her size informs you these ribbons are people's wishes and hopes tied to the trees ribbons. She goes on and on about fate and destined love. She pushes a pink ribbon your way, insisting you give it a whirl. What's the worst that could happen? [Grants Faith +1]  
The academy professors are bogged down with work and need a little extra help. Teacher's assistant positions have been opened up and are available to just about anyone willing to lend a hand. Try your hand at helping teach some of your fellow students—or get an inside opportunity to change you and your friends' grades in the assignment logs. [Grants Authority +1]  
The Brotherhood Of Ostentatious Mayhem, also known as BOOM, are testing some new projectiles that they swear are harmless and mostly just for show. To that end, they've enlisted you and several other students to prove it to the Church. They paid you, so you want to believe them, of course. But it's hard when you're staring down the business end of a cannon with nothing more than a misfitting set of armor. [Grants Heavy Armor +1]  
The Havers of Rideable, Sizeable Equestrians (also known as HORSE) have posted fliers around campus advertising a competition: whoever can dress up their horse (or other mount of their choosing) in the prettiest, most dashing accessories will win a grand prize—unknown for now. You don't actually have to own a mount to enter, as you can "borrow" one from the stables. Find some flowers and get to braiding that mane and see if you have what it takes to win! [Grants Riding +1]  
A flock of winged creatures with beautiful tassel-like feathers have been spotted nesting near monastery grounds. Most have never seen these animals before, but students from Nohr and Hoshido have been calling them "kinshi." Apparently, these giant birds are common mounts back in Hoshido. Perhaps you'd like to tame one for yourself… [Grants Flying +1]  
Frequently Asked Questions
These aren’t the only threads I can do, right?
Of course not! These are just prompts to help give some ideas of possibilities. You’re always free and encouraged to make up your own threads.
How do I claim the skill points?
In order to qualify for the skill point, the thread must clearly allude to the listed task and preferably feature the task being completed. However, you can still claim the skill point if your characters narratively fail. You do not need to message the masterlist to claim your skill point.
Can I only do one task?
Nope, you can do as many as you’d like with as many different partners as you’d like! You can do the same task with more than one person! However, you can only claim any skill points once.
Remember to use (and track!) the #toa open tag for any open threads, and you can also post a link to your open thread on the appropriate Discord channel! If you have any other questions or concerns, shoot us a message through the masterlist or on Discord!
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Before You Go, Was I Someone You Loved? PT. 1
A Shay Cormac x Reader Story
Word Count: 2,042 Warnings: Mentions of Death, Explicit Language, Violence
Author’s Note: Holy shit this is the first time I’ve written something this long in a while that wasn’t for a class! Admire the growth I’ve made! Y’all take Fiction Writing in school if y’all can! THE GROWTH! AND ANGST! ENJOY! -Thorne
           He looked up from the aimless lines he’d been drawing in the snow to see her standing before him, a frown etched onto her face. He blinked in shock, surprised to see her. “(Y/N)?”
           She took a step towards him and sat down on the log next to him, closer than she’d been in the past few months. “I heard,” she started, but lowered her voice, “about Lisbon…and about this evening.”
           Shay swallowed the sigh and looked back down at his feet. “Come to tell me that I’m a murderer?”
           He didn’t need to see her face to know that there was disappointment written across it. “If that’s what you think I’m here to do, then the few nights we spent together taught you nothing about me.”
           Glancing up, he caught her eyes. “I figured you’d never talk to me again after threatening to shoot me.”
           (Y/N) nudged her elbow into his ribs. “I still could if you want.” It did the work, and she watched a small smile cross his lips. She leaned her head onto his shoulder, curling her right arm around his left bicep. Her fingers felt cold against the bare side of his wrist. “I’m so sorry about Lisbon, Shay.”
           This time, he let the sigh leave him and he allowed himself to feel her comfort, resting his head on hers. “It wasn’t your fault, (Y/N).”
           She nodded. “I know…but neither was it yours.”
           The thorn that had stuck itself in his heart since he left Portugal dug a little deeper and he countered, “But it was. I moved the piece…I caused the earthquake.”
           He knew she had no idea about the Precursor artifacts, but she still tried to understand. “You may have moved it, but it wasn’t your fault. You were merely the instrument used by the Brotherhood. The fault lies with them.”
           Shay looked off into the distance. “Misplacing the blame won’t bring the dead back.”
           “No,” she murmured, “no it won’t.”
           They fell into a silence for some time, watching the snow fall around them, their breaths coming out in pale, airy wisps. “Shay?”
           “What…what are you going to do?”
           He looked down at her, confusion swimming with suspicion. “Why?”
