#look Falin & Marcille are otp ofc
akindlyowl · 1 year
Ok ok ok but most important part of this dungeon meshi chapter?? Namari literally just holding up Marcille like this???
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Namarcille 🥺🥺 (aka 2 girls normally being shipped with Laios just be with each other lol). I'm kindaaaa obsessed now.
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Like!! Outfit swap!!! The classic "not getting along bc they think the other doesn't like them"! Femme/Butch!!
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001 dungeon meshi or 002 susahao :3
i sense a long post so this goes under a cut
| dunmeshi |
Favorite character: I can't choose for my mental health. sorry. I love them all too much
Least Favorite character: ughgh Toshiro. next question
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ooh...5? Okay so Farcille, Labru (it's not a must-have for me but I like it romantically or platonically), Laios x monsters, Chilchuck's messy relationship with his (ex)-wife, and lastly. Cithis x me
Character I find most attractive: goddd there are so many hot people in this manga and I'm aroace. it depends on the day but top contenders in no particular order are Kabru, Marcille, Laios, Cithis (see above), and Falin. and we can't not love Kui sensei for giving us the Senshi fanservice the world needed.
Character I would marry: I would marry no one but...objectively speaking? OF COURSE Senshi
Character I would be best friends with: Chilchuck !!
A random thought: The moment where Mithrun cries because "even vegetable scraps have their uses" made me feel like I'd been revived from the dead. dunmeshi is so good.
An unpopular opinion: hmm I don't really know?
My canon OTP: canonically no one like. "ends up together" in the super official sense and I'm happy with that! however farcille can count...i think anyways. it's not even coding it's plain as day
Non-canon OTP: like i said, any ship qualifies !
Most badass character: Senshi, because truly what is more badass than caring for the dungeon ecosystem and your friends' health and wellbeing by cooking them a balanced diet out of monsters. all with a single cooking pot too
Pairing I am not a fan of: Izutsumi x anyone. that girl doesn't want a romantic interest nor does she need one <3
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ...no one? I'm gonna finish my reread soon but I highly doubt I'll find one that I'll think was screwed up
Favourite friendship: The whole party warmed my heart. that hug healed me. ALSO honorary mention to Mithrun and Kabru because again the feeling of being restored and learning to feel again is so real. honorary honorary mention to Izutsumi and the rest of the party because that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life
when or if I started shipping it: "when I fall under your intense gaze..." I very nearly pointed at the screen and went "YOU'RE BISEXUAL!!"
my thoughts: they invented sapphism actually
What makes me happy about them: I love how Haori does not fucking hesitate to keep flirting with Ryutaro upon finding out that he is in fact Susato. what a queen
What makes me sad about them: the fact that their reunion in-game occurs when Susato is coming back, rushed, on what she assumes to be a family tragedy; and what she finds instead is Haori having been through a horrifically traumatizing event in her absence. both of these girls trying their best to study and have careers in Meiji Japan. the world makes it so fucking difficult for them.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: it's not so much a specific thing done in fanfic as like, an overarching trend that people tend to fluffify them a ton. i get it they're cute and lighthearted but they're also sixteen-year-olds in a world that is unfair to them. that being said, i also don't like the idea of making them 'tragic' for the drama of it all. let them be happy, but also give them depth basically!
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't read a ton of dgs fic these days but i look for good Haori background and characterization
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Gina, Maria...and that applies to either of them lol
My happily ever after for them: marriage marriage fraud (I can't take credit for this idea, since I first heard it from Seven ofc! but it's so real to me)
[ask game]
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