#looking at stuff from the 60s and realising they were like ~20 years removed from it like it's part of EVERYTHING
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
its just constantly so extremely frustrating to be made aware of how absolutely awful most peoples holocaust education is/was (unless they are of a group who was directly affected) like in most cases it isnt really those peoples fault because they were never taught & in some cases taught actively badly so they were led to believe that they do know whilst actually being very ignorant; so how can you rectify what you don't know that you don't know. and the market is so saturated with ~inspirational gentile hero saves a handful of sympathetic acceptable passive jewish victims~ stories and other such Relatable Heartwarming content that even if you did try to educate yourself you could easily do more harm than good.
it feels like we have reached a point where there are now two holocausts, a specific historical one which is largely relegated to a niche academic field, and a monolithic cultural one that appears constantly as a shorthand for fantastical horrors & exists with little specificity or objectivity because it has become a spectre, a mindset,a cautionary tale, a 2D villain, rather than a real historical event which happened to (&was done by) millions of real human beings, thousands of whom still live today. (and also the 3rd which exists in the lives and minds of those who experienced it directly + their families). people can happily detach it from a long & currently thriving continuity of european antisemitism and anti roma racism because it has become just an abstract manifestion of Evil.
no space for the realities of camps liberated by segregated american regiments, of the holocaust of bullets, of the regular families who held their children up on their shoulders to get a better view of murders in the street while they sang the national anthem, operation paperclip, transports that continued to be used in poland for decades after the war to move regular goods and livestock until they were bought by american museums, gentiles quietly moving into the homes of their vanished neighbours once it seemed like they weren't going to come back, jewish labour movements, displaced persons camps, escapees from camps and ghettos who brought their stories to governments and international media from the start, anticipatory pogroms in occupied countries before the nazis even arrived, etc. no there was just one very evil guy, maybe 3 or 4 max, who with the help of advanced modern technology was able to kill millions all on his own just because he felt like it. and im sure people will draw very normal and intelligent conclusions from this understanding of things and it will lead to no problems at all
#it was weird when the maus thing was very big and everyone cared for like a couple of days and there was like#a lot of noise about people planning to educate themselves but then I still hear all the same misconceptions and ignorance as before#so it seems like they didn't actually at all#I don't want to come off preachy at all im just like. sits down and sighs very deeply and lays my head on the tavel#table*#shoah tw#im always somewhat wary of the like we should learn about the holocaust to like see how it is relevant in our own lives or w/e#because like. everyone should learn about it because it is one of the most major events in history it doesn't need justification#but we are living in the same world it happened in like 2/3 generations removed from the people it happened to and from and amongst#there is a sense that there is no continuity from it when in fact it is literally responsible for the entire shape of the modern west#looking at stuff from the 60s and realising they were like ~20 years removed from it like it's part of EVERYTHING#it makes 0 sense to spend more time learning abt Alexander Hamilton or whatever#it has all these psychological repercussions too even if it was something that happened 300 years ago#but it is also like..... all of our very foundational history and it is sooo not treated as that in the education system#for us I rmbr being taught abt ww2 as all like oh the great depression and d day and pearl harbor etc#and then the holocaust as like this completely isolated aside as though it wasn't part of that world and by extension our world but it was#like an obligation to teach us about it as its own like almost a curiosity#anyway.. I'm just like so tired and frustrated
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fictropes · 4 years
oh boy i sure did write many words in 2020
Hi! I am copying people due to i want to.  This is a lil (well... 63) round up of all the fics I wrote this year! Cos i’m very evil @ myself and writing fic and think i’m either not doing enough, or not doing it good enough, so i wanna full list of what I actually did so I can see my own accomplishments and can maybe... clap 4 myself for once. And honestly writing has helped MASSIVELY with my depression so.. that’s a bonus. 
ALSO. this is a big huge thankyou to everyone! I only joined here + started writing in august and you’ve all been so so nice and welcoming and supportive  <333 ;_; and I know they say write for yourself... but honestly peoples comments and excitement about my stuff has just been really, really lovely and I would never have written this much without all of you cheering me on<3. 
