#loscar Royal au
flyingcakeee · 4 months
Some more Loscar Royal au
“Can you ask Father for an English tutor for me? I believe I will need to understand some English if this marriage is to keep Deutschland safe,” Logan explained, looking at the slightly taller alpha in the eyes.
“I will let your father know of your request,” Jenson said with a nod. “Is there anything else?”
“That was all, I very much appreciate you doing this for me, Knight,” Logan smiled, giving a slight bow in appreciation.
Jenson bowed back, turning around and continuing on his journey to get the supplies his father requested a few minutes earlier. Logan continued to the kitchen, once again, greeting a few maids or servants as he went his way.
Logan was never usually this talkative, a very shy omega. He preferred to have his father speak for him, always hiding behind him when he was much younger. He grew accustomed to his grandfather, King Toto, and his uncle, Prince Sebastian, but he refused to even talk to anyone else. Rarely did he speak to anyone but his father, Sir Jenson, and his waiting maid. Yes, he did speak when required or when he felt it was more necessary for him to do, but he absolutely would rather be reading poetry, or drawing flowers, and painting landscapes, or playing one of the few instruments he knew. However, Logan had been challenged to open up a bit, not going to be able to hide behind his father anymore.
After stealing a roll from the kitchen, Logan hurried himself to the ballroom where he could practice his instruments again, it also being the place he is most usually in case his father wanted to speak with him. He quickly finished the roll, dusting any lingering crumbs off before he slid through the door of the ballroom, shutting it gently behind.
The ballroom was always Logan's favorite place in the estate, finding it nice to relax as it was seldomly used, the candles within the chandelier having not been lit since Logan was 12. Logan sat on the stool for his harp, looking around at the paintings which littered the ceiling. Logan would never have left this place if he were given an option, would rather die a virgin than be married off. That, that was the life Logan desired most of all. A life where Logan could do the things which pleased him most without the eyes of anyone judging him.
Before Logan could begin playing, the door opened slightly and his father appeared, shutting the door once he spotted Logan.
“Hello, my dove,” he greeted, slowly making his way to where Logan sat. “There is something I need to address you on over this marriage, I'm afraid.”
And some quick little notes:
• I thought it would be interesting to swap the ages because, hey, why tf not?
• Originally was supposed to be a different ship but didn't like it so, oops 😊 (I started with 3 different ships so I just hope this one survives)
• This is merely the prologue as its setting the stage for chapter 1 which will take place when Logan is somewhere in his 20's, haven't decided when
•I will definitely try my best to post it on AO3 🫡
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flyingcakeee · 4 months
A little thing I'm working on, unsure if I should continue it or not.
If Logan’s father was not a prince, Logan’s life would have been far more “normal”. Logan rarely got to do anything other omegas did. Logan was forced to wear heavy, exotic-materialed, large dresses, not the simple ones he longed to wear since he was first in the town with his father. Omegas were taught basic skills by their mothers; how to be a proper omega, how to cook, how to be a gentle soul, how to crochet or knit or sew, how to be a supporting figure for other omegas. Logan was not taught any of that,he only had his father. Because of this, Logan was stuck being taught by tutors throughout his entire life; he being taught how to be a proper German princess, how to write and read, how to properly eat, how to dance, how to play the violin, and piano, and cello, and harp, how to do any royal duties if it was asked of him to do. And with all of his tutors being betas, Logan never learned proper body education until two years after his first heat, never learning how to nest until he inquired about it when his father was busy talking in the village. Logan longed to have been normal, having always been of interest by the entire kingdom. Logan just wishes he wasn’t Princess Logan, son of Prince Nico.
Logan never asked to be born an omega, never asked to be a political pawn, never asked for anything really. If anything, Logan was taught how to always accept gifts with a smile, to always be smiling. Logan always had to be thankful and smiling.
Snapping out of his daydream with a sigh, he set his pen back down in the dish, placing the lid back on the ink, and pushed his paper to the edge of the desk, standing up and making his way to his the kitchen to see if there maybe was a snack he could take before supper. While passing his father’s study on the way to the kitchen, he overheard his father’s conversation with stopped him, causing him to eavesdrop.
“I’m afraid I don’t truly know what to do with him, Jenson,” his father groaned. “His poor soul doesn’t know anything about life, still! His mother died before he was 2 and left me raising him alone! He cannot marry at 18, it’s not sensible. Logan is far too young for an Alpha who is currently 25. He’ll hurt him, I know it!”
“Sire,” Jenson, the alpha who always accompanied his dad, began, “you’ve never met this prince. You should not overthink, you should instead inquire with His Majesty if you can maybe arrange a meeting with the prince.”
“Oh, Jenson, I wish it were that easy! I cannot have my dove meet the prince so early, he hasn’t even reached his 16th birthday. And what if he were to play a facade, take my trust and break it once he has his hands on my dove? I cannot allow it! I was foolish to allow the court to pressure me into giving up my only child, I do not wish to be foolish again.”
“You could have Princess Logan sit in the estate until you believe that he is ready, as you are too. Say she has a serious illness and cannot be married to the prince just yet. If we confine her to the estate, nobody shall know that it is not the truth.”
“What would I do without you, Jenson? Can you fetch me my best ink and paper, I shall write to my father and address him on my plans.”
“Yes, sire.”
Logan quickly hurried away from the door, not wishing to be caught on his eavesdropping. He was definitely not taught how to be as sneaky as he was, rather it being an acquired skill he developed himself. Logan always knew his father cared about him, trying as hard as he could to raise the poor boy all alone.
Anyways, soon to be Loscar Royal Au? Idk, I'm tired 🥰
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