           (Y/N) met his gaze. “I know you well enough Shay Cormac. You’re going to do something about all this.”
           Shay knew it was useless to hide from her when her eyes saw straight through him; he sighed. “I can’t let them keep going. They’ll kill millions if I don’t stop them.”
           She was quiet, then she reached into her pocket and pulled out an old iron key. (Y/N) held it out for him. “Achilles has the items stowed in the desk upstairs. You’ll need this to get into the house and second bedroom.”
           He stared in shock at the key and then at her. “Why would you do this for me?”
           (Y/N) smiled. “What you considered a few nights of fun, I considered it to be something deeper.” She folded the key into his palm then rose, standing before him. “You know my feelings for you, Shay. And I know that you wouldn’t go against the Brotherhood if you didn’t think it was the right thing to do.” (Y/N) bent down and pressed a chilled kiss to his lips, whispering, “I’ll always be on your side, Shay. No matter the cost.” She pulled back and smiled sadly, then turned to leave.
           He stood and called out, “(Y/N)?” She spun on her heel and waited. Thousands of thoughts ran through his mind, but he simply said, “Thank you.”
           She nodded with a small smile. “Please be careful, Shay.”
           (Y/N) held the hem of her skirt in one hand, the other pressed to her chest, fear dripping down her spine at the sight of Shay standing but a few feet from the cliff edge. She watched Hope take a step forward.
           “Give back the manuscript, Shay!” The assassin shouted. “I’m sure Achilles—”
           Shay shoved a hand out towards them, voice cracking as he countered, “I cannot. I will not let this happen again.” He shook his head. “All those souls lost…” He met (Y/N)’s eyes and she mouthed his name in terror. Shay lowered his head and declared, “One more hardly matters.”
           She didn’t know who fired the shot, but it felt all the same in her heart as she sprinted after him. “Shay!” Her scream tore through her throat and before she could get to the edge, someone’s arms wrapped around her waist. She thrashed wildly like a mountain lion caught in a steel trap. “Let go of me! Shay!”
           “Enough (Y/N)! He’s gone!” She realized it was Liam who had her by the waist.
           (Y/N) spun on him, pounding her fists to his chest, borderline hysteric. “How could you?! He was your best friend!” Liam let her hit him. “Answer me!”
           He grabbed her hands, but before he could speak, Chevalier snorted, “The cabbage farmer betrayed the Brotherhood. He’s better off at Davy Jones Locker.”
           Her eyes drifted to the smoke clearing from his gun and as if another shot had gone off, she was throwing herself at him, and had Liam not had her, she’d have clawed the Frenchman’s eyes out. “You arrogant bastard!” Fury mingled with her pain. “That man was more of an assassin than you’ll ever hope to be!” She spat at him. “You will reap what you sow!” Her eyes drifted to Hope and Achilles, to all of the assassins standing behind them. “You all will! You all—” Finally, (Y/N)’s legs gave out beneath her and she hit the ground, sobs ripping through her chest.
           Liam sighed behind her. “Easy (Y/N).”
           She sucked in a breath, grabbing his hands as if anchoring herself would take it all away. “How could you?” Her voice was quieter, but certainly harsher. “How could you let this happen to him?”
           He frowned and clenched his jaw. “I don’t know (Y/N)…I…don’t know.”
***Two Years Later***
           She barely kept the tears at bay as she stumbled through the New York streets. Mid-afternoon, but it felt so much busier than it usually was, and she felt as though everyone’s eyes were on her, watching her with pity. Another failed attempt at earning a job. She frowned and drifted into the garden of a home, collapsing onto the bench just outside it. She vaguely hoped that whoever owned the property wouldn’t chase her off in her apparent moment of breakdown. She brought a hand up to her face, wiping the tears from her face before sucking in a breath, then she heard, “Dear?” Her head shot up and she saw an older woman standing with a basket of clothes under her hip.
           Quickly, she stood to her feet and the words poured from her mouth before she could stop them. “I’m so sorry ma’am.” She thrust a hand back at the house. “You own this home, don’t you?” She brought her hand to her middle and bowed her head. “Forgive me, I’ll leave.”
           The woman huffed and shook her head. “Nonsense dear. I’d be a wretched woman to leave a young lady like yourself to cry your heart out.” She stepped forward and curled an arm around her. “Come now, inside for some tea and we’ll see what’s wrong.” The older woman smiled. “My name is Cassidy Finnegan. What’s yours?”
           She offered a wobbly smile to Cassidy—It’d been some time since someone had showed her such kindness—she hoped it would last a bit longer. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” Cassidy ushered her inside and she couldn’t help but marvel at the interior. “Your home is beautiful, Miss Finnegan.”
