#look the grammar is bad but I'm organizing my thoughts for a comprehensive post It'll get better I Swear
waywithworse · 1 year
getting some mcc thoughts/predictions right out of the way (bit of a ramble):
First off, I saw cpk’s vid and just. I have so many Opinions. Like, right off the bat, no shot red gets 10th. I’m just outright saying it- and maybe I’m biased because I’m a jojo believer and therefore a red believer but there’s just no way.  
For starters, Shadoune’s placement last MCC was NOT reflective of his skill- and I’m not even talking about his pvp. That was probably the most competitive MCC yet, literally half the teams had an s-tier duo, jojo and pete were allowed somehow and they DIDN’T EVEN WIN, like that’s how competitive it was. He was put in his first MCC, with (a bit of a) language barrier, no s-tier on the team, and LITERALLY everyone- *cough* the reddit- unanimously put them 10th. And then they didn’t! So, defying predictions from the first MCC. Crazy. Also, Jojo’s good. Like she’s so well rounded- pvp, movement, leadership, and her comms are amazing. She’s the one that runs through what each game is, the strategies, what to do, what not to do, before every game. For new players especially, she’s such a good leader. She’s not gonna let anyone fall behind or not know what’s going on.
As far as the new players go- and the unknown substitution- I don’t know too much. But I’ve heard good things about pvp, and, y’all. this team is gonna practice for sure. ALSO Shad got 13th in PKW last MCC?? In his first one, with such a stacked roster?? He’s clearly so insane, like between him and jojo and the other guys they are going to do SO WELL! (maybe not 1st place well. but one can hope.) all I’m saying is 10th place is absurd. put some respect on jojo’s name, at least.
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