so here is a list of everything i’ve written, organised by length and everything, so if you find yourself bored over the holidays... have a lil browse. (Sorry if u are on mobile and this doesn’t show as a read more) 
Can we try again? series (M) Complete - 35k  - “Yeah, Phil. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Dan answers, softer than he’d wanted because he already knows what he’s about to do next.(or Dan doesn't turn up in 2009 and bumps into Phil 11 years later at a youtube convention 2. I like cupcakes, especially the gay variety (M) Complete - 30k - Firstly, Dan was 29. How was that a mature student?Secondly, his actual book was on the university fucking syllabus.(or the one in which Dan tries university again in a desperate attempt to prolong his procrastination, and his lecturer Phil is apparently something of a fan) 3. 7 Letters series (M) Complete - 9k - Your penpal can be the person you live with, actually. 4. There's Beans in Here (T) Complete - 2k - Phil has his wisdom teeth removed; Phil says many questionable things. 5. Roadtrip (E) Complete - 8k - “Exactly. I am right, as always.”“As always.” Dan agrees.Series 6. night shift, please (E) Wip - 27k I PROMISE THIS WILL COME BACK IN 2021 - Ten years and he’ll never get over how early he has to get up sometimes. In all honesty he prefers the night shift. 7. Still Not Calling it Fate (M) Wip - 14k - It’s become a bit of a thing, a bit of a thing that everyone he crosses paths with takes the piss out of him for 8. when i met you, a blue rush began (M) Complete - 5k - They end up in a small restaurant overlooking the sea, everything here is so blue. The sky, the sea, Phil’s eyes, the shirt he’s wearing buttoned up all the way to the top. 9. Luggage Tags (E) Complete - 2.5k - Just because it looks like your suitcase, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is. 10. Demon in the sack (E) Complete - 2.5k - Dan’s leg jiggles beneath his desk, knee hitting the table as he tries to force himself to hang up and ring the number he was supposed to ring— he doesn’t, he can’t. Long ( for me) oneshots (3k+) 11. Electronics and the Phil's who break them (M) Complete - 9k - The first time’s an accident, a proper accident— a Phil forgot how to hold his cup and now he’s watching his coffee seep into his keyboard type accident. 12. A Letter of Specifics (T) Complete - 4k - You'll know it's your soulmate because no one else on earth could be doing what they're doing. 13. The Benefits of A Weak Floor (M) Complete - 4k - He quite literally falls through Dan’s ceiling. 14. 10:35 on a Thursday (E) Complete -  3.7k - He’s tapping his pen against the paper, acting as though he isn’t asking Phil to take a sex quiz at 10:35am on a Thursday morning. 15. 2009, catboys (T) Complete - 3.2k - “You have your own ears, can’t have four.”“Why?” 16. Wrong Room (T) Complete - 3k - “Congratulations!’’ And he was expecting to hear a cry, or at least his mother telling him to be quiet because a certain baby was sleeping. Instead he heard the deep clear of a throat, a rustling of sheets. 2k-3k oneshots 17. Dinner with a stranger (T) Complete - 2.5k - @amazingphl hi! second year of doing this, sooo if anyone has nowhere to go for Christmas dinner I am once again offering..my flat (and by extension me) ;oSeries 18. Easy Lover (M) Complete - 2.4k - ''Yeah. We're always fine.'' It was always fine. It was always easy, despite always behind hard. 19. Cold Season (M) Complete - 2k - Dan is ill, insatiable and another word beginning with I. 1k-2k oneshots 20. Morose men on rooftops (T) Complete - 1.9k - “Dunno, maybe chatting up morose men on roofs is my thing.” He laughs, and it’s a nice noise. 21. Love with tongues of fire (T) Complete - 1.7k - So when Dan waltzed into the room, declaring his hunger Phil thought nothing of it. Just another night for another takeaway. 22. Your Rocks are my Rocks (T) Complete - 1.7k - Phil wants a new rock for Norman, Dan wants a peaceful life. 23. Joint Content (M) Complete - 1.6k - It started of a as a joke— a Joint Content joke. 24. 24/7 Fantasies (M) Complete - 1.5k - He thinks about Dan 24/7, constantly in two separate fantasies 25. A Conversation in Multiple Hallways (T) Complete - 1.5k - You're still here then? 26. Sharing Space (T) Complete - 1.5k - It's 2010 and dan has had a day. 27. The Obvious (T) Complete - 1.5k - "Can I use that?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, already scrawling it beneath the only three words he currently has— I love you. 28. I'm Thinking of Ending Things (T) Complete - 1.5k - Dan hears half a conversation, jumps to one whole conclusion. 29. Love Language of the Tactile (T) Complete - 1.4k - “I’m just— that’s a hypothetical.” Dan leans in this time, takes the touches that Phil always so freely gives away. “Can’t kiss in secret rooms if I leave.” 30. Don't Let the Self-Doubt Ruin You (T) Complete - 1.3k - “I’m here.” “Yeah, you’re here.” 31. Conflict Resolution (T) Complete - 1.3k - Following recent events we’ve decided it best we take a combative approach to your current workplace issues, we have booked you into a conflict resolution class this Thursday afternoon - we will not be paying you to attend. 32. when it comes to love (i want a slow hand) (E) Complete - 1.2k - And there it is, the refusal of anything in return. This is just for Dan and it always will be. 33. You're Still The one (T) Complete - 1.1k - “What’re you thinking about?” “You.” 34. Teach Me, Dad. (T) Complete - 1k - "Do you think I could be the next Mozart?” 35. The Logistics of a Clone (M) Complete - 1k - “I don’t think that’s a clone, though, like maybe more of a Doppelgänger.” Dan doesn’t know why they’re delving so deep into this, why he’s so damn bothered about being right. “It’s just literally you.” 36. All's fair in Love and Monopoly (T) Complete - 1k - Phil does not play by the rules, Dan lets him win anyway. Under 1k oneshots 37. Hide out in your heart (E)  Complete - 0.9k - The second time Dan comes to visit it’s different. 38. Oh, there you are. (G) Complete - 0.9k - So after all this, after everything, he doesn’t think anything of it when someone else slips into his dms. 39. The Boy has Attitude (T) Complete - 0.9k - “You didn’t tell me you looked like this.”“Like what?”