#look I am a mecha JUNKIE
okami-zero · 2 years
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FROMSOFT dusting off my beloved IP after TEN YEARS. Wonder how many Souls/borne players are like "What the hell is 'Armored Core'?" XD
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saibugs · 5 years
OC Interview
1. Choose an OC
2. Answer the questions as them
3. Tag people to do the same
I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I wanted to do it for my main Transformers Prime OC, Nightcloud, for reasons.
If you’re reading this... you do it, for whichever OC you want, any fandom. But no obligations! <3
1. What’s your name?
It’s Nightcloud. But you can call me Night, if you’d like to, everyone else does.
2. Do you know why you’re named that?
My adoptive sire--Ratchet--called me that because it was night when I was born, and a stormy night at that.
3. Are you single or taken?
Taken, although I can scarcely believe it myself.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Well, as a Cybertronian I have the power of transformation. But I’ve also got powers I inherited from my biological sire, mostly powers that can enhance what I am already capable of. I don’t... really like to talk about any of that, though. It’s not something I like, or am proud of.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
You’re suddenly lucky I’ve taken a vow not to harm innocent life forms.
6. What’s your eye colour?
My optics are both SUPPOSED to be green, but as you can see, one’s white. If I’m touching my powers, my green optic has a red ring in the centre, and if I’ve given myself over to my powers, my optic turns red with a black ring in the centre.
7. How about your hair colour?
I... I don’t have hair, but my helm--closest thing to, I guess--is dark green and black.
8. Have any family members?
-fist clenches- I have a carrier and a sire. I’m on no good terms with my carrier--she tried to kill me while I was developing and then abandoned me when I was born into the world. My sire is... well, from what I know, he doesn’t even know I exist. Otherwise, Ratchet is my adoptive sire, and I love him deeply.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
I grew up in a medical centre so I wasn’t allowed to have pets.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
I’m not a fan of Decepticons, or scraplets. Or this conversation, to be frank with you.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Drink. I like to drink.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Of course I have, I’m an Autobot fighting in the civil war between us and the ‘Cons.
13. Ever... killed anyone before?
Um, duh? I regret a few of those deaths, like... my old squad... Ugh. Next.
14. What kind of animal are you?
I’m not an animal? I’m Cybertronian.
15. Name your worst habits?
I drink copiously--although there’s actually a reason I do, not a good one but one pertinent to my survival, I guess. I am self-destructive, and I tend to do my own thing. Ratchet’s called me reckless.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
No. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m nearly 30 feet tall. Most people and bots--oh, wait, slag. You meant... um. Well, I don’t, except for Optimus and Ultra Magnus.
17. Are you gay, straight, or bisexual?
Hm... those are outdated terms on Cybertron, but you would consider me gay. I like mecha.
18. Do you go to school?
Naaaaaaaaaaah. It’s never been something for me. Ratchet tried but it never stuck. I can’t even read.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I do, actually! But maybe after the war.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Miko doesn’t count, does she? She might.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Everyone who’s ever depended on me being killed, because it’s happened before. It’s why I don’t like being in a position of leadership and why I prefer to do missions alone.
22. What do you usually wear?
My armour? Most bots don’t take it off, ever, and I’m not going to be an exception to that.
23. What one food tempts you?
Energon chips. Not the money kind, but the edible kind. Love them. Kind of junky, though.
24. Am I annoying you?
Just a little bit, yes. But it’s fine.
25. Well, it’s still not over?
I didn’t think so.
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Oh! I actually know this! I’m TECHNICALLY high class, because my adoptive sire, but if he wasn’t in the picture I’d be low or slave class.
27. How many friends do you have?
Team Prime, so... a few, enough to be content.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I’ve never had pie.
29. Favourite drink?
Uh... liquid energon and Nightmare Fuel, but only because I need them to survive. Wish I didn’t need that last one.
