#loser drinking from the egg is very much an inside joke that only exists in my mind
cephaloprincess · 1 year
i neeeed to see your loser gijinka going fishing....or grilling.....she is so
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AN EXCUSE TO DRAW A WHOLE BUNCH OF LOSERS... dont mind if i do...!
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 114 prt 1
It snowed as they slept, a tangle of limbs. Lance fell asleep in the bath, Keith carrying him back to the bed where he stripped off the dirty quilt and roused Lance enough to coax him under the blankets. They’d woken some time before dawn, the sex slow, sleepy and sweet, before falling back to sleep holding each other. Waking the following morning, Lance was shaking with the cold. Keith tucking the blankets around him as he fetched their gear from outside. Everywhere was dyed white. The lights on in the main cabin, but it was too early to human. Keith grabbing up their things and darting back inside, it was fucking freezing out there, barely past dawn. Sleepily Lance called to him
“I’m here”
He wasn’t about to wander off naked
“It’s cold”
“I know, I’m coming back to bed now”
“‘kay... miss you”
Lance was still cold when it came time actually get up. Keith running them a warm bath. His boyfriend clinging to him as he carried him into the bathroom. He liked Lance being clingy, but those fingers of his were no joke. Getting Lance into the bath, his boyfriend whined softly when Keith didn’t join him right away. Keith hadn’t had his coffee yet, the fact Lance wasn’t dropped was a birthday miracle. Maybe he was magically cured... Nah. That wasn’t going to happen over night
“It’s alright, babe. I’m going to grab us some clothes to wear”
“Mmm, okay... but don’t be too long”
Heading back into the bedroom, Keith dumped their things out on their bed, finding Lance had hidden his present to him under all their clothes. He didn’t want to open it. Not yet. Not until he was awake to function. It was hard to ignore though. Lance had really nice handwriting, his name on a little gift card signed from his boyfriend with a heart. Forcing himself to grab them something to wear, he came back to the bathroom with the gift still on his mind. In his absence Lance started dozing in the tub... looking adorable as he did, surrounded by the bubbles that came from the provided body wash.
Joining Lance led to bath sex... Lance’s skin smooth and oily from the bubble bath, his boyfriend whining softly at the hot water slipping inside of him, not that that stopped him. It was slow sex with plenty of kisses and Lance doing the hard work. It’d taken him three and a half weeks to be intimate with Lance again. He regretted not being ready sooner, especially in the wake of Lance’s breakdown, yet his boyfriend had calmed a lot since he’d started rubbing and touching his stomach more. They were being those kinds of parents, taking photos weekly as Lance’s stomach began to grow. Not that you could tell at the moment. The small amount of pudge still looked as if Lance had eaten too much, not that he was carrying a baby. He got what Lance meant about being physical, but he was also kind of glad they hadn’t rushed into immediately upon finding out they were expecting.
Lance was more awake after they’d had sex. His boyfriend dried his hair, then wanted to dry him down, peppering kisses to Keith’s scars. Lance never pushed on them, instead he seemed to know that some had stories Keith wanted forget. His kisses like he was trying to heal the hurt behind them. When they were dressed, and Lance had had his vitamin injection, Keith carried him to the main cabin seeing they’d left Lance’s boots their the previous night, Lance holding on for dear life as Keith’s pre-coffee clumsy was strong.
In the main cabin breakfast was underway. Pidge nursing her coffee as she sat at the dining table. Kosmo was already making a pest of himself as Hunk and Shay made breakfast, his dog lolling his head back to acknowledge their existence but the call of bacon was too strong. Matt and Rieva were in front of the fireplace. Shiro and Curtis cuddles up on the sofa. This was nice... nice, but Keith felt kind of left out seeing they were the last to arrive
“We thought about sending a rescue party to find you”
Lance climbed out of his hold, shivering as his feet touched the cold wood floors
“Totally my fault. Needed a bath to warm up... stupid snow”
Lance flashed their friends a smile. Keith feeling worse about things seeing it was fake... Keeping up appearances was hard and unfair. Shiro chuckled
“It’s a cold one. Matt and Rieva were straight in front of the fireplace. There’s coffee left for Keith”
Lance kissed his cheek
“Here that, babe, you better get some coffee in you while I put my boots back on”
“Can you two not be gross before breakfast?”
Keith rolled his eyes at Pidge. She was just jealous she wasn’t here with her partner. The thought sticking with him as Lance walked over to the fireplace. Pidge wasn’t dating anyone. He hoped she didn’t feel any less wanted there, because he wanted her there
“Leave Keith alone. He’s allowed to be gross in his birthday weekend”
Flipping Shiro off, Keith cautiously shuffled into the kitchen, Shay an angel as she passed him a cup of coffee, giggling at the happiness on his face
“Shiro already warned me I better have it ready”
“Babe, he’s as bad as Pidge when doesn’t have her”
Shay giggled at being called “babe”. Lance was right. Hunk and Shay were very well suited together. Taking his first mouthful of coffee, he found it lukewarm, meaning he could drain the whole cup. Hunk noticing
“There’s coffee next to the kettle. The milk’s in the fridge. It’s lactose free, Lance made sure to tell us repeatedly, as if we forget”
“Thanks, guys. You didn’t have to go to the effort”
Pidge snorted from the table
“Dude, you’re our friend. We do nice things for the people we actually like. Everyone else can go fuck themselves”
Matt and Shiro both called out in synch
The kind of timing that couldn’t be brought. Grumpily Pidge leaned back in her chair, cradling her coffee
“Blow me”
“Blow you what?”
