#look ranked is bullshite but at least we're all in agreement about this fact
raposarealm · 2 years
Funny Ranked Teams: Finals Edition
While I spent the finals being salty about losing my first break match to a troll evade rat and subsequently anti-evade Yozu-blasting my way through (and by the way, if you put an evade on a rat in order to troll people, may I say: you’re the absolute worst and I hope you turn into a witch,) I found more funny team names and took shots of them.
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Starting off appropriately, a team aptly named, “Fuck Kyubey”. The Kuroe makes it a lot funnier and sadder all at once.
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“Chemical Farmer”. I don’t get it, but it’s still a funny mental image.
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“Shigure Hagumu (New Wives)” They’re running Shige and Hagu as well! I don’t know why Yuna and Hikaru are there, since I sincerely hope the OP isn’t shipping those two. (Reminder: Yuna is 17, Hikaru is *13*.)
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Here we have “Dii Dii”, which I assume that A) is probably supposed to be “Dee Dee”, and therefore B) we’ve found Dexter’s mirrors team.
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May the “Force” be with you! Ehehehe.
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I actually saw this team during prelims too! But I didn’t take a shot then. Anyways, here’s Twin #1 and Twin #2.
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Our buddy “Onion Soup” made it to A-rank finals, it seems!
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Speaking of liquids, the top teams are named “Ponzu” and “Balsamic Vinegar” respectively. They really did happen to line up like that, amusingly.
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“Company Commander”, reporting for duty.
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Team name “Dameda” (”Hopeless”), with the Magia Report Troublemaking Squad.
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And the worst of them all, “ElMadoko!” (They even remembered how Spanish gender works, good for them!)
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“Raika”, the original “Rabi”/”Lavi” debate.
And last but not least,
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