“This!” Phil’s waving a physical copy of the magazine in his face— so that’s where he’d been. 40. Hairties (and how not to use them) (M) Complete - 0.8k - “Why would you do that? Let us settle in, nice and slow and— gently does it.” 41. The Second Apartment. (T) Complete - 0.8k - It’s a stop-gap apartment, a we’re going to get our forever home after this. 42. Japan, 2019. (G) Complete - 0.8k - NO summary, just an obviously I was going to write this after phil's post 43. Doting Man (T) Complete - 0.7k - They’re both drunk, Phil more so— definitely more so.Series 44.  Imposter (T) Complete - 0.7k - Among us is.. a bastard. 45. Ratemyprofessors.com (M) Complete - 0.7k - ‘Maybe if that Phil bloke from the English dep he’s always staring at fucked him he’d stop being so uptight’ 46. Failed Attempts (T) Complete - 0.7k - Dan enlists the help of Phil for his latest Instagram. 47. Bonus Prize (M) Complete - 0.7k - Phil Trash Number One 48. Feels like home (G) Complete - 0.7k - Home is where the Phil is. 49. We can make Forever work (T) Complete - 0.7k - It’s a moment of realising forever may sound too much to people, but we’ll get through everything together— we don’t have any other choice. 50. Scene in the Kitchen (T) Complete - 0.7k - New place 51. 4'11 (T) Complete - 0.6k - Dan is baby 52. Pillow Imprints (T) Complete - 0.6k - Dan is a menace, and Phil loves him anyway. 53. Parachute Jacket (T) Complete - 0.5k - Dan thinks Phil is obsessed with them Those few times I thougt I was goddamn Ri**ard S*ken 54. Home (G) Complete - 0.7k - It’s their forever home, because their actual forever lives inside of it. 55. secrets spoken in empty rooms (T) Complete - 1k - So he wants to be the same, but he wants Dan more. 56. Separately Together  (T) Complete - 0.9k - Phil’s soft hands and even softer words. It gets harder to leave. Gets to the point where Dan turns off an alarm just so he misses the train. 57. It's not hard to fall (T) Complete - 0.7k - Still a little bit of your words I long to hear Some more Epistolary (apart from 7 letters)  58. A Play in One Act (T) Complete - 1.1k - [Manchester Piccadilly train-station, midday, October 19th, 2009.] 59. R/AITA (T) Complete - 0.8k - AM I THE ASSHOLE FOR MAKING MY BOYFRIEND BE A WORM?Series 60. Lonely Hearts (T) Complete - 1.8k - I will not say you were crying on the tube (out of politeness) 61. Conversations of the Lazy Kind (T) Complete - 1k - eggs? wot? Smells like eggs
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eating-rocks · 7 years
I was tagged by @tameholly (I’m so honoured, I never get tagged in these kinds of things)
rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people 
the last:
1. drink: Water, probably. I keep one 1.5 L bottle by my bed and one at my desk
2. phone call: Mom, our apartment’s pretty big so it’s easier to call each other when you need something
3. text message: *Picture of a rainbow shining onto my living room floor*  (to my bff)
4. song you listened to: “Real Life”-Duke Dumont, but I didn’t actually listened to it, I just put on a random “Absolute hits” playlist on Spotify because I don’t like quiet
5. time you cried: Probably when I watched Shadowhunters the other day (I started watching this series just last week and I’ve been obsessing over it) and Magnus broke up with Alec in episode 19 
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: Yes, biggest mistake of my life 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: No, I haven’t kissed that manny people. I regret times that I didn’t kiss someone more 
8. been cheated on: Yes, “biggest mistake of my life“ started dating someone else without properly breaking up with me, the second time. This is why I have trust issues 
9. lost someone special: Technically, it’s a long story  
10. been depressed: My life is literal hell, who wouldn’t be depressed  
11. gotten drunk & thrown up: I can’t get that drunk because I take meds that can compromise my liver function, amongst other things, when combined with alcohol 
favorite colors:
12. Pink
13. (Sunset) Orange
14. Green
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: Kinda, I’ve started talking to some new people on the internet but I’m not sure if I’d call them friends yet (I’m quiets hesitant to call someone a friend)
16. fallen out of love: Did I even fall IN love?
17. laughed until you cried: Me and mom almost ever night
18. found out someone was talking about you: No
19. met someone who changed you: Yes, I think
20. found out who your friends are: I suppose
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: No, I don’t think so
general: (Mun)
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them
23. do you have any pets: Two beautiful little cats, and hopefully a dog too in a few months
24. do you want to change your name: Yes and no. I find it rather bland, but I kinda like it because it means “torch”/”the one who lights up the way” and I think that’s beautiful 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went to a “crafting fair” were I bought some cool new beads, ate at a semi-fancy buffet and slept for a few hours afterwards
26. what time did you wake up: I first woke up at 10 (am) which is when my alarm goes off, but I didn’t feel well so I fell asleep again and woke up around 14 (2am)
27. what were you doing at midnight last night:  Either scrolling through Tumblr or watching Youtube 
28. name something you can’t wait for: Graduating High School
31. what are you listening to right now: Nothing
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Idk, maybe 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Any version of “You’re so good, I could never do that”
34. most visited website: Tumblr and YouTube
35. hair colour: Medium blond-ish (I’m born light blond but it’s slowly turning brown) and red (coloured)
36. long or short hair: Undercut with about shoulder length on top (it looks shorter, though, because it’s semi-curly)
39. piercings: None, not even in the earlobe. I plan on getting at least the ears pierced at some point, though, but I don’t know when I will get around to do that
40. blood type: Don’t know actually, but I’ve been told it’s likely some type of AB
41. nicknames: My name’s rather short so I don’t really have one. Although, my bff sometimes call me Eli or “little rat” IRL. On messenger I’m called “Pussy” (with my bff), “Buuuuuuutt” (childhood friend) and “LGBTQueen” (church buddy)
42. relationship status: single AF
43. zodiac: Aires 
44. pronouns: They/them but I don’t really care what you call me 
45. favourite tv show: Currently Shadowhunters 
46. tattoos: None, yet
47. right or left handed: Both. I write with my right hand, though
48. surgery: 1/2. Removal of 4 teeth under general anaesthesia, because my head is tiny and they didn’t fit. 