Matt was the only one game enough to mess with her. Keith making for the coffee and the kettle, dying for another cup and this time hopefully warm. This wasn’t a bad way to spend a birthday at all... Not now he had caffeine starting to drive the blood out of his caffeine system.
Feeding Lance for the morning proved slightly difficult. Shay was in the kitchen, meaning he could go pouring blood into Lance’s morning shake. Instead he had to be covert. Making like he was putting away the milk, he hovered near the fridge, pouring out too much blood into the shake cup. He then had to use both hands and some very awkward body language to hide the contents as he added the shake powder. On a cold day it was probably better for Lance to have more blood than he needed, though he didn’t know if it’d make his boyfriend short the rest of their stay. Topping the shake up with water, he snapped the lid into place, shaking it as he carried it over to Lance who was sitting near the fire now he had his boots on. A normal person would be sweating from the heat
“Babe, food”
Lance eyed the shaker bottle with defeat. Matt shaking his head as the concoction
“I don’t think I want to ask”
“Have to hide breakfast somehow”
“Leave him alone to eat in peace”
“But, babe...”
“You finish that sentence, Matthew Holt, and I’ll put you out in the snow to pee like Kosmo”
Matt pouted at Rieva. Lance shooting Rieva a smile. Keith not jealous... He wasn’t. He simply needed more coffee
“Am I making pancakes?!”
Calling out from where he’d been frying eggs and bacon, Hunk laughed as they all called back “yes”. They really felt like a weird family... a weird family that he wasn’t sure he deserved.
With the baby, work and Lance, letting himself be distracted from his birthday blues was easier this year. Lance knew his past, knew not to push and when he needed that push. Shiro hadn’t pushed... Keith still feeling down about it especially between the ultrasound and the weekend, the feeling kind of like nothing good could possibly come from it and it was all going to be a big joke. That everyone was faking caring and there’d be no cabin. He felt dumb for doubting his friends... but some things were so ingrained that all the love in the world from his friends’ wasn’t going to magically break down those walls or heal the damage in an instant. All of these people being here for him scared him. He liked all of them... and they all liked him... he found a place here and he never wanted to lose it.
Settling down at the dining table with this cup of coffee, Pidge punched him in the arm
“What did I do now?”
“Birthday punches. Normally you punch the person however many times they are old, but I need more coffee for that”
“Thanks... I think?”
“You’re welcome. I’ve got your present in my bag. What did Lance give you?”
“I haven’t opened it yet...”
“Shit. I could have gotten in first... Guys, Keith hadn’t opened anyone’s present yet! He’s still fair game”
Was that a thing?
“Pidge, leave him alone. Besides, I booked the holiday!”
“You just want Keith all to yourself. I’m into your McClain!”
“He is my boyfriend!”
“Finders keepers, losers weepers”
Pidge flipped Lance off. Curtis laughing at the pair of them
“With your compatibility, I am sure you would find Keith most agreeable to keep. Though he is more compatible with Lance. You’d both murder each other over the first cup of coffee for the day”
Pidge wrinkled her nose
“If I have to share my coffee like that, you can keep him”
Lance enthusiastically claiming him
“Done! He’s mine! But I left his present in his bag...”
He didn’t need presents... He didn’t need anything. Being here with them... he’d never had this like this...
“Guys... you don’t have to give me presents. You being here is enough”
Pidge raised an eyebrow
“Dude. It’s free stuff”
“I don’t need a lot”
She wasn’t backing down
“Shut up. You do too. Now drink your coffee birthday boy”
Breakfast was loud. There were discussions and firm plans put in place for a snowball fight, and something about maybe making snow men, Hunk bragging a little about his skills. Lance hadn’t taken the delicious scents as well as the others, his boyfriend slipping off to throw up, missing the second half of things before Keith went to check on him. Hunched over the toilet, Lance smiled at him weakly
“You shouldn’t be worrying on your birthday”
“I came to check you’re okay”
“Better... just letting the cabin air a bit before... nope... never mind”
Throwing up again, his boyfriend weakly gripped the toilet as he did. Keith hated seeing him like this, and he hated he couldn’t do anything about Lance’s morning sickness. Sitting himself down behind Lance, he wrapping his arm around him, rubbing the taunt muscles of his stomach
“I feel like I should apologise”
Lance hacked and spat, sounding throughly done as he did, before letting himself relax back against Keith
“You don’t need to. You’ve done nothing wrong”
“Nope. It’s your birthday. None of that”
“You’re being stubborn again”
“Because I’m okay. I feel better than I have in a while... other than this...”
“This is kind of my fault”
“It takes two to make a macaroon. You should be more worried about Pidge in a snow ball fight. She shows no mercy, even to her team”
“She did seem pretty keen”
“Personally I think she can’t wait to rain hell down on Matt”
“I can see that. Are you up for it?”