30. What’s your favourite place?
I’m actually a sucker for Japan, on Earth. But Iacon on Cybertron.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Of course! I said I was taken.
32. That was a stupid question...
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Neither, because I’m too heavy to swim, I just walk on the bottom.
34. What’s your type?
Smaller than me.
35. Any fetishes?
How about you frag off with THAT.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
It really doesn’t bother me.
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spitfireapm-blog · 6 years
Permanent Plotting Call ahoy! 
DISCLAIMER: Liking this post / optionally giving me a number will tell me that you’re interested and I will get to you! HOWEVER, it will not guarantee an interaction or thread right away! I am a rather slow roleplayer. I have a really hard time focusing most of the time and there are times I have quite a bit of threads going on. If you’re fine with that though, proceed on with this post!
Liking this post means you are giving Hana the permission to throw herself randomly into your askbox at times, preferably being able to skip over those tiring first meeting interactions, allowing me to contact you via IM or your preferred ooc contact, and just generally being an RP partner of mine! Liking this post will also make you qualify for what is to follow below. This got SUPER long so I’m throwing it under a cut. Thank you!
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Here are some categories and options of how Hana and your muse can associate with each other. Throw some numbers at me if any catch your eye immediately! Though I might want to discuss them with you if they’re the more touchy categories, I’m not familiar with your muse, or I don’t quite see our muses meshing in that way. If you have any other suggestions do let me know when I contact you!
[1] Everyone needs a full unit! | Friend: This one’s pretty easy to do so long as your muse can handle Hana’s high energy, video game references constantly, and well… her in general. It’s okay if your muse is a little grumpy, she’ll do her best to try to break through to them if she believes they are a good person or capable of good.
[2] Thanks for your support! | Fan: If you can somehow manage to fit Hana into your muse’s verse/world and approach her with that notion of being a fan, she would be ecstatic! If that’s with Hana’s entire famous gamer/streamer/actress/war-hero reputation schtick, or even just one portion of it like her gamer notability, it doesn’t really matter! But of course, Hana probably wouldn’t be aware of your muse in said world/verse.
[3] Try and keep up! | Fellow gaming peer: Pretty self-explanatory. If your muse enjoys or is pretty skilled at gaming Hana will definitely latch onto your muse for gaming related matters. She’s extremely skilled at gaming but she is always looking for some kind of challenge. If not that, she’d love to teach your muse how to game!
[4] All systems operational. | Fellow Mech enthusiast: If your muse has a GIANT MECH or something similar, consider Hana interested. This would probably work out well with a discussion of how their various mechs work, help construct something cool, or help each other out with maintenance and new additions to whatever it is they’re working on. While she did not make her own mecha unit, she does know how to keep up with it, add new additions, and generally the ins and outs of what makes it tick.
[5] Wow~ the view is amazing! | Sightseeing partner: Believe it or not, Hana does love sightseeing and going out to view nature in its full expanse. Activities in specific she loves to do are cycling, rock-climbing, and just general exploration of new places. If your muse is up for an adventure, this is the category for them!
[6] Here comes a new challenger! | Sparring Partner: Hana is strong, but perhaps a little too reliant on her mech at times. She’s acknowledged this and is looking for ways to buff up her skills! This most specifically means with some kind of physical regime like running, boxing, and other things related to that. Gym junkies accepted and other types of fitness enthusiasts are welcome, but do NOT underestimate her. She’s capable of a lot more than she looks- she just wants a little co-op with your muse to get better.
[7] Ooh you’ve got some leet skills! | Mentor: Kind of similar to above. The notable difference is that your muse has to be more skilled in some sort of aspect than she is and be able to teach Hana how to refine her skill at it or teach her something new altogether. I namely see this being a great opportunity for muses who wield some sort of weapon, her Overwatch aligned peers, and any other kind of combatant muses.
