inapigseye-blog · 10 years
He looked like Vaako. But Not-Vaako was warmer, not so pale-as-death. He did seem to have the same stick up his ass, which caught Riddick's eye. Seemed this 'verse had a grumpy Not-Vaako who needed harassing. And since he'd been sent off to die following Vaako's disappearance, it seemed fitting that he find someone to harass in his place. The ex-con approached the dark haired man and raised a brow. "Y'look like someone I know." Not his most original, but he didn't care.
Len kept a wary eye on the big man as he tried to run his tricorder over him.  The readings were very strange and he scowled as he tried to make sense of them.  Wherever this guy was from, it wasn't from anywhere in the database and that made Len leery.  That and he looked like he could break anyone, except maybe Spock, without even breaking a sweat.
"I do?"  Len raised an eyebrow, finally setting the tricorder down.  "I feel sorry for whoever it is."  He swallowed but kept his spot, not letting the man sense any fear on him.  He hoped.  This guy looked like a killer.  "I'm Dr. McCoy and you are?"  
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heartofthenecromonger · 10 years
"Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes." He smirked. "Keepin' that hubby'a yours in line?"
She looked him up and down, then smirked.  ”He’s never been out of line, at least not with me.  You on the other hand…”  Reaching out, she ran a fingernail down his chest.  ”You would be a handful.  You’re the one that needs someone to keep you in line.”
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lordmarshalvaako · 10 years
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furyan-animal-side liked your photo:URL Change: lordmarshalvaako is...
Still watching me, Buttercup?
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thegrimmdrmccoy · 10 years
Continued from here
John eyed the food but ignored it.  He wasn't hungry or thirsty, he could go long without than most people and as soon as Riddick gave him a chance, he was going to show him what a mistake this was.  His eyes narrowed.  The fucking reports.  Obviously Riddick thought he knew what was going on but he didn't, they were camouflage in case someone came up on them.  Betraying Riddick was not the plan, no matter what the big guy thought but of course he wouldn't listen to John, wouldn't believe him.  Fuck.  
Why did he think he could trust the bastard?  He was slipping, he'd been on his own too long and now he was paying for it.  You'd think he would've learned by now, especially after the Sarge and Olduvai fiasco.  Well, that was one lesson he was learning the hard way and he'd never do it again.  He jerked his head, hoping the asshole would at least lower the gag even if he didn't unlock the cuffs.  The movement rubbed something against his neck and his eyes went wide for a moment.
God damn son of a bitch!  Riddick put a fucking collar on him?  Where'd he even get it?  It didn't matter, the big man was going to treat him like a prisoner or a pet but Riddick was going to find out that he had teeth and claws.  He mumbled, jerking his chin again.  If he lucked out and Riddick got close enough, maybe he could show him that he wasn't totally helpless even like this.
Continued from here
I'm not your damned dog!
The cuffs had been the best part, though Riddick had seriously considered attempting to find another collar to put on Reaper.  And then he’d improvised, finding a belt.  He’d cut the thing, cut holes into it and while the man was still unconscious, he’d secured it around Reaper’s neck.  He’d still need to get a legit collar if he meant to attach a leash, though he didn’t hold any illusions that it would be enough to hold Reaper.  
Fucker was strong.
Riddick pulled out a nutrient bar and the flask and set them where Reaper could see them.  He’d tease for now, ‘til he knew just how badly the other man wanted the food and drink.  Surely, he’d eventually need to empty his bladder.  Or wanna lay down.  He’d tame the man.
"This is as much for you, as me."  He said quietly.  "Saw the reports, Reaper. Knew you were gonna fuck me over.  I don’t do well when I know someone’s gonna fuck me over."  Besides, in his logic, this was doing the man a favor.  He could very easily have just spaced him.  By Riddick’s logic, he was saving the man a lot of trouble.
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lordmarshalvaako · 10 years
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furyan-animal-side replied to your post
Poor V… that your kicked Necro face?
I know it's a lot to ask, since you probably can't count that high, but do you think you can give me one good reason not to punch you in the throat?
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lordmarshalvaako · 10 years
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furyan-animal-side replied to your post
He laughs out loud. “You love me, V. Otherwise it wouldn’t irk ya so badly that I can tie your pretty ass up.”
I'd ask you to share whatever drugs you took to believe that, but you would.