“Traipsing around in the cold? Ugh... maybe I’ll umpire”
“We need one?”
“You know Pidge will accuse Matt of cheating. This wasn’t supposed to... I mean... I didn’t think it’d snow so soon”
“It’s fine...”
“Mmmm... maybe. No one made a fuss, did they?”
“Nah. Shay’s the only one who doesn’t know human food doesn’t stay down”
“I really want to bring her in to sign a non-disclosure, but she deserves a life where she doesn’t have to fear the dark”
“I think she could handle it... Hunk wants to tell her”
“It’s not fair on him”
They both fell silent for a moment, Keith rubbing at Lance’s belly. This birthday was so weird. His next birthday he’d be father...
“Babe... I know birthdays aren’t the best for you, but I hope you still make some good memories of today”
“I already am... I... kind of feel weird having everyone together because of me”
“That’s because we all love you, silly. You deserve every happy moment”
“I don’t know about that”
“Then it’s a good thing that I do. You, Keith Kogane, are loved. Very much... I’m just sorry that I’m tired”
“Was last night too much?”
“Last night was perfect. So was this morning... and this morning again... you’re a total horn dog”
“I can’t help it... you’re so cute”
Lance blushed softly. Keith’s heart doing flips
“Should I be worried you’re going to gobble me up?”
“Maybe. But if you don’t want to... I mean...”
“I like having sex with you. Even if I did worry I was going to piss myself in your lap”
“Babe, I wouldn’t really... No. You need to feel safe with me”
“I do... last night was pretty close though”
“Let me know in future. I’d rather stop than hurt you”
“I know. I think maybe I’m done. My stomach feels like it’s settling”
“That’s good. I worried I put too much blood in your shake”
“You did, but it’s alright. I needed the energy boost”
“Should I be worrying about that?”
“Nah. I’m sleepy for all the right reasons... and the fucking snow”
Keith chuckled
“You’re so much like Mami. Her showing up bundled up like that”
“Mmm... I’m definitely a tropical vampire. It was hard to hide it all when Pidge and Hunk didn’t know. Hunk used to fret so much over how cold I was...”
“I’m fretting over how cold you are”
“Ahhh, but this is perfect weather for snuggling with the birthday boy, after he wins the snow fight”
“If you’re not...”
“Don’t you finish that. I’m your boyfriend, not your keeper. Have fun with our friends. I know how much you missed them. I’m not going to be lonely laughing at you guys”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep. I’ll just borrow someone’s phone and take photos”
“You could borrow my camera”
Lance raised an eyebrow, Keith not sure why
“Your camera is your baby”
Oh... that was why
“It’s not like you’re going to drop it”
“I don’t want to risk breaking it”
“You won’t. I’ll set it up so all you have to do is point and shoot”
Lance groaned at him
“They’re going to awful compared to your skills”
“I’m not that skilled”
“Babe. Love of my life. Anger loaf and lover of Macaroon. You really are. I was totally thinking about getting you camera stuff for your birthday, and I mean, I know I remember stuff, but then they went off and started in talking in some weird language with exposure and angles and it was complicated”
“Not as complicated as legal jargon”
“Oh, that’s pretty up there... but give me a day in the courtroom over deciphering camera talk”
“That’s because you’re not used to it”
“Does that mean you’ll teach me?”
“If you want to learn”
Lance chuckled
“Not really. I’m happier watching you. Okay, let’s get off the floor. My butt’s going numb with the cold”
“We can’t have anything happening to that arse of yours. It’d be butt a tragedy”
Lance’s glare said he wasn’t amused, Keith on the hand thought himself funny. For two people so close, he couldn’t believe how calm Lance was taking things when compared to him losing it over finding Lance the perfect last minute gift. Next year he was going to be prepared.
Lance wasn’t imagining things. Shay kept looking at him like she wanted to say something, the looked away when their eyes met. They’d talked a little in the car, Shay asking how he’d been, the others must have told her he’d been, or more likely Hunk had turned to her upset over what had happened. Thanks to his life being flipped upside down again, he’d barely seen Shay as much as he used to. It sucked... and the snow really sucked.
Sitting on the veranda of the cabin, Lance watched the others playing in the snow. Keith hadn’t been keen, then had been ganged up on by Curtis and Shiro, his boyfriend tackled down and snow put down the back of his shirt. For all his yelling and complaining, Keith was laughing as hard at as everyone else. The air was still cool, but the snow had already begun to melt to slush. Kosmo was so confused to what to do, running after the balls of snow only to watch them disappear, or even worse for the poor doggo was when he thought he’d caught them onto find them vanishing like magic. He made his displeasure know as he barked, bounding around with everyone. This was how life should be. No shitty vampire “war”, and now worries. He truly hoped this would be the first in a long line of happy birthdays for his boyfriend. This time next year they’d be parents to a little Macaroon that really needed a better name.
Playing in the snow resulted in an early lunch. Lance skipping real food for a shake, the smells of breakfast still in the air, and he wanted to make an effort to keep something down. Lunch was less formal than breakfast, not that breakfast was formal. Deciding on snacks, they lounged around, Keith not keeping him warm as his boyfriend was damp from Shiro smooshing snow into his hair. Each time he went in for a hug, Lance sank back into the sofa wishing he had a blanket
“Lance, I have to ask, what’s with the shakes. You didn’t even have a proper breakfast?”
