#lokific library trickster fiction loki
alexakeyloveloki · 6 years
To Trick a Trickster Chapter 2
Thank you everyone, who encouraged me telling me that I can do it. Also, I love you @dangertoozmanykids101 , you are my angel. 
To Trick a Trickster chapter 2
Pairing: Loki x ofc (Leanne Danton) 
Warning: non (yet) 
Two weeks had past and Leanne never saw Loki again. She hadn't thought about him either. Books were arriving in Asgard at a steady pace, and the sheer amount of work may have been overwhelming, but she loved every minute of it. The courtiers slowly began to show interest in this new unknown literature from Midgard, and that made her immensely proud. She spoke with everyone in order to offer the perfect book they would enjoy. If the book choice was a good match, they would return for more.
 It was Sunday morning, but Leanne woke up just as early as every other day. Her chamber was relatively small, but it had a beautiful attached bath and a nice big soft bed. Still the best thing about being in the bedchamber of Thor and Loki's childhood teacher was the view. The window had a wide padded ledge overlooking part of the late Queen's garden.
 Leanne opened her eyes and smiled. Somehow this wonderful golden light leaking into her room every morning made her happy. It was her day off, but she decided to peek into the library anyway. Maybe she would find a good Asgardian book translated to English.
 While she trotted down the halls she was greeted with smiles and head bows from guards and servants. Somehow this bright-eyed girl with an equally bright mind and shining smile turned how people thought about Midgard.
 The library was quiet and Leanne loved having the enormous space all to herself.  But she had barely dug into the history books when she felt someone watching her.
At the end of the aisle stood a woman dressed in a dark grey dress.  
 “Hello! Can I help you? Are you interested in Midgardian literature?”
 The woman came closer, moving with fluid elegance, her long raven black hair sleek and pliant at her shoulders. She was tall and curvaceous, though her face was somehow angular. Her bright toothy smile made her muddy green eyes shine.  
 “Good day to you, Lady Leanne. I’m really glad that you are here today. Maybe you can offer me a nice novel or book of poetry perhaps? My name is Astrid. I came to the court not so long ago.” Her voice was deep and velvety, reminding Leanne of someone, but she just couldn’t remember who.
 “Let me think,” said Leanne with a smile. “Are you interested in some magical stories?”
 “You mean something like children's tales? I thought something more serious,” sounding a little bit disappointed, but smiled anyway.
 “No, no, no, no. This is beautiful, and I assure you this is entirely for grown ups. It is called One Hundred Years Of Solitude.“
 “I will listen to your advice Lady Leanne.  I heard so many courtiers praising your choice for them. But pray tell, who is this Bard they are referring to?”
 Leanne laughed sweetly and started to explain about Shakespeare.  As she spoke, she dug  around in the remaining boxes while her curly hair fell over into her face.
 “Somewhere I have  one more book of his sonets … Oh, this hair of mine!” She huffed, struggling to  blow it out of her eyes.
 “My Lady, let me braid your hair.  It will take me only a little bit of time, and then you can find said book for me,” Astrid pleaded.
 In no time Leanne found herself in a chair while Astrid’s long, elegant fingers combed her hair. It felt almost like magic. With no pulling or knots, Leanne felt truly relaxed.
 After that first encounter Astrid became a regular in the library, somehow making her appearance only when Leanne was alone. The young librarian quickly thought of her as a friend.
 Astrid devoured   every book recommended to her at an incredible speed and always gave an honest opinion about them. Sometime sarcastic or sassy, but she was honest nevertheless.
 One rainy day Astrid found Leanne less chatty that usual.
 “Is there something wrong, Lady Leanne?”
“No, not at all. Just…”,she fiddled with her fingers. “I do miss my family. I know I volunteered for this mission, but I have been thinking about my family and home a lot and I do miss those idiots sometimes”.
 “You have brothers?” asked Astrid in an amused tone.
 “You could guess from just a noun?” Leanne laughed with a mischievous spark in her eyes. “Five of them.”
 Astrid sighed sympathetically.
 “It was not that bad. Just being the youngest I never was truly alone.  Adam is the oldest of all of us, making him the only child for ten years. So when Freddy was born, he sulked a lot. We sometimes called him the gloomy one,” she giggled adorably. “But he was always there to babysit us or play peacemaker. He now writes music for other performers .
 “Freddy has always been a whirlwind of energy and a total lady's man flirting right and left. As a pilot, he owns a little flight school .
 “Now Jonathan is the rock that we all rely on and always have. He and his wife, Sofie, live in the same town as my parents, managing a small bed and breakfast.   
 “And then there are the twins. Only four years older than I am, they dragged me me into all kinds of trouble ever since I was a toddler. Henry is unbelievable.– I think Lord Big Mouth the Prince of Tricks would like him.
William, on the other hand, is the nicest person, sweet and hard working, but he still follows Henry everywhere. They are both Shield agents now. Henry thought that was a good idea to save the world when he joined them. It also didn’t hurt that unlike the regular military, they do not care if you have a mugshot somewhere in the police records, for joyriding in a milk delivery truck.“
 She laughed again, clear and round, and Astrid thought that there was a lot more light in the room somehow.
 Later that day, Leanne got a small parcel delivered in her room. When she opened, there was a beautiful silver bracelet with charms on it: a harp, a wing, a house, a sword and a heart. She stood there dumbfounded with watery eyes and thought about how to thank her friend for it.
 “Oh Astrid, you are such a kind soul. I really need to find you some gift.” Leanne smiled thinking of some interesting books she could order, clasping the bracelet to her wrist.
 In the meantime in the chambers of the God of Mischief, two chambermaids exchanged some worried looks. Loki was humming around, winking at them, looking utterly satisfied. They hurried to finish their work for the evening, because this behavior could mean only one thing: Loki was up to something and nobody in their sane mind would want to be near him when he unleashed his newest trick.
 “Lord Big Mouth the Prince of Tricks? Oh, little one, that sweet tongue of yours just put you in so much trouble!” He whistled some slow melody as he went to his desk and started to read one of the spellbooks.
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