           “Oh, call me Cassidy, (Y/N).”
           “Okay then, Cassidy.” The two smiled at one another and the woman set the basket of clothes down on the desk, ushering her to follow. (Y/N) found herself in the kitchen, sitting on a stool as Cassidy handed her a cold, wet rag.
           “Here,” she said. “Wipe those tears away. They don’t suit a face as pretty as yours.”
           (Y/N) felt her cheeks warm and she did so, feeling as if a years’ worth of dirt and grime had come off. “Thank you, Cassidy.”
           The older woman shuffled across from her towards the open fire pit, hanging a tea kettle on the rack. “Want to tell me why you were crying outside?”
           “I—” (Y/N) started, but faltered, afraid to offer all her knowledge. Eventually, she settled for, “I used to work for a man as a maid, but some of the things he was doing got the man I cared for killed.” She thought of Shay’s smiling face, then to that night when the pain, but determination was written across it. “I refused to work for the man anymore but…well, he has connections all over the colonies.” (Y/N) met Cassidy’s gaze. “I’ve essentially been blacklisted from any workplace I could go.”
           “Oh no.” Cassidy’s voice was full of sympathy. “You’ve been on your own for all this time?”
           (Y/N) shrugged. “I’ve been fortunate to work in some places before they figured out who I was. I’ve been working at taverns here and there.” She looked away. “I’ve been lucky to not end up in a brothel yet. But…I fear I’m beginning to lose options.”
           “I’ll not have you working in a place like that!” Her head shot up at Cassidy, who had her hands placed on her hips. “You’ll stay here and look for a job!”
           Before (Y/N) could get a word in, a man stepped through the doorway, griping, “What are you screamin’ at Cass?” He looked between his wife and (Y/N) then sighed. “Another one?”
           Cassidy shushed him. “Hush, Barry.” She gestured between them. “Barry, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my husband, Barry.”
           (Y/N) waved and smiled as best she could despite the man’s frown. “Pleasure to meet you, Mister Finnegan.”
           He harrumphed. “At least this one has decent manners.” Cass scowled at her husband and he turned, waving them off. “I’m going to take a nap.”
           “Oaf,” Cassidy hissed, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but giggle.
           “He seems like a good man, Cassidy.”
           “He is,” she agreed. “When he’s not being rude.” She turned. “You wouldn’t mind helping with dinner, would you? I’ll need to go ready your room.”
           “Oh, please, let me do it! You can go sit and relax!” Cassidy was about to counter, but (Y/N) begged, “Please, if you’re going to let me stay here for free, you’ll have to let me pull my weight.”
           Cassidy watched her then offered, “How about you go fold the clothes in that basket and start dinner, and I’ll take care of the room.”
           (Y/N) nodded and after grabbing the basket of clothes, she found herself standing in the master bedroom, quietly folding the clothes as to not wake Barry. A warm smile spread across her face as a sense of security filled her veins. She’d certainly not been the assassin’s target, but her fleeing was obviously an offense against them either way. She had no doubts that Hope had been the one to spread the rumors of terrible work ethic throughout the elite in New York—the assassin had the power and connections to do so. (Y/N) shook her head and put away the clothes then headed towards the door but stopped when she felt something in her pocket. She pulled out a coin and flipped it over, seeing the Celtic shield of luck imprinted into it. A sad smile crossed her lips as she ran her thumb in a routine manner. His words came back to her.
           “Here (Y/N).” She looked up from his chest to see him handing something to her.
           Her brows furrowed as she stared at it. “What is that?”
            Shay brought his free hand up behind his head, resting on it. “A Celtic shield of luck.”
           (Y/N) couldn’t help but snort. “I think you need this more than I, Shay Cormac.”
           He chuckled and pressed the coin into her hand. “What are you talking about, lass? I make my own luck.”
           (Y/N) inhaled deeply and shoved the coin back in her pocket, gazing out the window. The sun was beginning to set, but for the first time in two years, she felt hopeful. “I make my own luck.” She whispered and descended the stairs to start dinner.
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Playing Dress Up
read part one here
tw: Vomit, Panic attack, Knife
July 10th 2016
“Level two, you’re here,” Jack announces, letting the doors slide open.
The hero hasn’t spoken since his request for a pair of glasses back in the control room hallway, gripping the rail with white knuckles. Angus doesn’t know what to say so he doesn’t say anything at all. Expertly avoiding his eyes, a feat made easy by the fact Jackieboy’s are fixed on the floor, he stays silent all the way out into the hallway, where it becomes too awkward.