Shay finally spoke what was on her mind. Their friends all looking momentarily panicked
“I’m fine... just you know, dieting and stuff”
Shay giggled at him
“Dieting? If you diet any harder there’ll be. Nothing left of you”
“She’s right you know, you’re a twig”
Fucking Keith, Lance huffing
“I’m a manly twig. Are you’re cold. Stop trying to squish me with your coldness”
Keith laughed at him, laying back against him with that cold wet hair of his. All of them should have gone for hot showers and warm dry clothes
“You love me anyway”
“I do, but if you keep this up I might have to run away to Cuba until spring... I’m not made for cold weather”
Matt cackled at him. Stupid werewolves and their high body temperatures
“Dude, it’s not that cold. What are you going to be like when winter really sets in”
“I’m going to hibernate. Build myself a little Lance burrito and hibernate”
Keith kissed his cheek, ignoring Pidge pulling a face as he did
“Can I join in?”
“Not if you’re going to bring the cold with you. I should have grabbed my heat packs from the bag”
“Want me to grab them?”
Keith was too sweet
“Nah, just keep your frostbite to yourself. Honestly, the lot of you should have had showers and changed”
“Your age is showing, dad”
Pidge giggled at her comment. Lance sorely tempted to flip her off
“Someone’s gotta be the sane and reasonable one around here”
“As if you’re sane. I know you too well, Gremlin”
“Saner than you”
“Riiiight... I’m not the one who developed a macaroon fetish after getting out of hospital”
Lance bit down a laugh, relieved to know they didn’t suspect macaroon was a baby and not a dessert snack
“That’s right. You were in hospital. Hunk said it was an accident. Are you okay?”
Why was Shay bringing that up now?
“Yeah. I had a stomach bug and fainted. A whole lot of worry for nothing”
“Plus he’s been working in Platt...”
Hunk was trying to help, but how was he supposed to explain that? Especially when Shay looked so interested
“You’re a lawyer, right?”
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid 114
  It snowed as they slept, a tangle of limbs. Lance fell asleep in the bath, Keith carrying him back to the bed where he stripped off the dirty quilt and roused Lance enough to coax him under the blankets. They’d woken some time before dawn, the sex slow, sleepy and sweet, before falling back to sleep holding each other. Waking the following morning, Lance was shaking with the cold. Keith tucking the blankets around him as he fetched their gear from outside. Everywhere was dyed white. The lights on in the main cabin, but it was too early to human. Keith grabbing up their things and darting back inside, it was fucking freezing out there, barely past dawn. Sleepily Lance called to him
“I’m here”
He wasn’t about to wander off naked
“It’s cold”
“I know, I’m coming back to bed now”
“‘kay... miss you”
   Lance was still cold when it came time actually get up. Keith running them a warm bath. His boyfriend clinging to him as he carried him into the bathroom. He liked Lance being clingy, but those fingers of his were no joke. Getting Lance into the bath, his boyfriend whined softly when Keith didn’t join him right away. Keith hadn’t had his coffee yet, the fact Lance wasn’t dropped was a birthday miracle. Maybe he was magically cured... Nah. That wasn’t going to happen over night
“It’s alright, babe. I’m going to grab us some clothes to wear”
“Mmm, okay... but don’t be too long”
  Heading back into the bedroom, Keith dumped their things out on their bed, finding Lance had hidden his present to him under all their clothes. He didn’t want to open it. Not yet. Not until he was awake to function. It was hard to ignore though. Lance had really nice handwriting, his name on a little gift card signed from his boyfriend with a heart. Forcing himself to grab them something to wear, he came back to the bathroom with the gift still on his mind. In his absence Lance started dozing in the tub... looking adorable as he did, surrounded by the bubbles that came from the provided body wash.
  Joining Lance led to bath sex... Lance’s skin smooth and oily from the bubble bath, his boyfriend whining softly at the hot water slipping inside of him, not that that stopped him. It was slow sex with plenty of kisses and Lance doing the hard work. It’d taken him three and a half weeks to be intimate with Lance again. He regretted not being ready sooner, especially in the wake of Lance’s breakdown, yet his boyfriend had calmed a lot since he’d started rubbing and touching his stomach more. They were being those kinds of parents, taking photos weekly as Lance’s stomach began to grow. Not that you could tell at the moment. The small amount of pudge still looked as if Lance had eaten too much, not that he was carrying a baby. He got what Lance meant about being physical, but he was also kind of glad they hadn’t rushed into immediately upon finding out they were expecting.
  Lance was more awake after they’d had sex. His boyfriend dried his hair, then wanted to dry him down, peppering kisses to Keith’s scars. Lance never pushed on them, instead he seemed to know that some had stories Keith wanted forget. His kisses like he was trying to heal the hurt behind them. When they were dressed, and Lance had had his vitamin injection, Keith carried him to the main cabin seeing they’d left Lance’s boots their the previous night, Lance holding on for dear life as Keith’s pre-coffee clumsy was strong.