[8] Can I take off this mask now…? | Confidant: Not a persona reference intentionally, but here we are.  Hana has a lot of really bad, deep-rooted depression and trauma to the point she gets nightmares sometimes from her war crusade and otherwise. To get to this point your muse needs to have that persistence and want to break through her shell, as she will not open up too willingly or easily. She’s hiding a lot of her struggles with her jaunty, happy persona. Ideally, they need to be at the point of being really good friends. If not, your muse has to have gone through some similar amounts/degree of trauma in order for her to open up. It’s probably going to be a lot of hard work. Having that amount of trust in your muse, however, will be something she treasures very hard. She will fight till her dying breath for you if your muse and she reach this point. It’s that serious!
[9] 아, 열받네 ! (Ah, that pisses me off!) | Rival/Enemy: Wanna get under her skin? Does your muse have a super annoying bitter disposition or is constantly trying to best her in video games, combat, or something else? (Successfully OR unsuccessfully?) Is your muse someone who won’t shift from ruthless evil? This is for you! I’ll mesh out specifics with you if you choose to pick this since the extent will definitely vary.
[10] Winkyface! | Romance and related: For starters… Good luck with pursuing Hana for a serious relationship! Unless I already have the possibility in my head, no, probably even then, this will be difficult! Hana is kind of a flirt. More specifically, she is extremely playful. But being in a relationship? That honestly kind of scares her! She has commitment problems (not that she would cheat or anything, again she’s just… scared) and getting her to stay tied down and not pass it off as a fling so she “won’t get hurt" will require some work, even if she’s crushing. Ideally, if you want your muse to be her ship partner your muse would have to hit [1], [8], and share quite a few of her interests or at the very least support them with enthusiasm. Similar/Complementing personalities are always a plus, too.
Nonsense, no strings attached flings, however, are freely up on the table if Hana finds interest in your muse and vice versa.
So, with all of this being thrown out on the table, let’s get plotting guys! I’m excited to talk with you all about all the possibilities!
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awesomenell65 · 7 years
Tag Games: Top 3/Bottom 3
Thanks for the tag, @tracylorde​!
This was fun to do. 
rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date!
I’m not new to the whole fic writing thing, but I don’t have a huge output - and much of it is in long dead/nearly dead fandoms(😢). So however close to my heart they are, I’m also going to do a modified version of this tag game focusing only on my fic for The 100. Which is also where I’m getting the most readers these days. I’m also going to stick with @tracylorde’s 3 (instead of 5) because 17 of my little fics turned out to really all be one big fic, which means I really only have about 10 fic total for this fandom.  Here it goes!
What are your five three most popular works? (in descending order)
1. My most popular stand alone fic, hits-to-kudos, is definitely Finding Orion. (Clarke/Roan, ~10,000 words of nothing but porn, 2/3/2016, 382 kudos).
Tag for 3.2. Seriously, nothing but porn. Just because. Oh, and his abs. He works so hard on them. I appreciate that. And Clarke has a devious mind. I appreciate that, too.
I’m still surprised (and yet not!) that this is my most popular fic. I was inspired by 3.02 and our introduction to then banished Prince Roan and his amazing abs, as he dragged a bound and gagged and yet still struggling Clarke about the wilderness. It turned into four delightfully breezy, fun-to-write chapters of bondage and power play, gleefully engaged in out of spite, showing off and taunting a possibly listening/watching Lexa. Truth? I still get a kick out of it, when I re-read it. 
2. My next most popular fic is Autum Dreaming. (Bellamy/Echo, Bellamy&Clarke, lots of other people, ~133,000 words, 1/16/2016, 277 kudos.)
Taking refuge in the fortress of the Mountain Men, won by at the last desperate moment by Monty, Clarke and Bellamy, gives the people of the Ark the secure base they need to make a place for themselves on the new Earth. It won't be easy. Clarke is gone, winter is upon them and war between the clans is looming. And somewhere to the northeast, Thelonius Jaha and John Murphy are finding clues that could help unravel the mystery of Armageddon, or unravel the present.