49. piercing: Why is this written twice?
50. sport: Former Equestrian girl. Started when I was 3 years old and quitted when I was about 16 because I started High School and that took a lot of energy. Competed in dressage a few times but I never made the podium
51. vacation: Is this asking where I want to go or where I’ve been this year? I visited London this June, and I would very much like to visit Japan or Italy (I’ve visited Rome, but I want to see more of Italy)
52. pair of trainers: I realised the other week that the sole had a huge hole on both of feet, so I currently don’t have any
more general
53. eating: Food is life, but I’m usually too tired to cook. I’ve had a smoothie so far today
54. fav drink: Coffee or “elderflower drink”
55. what you’re up to: I was playing Mass Effect 3 before I started doing this 
56. waiting for: Uhh, Idk. I order some stuff of “Wish” a few weeks ago, so I guess I’m waiting for them to arrive 
57. want: ??? I don’t know...what??
58. get married: Maybe, it’s not a life goal precisely but it would be nice  
59. career: High School student, and almost a business owner on the side 
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: I don’t really like either 
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: Taller. I’m 162 cm, I need someone who can reach shelves 
63. older or younger: Neither 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms (lift me up and flip me onto the counter, daddy)
65. hook up or relationship: For me or my opinion in general? Because I’m too shy for a one night stand, but I’m not judging those who like sex without strings 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: neutral
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: No
68. drank hard liquor: *Insane laughter* I’m from Sweden, we have vodka or moonshine in our coffee (not really, but there is a semi-popular cocktail here that’s basically Irish coffee on steroids)
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t have glasses. I have reading glasses, though, and I forget that I’m wearing them constantly so I walk away with them on instead 
70. turned someone down: Maybe by accident 
71. sex on the first date: No. I haven’t been on many dates at all and I’ve only had sex once 
72. broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so
73. had your heart broken: Rewind to “biggest mistake of my life”
74. been arrested: No
75. cried when someone died: I’ve never had someone close enough die, not a physical death anyway
76. fallen for a friend: I’m not 100% sure if it was love or if I just suddenly started appreciating her more 
do you believe in
77. yourself: I try
78. miracles: Sort of 
79. love at first sight: No
80. santa claus: no
81. kiss on the first date: Yes??
82. angels: I’m not really sure
83. current best friend’s name: “Dick” (messenger name and the one displayed in the conversation screenshots I’ve posted here). She would’t like it if I revealed her real name 
84. eye colour: Multi-coloured. Brown around the pupil, grey in the outer corner, and some faint green. They appear to be different colours depending on the lighting and if I’m wearing makeup, but usually look blue-ish  
85. favourite movie: Not sure I have one, maybe the Harry Potter series  
I don’t really know if I can tag as many as 20 people, so Imma tag as many as I know (mostly people who reblog from me quiet often) and if someone who’s not tagged wants to do this, feel free to do so and say that I tagged you
@fandom-traaash @my-ships-my-rules @pluttskutt @myfavoritebisexual @charcoalvoid @xxprincesslancexx @meimagino @ok-panduh I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged in this 
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scifiphan · 7 years
92 Things About Me
tysm @sleepwalkerphan  for tagging me in this! it’s 2am and I’m procrastinating the heck out of writing so this is perfect lmao.
also I’ll put most of the things below the cut so keep reading if ya wanna know 92 fun facts about me
edit: this took me almost an hour to do and towards the end, I basically confess my entire life so have fun reading that lmao. like i seriously have a realisation about how idk what i’m doing with my life hahahaha
1. Drink : Water #stayhydrated 2. Phone call : mum 3. Text Message : a gif of phil being scared in bed (even my irl friends are trash) 4. Song You Listened To : currently listening to Taro - alt-J 5. Time You Cried : On sunday I cried over a renovation reality tv show (??? yeah idk either, bro) the apartments just looked so nice and the team I liked got kicked off the show.