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lordmarshalvaako · 10 years
This is NOT Happening - Vaako and Riddick
His mouth was dry, tasting like dust and old leather. His muscles stiff, and his bones ached. The dull pounding of his heart echoed in his ears. It was the only sound other than his ragged breathing. Vaako’s eyes felt crusted, and he was reluctant to open them. He’d never been one to wake up quickly from cryo-sleep. None of the Legion Vast were, Vaako suspected it had something to do with the conversion process, and it was one of the reasons the fleet came into a solar system slowly. It gave them time to adjust to having their own blood flowing in their veins.
But the biggest problem was his memory. Vaako did not remember ordering the fleet into hyperspace.
“What?” he wanted to ask when he finally opened his faded hazel eyes, but he found himself gagged, bound by more than the cryo gear. And this was not the flagship of the Necromonger Armada. It was a small skip, barely big enough for half a dozen men. He struggled briefly out of reflex although he knew damned well he could not break free.
Bastard! He screamed through the gag at man with the shaved head in the pilot’s seat. 
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thegrimmdrmccoy · 10 years
Continued from here.
"Fast with some heavy guns on it."  He knew that having a good ship would make the difference between surviving or not so he'd managed to find a way to get one.  Sharing with Riddick might be a mistake but he'd rather have the big man on his ship instead of being on Riddick's ship.  Safer that way.  "I think you have some information that I need, that's part of the reason why I'm going through with this."
He snorted, shaking his head.  "Probably a little bit of both, though probably more touched than brave."  Looking over his shoulder, he nodded in the direction of his ship.  "So you can take a look at my ship, see what you think and then we can figure out where the hell we're going."  He needed a destination of some sort and he turned back to the big man.
"Also, if we're on my ship, no one will find you and if they do I'll just tell them you're my prisoner."  He gave Riddick a wicked grin.  "And if they don't believe me I'll make sure they know what a mistake that is."
Good Boy
"Course I got my own."  He snorted.  There was always an exit strategy.  Riddick hadn’t lived as long as he had by being unprepared.  It was stolen, of course, but that was all he had available to him.  Couldn’t buy shit, because he never had any money. ��Stealing was never a hundred percent, but generally he could get in and get out without anyone noticing.
Though the odd death did happen around him.  
"Dunno what kind’a ship you got, Reaper."  And it wasn’t that he didn’t trust the guy.  He didn’t.  But he needed to know what sort of firepower Reaper had at his fingertips. Would it last better in deep space versus his?  It was little better than the short-range undercutter that he’d stolen from Toombs, so damned long ago.  But it got him where he needed to go.
"So you’re wantin’ to come hang out with me, huh?"  Riddick found himself genuinely curious about that.  He wasn’t exactly cozy company, after all.  Ex-con, murderer, asshole; he was bad news to most.  And everyone who spent any time around him, it seemed, died.  "You’re either really fuckin’ brave, or you’re touched in the head."  But he wouldn’t say no.  The guy was a puzzle and Riddick was interested in figuring out what made him the way he was.
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lordmarshalvaako · 10 years
Continued from HERE.
As if he hasn't before, and the clothes he's wearing are probably from a dead man as well. Vaako's clouded green eyes narrowed when Riddick tossed about what he thought was an insult about warming his sheets. But instead of blustering as he had about the collar, the First Commander simply smirked and bowed his head slightly. 
"The Dame has been taken to our chambers." Vaako stood taller, meeting those shining eyes when Riddick tried to make him cower once more, but he refused to back down completely. There was a difference to serving and being a servant.
"She is a fragile creature." Who was not to be trusted, and she would slither into Riddick's bead to try to control him if she had the chance, and that was something Vaako could not allow. It was her due time, and Vaako would be the one to send her to her death once he had the chance. "I will explain our faith to you if you like, perhaps while I'm warming your sheets." 
Lord and Master - Vaako and Riddick
"You really think I’m gonna sleep on some dead guy’s sheets?"  He would, and had, but bein’ in charge of the tin-can army meant he had benefits.  Riddick grinned.  "You gonna come warm those sheets for me too?  Or do I get to watch you walkin’ around all hang-dog ‘cause you ain’t gettin’ any from the missus?  Noticed she wasn’t too happy ‘bout my sendin’ ol’ Whatshisface to an early grave."
He caught the bitterness.  You keep what you kill.  V’d been vying for the throne.  The thought made Riddick grin wickedly.  ”So tell me, V.. how’s it feel to get beat out by.. what was it you called me?  A breeder?”  He chuckled and sauntered closer.  “‘Fraid I’m gonna drive your ship into the sun or somethin’?”  Oh, this was gonna be fun!
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