ask-bigsistermoon · 2 years
❇ hey Moon i made a very bad mistake. I mean its kinda not my fault but still it is my fault to some extent . i was messing around with how adaptable and good at surviving to say it the simplest. i can make my avatars because i was bored . well the answer is : EXTREMELY ADAPTABLE and well i made 3? new avatars... Accualy 2 avatars all of the avatars i made were put to a test of how good at surviving they are . their goal was : SURVIVE UNDER ANY CONDITIONS. All of them passed with 100% . to put them on that test i needed to cut my connection to them making them seperate enteties that can operate without me pozzesing them . i. Was observing each one of them with my overseer avatar to see how well are they at what i made them good at . after the test i regained the connection to them and they stopped being a seperate entity. I i would like to add that i was kinda basing these avatars off creatures from my world and other universes . well theres where the mistake occured or rather i say an error. The third avatar. The one that was doing WAY better than the first and second and must i say it was too good at surviving and adapting went rouge . by that i mean i was unable to regain connection to it - im not able to control it , the " avatar" became its own thing. i made a monster Moon. i didnt even wanna use this avatar i was planning on getting rid of it because it was just... Really hard to control it even before cutting connection. the ' avatar' looks as if Carrion moster from Carrion had an unholy child with Rot and some poor slugcat , its as big as a Miros bird at least the main body because the Legs can change their lenth ,it had the ability of the weird insects from the paincones - it can immobilize a red lizard in seconds , it also has the ability of Spitter Spider-paralizing darts , and big spider - it can revive itself for a short amout of time , and of course Long legs great hearing and the legs if it grabs you therses no escapin it , it also has way too many fucking mouths and eyes it grew them after i lost connection to it , it also can regenerate by eating . it can eat anything , its really smart too . i pray to whatever cruel god there is that this thing cant reproduce even tho i dont believe in god . its currently near Pebbles leg in the memory crypts massacaring Miros birds and i think its heading his way. This avatar is REALLY agressive and it should be killed under any circumstances . killing it in a way that it wont revive itself with its ability should do the trick because i didnt connect these avatars to the cycle before the test at least i hope ,i didnt connect them . i sent a similar message to NSH and a warning to pebbles because no way in hell would he believe me if i explained it to him like i explained it to you and NSH . also i think its good to add that this thing doent give a f about the rain it does nothing to it . it just walks around like its nothing while it rains eating any poor animal that didnt menage to find shelter before the rain came . its also not blind unlike DLL heres the picture of this frobbiten spaghetti monster avatar that i took with my overseer avatar , it was kinda hard to get a good picture of it because it tried to eat the overseer avatar :
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Also happy halloween 🎃 i think i should name the overseer avatar i had it for how long? A week , two weeks?? And it still doesnt have a proper name . i mean this thing doent have a name either . im gonna go warn Pebbles. Also idn how long it will the jellyfish take NSH said they will tell me when theire done❇
Oh, I see.. Im afraid I cannot help you, no matter how much I'd want to.. Quite an interesting creature tho.. Fits these seasons perfectly..
(Beautiful beast tho, 10/10. Love the shit)
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ask-bigsistermoon · 2 years
Alright so glitter is kinda like paper except I think it's foil? Idk what it's made of tbh. But it's super tiny flecks of it that are usually brightly colored and shiny, and is known for being a pain to deal with because if any gets in your room, you're gonna be finding it for years. Pain as in difficult in this case by the way, I'm not sure what kinda slang y'all have there so I figured I'd specify, the intent is to annoy, not harm. So a glitter bomb pretty much explodes the glitter everywhere where it's at, so his walls and probably even him will be covered in glitter.
Oh, I see. I doubt he'd enjoy that, seems like something NSH would do. I'd like to see the outcome tho.
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ask-bigsistermoon · 2 years
Quickly runs back in with a somehow still (albeit barely) alive jetfish, gives it to you, and scuttles off to find more gifts
O-Oh.. thank you.. little creature... I.. suppose.
Perhaps I can give it to some other creature as food..
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ask-bigsistermoon · 2 years
thoughts, feelings, and emotions on mushrrooms?
Oh, I personally don't really have any thoughts on mushrooms, I personally never tried them. Five pebbles quite frequently uses them tho.
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