6. Dated Someone Twice : nope 7. Been Cheated On : nope 8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It : YES (smh @ me) 9. Lost Someone Special : thankfully no 10. Been Depressed : i honestly don’t know. i think I have but am so freaking stubborn at admitting I have had depressive episodes in the past 11. Got Drunk And Thrown Up : YES OH MY GOODNESS I HAVE HAD SO MANY BAD TIMES. DON’T DRINK WINE AND THEN A MILKSHAKE AND THEN DANCE ON A BEACH. YOU WILL ONLY END UP THROWING UP IN A GARBAGE BIN OUTSIDE A KEBAB STORE (it wasn’t even after midnight, that’s the most embarrassing thing) 
12. Green 13. Pink 14. Turquoise
15. Made New Friends : yes!! so many new and amazing friends 16. Fallen Out Of Love : nope. 17. Laughed Until You Cried : laughing until I cry is me every time 18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You : yes (you would think that adults would stop teen behaviours lol) 19. Met Someone Who Changed You : yes, the last year included so much change. 20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are : Yes. Just gonna put it out there: traveling for an extensive period of time overseas really shows who your true friends are and who are the snakes. 21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List : hahahaha yes (too mant rip) 22.How Many Of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know In Real Life :  probably almost all of them (so like 550) only a few on there are my internet friends 23. Do You Have Any Pets : nope and I probs wont get another pet for a long long time 24. Do You Want To Change Your Name : NO!!!!!!! Teddii is a blessing although I would change my last name (it’s two surnames joined together and it makes life difficult because it’s so long) 25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday : went out for dinner at a mexican place, won a few dollars on the pokies and then went out clubbing (also i got a fine rip me) 26. What Time Did You Wake Up This Morning: 11am OOPS (i slept in and missed uni) 27. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night : probably making a gif 28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For : FINISHING UNI AND MOVING TO THE UK (hopefully to do my masters in global terrorism at the uni of london but if not i really wanna get a 1 year working visa and just do some hospitality work before I start a career) 29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother : like 4 hours ago when we were watching tv 30. What Is One Thing You Could Change About Your Life : I wish I had a UK passport, it would make life a lot easier for me if I had dual citizenship instead of a boring Australian passport 31. What Are You Listening To Right Now : alt-J, a live performance of Taro  32. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom : I know so many Tom’s it’s ridiculous 33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves : PEOPLE!!! WHO!! THINK!! THAT!! IF YOUR DEGREE!! ISN’T STEM!! THEN IT ISN’T!! HARD!!!! (i’m looking @ every friend who does a stem degree and always laughs at how my degree must be so easy because it doesn’t include math)
34. Most Visited Websites : tumblr, youtube, my uni’s website, facebook 35. Elementary : v great time, got bullied heaps but still had fun 36. High School : problematic fave. honestly my time at high school can fill a 500 page essay. being right next to a beach and river was actually gr8, the endless issues weren’t so good. 37. College/University : it has been a wild ride. I swapped degrees so I still have around 2 years left but uni has been my fave so far 38. Hair Colour : PINK!!!! (naturally ginger) 39. Long or Short Hair : long 40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone : nope (which is a shocker) 41. What Do You Like About Yourself : I like my individuality and independance 42. Piercings : 2x lobes, 1x helix, 1x nose. (i’m thinkng about getting my conch in a few weeks) 43. Blood Type : O+ 44. Nickname : ted, teddii bear, sideshow bob, cotton candy 45. Relationship Status : hella single 46. Zodiac Sign : Cancer (aka my birthday is soon hell yeah) 47. Pronouns : she/her. 48. Favourite Tv Show : STAR TREK: VOYAGER WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVOURITE 49. Tattoos : crescent moon on my right wrist (i sorta don’t like how it turned out but after a year I have grown to appreciate the meaning) 50. Right Or Left Hand : Left handed (aka another reason why Dan is my spirit animal)
51. Surgery : i got a bunch of teeth removed when I was like 4/5  52. Word : baba or ma  53. Sport : soccer  54. Vacation : i actually can’t remember my first vacation. probs Sydney tbh idk I went a lot of places when I was young 55. Pair Of Trainers : probably something Adidas tbh
56. Eating : nothing 57. Drinking : water 58. Reading : nothing at the moment besides uni textbooks 59. I’m About To : I should say sleep but I’ll probably just watch youtube 60. Listening To : Breezeblocks by alt-J (can you see a recurring theme with my music questions?) 61. Waiting For : GoT SEASON 7 AKA MY BIRTHDAY (honestly feel so blessed to grow older and watch new GoT on the same day) 62. Craving For : MONEYYYYYYY. ya girl is unemployed thanks to the bad habit of planning last minute overseas holidays 63. Do you wanna get married : eventually but at the same time it doesn’t worry me 64. Going To Do When You Get Older : ????? ?????? ????? you would think I would have an idea but tbh idk. I’m studying International Relations and I want to do a postgrad in global terrorism. But career wise I have no bloody idea. I would like to work in the UN or UNESCO or for the Australian Government in an embassy. but at the same time I also want to be a travel photographer and just ignore my degree (idk adult life is hard)
65. Hugs or Kisses : HUGS 66. Lips or Eyes : eyes! <3333 67. Short or Tall : tall guys!!! but short girls are my weakness!! 68. Young or Old : HA haHA HA old 69. Nice Arms Or Nice Stomach : slight preference for nice arms because tummys are cute no matter what 70. Sensitive or Loud : I am both of those things so, por que no las dos? 71. Hook Up or Relationship : relationship (although I can’t relate because i am eternally single) 72. Troublemaker or Hesitant : I prefer when people are upfront instead of hiding stuff from me so I guess that means troublemaker?
73. Kissed A Stranger : yes 74. Drank Hard Liquor : yes (love me some vodka) 75. Lost Eye glasses or contact lenses : not yet thankfully 76. Turned Someone Down : YES! (there is nothing wrong with turning people down.) 77. Sex On First Date : no 78. Broken Someone’s Heart : yes and I still feel bad 79. Had Your Heart Broken : yep 80. Been Arrested : yes (kind of, long story) 81. Cried When Someone Died : yes. although I tend to go more numb instead of crying. idk it’s weird because I cry about everything but death kinda makes me become numb 82. Fallen For A Friend : yes (oops)
83. In Yourself : yes although I need to believe in myself a lot more 84. Miracles : yes 85. Love At First Sight : yes and no. I believe it exists but I feel like a lot of people believe that they are experiencing love at first sight when in reality it is infatuation/lust. 86. Santa Claus : this question conflicts me because the logical side of me says no but the optimistic child side of me refuses to accept the truth 87. Kiss On The First Date : yeah 88. Angels : nah, not for me
89. Current best friend’s name : do i have a best friend? not really. again, it’s a weird time for me when it comes to friends. 90. Eye Colour : um blue with green and grey mixed in (it’s so hard to describe but yeah, those three) 91. Favourite singer/Band : Ed Sheeran, Mumford & Sons, al-J (i love them all a lot.) 92. Favourite Movie : Avatar. yes the blue alien one. It’s lame but I fell in love with the na’vi culture and it kinda helped get me obsessed with scifi.