  In the main cabin breakfast was underway. Pidge nursing her coffee as she sat at the dining table. Kosmo was already making a pest of himself as Hunk and Shay made breakfast, his dog lolling his head back to acknowledge their existence but the call of bacon was too strong. Matt and Rieva were in front of the fireplace. Shiro and Curtis cuddles up on the sofa. This was nice... nice, but Keith felt kind of left out seeing they were the last to arrive
“We thought about sending a rescue party to find you”
Lance climbed out of his hold, shivering as his feet touched the cold wood floors
“Totally my fault. Needed a bath to warm up... stupid snow”
  Lance flashed their friends a smile. Keith feeling worse about things seeing it was fake... Keeping up appearances was hard and unfair. Shiro chuckled
“It’s a cold one. Matt and Rieva were straight in front of the fireplace. There’s coffee left for Keith”
Lance kissed his cheek
“Here that, babe, you better get some coffee in you while I put my boots back on”
“Can you two not be gross before breakfast?”
Keith rolled his eyes at Pidge. She was just jealous she wasn’t here with her partner. The thought sticking with him as Lance walked over to the fireplace. Pidge wasn’t dating anyone. He hoped she didn’t feel any less wanted there, because he wanted her there
“Leave Keith alone. He’s allowed to be gross in his birthday weekend”
  Flipping Shiro off, Keith cautiously shuffled into the kitchen, Shay an angel as she passed him a cup of coffee, giggling at the happiness on his face
“Shiro already warned me I better have it ready”
“Babe, he’s as bad as Pidge when doesn’t have her”
Shay giggled at being called “babe”. Lance was right. Hunk and Shay were very well suited together. Taking his first mouthful of coffee, he found it lukewarm, meaning he could drain the whole cup. Hunk noticing
“There’s coffee next to the kettle. The milk’s in the fridge. It’s lactose free, Lance made sure to tell us repeatedly, as if we forget”
“Thanks, guys. You didn’t have to go to the effort”
  Pidge snorted from the table
“Dude, you’re our friend. We do nice things for the people we actually like. Everyone else can go fuck themselves”
Matt and Shiro both called out in synch
The kind of timing that couldn’t be brought. Grumpily Pidge leaned back in her chair, cradling her coffee
“Blow me”
“Blow you what?”
Matt was the only one game enough to mess with her. Keith making for the coffee and the kettle, dying for another cup and this time hopefully warm. This wasn’t a bad way to spend a birthday at all... Not now he had caffeine starting to drive the blood out of his caffeine system.
   Feeding Lance for the morning proved slightly difficult. Shay was in the kitchen, meaning he could go pouring blood into Lance’s morning shake. Instead he had to be covert. Making like he was putting away the milk, he hovered near the fridge, pouring out too much blood into the shake cup. He then had to use both hands and some very awkward body language to hide the contents as he added the shake powder. On a cold day it was probably better for Lance to have more blood than he needed, though he didn’t know if it’d make his boyfriend short the rest of their stay. Topping the shake up with water, he snapped the lid into place, shaking it as he carried it over to Lance who was sitting near the fire now he had his boots on. A normal person would be sweating from the heat
“Babe, food”
  Lance eyed the shaker bottle with defeat. Matt shaking his head as the concoction
“I don’t think I want to ask”
“Have to hide breakfast somehow”
“Leave him alone to eat in peace”
“But, babe...”
“You finish that sentence, Matthew Holt, and I’ll put you out in the snow to pee like Kosmo”
Matt pouted at Rieva. Lance shooting Rieva a smile. Keith not jealous... He wasn’t. He simply needed more coffee
“Am I making pancakes?!”
Calling out from where he’d been frying eggs and bacon, Hunk laughed as they all called back “yes”. They really felt like a weird family... a weird family that he wasn’t sure he deserved.
  With the baby, work and Lance, letting himself be distracted from his birthday blues was easier this year. Lance knew his past, knew not to push and when he needed that push. Shiro hadn’t pushed... Keith still feeling down about it especially between the ultrasound and the weekend, the feeling kind of like nothing good could possibly come from it and it was all going to be a big joke. That everyone was faking caring and there’d be no cabin. He felt dumb for doubting his friends... but some things were so ingrained that all the love in the world from his friends’ wasn’t going to magically break down those walls or heal the damage in an instant. All of these people being here for him scared him. He liked all of them... and they all liked him... he found a place here and he never wanted to lose it.
  Settling down at the dining table with this cup of coffee, Pidge punched him in the arm
“What did I do now?”
“Birthday punches. Normally you punch the person however many times they are old, but I need more coffee for that”
“Thanks... I think?”
“You’re welcome. I’ve got your present in my bag. What did Lance give you?”
“I haven’t opened it yet...”
“Shit. I could have gotten in first... Guys, Keith hadn’t opened anyone’s present yet! He’s still fair game”
Was that a thing?
“Pidge, leave him alone. Besides, I booked the holiday!”
“You just want Keith all to yourself. I’m into your McClain!”
“He is my boyfriend!”
“Finders keepers, losers weepers”
  Pidge flipped Lance off. Curtis laughing at the pair of them
“With your compatibility, I am sure you would find Keith most agreeable to keep. Though he is more compatible with Lance. You’d both murder each other over the first cup of coffee for the day”
Pidge wrinkled her nose
“If I have to share my coffee like that, you can keep him”
Lance enthusiastically claiming him
“Done! He’s mine! But I left his present in his bag...”
