#lolsuit waiting to happen
thatssogurky-blog · 12 years
We have to go to a firm on this EMERGENCY
Look how little it is!
We are selling a book, maybe! That all depends on how hard you want it. TOO QUIET! Turn now your first order of the sheep goes to the will of my Grandadadad's dad. And it goes as fallaws: Steven: You get NOTHING!!
step 2: Remove all the worms from the warm places in my chest cavity Polly: I loved you in the movie "Don't Forget to Clap" and therefore I leave you my prized leaf collection -all brown ones!
The only problem is that the leaf hole locks from the inside soionce you go get it you will never be able to leave the door of wonders.
Here is an demonstrability:
Next thing all the money will be burnt by all the memories who froze my fingerbreeze puppet pals and Friends tv programme "worst of" boxset containing all the rare footage dance time party pack dvds easter egg hunt!
Lorbbby: Correct! You win the prize of signing all the papers to go to the chicken relief fund. As the santa police department sanitation project starts head of steak you are the only responsible daughtear that I have so I will not be giving you The RING OF GURKY! I'm sorry. Sad feces. I lost it anyway for being a BAD CLOWN! So you know how that is. HEEEEEBE.
Follow these directions carefully -OR ELSE!
Secrets secrets are all we have so don't go telling it on the mountain man!
That reminds me -we don't want to leave him there anymore. HELP HANK! He's stuck in the mountain.
This is my legacy. START A HELP HANK CAMPAIGN brand champagne. Made from the hoobooodooboo tree! It's a doom tube waiting to flappen'! WHat is in my toe?! OPPORTUNITY!   Talk to my 2nd lawnmower's laywer, CornHands. He wrote a script! Trust him with your wife!
  He's been missing for 3 days now so if you see him don't let us know for another 3 days because then we get to keep the ransom. IT'S A LOT OF MONKEY MONEY, aka perstranamas. yeah.
Ok I'm dead now, see you soon. jk I wasn't supposed to tell you that, oopsies! wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink. plorb!
I'm falling.
it's okay.
don't cry.
just kidding, please cry
a lot
for me
not ANYTHING else
you are my favorite
don't tell the others
dead now again
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