Yep. Becho, baby. Also Becho + baby. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you.) This fic, Autumn Dreaming, looks like the last in a series, because that’s how it started. But it’s really only one long story, and this final installment is actually the whole thing in one place. If you take the figures for the whole series, then this is really by far the most popular thing I’ve ever written. Over 22,000 hits, and 544 kudos. (Including the lovely reader who just last week left a kudo on every single fic in the series! I see you and you make my heart sing!). 
This was my S2/S3 hiatus fic, imagining a world after the fall of MW, and how I wished for the story to unfold (but already knew it wouldn’t). I was a spolier junkie that summer, and so I tossed in everything we’d heard - including the casting notices for Nia and Roan. They were being coy about Roan’s backstory, so I took a flyer and made him the missing prince of.... the Trikru. Lexa’s older, estranged half-brother. (I am still really fond of this idea....)
It’s half-world building, half-political thriller, half-rescue adventure --- which is too many halves, but it’s that kind of a sprawling story.
That it still collects readers and kudos, after all this time, and given how very AU it has become, pleases me no end. 
3. My third most popular fic is Avatar of Arcadia. (Raven Reyes/Roan, ~75,000 words, 218 kudos.)
Little did brilliant mechanic Raven Reyes know that when Roan, mysterious bounty hunter and her sometime lover, arrived at Mecha Station in desperate need of repairs to his ship, she was about to be swept right into the middle of the intergalatic conflicts raging between the powerful Azgeda and the fierce Trikru. Or that she was going to be drawn into the dangerous hunt for Clarke Griffin, the lost Avatar of Arcadia.
@hawthornewhisperer kicked off Ice Mechanic with her story Watch the Queen Conquer in the spring of 2016. I fell hard (very, very hard) for this pairing. Like OTP level hard. So I wrote a space opera for them! Yep. Space ships, warring galatic empires, lasers and pulsar pistols. I used everything from canon I could toss in to build the universe, and had a blast. I’m sure that’s why readers enjoy it, too!
What are your five three least popular works? (in ascending order)
1. My least popular fic...by hits (barely 100) is Children of Daedelus. (Crossover with Eureka, ALIE/BRAD, Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan, 6500 words, 119 hits, 11 kudos.)
Psychotic, Incestuous, Lovelorn AIs fight to save the girl, and incidentally the world. Monty helps, Murphy adds helpful commentary, Deputy Andy is a hero.
My last great OTP was (is, remains, forever) Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan from Eureka. Ju Lupo was portrated by the lovely Erica Cerra. You can see where this is going, yes? How did ALIE end up the spitting image of Jo Lupo, you might have wondered? Wonder no more!
Only, it turns, very very vanishingly few people wondered. LOL! Which is too bad. It’s a clever fun fic, assuming you’re at all familiar with Eurkea (and I think I’ve spotted the problem!) I played around with voice and narrative and Monty is the featured delinquent.
2. My least popular fic by kudos is His Mother’s Son, (Roan/Ontari, ~3300 words of kink meme porn. 9 kudos.)
Roan shares more with Nia than he wants to. The prompt was ‘the more fucked up the better.’ 
So, angry, violent, dub-con it is. Turns out porn isn’t ALWAYS the key to more readers.
3. My third least popular fic is Letting Go. (Roan & Lexa, 1400 words, 11 kudos.)
Missing Scene, episode 3.04, "Watch the Thrones." Lexa and Roan.
I wondered about so many things, but especially why his face was bloody before their duel began. And why he turned his back on her in the first moments of the fight.
Apparently I’m the only one who wondered.
 If you want to read any of my fic, here is the link to my ao3 page. This was a fun exercise, thanks for reading if you got through it! I’m going to tag @jeanie205.
