lookatmetv · 2 years
Episode 1 : First impression
??? : to be honest , i don't think any of them are going to get the prize 
??? : Are you talking to yourself again?
??? : can we kick him out already  
[ starting in 1...2...3 ]
[ Crystal choi and diego kang waving at the camera ]
Crystal: Hello everyone, and welcome to LookatmeTV, the reality program that we have been working on for a long time and is now here. It is a great honor for me and-
DG: Diego Kang 
Crystal: - to host this program and meet everyone on the set!
DG: As you are all aware, we have collected 10 candidates with us today to face the challenges we have set for them and to see if those challenges may spark enmity amongst them.
Crystal : Our ten candidates are now in different rooms where they must write their first impressions of any random contestant, and then we will mix the letters and everyone must guess if the letter they picked is about them or no .
[Cut to a yellow room, where Vin-jin is seated in the middle, gazing at the paper, the envelope, and the pen placed in front of him]
Vin-jin: Can I write about my first impressions of you two?
DG: We are not candidates, so no, but you are welcome to tell us if you like.
Vin-jin: you appear to be a [beep] phony [beep]. [beep] hole to me, and the same goes to her.
Crystal: We value your feedback! Please continue with the task now.
Vin-jin : none of the contestants are interesting except that blonde haired guy with glasses , he seems like one crazy [beep].
DG : stop cursing
Vin-jin : you better not be censoring the [beep] am saying 
Crystal : you heard him editors 
[ a big ‘ we don't care ‘ with red letters appeared on the screen ]
[ the camera cut to Euntae this time in a pink room writing aggressively in a paper ] 
DG : For a first impression, he has a lot to say...
Crystal : better than the previous contestant.
[Random clips of the other participants writing and thinking began to play until it was eventually time to mix the letters together and give them to the contestants]
Crystal : We are finally going to open these letters! everyone step up and choose one and read it out loud. 
DG : let's start wil eli jang 
[ eli picks up the yellow envelope from the box ]
Eli : You look like some rich creepy guy who is obsessed with taxidermy , I do hope you get voted out in the first round…
Eli : am not sure this letter is for me..
DG : who do you think it is for?
Eli : uh wouldn't it be rude-
DG : its okay no one would get offended
Crystal : are you trying to cause problems Diego?
DG : quite bold of you to assume that-
Goo : i want to read a letter next!
[ goo picks up a pink envelope from the box ]
Goo : woah thats so long
Goo : i love your blonde hair so much and you look like a prince- i don't need to read the rest this is obviously written for me.
Vin-jin : no way that letter is written for you ,you look like some hobo
Goo : excuse me
[ goo picked up the box and threw it at vin-jin ]
[vin-jin dodged and the box hit gun ]
Gun : oh for (beep) sake
[ gun started chasing after goo with the box ]
[All peacefulness has abruptly vanished]
DG : wow its been 20 minutes only
Crystal : Everyone calm down
DG : you really think thats gonna work
Crystal : DG just leave me alone
[ in the background daniel decided to pick a green envelope from the floor ]
Daniel : you are really handsome and cute ? i wonder who wrote that
Jay : ......
Daniel : oh thank you so much jay!
Crystal [ in the edge of losing her sanity ] : he didnt even talk-
[ crystal and DG got pushed by zack lee ]
Zack : move aside you are stepping on a letter
[ Zack picks up a black letter from the floor]
Zack : fight me ? who the [beep] said that
DG : stop.cursing
Crystal : anyway that's our episode for today!-
Zoe : the rest of us didn't read
Crytsal : i hope you enjoyed-
[ the letters box suddenly hit the screen and it suddenly went black ]
[ The show logo flashed on the screen and the credits started rolling]
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lokislytherin · 2 years
boss how do i deal with frustrating journalists
Tumblr media
hello kin! thank you for the question, i was once a baby intern journalist myself so i should be a person to answer this
to kin's anon:
1) about recent rumors: to protect the privacy and confidentiality of our participants, any rumors will be shut down accordingly. if they are true, you will hear about it from the show. if not, forget about them because they are a waste of your memory (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
2) about shady behaviours: murder? loan sharks? where did you hear that from, anon? all our contestants are ethically sourced! if you had the sheer guts to ask us such a question, i'm sure you would have provided us with a name too. you know, for the lawsuit. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
3) about 'problematic contestants': well, the public does love their bad boys and girls, don't they? the more wilder the content, the more publicity and funds we get from viewers who want to see more, and everyone has fun! it's basic entertainment. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
hope that helped :)
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lookatmetv · 2 years
Episode 2 : Save
[ starting in 1..2..3 ]
[Crystal and Dg are seen in a pitch-black room beneath a lightbulb]
Crystal : Hello everyone and welcome to LookatmeTV again. We sincerely apologize for the chaos that occurred in the last episode, and we promise to ensure that all of our candidates behave themselves in this episode.