He didn’t need presents... He didn’t need anything. Being here with them... he’d never had this like this...
“Guys... you don’t have to give me presents. You being here is enough”
Pidge raised an eyebrow
“Dude. It’s free stuff”
“I don’t need a lot��
She wasn’t backing down
“Shut up. You do too. Now drink your coffee birthday boy”
     Breakfast was loud. There were discussions and firm plans put in place for a snowball fight, and something about maybe making snow men, Hunk bragging a little about his skills. Lance hadn’t taken the delicious scents as well as the others, his boyfriend slipping off to throw up, missing the second half of things before Keith went to check on him. Hunched over the toilet, Lance smiled at him weakly
“You shouldn’t be worrying on your birthday”
“I came to check you’re okay”
“Better... just letting the cabin air a bit before... nope... never mind”
  Throwing up again, his boyfriend weakly gripped the toilet as he did. Keith hated seeing him like this, and he hated he couldn’t do anything about Lance’s morning sickness. Sitting himself down behind Lance, he wrapping his arm around him, rubbing the taunt muscles of his stomach
“I feel like I should apologise”
Lance hacked and spat, sounding throughly done as he did, before letting himself relax back against Keith
“You don’t need to. You’ve done nothing wrong”
“Nope. It’s your birthday. None of that”
“You’re being stubborn again”
“Because I’m okay. I feel better than I have in a while... other than this...”
“This is kind of my fault”
“It takes two to make a macaroon. You should be more worried about Pidge in a snow ball fight. She shows no mercy, even to her team”
“She did seem pretty keen”
“Personally I think she can’t wait to rain hell down on Matt”
“I can see that. Are you up for it?”
“Traipsing around in the cold? Ugh... maybe I’ll umpire”
“We need one?”
“You know Pidge will accuse Matt of cheating. This wasn’t supposed to... I mean... I didn’t think it’d snow so soon”
“It’s fine...”
“Mmmm... maybe. No one made a fuss, did they?”
“Nah. Shay’s the only one who doesn’t know human food doesn’t stay down”
“I really want to bring her in to sign a non-disclosure, but she deserves a life where she doesn’t have to fear the dark”
“I think she could handle it... Hunk wants to tell her”
“It’s not fair on him”
  They both fell silent for a moment, Keith rubbing at Lance’s belly. This birthday was so weird. His next birthday he’d be father...
“Babe... I know birthdays aren’t the best for you, but I hope you still make some good memories of today”
“I already am... I... kind of feel weird having everyone together because of me”
“That’s because we all love you, silly. You deserve every happy moment”
“I don’t know about that”
“Then it’s a good thing that I do. You, Keith Kogane, are loved. Very much... I’m just sorry that I’m tired”
“Was last night too much?”
“Last night was perfect. So was this morning... and this morning again... you’re a total horn dog”
“I can’t help it... you’re so cute”
  Lance blushed softly. Keith’s heart doing flips
“Should I be worried you’re going to gobble me up?”
“Maybe. But if you don’t want to... I mean...”
“I like having sex with you. Even if I did worry I was going to piss myself in your lap”
“Babe, I wouldn’t really... No. You need to feel safe with me”
“I do... last night was pretty close though”
“Let me know in future. I’d rather stop than hurt you”
“I know. I think maybe I’m done. My stomach feels like it’s settling”
“That’s good. I worried I put too much blood in your shake”
“You did, but it’s alright. I needed the energy boost”
“Should I be worrying about that?”
“Nah. I’m sleepy for all the right reasons... and the fucking snow”
Keith chuckled
“You’re so much like Mami. Her showing up bundled up like that”
“Mmm... I’m definitely a tropical vampire. It was hard to hide it all when Pidge and Hunk didn’t know. Hunk used to fret so much over how cold I was...”
“I’m fretting over how cold you are”
“Ahhh, but this is perfect weather for snuggling with the birthday boy, after he wins the snow fight”
“If you’re not...”
“Don’t you finish that. I’m your boyfriend, not your keeper. Have fun with our friends. I know how much you missed them. I’m not going to be lonely laughing at you guys”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep. I’ll just borrow someone’s phone and take photos”
“You could borrow my camera”
  Lance raised an eyebrow, Keith not sure why
“Your camera is your baby”
Oh... that was why
“It’s not like you’re going to drop it”
“I don’t want to risk breaking it”
“You won’t. I’ll set it up so all you have to do is point and shoot”
Lance groaned at him
“They’re going to awful compared to your skills”
“I’m not that skilled”
“Babe. Love of my life. Anger loaf and lover of Macaroon. You really are. I was totally thinking about getting you camera stuff for your birthday, and I mean, I know I remember stuff, but then they went off and started in talking in some weird language with exposure and angles and it was complicated”
“Not as complicated as legal jargon”
“Oh, that’s pretty up there... but give me a day in the courtroom over deciphering camera talk”
“That’s because you’re not used to it”
“Does that mean you’ll teach me?”