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mechagalaxy · 6 years
How Addiction Saved the World
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 I was at my court mandated ASA (Asinine Substance Abuse) meeting.  I did a lot of Stim Packs, but there weren’t a lot of niode hungry jocks who hadn’t sold their souls to the big corporations or noble houses who were not Stim Junkies. You needed Stims to spend the hundreds of hours in the cockpit to chase the pirates until you could catch enough of them to get the gate codes to the lair they were hiding the good loot at. Then you needed Large Stim packs to fight the damned base forces.  I was fine right up until Unification started pushing into our reality.  The Unification troops brought a lot of forbidden biotech, but some of it was pretty cool, so I was OK with it.  They wanted to enslave humanity but considering the sponsorship deals most of the pilots have already signed, it just mean you didn’t have to cover yourself with fifty sponsor labels, just the one, and their song wasn’t any stupider than the dozen or so planetary or interstellar anthems sung out there.  Other than Zolak.  Zolak was a combined Maori and Swiss colony world, and their anthem is a Hakka delivered wearing leiderhosen while yodelling.  Honestly, the Unification March is better than that.  But Unification brought new Unification Stims as well as our existing Stims, and I started using both, and skipping sleep for weeks at a time.
 I may or may not have decided that the giant Hello Kitty balloon on top of the Very Nice Lacy Underbits Emporium had come to life and was about to destroy the city, and I may or may not have sent my Pikes, Fext, Apatotrons, Regis, Boreas, and Aspis to destroy said balloon and about half a block of the largest lingerie emporium in the Shogunate.  This lead to a fine that made me sell my Kami and two Notas I had been working up, and a thousand hours of ASA meetings.  Its like decaffeinated Hell.  Come to think of it, I bet Hell is decaffeinated.  That would explain a lot.
 I was sitting in the chair because today it was going to be my turn to “share”.  Honestly with four Friendly Persuaders and their shock rods standing in the corner, it wasn’t so much sharing as the choice between talking about your stim use, or doing the dance of the electric chicken as the Friendly Persuaders worked you over with their shock sticks to show the Shogunates opinion on addictions that destroy shopping malls.  Well, lucky day, I had a story to share about how my addiction just saved the world.  This world anyway.
 My turn came after we all sipped our soothing tea.  It was chemically treated so that any residual Stim Pack chemicals in your bloodstream would result in an immediate epileptic seizure.  They don’t tell you that part, but I discovered it for myself on day one of the program.  So far five others have made the same discovery, and I guess its still just as funny for the sadists running the program, because all of them laugh.  I was stim free, but caffeinated to within an inch of my life.  That is kind of what brought it all about.  The usual blessings of the Emperor were over, and the speech about how glorious it was to live in a society so free that it allowed us to prove we were worthy to re-enter the ranks of productive supporters of the Prince of Iron’s stick up his ass society of conforming drones on pain of more pain if we don’t obey, were over, and it was time to begin the sharing. I creaked and groaned my way out of my slump and shuffled to a vague approximation of at ease, and began my story. “Ohayo, I am Chu-I Takagi Ramierez-Sanchez, and I am a stim addict, but my addiction saved the world”
 The Serene Co-ordinator of Enlightenment snapped her fingers and the four Friendly Persuaders closed in with their shock sticks to administer an attitude adjustment (my first one was for nodding off last week during someone else’s sharing), but with an arrogant pride I threw back my armoured coat to show the gleaming steel of the Broken Sword medal, an award given by the hand of the Iron Prince himself, and only for the saving of an entire world for the Shogunate. “Listen and learn, how my addiction saved this world”   I shouted as the Friendly Persuaders and Co-ordinator joined the addicts in the room in the bow my medal demanded from anyone save the Prince who did not bear the Broken Sword.