[ the camera zooms out to reveal 5 of the 10 contestants, Vin, Gun, Goo, Eli, and Zack, tied up to a chair ]
DG : not that they have a choice anyways
Vin : what the -
[ DG putting a tape over vin mouth ]
Eli : Is this even legal ?
Crystal : Want me to read the contract out loud?
Eli : …
Zack : you guys just brought us here and bought some buffy guys to tie us-
DG : don't worry if you are likable enough, the other contestants may save you
Goo: what is that supposed to mean?!
[ the camera cut to a light green room where the other 5 contestant are sitting in ]
Zoe : Wait, so we have to untie them in 20 minutes?
Crystal: That's right!
Daniel: What will happen if we run out of time?
DG: Oh, they will get kicked out of the show
Mira: But that's just not fair
DG : well that's the rules 
Jay: ...
Daniel: Yeah, I agree; that's kind of cruel
Crystal : He didn't even talk—you know what, never mind; let's just begin.
[Zoe looks straight at the camera with suspicion]
Zoe: Okay, sure.
[The tenants enter the dark room, and DG closes the door at them.]
Euntae: are you two coming-
[ slam ]
Zoe: I guess they aren't
[Mira ran to Zack]
Mira: Are you okay?
Zack: Yeah, those buffoons have nothing against me.
[gun has already freed himself and is waiting patiently in the chair.]
Zoe : Can I just act like I was the one who untied you?
Gun : …
Zoe: I will take that as a yes
[ the camera cut to daniel and goo ] 
Goo: Ew, don't touch me with your poor hands.
Daniel: I'm trying to free you???
[ the camera cut to Jay watching Vin muffling while shaking his chair]
[ jay took the tape out of vin mouth ]
Vin : ouch you blonde bastard 
Jay : … 
[ the camera suddenly cut to DG and crystal sitting in the company cafeteria ]
[ DG is busy eating his food while crystal is laying her head on the table ]
DG : i think zoe figured it out 
Crystal : no crap? who the hell would want 5 contestants to get kicked out in the second episode only 
DG : hey i just said that lie to see if they care for eachother or not 
Crystal : how many minutes are left??
DG : 13 , but hey editors do you mind making it 5 ?
[ a ‘ well he did give us food..’ in blue letters flashed on the screen ]
[ the camera cut to jay and vin again ]
[ zoe checks the timer that was put in the wall ]
Zoe : hey what the hell it became 5 minutes all of a sudden 
Zack : those [beep] are cheating 
Vin : you blonde bastard free me 
[ jay stared at vin for a moment and went to help vasco free eli instead ]
Vin : you [beep]
Euntae : oh hey jay!
[ now eli , goo , gun and zack are freed ] 
[ the 9 contestant stood in front of vin ]
Vin : you nine [beep] i swear to god am going to [beep] kill you all 
Zoe : can we leave him please ? 3 minutes are left
[ jay started nodding aggressively ] 
Daniel : oh come on guys 
Goo : lets leave his dumb[beep]
[ 10..9…8]
Vin : you [beep]
[ Jay smiled and pink hearts started popping up in the screen ]
Daniel : oh well 
Vin : excuse me?!
[ 5..4..3]
Vin : i hate each and everyone of you 
[ Ring ]
[ crystal and DG entered the room ]
Crystal : Oh! It seems like vin is the only one who hadn't been saved 
Vin : those [beep] [beep] [beep] they are [beep] [beep]
DG : Don't worry we are not going to kick you out that was a joke 
Zoe : what!?
[ Jay shed a tear and broken hearts started popping up in the screen]
Daniel : oh thats good news 
Vin : shut up you [ beep ]
[ ‘ this guy is exhausting💢 ‘ with red letters flashed on the screen ]
[ all of a sudden vin jumped at jay ]
DG : woah
Crystal : what the hell
Vin : you blonde [beep]
[ jay and vin started punching each other ]
DG : well thank you everyone , we have reached the end of our episode
Eli : that was quick...
DG : well if it wasn't for those-
[ The show logo flashed on the screen and the credits started rolling]
[ while the credits were rolling 3 different voices can be heard talking about the contestants ]
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lokislytherin · 2 years
can i use your idea for lookatmeTV ?
sure, but please remember to give credit where credit is due!
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