#long post for tsfaksdjflksdj
troglobite · 7 years
fhsldhs i was listening at work and i got a bit distracted when they were reading the submission and then i realized they were talking about ice skating and was like "WAIT WAS THAT BECK'S" and went back to hear that bit again and was disappointed that it was not yours
also i super wanna submit something myself but am afraid i would not be able to limit it to a few sentences. *~*~AUTISM~*~*
completely forgot to reply to this earlier bc i slept in super late BUT thank you bc same. lol unfortunately twas not....but fate had been so cruel as to trick us BOTH into thinking that it was... lol
also dude, same. i’m afraid that’s why they didn’t read mine. technically it was only a few sentences. then i hit space several times and said ‘this isn’t for the podcast, this is for y’all’ and linked like....6 videos for them to watch. BUT LIKE. HOW CAN I MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND MY ENTHUSIASM FOR YUZU’S SKATING IF I DON’T SHOW THEM HIS SKATING???? anyway. lol
it’s also weird to me that they repeat “keep it to one or two sentences” when the things they read are like clearly MORE than that. idk.
but yeah it’s like. you can’t...create a show...about enthusiasm and love and wonderful things and excitement and positivity....and not expect a shitload of your autistic or otherwise neurodivergent fans to be like “HERE’S MY GIANT INFODUMP TREATISE ON WHY THIS PARTICULAR NICHE INTEREST GIVES MY LIFE JOY” like ???? my dudes, i have loved figure skating since i was a KID. i used to have figure skating barbies and make the kitchen floor a skating rink and make them do incredible jumps and then commentate like the people on the olympics. i’ve spent HOURS researching this shit, deciphering the official score cards from the ISU that are only posted on a difficult to find link on their fucking website and have, of course, stayed up until 5 in the morning to watch a livestream of various competitions because i wanted to see it live with no/good commentary, instead of the heavily edited and talked-over GARBAGE that NBC airs. 
lol idk it’s bizarre it’s just kinda like. suuuuper wish they’d devote a bigger segment of the show to like--like, they do the regular amount of time for some short listener submissions, but then they’d pick one Bigger Submission and talk about it a little longer.
because the idea is to SPREAD that joy and enthusiasm??? and i sent them the videos (after making it clear only the short few sentences were meant for the podcast) bc i want THEM to be enthusiastic about it too! i want them to watch the routines and cry or cheer and clap! i want them to get it! same thing with shakespeare! or performance poetry! i want people to get it and then to enjoy it! if it’s not their thing that’s okay, but i want to invite them in so they at least have all the info to decide whether or not it’s their thing.
PLUUUUUUUS the skating season has ALREADY STARTED. like the us classic started yesterday and pairs and mens skated today! nathan chen and jason brown debuted their new short programs! like!!!! jason brown is skating to HAMILTON and i am 1000000% about to go youtube it and check it out (the livestream kept freezing for me earlier :( )
and yuzuru’s competing at the----...autumn classic? i think? and i’m SO FUCKING EXCITED for his new (old) programs. they’ve been updated, and this fucker has been practicing a fucking quadruple axel are you motherfucking kidding me i guarantee it’s not competition ready but NEITHER AM I so it’s a good thing. lol 
i’m probs gonna send in another but about the OSF instead... oh! about the show Will! i think that’ll be good. yeah, okay, i can keep that short, i think....
i just want to spread my LOVE. :( lol
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