And that’s a wrap!
If anyone actually read all that I hope you enjoyed my (very) late night confessions. Idk who to tag so if you see this and want to do it feel free to do so! Also, come hit up my inbox/messages if you wanna be my friend after reading this, I wanna make some friends on this hellsite
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beauticate · 6 years
Fiona Myer, Entrepreneur
It was perfect timing that just as we launched our brand new Interiors section, Melbourne doyenne Fiona Myer was kind enough to open up her beautiful Toorak home to us. She shared how her career began as a model in Paris (it’s not always glamorous, but it makes for a great story) and the path that has led her to her current cherished roles as founder and creative director of White Story, and long-time patron of the Victorian art scene. And yes, she tells us all about her go-to beauty products she uses to create her favoured “less is more” look, and some affordable ways to bring the outside into your own home.
“I found myself in Paris at 21 after being head hunted to join the Glamour agency. 
From there I travelled to some obscure parts of the world and have some amazing memories. Fashion shows on jumbo jets. Work in Beirut the day before war broke out. Barbados shooting swimwear, when the boat ran out of fuel while I was water skiing. I landed in a coral reef filled with sea urchin tentacles, and they took me off the shoot while I had each tentacle burned out over many days. There were hoax appointments, getting locked in cage lifts, a skiing shoot when the gondola closed due to high wind (the ski patrol was closed too, so we were left swaying recklessly well into the night). On that occasion I was lucky, because the shoot was for Courrèges and I was laden with fur coats. My clients included Yves Saint Laurent, Revillon, Sprung Frères... life was never dull.
After a good stint in Paris I came home to Australia, ready for a more grounded career.
Deciding to take a huge pay cut from modelling, I started work at the Georges Department Store in the promotions department. Outside of my life in Paris, Georges was my exposure to the world of couture. It was intoxicating working with the likes of Dior, Fendi, Lanvin, Givenchy and Celine. I was then headhunted down to Myer in Bourke Street to work as a fashion forecaster. After running a number of small businesses including luxury homewares from Myanmar and a collection of furniture, sleep wear and accessories, I have now taken on my biggest challenge of all: White Story.
It’s no surprise that retailing is a tough business, especially now.
We employ a vibrant, young team – I have emphasised employing people under 30. With my kids living away, it is the young team at White Story that get me out of bed in the morning. I feel needed and have a purpose. Without them realising it, they are keeping me young while teaching me the way of Gen Y.  
It’s my hope that in my small way, White Story can provide a platform for young people to move seamlessly from student life, to their first internship and subsequently their first job. 
My approach to beauty is simply less is more.
You would think after all those years of modelling I would apply makeup generously, but no - perhaps it was because I had it put on for me for all those years by professionals. One thing is for sure: the older you get, the less time you want to spend applying makeup. 
My daily routine always starts with washing my face in cold water and drinking a glass of warm water. I head off for a swim, then shower with Alpha Keri oil and moisturise with Actinica SPF 50+ lotion. Then I apply La Mer foundation, a light brush of bronzer, Trish McEvoy mascara and I’m out the door.
My go-to shop for cosmetics has to be Mecca.
Jo Horgan and her team have nailed it. It’s easy, it’s accessible and it has every brand and product I could possibly want, including my favourite Diptyque oversized candles. My favourite perfume is a toss up depending on my mood, though I like Laurent Mazzone Parfums O Des Soupirs or Diptyque Oyédo. I think Kiehl’s makes the ultimate hand cream, and in terms of treatments I always have Clarins Gentle Peeling Smooth Away Cream to hand. Then there is good old Dermaveen Soap Free Wash which I use as a makeup remover and finally BAKEL makeup remover for eyes (Ed. note: not currently available in Australia). What else is in my kit? By Terry’s Hyaluronic Hydra Primer, Trish McEvoy blush, NARS Orgasm blush, Trish McEvoy highlighter, and the Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting Pencil. 
My personal style is pared-back, clean and uncluttered – the way I would like to think my mind is!
My wardrobe is quite androgynous. Weekend wear is Givenchy menswear shirts and hipster jeans. Unwashed hair with little or no make up. After all, we spend our weekends at our farm and usually see no one. When it comes to dressing up, I’m in maxi evening pinafore dresses, either with a crisp white shirt or combining black organza and velvet. For the most part my go-to designers are young and unknown Japanese designers. When I’m committed to shopping I’m heading straight to Comme des Garçons, The Row, Victoria Beckham and Celine.
As I head towards 60 next November, I feel so blessed to have an incredibly supportive husband who keeps me sane.
We relax together. Week nights are bliss at home on our own. We light the fire in winter in my study, set the table at my old French leather desk, open up a full bodied red and say ahhhh - we talk for hours. Everything gets covered off in a full night: kids, holidays, White Story, the farm; there’s never nothing to talk about. It’s truthfully my favourite thing to do. My husband is after all my best friend. My other best friends are all living away – my children! The three of them are working either interstate or overseas, and I feel fortunate that they are all pursuing exciting opportunities and making own futures. 
I used to meditate religiously and I must get back into it. I’ve had a couple of months off and it shows. I’m so much calmer and more focused when I meditate.
I have always loved exercise. I swim daily come winter or summer – it is non-negotiable.
I walk to work and often meet a friend for brekky along the way. I am definitely not a gym junkie and gave Pilates away years ago. I need to be outdoors. 