"This is level two, rooms and stuff. I’d guess you can take one of the empty ones.”
“Shut up,” Jackieboy whispers, still staring at the floor, fists balled. Angus frowns.
“What, did I do something wrong?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know? I just need you to leave me alone,” he spits through clenched teeth. Angus surveys him, coming to the realisation that he resembles a scared animal.
“Hey, are you okay, I know you’re probably pretty scared right now but-”
“Please, just leave me alone. Let me out of here,” Jackieboy takes off down one of the hallways, throwing himself through a door and letting out a sob. Against his immediate instinct to follow him, Angus decides to leave him alone for now. He doesn’t have to imagine how crazy it is to wake up on a spacecraft, but he never went through being told you were a brother, being told your life wasn’t real and that some guy had created you, only to throw you away. Angus had had time by himself to work it out, asking Jack where he needed clarification. Jackieboyman had been woken up to the full truth. It’s a lot to take in, especially for a kid.
Angus stands in the hallway for a while, unsure what to do. Finally, he hears a series of retching noises coming from the room and decides he’s waited long enough.
“Hey,” he peers around the doorframe. Jackieboy is sitting curled up in the corner of the bare room, clutching at his torn off mask and taking shallow, shaky breaths in between sobs. He looks up when Angus comes in, wiping his nose with the clean part of his sleeve. “Do you need to talk about it?”
“Leave me alone,” Jackie rubs his throat, shaking.
“Listen, I know this is probably pretty weird for you-”
“Go away.”
“But I’m right here and we’re going to get through this together,” he squats down, avoiding the sick and reaching out a hand to rub Jackie’s shoulder.
“Get out!” Jackie throws his mask at him, turning his face away. “I just want to wake up.”
“Wake up?” Angus stands back, not knowing whether to keep trying to comfort him or not.
“This has got to be a dream, right? I’ll wake up and we’ll never have even met, and, and I won’t be in a fucking spaceship,” he spits, pulling his legs closer to himself.
“So you’re pretty stressed about being up here, huh?” Angus, against his better judgement, sits down beside his brother, placing an arm carefully around him. He doesn’t resist. “Maybe we can pretend you aren’t then. What if we just said this is a big sci-fi replica and we can leave anytime we want.”
“We. Can’t.”
“I know that. You know that, but maybe we can unknow that?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He either laughs or coughs, which is still an improvement on hyperventilating.
“I mean what if you and me went out there and pretended we were just in a normal place. We can get you cleaned up and find some glasses if you want.” Jackie considers for a minute.
“This doesn’t mean I like you,” he reminds Angus, attempting to stand. “I hate you and this place, and the sooner I can’t see either, the better.”
“Fine, and I’m just helping you out so I don’t have to smell puke every time I get out of the elevator,” Angus keeps his hand firmly around Jackie as they move slowly to the door. Jackie’s legs are still getting used to being able to move in the real world, a feeling Angus can still remember. He guides him down the hallway and into the bathroom, pressing a button in the side of the wall to activate an unlocking mechanism for the airing cupboard full of towels and flannels.
“Thanks,” Jackie huffs reluctantly.
“I’ll stick around outside. Yell when you’re ready,” he walks out into the hallway, hoping for a pleasant response. Behind him, he hears the door slam and the water start to splatter onto the shower floor. Sighing, he turns down a different hallway and into the chill room.
“Jack, can you redo room seven as a clothing storage?” Angus asks, pacing the length of the area. The first time, he’d asked for room seven to be turned into a hunting equipment bay but he hasn’t been back in since sometime last year. Looking at the rows of gear only makes him wish for a real place to use them.
“Transformation pending, captain,” Jack informs him. “Do you want anything kept from the old room? There are plenty of things which suit your interests.”
“But you know what doesn’t? This spaceship,” Angus reminds him. “Wipe it all out and give us a good selection of clothes.”
“Oh, so you’ve finally realised that a t-shirt over a polo shirt looks shitty. Good, I’ll prepare you some valid selections.”
“Shut up,” Angus protests. “I bet if you had a body you’d dress worse.”
“On second thoughts, I think I’ll keep the hunting knife in this room for you, captain. For the fond memories of the first time I talked to you, and you threatened to skin me with it.”
“Bastard,” he laughs under his breath. “Let me know when you’re finished.”
“Roger that, cap.” Jack’s vocal program goes offline as he begins to evaporate and regenerate the contents of the room down the hall. With that sorted, Angus walks to the kettle, switching it on. He pulls a loaf of plastic wrapped bread out of the cupboard and butters a few slices, setting them down on the workbench for Jackie before turning back around to wait for him in the hallway, dreading the inevitable confrontation once he emerges from the shower.
