#lol i want forced birth extremists males to fucking die
rad-fire-vixen · 11 months
“abortion is a form of eugenics!!” (this is not an exaggeration this is what i was told to my face and what some people honestly believe and i HATE it and them and want to hit them with a chair)
if abortion is eugenics then literally all animals are eugenicists cuz female animals all have ways of either delaying pregnancy or stopping from getting pregnant until they want to. and that’s if they actually want to make babies. cuz many times, if the offspring are unhealthy or weak or the mom is stressed, she will straight up EAT them. reuse those nutrients to make better offspring.
also eugenics is not a woman freely choosing to get an abortion it is usually an ‘undesirable’ person like an indigenous woman getting sterilized. usually without her knowledge or consent. or it’s a woman being forced to abort a pregnancy that she wants because the offspring would be ‘undesirable’. learn what eugenics actually is.
shut the fuck up and choke on your misogyny, forced birth extremists.
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