“If you want to learn”
Lance chuckled
“Not really. I’m happier watching you. Okay, let’s get off the floor. My butt’s going numb with the cold”
“We can’t have anything happening to that arse of yours. It’d be butt a tragedy”
Lance’s glare said he wasn’t amused, Keith on the hand thought himself funny. For two people so close, he couldn’t believe how calm Lance was taking things when compared to him losing it over finding Lance the perfect last minute gift. Next year he was going to be prepared.
Lance wasn’t imagining things. Shay kept looking at him like she wanted to say something, the looked away when their eyes met. They’d talked a little in the car, Shay asking how he’d been, the others must have told her he’d been, or more likely Hunk had turned to her upset over what had happened. Thanks to his life being flipped upside down again, he’d barely seen Shay as much as he used to. It sucked... and the snow really sucked.
   Sitting on the veranda of the cabin, Lance watched the others playing in the snow. Keith hadn’t been keen, then had been ganged up on by Curtis and Shiro, his boyfriend tackled down and snow put down the back of his shirt. For all his yelling and complaining, Keith was laughing as hard at as everyone else. The air was still cool, but the snow had already begun to melt to slush. Kosmo was so confused to what to do, running after the balls of snow only to watch them disappear, or even worse for the poor doggo was when he thought he’d caught them onto find them vanishing like magic. He made his displeasure know as he barked, bounding around with everyone. This was how life should be. No shitty vampire “war”, and now worries. He truly hoped this would be the first in a long line of happy birthdays for his boyfriend. This time next year they’d be parents to a little Macaroon that really needed a better name.
  Playing in the snow resulted in an early lunch. Lance skipping real food for a shake, the smells of breakfast still in the air, and he wanted to make an effort to keep something down. Lunch was less formal than breakfast, not that breakfast was formal. Deciding on snacks, they lounged around, Keith not keeping him warm as his boyfriend was damp from Shiro smooshing snow into his hair. Each time he went in for a hug, Lance sank back into the sofa wishing he had a blanket
“Lance, I have to ask, what’s with the shakes. You didn’t even have a proper breakfast?”
  Shay finally spoke what was on her mind. Their friends all looking momentarily panicked
“I’m fine... just you know, dieting and stuff”
Shay giggled at him
“Dieting? If you diet any harder there’ll be. Nothing left of you”
“She’s right you know, you’re a twig”
Fucking Keith, Lance huffing
“I’m a manly twig. Are you’re cold. Stop trying to squish me with your coldness”
Keith laughed at him, laying back against him with that cold wet hair of his. All of them should have gone for hot showers and warm dry clothes
“You love me anyway”
“I do, but if you keep this up I might have to run away to Cuba until spring... I’m not made for cold weather”
  Matt cackled at him. Stupid werewolves and their high body temperatures
“Dude, it’s not that cold. What are you going to be like when winter really sets in”
“I’m going to hibernate. Build myself a little Lance burrito and hibernate”
Keith kissed his cheek, ignoring Pidge pulling a face as he did
“Can I join in?”
“Not if you’re going to bring the cold with you. I should have grabbed my heat packs from the bag”
“Want me to grab them?”
Keith was too sweet
“Nah, just keep your frostbite to yourself. Honestly, the lot of you should have had showers and changed”
“Your age is showing, dad”
Pidge giggled at her comment. Lance sorely tempted to flip her off
“Someone’s gotta be the sane and reasonable one around here”
“As if you’re sane. I know you too well, Gremlin”
“Saner than you”
“Riiiight... I’m not the one who developed a macaroon fetish after getting out of hospital”
  Lance bit down a laugh, relieved to know they didn’t suspect macaroon was a baby and not a dessert snack
“That’s right. You were in hospital. Hunk said it was an accident. Are you okay?”
Why was Shay bringing that up now?
“Yeah. I had a stomach bug and fainted. A whole lot of worry for nothing”
“Plus he’s been working in Platt...”
Hunk was trying to help, but how was he supposed to explain that? Especially when Shay looked so interested
“You’re a lawyer, right?”
“Yep. Family law. It always gets busy towards Christmas”
“Don’t let them lie to you, Shay. He and Keith have totally shacked up. We’ve been abandoned”
Shay giggled as she bumped Pidge with her shoulder
“They are kind of cute together”
“If by cute you mean “totally gross”, then sure”
  Shiro finally decided to “Dad” up
“Now, now. They’re happy. That’s the main thing. So what do we want to do now?”
“I could totally go for a nap right here... the fire feels so nice. Kosmo’s got the right idea, totally digging out and letting the fire warm his balls”
Lance wished he had something to throw at Matt, instead Rieva proved to be on his side
“Mmm... that’d be nice. I left my book in our cabin. I could go for dogging out too”
Werewolves. You couldn’t take them anywhere. Curtis seemed to be on team “lounge about” too. Lance had kind of thought the weather would be clearer and they’d be able to explore the area more
“We could do presents? It’d be an excellent way to warm up again”
“Yes! Okay, let me get mine for Keith!”
“And I’ll get ours!”
Hunk seemed enthused
“Matt’s going to brave the snow and get ours, the fire’s too nice to leave”
“Awww, do you need me to hold your hand”
Rieva shoved Matt in the shoulder
“Go get ours before I throw you into the snow. And be nice. Go grab Lance’s present and his heat packs. He’s making me cold looking at him”
Matt dragged himself up
“Yes, boss. Do you two want anything else from your cabin?”
