#look forward to me revamping his blog theme to make this the header
regnumaves · 1 year
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Tibarn flying with Garreg Mach Monastery in the background, commission by rohkka
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kenkamishiro · 6 years
Some updates
Since zakki:re is coming soon and Jack Jeanne was announced, I’m making some updates to this blog.
I am planning on translating zakki:re. We’ll probably get quick pics of the book once it’s released in Japan and I can do a quick TL of those bits, but if anyone can provide me with the text/pictures before my copy gets shipped to me, please let me know!
I don’t know how often people check out my blog on desktop mode, but I’ve been forced to revamp the theme since it was bugging out thanks to tumblr’s changes. It looks pretty cool though with the gradients and updated header to celebrate zakki:re! Even has a featured posts list at the top of the blog home page where it’ll have some of my recent translations.
What is this blog going to be once TG content comes to an end? I’ve been thinking about it ever since :re ended last summer. We’ve had content trickling in even after the manga came to an end, but even with the 2nd live action movie to look forward to in the summer (ITORI HOT AF), zakki:re truly feels like the end.
So if the updated blog description hasn’t clued you in, this blog will remain as a translation blog for any content related to Ishida. His creations have captured my heart that I’m willing to stick with him and continue following any new content he makes, for when Jack Jeanne is released, for when he announces a new manga. I’m hoping he’ll have a career just as illustrious as Togashi’s minus all the back pain and suffering and walls of text.
So with two big Ishida-related projects under way soon, I’ve got tags for zakki:re and Jack Jeanne under the directory box to make it easy to find.
Regarding Twitter, I do have an account, but if you’ve spent 10 seconds going through it you’d realize that most of it is me spamming FGO reblogs of husbandos (I’m so sorry to anyone who follows me and isn’t into FGO). I’ve also thought about moving over to Twitter entirely, but Twitter is such a terrible platform for long written content and is just plain incompatible for what I want to achieve. So if I do post anything on Twitter, it’ll mostly be links to my tumblr posts (if I remember) or occasional personal thoughts.
That’s it for now I think! Might also update my translation list, but that’ll be for a later date.
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