 I had been running missions out the Clark Federation way for weeks now.  Not a lot of luck.  Those Xeon bastards were playing hardball, and no one was willing to talk.  The Federation Rangers were playing games in the shadows they wouldn’t talk about, and nobody on the mercenary side had enough experience in this neck of the woods to figure out what we were being lied to about. Damned Yoram plague seems to be drawing away the bulk of the Clan to duties outside the Clark Fed, so I don’t even have much backup.  I was left running the Clark missions on my own, and without Stims at all, I was almost dead when I got back to base, shumbling and shuffling into barracks, and passing out where I fell, uniform still on.  I took six shots to silence my alarm, because shooting by sound isn’t that accurate, but the noise and kick from the Cogwork Bolt-thrower finished the work of waking me up enough to realize emptying my side arm at the clock was probably signs of caffination failure.  I wanted a stim, but all I was allowed was coffee.  I stumbled towards the bathroom, but through a failure of navigation hit the front door instead.  Deciding I could always just pee on a tree someplace if I didn’t find another bathroom I began shuffling towards the mess hall and coffee. I found a bunch of pilots shuffling like zombies towards the mess hall.  I sort of followed them.  There was screaming and shooting going on in the mecha bay, and more in the barracks. I guess I wasn’t the only one shooting their alarm clock, and that would explain why no MP’s came when I shot up my clock.  I followed the other zombies to the mess hall where one of the cooks snapped a probe in my implant to check for conscious brainwaves.  There was some sort of challenge icon on my HUD to respond, but I hadn’t had my coffee yet, so I kind of drifted off to sleep while I tried to figure out how to respond.  I got woken up again when the cook pulled out the probe.  Weird.  Never had a brain wave check to get into the mess hall before, and I guess it didn’t matter if I failed because I was asleep when it finished.  I really needed my coffee. I pulled away from the other zombies as the smell of coffee pulled me to the big urns.  I couldn’t find a cup, but there were big bowls out, so what the hell, I filled a big bowl.  I dumped sugar into it and some Powdered Tumour brand whitener and shuffled to the benches beside the other zombies.  They were all eating something pink with their bare hands.  It looked too complicated for pre-caffination, so I just decided to finish my coffee, then think. As the caffeine began to connect neurons, I realized a few things, in no particular order.  All the pilots around me had weird twitches and moans going on. All of them were eating something that looked a lot like human brains……so much like human brains that I could see pilot implants in some of the bowls.  Looking outside the windows, I saw running humans emptying their side arms into mobs of zombies who pulled them down, before they rose again, shuffling like the zombies around me. Ah crap.  Yoram plague duty had gone badly.  The zombies got the base, and I guess anyone with a detectable brainwave was getting spores or gunshots.  I was the only person still alive and functional, in a messhall full of zombies. Last survivor of my unit.  Awake, caffeinated, and boned. Looking up at the ceiling, I saw the self destruct we had rigged from the last contract negotiation.  Our CO was a little unhappy with the terms on the contract and swore if they ever tried to end our contract and hire someone else she would blow the base back to bare rock………
 Sipping my coffee, I tried to remember what the hell the activation code was.  Oh yes.  I accessed my implant and sent the signal. [CODE Screw them, blast it back to bare rock you penny pinching crack weasels]
 I dove through the widow with a lunge as the first charge went off in the mess hall.  Charges went off in every barracks, mecha bay, and the landing pad.  All our possessed pilots, techs, and infantry were blasted to a fine paste.  When the ammo cooked off, the vast organic computers that had grown beside the HQ to control the Yoram horde were blasted into a fine pink mist. I just stayed on the ground until stuff was done falling from the sky and napped until the Shogunate cleansing team responded to the explosions.  Only I was so completely screwed up by long term stim addiction that I registered as a full on Yoram Zombie to the brain scanners, only I could be awoken by simply applying fifty ounces of coffee to my semi-connected brain cells into a fit of suicidally stupid genius to blow up my own base to stop the Yoram plague and save the world. If I wasn’t a stim junkie, you would all by Yoram slaves right now.  My addiction saved you all, so refill my coffee and thank me for my service you poor uncaffinated fools.
 John T Mainer 28840
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