#lomfon is my rude ass babyboy and his reasons are valid
respectthepetty · 1 year
In Defense of a Rude Ass
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Lomfon isn't any worse than Tai.
Bow had told Tai several times that Lomfon was interested in him, so it isn't as if Lomfon just developed some crush on Tai the second he heard Tai in his head.
Tai heard his soulmate the night his parents' announced their divorce (his birthday), and avoided Patts for two years which is an extreme reaction.
Lomfon heard Tai (and Patts, but did he hear Patts because he was in Tai's head like Tai heard Patts kissing Nara?) and went to eat with Tai while waiting for the rain. This isn't a bad reaction.
Tai told Tien he could hear his soulmate, and Tien told him to speak to him and "unfuck" his issues, yet Tai didn't because he is stubborn.
Lomfon told Patts that he could hear Tai, and Patts aggressively told him to not speak to his boyfriend even though he can HEAR HIM IN HIS HEAD!
Tai knew Patts was his soulmate, got drunk, and bit Patts out of anger while withholding that information, and we thought it was cute.
Lomfon knew Tai was his soulmate, took him on a pseudo-not-date date, waited until the rain, spoke to him, then kissed him. The kiss wasn't great, but he didn't sit on it for two years then get upset when he thought the guy moved on.
Tai questions soulmates because of his parents' divorce, yet won't stop harping on his mother even when his father tells him to be like Elsa and let that shit go. Tai is still upset AT HER WEDDING because Tai doesn't mind his business.
Lomfon questions soulmates, but even when he asks Tien and Tai, Tien tells him he'd pick his soulmate, and Tai tells him he is unsure himself. Lomfon, based on the advice of two people (because he doesn't have anyone else), does what he needs to in order to prove to himself what is happening in his head, which is his business!
Why didn't Lomfon tell Tai without the kiss? Because once Lomfon learned that the keychain he has been carrying around for years was Tai's, it changed his plan. Because Lomfon was testing his feelings, not Tai's.
Lomfon is selfish, but so is Tai. Instead of telling Patts, the guy he basically soulmate ghosted for two years, that he was his soulmate, he took his cat to his clinic and bit him! And instead of telling Patts about eating with Lomfon, he lied.
Tai has people who understand this soulmate business, but Lomfon has no one, probably because his ass is rude to be honest, but for Tien to loudly tell his friends next week that he doesn't want to work with "THAT FREAK" is rubbing salt into these wounds.
Tien has always supported his brother in regards to the rainverse soulmate stuff, but can't do that for Lomfon because Tien is heartbroken. It's understandable, but Lomfon's actions are too. Tien told Lomfon to leave his brother alone, but Tien also said he'd pick his soulmate. Lomfon is conflicted and needed to prove to himself how he felt, yet he was punched, called an asshole, and now a freak. He is alone without anyone who does understand what is happening to him.
If we wanted to extend this rainverse soulmate element to queerness, Lomfon realizing he is what he is and likes who he likes regardless of how much he has tried to control it is a revelation, but on top of all that, he is being called a freak for it and is completely alone without anyone who understands what is happening to him.
Lomfon might be a rude ass, but he isn't a freak, and he isn't the bad guy. If Nara could kiss Patts setting off an entire rescue journey yet apologize for it, then Lomfon should be able to do the same. If Tai could withhold information from his soulmate, Lomfon should be able to do the same. If Tien gets to pick his hypothetical soulmate each time, then Lomfon should be able to at least see if he would too.
Lomfon is young, dumb, and rude, but so is Tien and so was Tai.
If we gave Tai two years and four episodes to get it together (even though he still fumbled this episode), we should extend that patience to this 20-year old. Mostly when Tai, standing in green and blue, is just as conflicted as Lomfon.
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