#look at him like r u kidding me........his arms his overall energy this fit his hair....
seokmatthewz · 2 years
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absolutely insane like how did they think they could do this without people getting hurt.......
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girlllthatsgrim · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet (Harry Potter Version)
James Potter
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A= Aftercare
I think James would be very attentive and fun after sex; he would be that guy to leave in the middle of the night and buy food at a diner just because the two of you are hungry. He would also be the one to have a pillow fight before and after doing the deed.
B= Body Part
The favorite part of his body would be his penis; it’s kind of arrogant, but he was very proud of how long and thick he was. As far as he was concerned, he had the best of both worlds. Like Sirius, James is also an ass guy. I can see him and Sirius just watching girls pass by them and eye the trunk to see what’s going on. The bigger the better.
C= Cum
Since James looks like a messy person to me, I think his semen would be all over you; Your chest, legs, back. I don’t think he would do this on purpose all the time to degrade you, but he just ejaculates a lot. It has to go somewhere.
D= Dirty Secret
Sirius and James are very similar in personality(it’s almost scary) so I do think that James would also be a slight exhibitionist too. The difference between them, however, is the fact that James has more of an ego than Sirius. In his mind, the first humans were practically naked so why can’t he do the same? I also think that after his partner finds out about this and they’re offended by it, he would still continue to do it because he doesn’t care.
E= Experience
Similar to Sirius, James would have tons of experience too - though I think Sirius would have a bit more just because he’s more of the smooth talker while James is a bit rough around the edges. He still got skirts though.
F= Favorite position
To be honest, I don’t think James would have one. Unlike Sirius, James is an even split between dom and submissive AKA a switch. Every time the two of you would have sex, the positions would change; I would attribute this to his overall incessant creativity. He is a prankster afterall.
G= Goofy
Goofy is this guy’s middle name; he would be the one to make sex or dick jokes and girls can’t help but laugh at them. This would translate into the bedroom as well and I think it would be super fun. Depending on the girl, he might tone it down a bit, but I think James would be cracking jokes non-stop.
H= Hair
If there is one thing that James is known for, it’s his hair. While it looks nice on his head, I think James would be the type of guy to shave on a regular basis just because it feels better for him. On a woman, I don’t think he would mind if she was hairy as long as it’s maintained. He would definitely tease you about it though by saying something like, “Queen Kong is looking quite delectable today.”
I= Intimacy
Based on what I’ve read about him, James appears to be someone who values true love. Obviously, he’s been with other women, but he was always searching for the right girl. Furthermore, if you factor in the type of parents he had (whom I think loved each other very, very much), that would cause him to be a hopeless romantic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he played a really slow love song on a record player while the two of you had sex. He might even sing along too. He would also shower kisses all over your body, loving the fact that he’s found the right woman. James would also be the kind of guy to use pet names more than your real name as well; something like ‘love’.
J= Jack off
Because James is a hopeless romantic, I think that once he finds that one girl - that’s it. You’re all he can really think about because you make him so happy. James is, I think, a deeply passionate person and sometimes that passion translates into masturbating quite a few times. Not every single day, but if you were apart for an extended period of time he would definitely “pull the skin”. He would tell you when he masturbated too, which is weird, but that’s how he is. I think he would also be quite loud about it imaging his lady love. Though when you masturbate, it’s a whole different ball game; that would set him off real quick.
K= Kink
He would have a few, namely impact play and orgasm control. Since James likes ass, I think he would revel in spanking - especially when he switches to his dominant side. I also think he would like orgasm control because James is a big tease outside and in the bedroom; he would control your orgasms simply because he can.
L= Location
James is as adventurous as Sirius is - I would argue even more than him, but he would always prefer to do the deed in the bedroom. He would joke and say something like, “Why so shocked? Did you want to sneak into McGonagall’s office instead?” Obviously, he was kidding, but just because he preferred the bedroom does not mean he wouldn’t take risks.
M= Motivation
James seems like he would be a wonderful dancer and I think he would like girls that can dance well too. I think It would really turn him on seeing a girl dance to something similar to Ciara or even Shakira. I also think twerking(if this kind of dance existed in the 70s) would drive him absolutely insane since he’s an ass guy.
N= No
Dirty talk wouldn’t be his thing. It’s bad enough that he sometimes ejaculates all over you. He does use pet names, but never anything like degrading like ‘bitch’ or ‘slut’. I’m positive his mother, Euphemia, would be absolutely horrified to hear that he called his girlfriend that and I’m sure his father would thump him upside his head for that too.
O= Oral
As a switch, I think James would enjoy both -not really favoring the other over another. Which is why if you would ever want oral from him, he would suggest the two do you do 69 to even out the playing field.
P= Pace
Generally, his pace was fast, but that was because he got so excited when you two had sex. His passion can’t be contained in that moment especially if you played with his curls and cried out how much you loved him.
Q= Quickie
Yup, he would be the guy to do quickies.
R= Risk
If you weren’t a risk taker before you met James Potter, you will soon become one because this guy is the #1 risk taker out there. He is considerate of your feelings on things, however, that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to try and persuade to the Gods on why the two of you should have sex on the Quidditch field.
S= Stamina
For some reason, I imagine James Potter to be quite muscular. Not WWE material, but because he has to be physically fit for quidditch, he most likely has a pretty nice six pack. So, I think his stamina is impressive for that reason; he could probably go on for about 7 or 8 rounds.
T= Toys
He wouldn’t be one to be a Johnny Raincloud, but I think he would be against using toys on his lady. James considers himself to be quite a great lover so why would his partner need a sex toy when the real thing is right by her? Even if she really wanted to, I believe James to be very stubborn despite his adventurous nature and he probably wouldn’t yield.
U= Unfair
I mentioned this under Kink, but he is a big tease.
V= Volume
If I had to compare him to Sirius, James wouldn’t be as loud where he’d wake up everyone, but he would definitely be more obnoxious about it.
W= Wildcard
I think he would be into a good massage from his partner, especially after a rough day at quidditch practice. However, him being the extra person he is, I could see him stripping down naked for it just to see you all hot and bothered.
X= X-ray
Flaccid: 6
Erect: 8
James is one of those rare cases who has both the length and the girth. He certainly has a reason to be proud.
Y= Yearning
Having good stamina sometimes relates to a guy’s sex drive and I think James would have a pretty high sex drive generally. For one, he’s always working out and some studies show that people who exercise more tend to have higher libidos. Second, he has the love of his life on his arm 90% of the time. Of course, he could control himself when he needed to, but if push comes to shove you best believe he’s wisking you away from prying eyes.
I highly doubt James would fall asleep before you since he’s a powerhouse of pure energy; give it a half hour and he’ll be out by then once he sees that you’re asleep.
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