lifeofababybuncher · 8 years
Inspiring. Motivating. Brave. Bold. Momma's.
Being a mom is one of the toughest jobs in the world, yet so rewarding. Sometimes it’s hard to tackle, what some may look at as a simple task to accomplish, like the dishes. When you add one, two or even three children in the mix of it all, accomplishing such a “simple” task can seem like an eternity or a lot to handle.
These last few months I’ve felt so inspired by some of my peers. Three, which are moms. Moms from my high school class. They’ve inspired me in so many ways and don’t get enough credit for all their hard work! So thank you for being such an inspiration, to not only me, but for other moms and even children. Your children. My children. Single moms, married moms, and expecting moms. Girls thinking about doing something and looking at you and then saying, “if they can do it with a child/children so can I!” (I guess that could be offensive for some but that’s not my intentions!)
Go you! Seriously…. GO YOU!! I believe moms often forget what they deserve, or take credit for their hard work, or fail to let themselves appreciate all their hard work! In today’s society, more and more is expected from moms. Even more so the single moms out there really doing it all! Kudos to all of you!
There’s judgment everywhere, from everyone. Especially the ones not living in your shoes! Not living in the present day circumstances. Things are constantly changing. Yet, it feels like there’s negativity everywhere! So this is just a little appreciation post to three momma’s that have been inspiring me the last few months to finally do something with myself. Take charge with my life. To be like them and inspire others.
***Please respect what’s shared on this post. These three have generously allowed me to talk about them and a little part of their stories.
Momma one: Momma one: We relate so much. Our souls just speak to each other! 😂 Maybe it’s the three kids so close together bond? She got pregnant with her first when we were sophomores in high school, dealing with a lot she ended up dropping out. You may be wondering why I’d even mention her dropping out. Like it’s a horrible thing that people should be so ashamed of or embarrassed by. Despite the odds she didn’t just call it quits. She ended up getting her GED later, Go Momma! Then became a CNA. Fast-forward, now she has three beautiful babies, watches two to four children during the week on top of hers, and has a job Thursday through Sunday, where she works 42 hours! Then two other full-time jobs: A husband- because let’s admit it. We all know how much work those can be…or is it just mine that leaves this and that here and there? 😂 A Momma- you think cooking for, picking up after, changing all the diapers in a day, all the baths, games, sicknesses, and everything else from the time they wake up to the time they shut their eyes (which it doesn’t really end there) is hard with one, imagine having three.
Momma two: Momma #2. We’ve know each other what seems like forever. She got pregnant our senior year. Even with all the drama and difficulties thrown her way… I can only imagine being thrown her way with being pregnant in high school… She came to school every single day and graduated ON TIME with our class. Then if that’s not an accomplishment enough, STILL followed all her dreams after high school! She went to NIC, where she was a full time student, studying nursing. Later, graduating and becoming a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) and scoring her dream job at CDA Pediatrics!
Momma three: I go way back with Momma #3. All the way back to fourteenth street and playing Bratz after school. Up until very recently she has had a full-time job, been a full-time (single) mom, and is currently a full-time student. Have I mentioned she lives a million miles away from a big portion of her friends and family and support system.
Life isn’t always peachy. They’ve all had their trials, but are accomplishing so much. I didn’t want to sit here and talk about all the personal bad things or hard things they may have went through because that’s for them to share with who they wish. BUT really just think of all the things that aren’t easy to accomplish in a day and then look at them. Truly doing it all. All sorts of different things and succeeding at it. Whether it’s working, going to school, Mommin’, or sometimes all three at once. Regardless of if they’re married or this or that. It’s really not easy accomplishing goals you set for yourself. How many people do you think really achieve their dreams or even a “simple” New Year’s resolution? Or give up halfway through the year or task? I know a lot. I’m personally guilty of it. But when you can see other people doing just what they are setting out to do in a day, it is without a doubt incredible. Three strong, beautiful ladies and most importantly Mama’s! Despite the “odds” are making looking like an “exception” look so achievable!
These three along with several other Momma’s are so Inspiring. Motivating. Brave. Bold.
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