I usually cook fish at home (normally salmon) with my own marinade of ginger, garlic, Tamari sesame oil, and maple syrup. I serve it with masses of wok veggies and my sweet potato purée, with added fresh ginger and a dash of sesame oil.
I’m lucky to have some wonderful health practitioners that help me through life.
I regularly have acupuncture and see a wonderful chiropractor. I have a weekly NET session with my kinesiologist to clear everything out. I just don’t have time to let small things get in my way. I also visit a bio-energiticist to keep me in check. Most GPs don’t get alternative healers. I find that my team sees the stuff doctors don’t find until you really have a problem.
I have been collecting art over 30 years, and for almost 20 years have supported the Victorian College of the Arts and Victoria University with scholarships, travel grants and awards for the students.
VU generously awarded me an honorary doctorate in recognition of this. Our family’s works are a mixture from emerging artists from VCA and VU, as well as locally and internationally recognised artists, sculptors and ceramicists. These include Polly Bolland, John Young, Peter Demetrius, Frog King, Robert Hunter, Philip Hunter, Chiharu Shiota, Yayoi Kusama, and Dale Frank to name a few. I also try and visit Hong Kong Art Basel annually. 
We host a Dom Pérignon event each year, and I think this will be our fifth year.
It all happened many years ago when the wonderful Deeta Colvin approached me. I love designing and visual merchandising and find large events like this so much fun to create. Each year I think up a theme, and we might feature anything from race horses at the party to models weaving through the crowds in our latest collection. I invite family and friends, business associates, people from the fashion industry, artists, politicians - the lot. It makes for an eclectic party and each person invited is a loyal Dom Pérignon drinker. 
Time not always being my best friend means inevitable last minute decisions – me running around right up until it starts is not unusual. Don’t laugh, but because the table arrangements are important to me I usually have the tables set days before so I can add and subtract until I feel happy. It’s a bit like sculpting my pots, you just don’t quite know what you’re going to get until it’s finished. Though mistakes are usually my best works.
Our house really comes to life when it is filled with plants and flowers.  
I like to bring inside whatever is in season. Although my life mantra is “less is more”, when it comes to floral arrangements and interiors in general I believe bountiful and generous is the way to go. For instance, I use masses of lilies (up to ten bunches) in one glass vessel. Whatever I use, I use in bulk. Whether it be burnt oak leaves or fruit, I stick to one variety and have multiples, which I find harmonious and peaceful. It’s less complicated and definitely no fuss.
They say “build a house, make a home”, and in my experience it takes years to truly make a home.
There are transitional periods in life (and in the state of your home) such as when or if you decide to have a family. As my family knows, a favourite line of mine is, “it’s a journey not a destination” - so even though now it’s just my husband and I here, I’m still making a home and I’m definitely still making a life. I want to bring on the next chapter with vigour and strength, and most of all, with love.”
Story by Zoe Briggs. Photography by Neiyo.
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
Over 2 million people are using a 'digital noticeboard' to hire strangers to do extravagant tasks and errands — and they involve stormtroopers and fried chicken
Over 13,000 people in the UK are using a new website to get people to do the tasks they don't have time to do.
While some tasks are mundane like cooking and cleaning, they can be more bizarre.
Past tasks have included dressing up as a stormtrooper to walk a bride down the aisle on her wedding day and flying to Texas to collect an engagement ring.
The UK is Airtasker's first market outside of Australia, where its Taskers earn more than $100 million AUD each year.
Over 2 million people around the world — and now thousands in the UK — are using a website to get people to do the tasks they don't have time to get around to (or never dreamed someone would do for them) — and some of them are pretty bizarre.
Over 13,000 people have signed up on Airtasker since it launched in the UK on March 12, its first market outside of Australia.
The "community marketplace" acts as a digital noticeboard of sorts to connect people and businesses with members of the local community who are able to complete tasks to earn some extra cash.
It has more than two million members globally, and claims its Taskers earn more than $100 million AUD through the platform each year.
The most common tasks — of which around 5,000 are uploaded every day around the world — involve cleaning, removal, or jobs for handymen, but some are certainly more creative.
In the first week following its UK launch, tasks being uploaded on the site included re-stringing a squash racket, creating a 100-question pub quiz, and even building a snowman in London's Finsbury Square for £55.
Since then, a lot of the tasks have been food-related.
Here, a Tasker tracked down a sold-out Waitrose chocolate avocado easter egg...
When you NEED the avocado Easter eggs but they’re sold out all over the city...get an Airtasker onto it! Tasker Agostina went above and beyond to hunt down these treats and get them delivered. Task complete! 🙌🏻🥑⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A post shared by Airtasker UK (@airtaskeruk) on Mar 28, 2018 at 1:55am PDT on Mar 28, 2018 at 1:55am PDT
...While another found and delivered two tubs of Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sultra Core within an hour.
Thank you @miafreedman @mamamiaaus for the suggestion to try @airtasker we put the call out for someone to deliver us @benandjerrysoz and within an hour we had 2 tubs delivered!!! Best day ever!!! #benandjerrys #airtasker #delivery #icecream #success #winningatlife
A post shared by Penny Maree (@penny_maree) on Aug 21, 2015 at 8:02pm PDT on Aug 21, 2015 at 8:02pm PDT
Stormtroopers, engagement rings, and fried chicken
Lucas London, Airtasker's UK Country Manager, said: "The traction in terms of tasks/earning opportunities that we’ve seen in the first two weeks in London is what took us two years to achieve in Australia."