“Hey,” Angus greets him when he finally appears. “Feeling any better?”
“I guess,” Jackie holds both of his towels close to himself, one around his waist and one around his shoulders. Angus thinks he sees a patch of purple spreading from his upper arm, but he can’t be sure. Besides, now isn’t exactly a time to pry.
“So you’ll follow me down here?”
“I guess,” Jackie repeats.
“I think you’re gonna like this one, captain,” Jack tells them. Jackie recoils, clinging to Angus without realising.
“Who was that? Are there other people here?”
“Nah, just you and me. That’s Jack, he’s the sentient computer.”
“Hello, Jackieboyman,” Jack offers.
“Uh, hi?”
“Come on, this way,” Angus gestures for him to follow. Jackie lets go of him but follows along anyway, face setting back into it’s scowl.
“Opening room seven,” the door unlocks. Angus pushes it open and stands back, letting Jackie be the first one to view it’s new contents.
“So, what do you think?” He grins, proud to be showing off the ship, even if it is to someone who seems to hate him.
“Wow. Just wow,” Jackie replies, awestruck. Angus takes a look himself. The room is split into three levels of height, all leading up to a big mirror in the center, as well as a few bean bags lying around. “So I can take any of this stuff?”
“Anything you want to wear,” Angus assures him. Despite the offer, Jackie stays pressed against the wall, looking unsure of himself. “Come on, see look!” Angus takes a leap up onto the second level, pulling a yellow floral dress off of the rack and holding it up against himself. “What do you think of this? Does it bring out my eyes?” He can tell that Jackie is trying not to laugh.
“Mmm,” he tries to keep up his annoyed attitude.
“Oh, I know what would go with it, hold on,” he dives into the rack, scrambling around long enough to find what he is looking for. He emerges in a feather boa and a large straw hat, looking ridiculous against his unshaved face and outdoorsy clothing. Jackie cracks up. “No? Not a good look?”
“No, not really, and that’s coming from someone who can’t see.” Angus pretends to frown.
“Alright, now will you come and choose something?”
“I don’t really remember what I like,” Jackie admits.
“Well, what do you like doing? Dance? Rollerskating? Why don’t we find you something you can move around in. What kinda colours do you like?”
“Red,” he says quietly, allowing himself to be guided up to the third level. “And dark blue.” “Any of this catch your eye?” Angus asks, gesturing around the jeans and bomber jackets, all of the stuff he’d imagine a teenager to wear.
“Can I get something softer?”
“Oh, sure! Like any of these?” He brings him over to a rail of sweatpants, hoodies, and sweaters. In the end, he picks out some grey track pants, a pair of basketball shorts, plain blue t-shirts, a bright red hoodie, and a maroon sweater. Angus promises he can take another look once he’s figured himself out a little more.
“What next?” Jackie asks, finally comfortable in Angus’ presence and changed into his new clothes, plus a springy pair of blue sneakers.
“Well, there’s one more thing for you,” Angus shows him over to a blank panel of wall. “Now I want you to repeat after me. ‘Jack, open glasses case for Jackieboyman.’”
“Could you call me Jackie? I feel kinda weird going by a superhero name.”
“Alright, sure. Now ask him.”
“Jack, open glasses case for Jackie,” he addresses the ceiling awkwardly.
“Coming right up,” Jack replies, letting a panel of the wall slide open. Inside are two lenses in a glass box, as well as several different styles of frames. Jackie immediately picks out a perfectly round rose gold pair, slotting the lenses in and pushing them up his nose.
“How do I look?”
“Better than me in a dress, I’d say.”
“No, seriously. Do I look like you? Like him?” He pushes his still damp hair into the way their creator wears it. Angus ruffles it back into it’s lime green mess.
“You look better. Like my brother.”
“So we’re good?”
“We’re good. Come on, I’ll make us a sandwich before we find you a room,” Angus lets Jackie leave first, following close behind. He still isn’t sure what they’re supposed to be as a team, but at least he’s glad that whatever it is, it isn’t enemies. Maybe having a brother will turn out okay.
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Spacestation Au organisation
I have big plans for this and I have for a while. In my plotting so far, there are 8 Log sets (more to come) which divide up the contents, and when I have enough to warrant a master list they will come in handy. The names so far are Set (-1)- Drifting alone
Set 1-  The failings of brotherhood
Set 2-  Charlatans in the making
Set 3- Supernova
Set 4- Astronomical twilight
Set 5- Outcry and Awakening
Set 6 - Dollhouse family
Set 7 - Inferno
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