The standard of request is even more bizarre in Australia, where tasks have included flying to Texas to collect an engagement ring, dressing up as a stormtrooper to walk a bride down the aisle on her wedding day, and being paid to find the best fried chicken in Sydney. The company expects this to become the case in the UK, too.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Paul, Airtasker CTO, wanted his first EVER task to be something costume related and FINALLY his dream came true today he walked a beautiful bride down the aisle as a stormtrooper... Congrats to the happy couple 💒 👰🏻🤵🏻 #airtasker #getmoredone #likeaboss #weddingfun #airtaskerwedding #starwars #thelastjedi #stormtrooper #outsourcing #friday #fridayfun #wedding
A post shared by Airtasker (@airtasker) on Dec 7, 2017 at 7:28pm PST on Dec 7, 2017 at 7:28pm PST
That's according to Sydney-born Airtasker cofounder and CEO Tim Fung, who told Business Insider he came up with the idea while chasing success in more traditional ways.
After university, he started his career at investment bank Macquarie. "My soul was crushed, but I learned a lot of great things," he said.
In 2009, he decided he wanted to do something more creative, and joined modelling agency Chic Management — which has worked with the likes of Miranda Kerr — with the goal of being "like [Hollywood agent] Ari Gold from 'Entourage.'"
He also jumped at an opportunity to work on a telecom startup, Amaysim, which he called "like Ryanair in the mobile world."
The idea for Airtasker didn't come about until 2011 when Fung was moving apartments in Sydney.
"I asked one of my friends, Ivan, to come help me move. He runs a chicken nugget factory and he had a truck," he said.
Fung realised that instead of asking friends and family to help us with tasks like moving, assembling furniture, and packing boxes, there's no reason why we can't be asking members of the community who could stand to make some extra cash.
"In our community, we tend to have really low trust," he said. "People are pessimistic about people in their community and talk about them like they're strangers.
"[This is about putting] some simple systems in place to be able to trust people in your community."
Airtasker has raised $67 million in funding to date, according to the company.
It employs around 165 people around the world and completed a $35 million funding round in October last year for its UK launch.
Fung says some Taskers are earning $5,000 AUD (around £3,000) or more a month.
"You can definitely make a viable career out of it," he said. "Our highest earner made £95,000 in 12 months last year."
How it works
It's a demand-driven marketplace, according to Fung, which means users can say exactly what they're looking for and have people come to them rather than the other way around.
"It's not an agency model where you give your job to the agency and they go and find you someone," he said. "All of the tasks on Airtasker are proactive buy-in — rather than the jobs getting pushed, the jobs just exist and the workers can jump on."
It's free to post a task or sign up as a Tasker.
Once you post a task, you'll receive offers from Taskers, then can pick the one that's right for your job.
Get exactly what you need done, on demand, on Airtasker - launching soon in the UK! What would you get done first?? Get £35 credit and get ready to #outsourceit at airtasker.co.uk/launch 🙌🏻🏓
A post shared by Airtasker UK (@airtaskeruk) on Feb 25, 2018 at 4:30am PST on Feb 25, 2018 at 4:30am PST
Taskers can add a number of verification badges to their profiles — including trade licenses, ID checks, and background checks — to promote themselves on the platform.
"The minimum is a verified phone number. We use more community verification vs. being a centralised background checking business," he said, adding that their verifications come along with reviews of the jobs they've done.
The more badges Taskers have, the more they're able to charge.
"60% of the tasks are not awarded to the person who makes the lowest offer — most of the time people are choosing people who have a bit more skill," he said.
However, the amount of experience and level of verification required is up to you. "It's no different to if you were hiring someone outside of Airtasker," Fung said.
"Of course if you’re having someone come into your house like a babysitter, you want checks done. If you want 20 people to be extras in a movie or hand out flyers in the street, you probably don’t want such rigorous checks."
You pay by credit card when you accept an offer, and once the job has been completed you hit a "release" button and the funds get transferred to the Tasker right away.
If the Tasker has done a great job, you can choose to leave them a bonus and if a task took longer or less time than expected, both parties can agree to adjust the price.
Robots and transparency
While some of the tasks are pretty bizarre — one Australian woman offered $500 AUD for someone willing to give her a secret pasta sauce after losing her grandmother's famous recipe — Fung said the site has a number of tools in place to ensure things don't get out of hand.
Users must agree to the site's guidelines when they register and can flag anything they see on the site as "inappropriate."
Cynthia knows where it's at - she's downloaded the Airtasker app to #getmoredone. Find out how to outsource your to-do list at airtasker.co.uk . . . . . #Airtasker #getmoredone #outsource #todolist #todolists #onmytodolist #pingpong #ikeahack #wwyd #freelance #gigeconomy #hustle #sidehustle #gethelp #london #workthatworks #ondemand #efficient #pingpongtable #app #bestappever #efficiency #solution #mondaymotivation
A post shared by Airtasker UK (@airtaskeruk) on Mar 26, 2018 at 12:52am PDT on Mar 26, 2018 at 12:52am PDT
Fung said Airtasker has also developed an AI robot, called Alan, who "has learned from tasks that have been posted before, can predict what isn’t going to meet our community guidelines, and pulls down stuff that’s not appropriate."
He said the staff look at the tasks Alan has pulled down to determine whether or not they're OK to be on the site.
Insurance partner XL Catlin also covers cover Taskers for personal injury or property damage whilst completing a task.
"We don’t want it to become something like Craigslist has become in some areas of the world," Fung added. "The number one thing for us is to create a culture of transparency."
SEE ALSO: How 2 Goldman Sachs investment bankers quit their jobs and raised £5 million to cook meals for dogs — including the pets of celebrities
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