  Lance knew it was horrible, yet he was struck with the strong feeling of not wanting Matt in his and Keith’s space. He knew it had to be his ego being stupid, but the feeling was uncomfortable and unwanted. When he didn’t answer, Keith answered for him
“Nah, thanks for asking, man”
“Okay... I guess I’ll be back soon. No stealing my spot while I’m gone. I farted on it”
Pidge wrinkled her nose
“Are you sure you don’t just stink all the time?”
“Not funny, Katie”
“Come over here and say that. I’ll bite you”
“And risk my ankles? I think not”
Pidge glared at Matt who darted out the living area. Stupid werewolves and their high body heat, and stupid feelings. He’d nearly growled at Matt as he’d passed Keith. This was beyond ridiculous. How the fuck was he supposed to keep his secret for the whole weekend, let alone until the next scan? Maybe he should just take his bad mood back to the cabin after the presents. It was Keith’s birthday. He shouldn’t be acting pissy at their friend for absolutely no reason.
Shiro’s gift wasn’t funny. His brother was an arsehole. He’d taken a photo of him sleeping, mouth open and all, then had it printed on a blanket, with matching socks. Shiro laughing far too hard at the look on Keith’s face. He’d wanted to open Lance’s first, but Lance seemed nervous for some strange reason, so Keith was now saving his for last. He knew whatever his boyfriend gave him, it had to be better than Shiro’s.
  From Curtis he received a bat. A soft toy, but none the less it was bat. Poor Shay didn’t get the joke, Lance explaining Keith was totally terrified of them. Keith defending himself over the incident in the mine, though it was pretty good coverup story if he thought about it. He liked bats a little more, though only when they were Lance and not flying past his head like some great doom cloud. Curtis producing a second present that was heavily influenced by Shiro, because it was a damn bobble head of a bat. But of them sucked... not that he’d admit it, and not that they really did... Okay, Shiro did, but he already knew how lame his brother was. At least it wasn’t more sex toys. He hadn’t even told Lance he’d brought a few things with him.
  Hunk’s gift was more practical. Seeing Keith’s bike still wasn’t on the road it was a voucher for his dad’s garage. At $250 it was far too much, despite Hunk insisting he’d be doing most of the work and Keith could help if he wanted too.
  Shay’s gift was a fuel card for Balmera, to go with his bike once it was up and going, and stern lecture about visiting more because they missed him. It was nice... but still, he felt like it was too much. He didn’t need $100 voucher on top of Hunk’s, though Shay said she used her staff discount it was still... a lot.
  Pidge was a gremlin. She’d always be a gremlin. She’d brought him a hard book map of Platt, laughing about his terrible sense of direction, and GPS tracker that kind of looked like the ones worn when under house arrest. She laughed at the confused look on her face, explaining it was for Lance so he wouldn’t lose his boyfriend when they were out. If anyone needed a GPS it was Matt. Especially after he and Rieva had “relocated” a cow for Lance’s birthday.
  From Kosmo he was gifted a bag of treats and new harness seeing the old one was snug with how much his dog had grown. Shiro had picked it out... it was red with little bones on it... definitely more his brother’s taste.
  Matt had gifted him a voucher for a bike shop. Keith wondering if he really seemed the voucher type. He was under orders to get a new helmet. He hadn’t thought about it, but all his friends had been pretty worried after his accident. It felt nice to be cared about... too cared about. This wasn’t like his birthday’s in the past. No Adam with his practical gifts... Or smell of burnt cake in the air.
  Rieva had gifted him books... Vampire romance books... that he wasn’t sure how to accept. He only wanted to be intimate with one vampire, so possibly Lance would have a laugh out of them later. Shiro’s gift was bad but this wasn’t that great... Did Rieva always... Surely she didn’t just read porn... Rieva was smart, highly educated, and confident in herself... but even she couldn’t ignore pop culture making things seem like everything was possible when you were a vampire... Maybe she thought he could use a laugh?
  Lance’s gift was finally the last. By now Keith really didn’t want to open up another voucher. He already had anxiety thinking about going shopping. Naturally he wanted to take Lance, but that was now even more dangerous. They hadn’t even had like a real date. They’d missed their reservation and opera with Lotor and Allura didn’t count. Lance‘a gift wasn’t that big... it felt like it was maybe two thing in there... and something kind of solid...
“Open it already!”
Trust Pidge to want to rush him. She probably wanted to know what vampires thought an acceptable gift when dating a hunter. Careful with the tag, he placed it aside. Yeah. No one else got that treatment, but then again, no one else had bothered putting a tag on it. The gift wrapped in red ribbon, Lance knowing he loved the colour red... the paper was plain white, not giving him any clues to the contents.
  Unwrapping Lance’s present, he was actually really thrilled. It wasn’t a voucher. It wasn’t something to do with his bike, that he now felt a little self conscious about. He loved his bike and missed the feel of straddling her... not that Lance knew he called her a “her”. There was a small butterfly knife, not great in a real fight but a handy thing to have in a human fight. His collection of them was somewhere in the boxes from the move. The second knife was a proper good quality hunting knife, his name engraved on the hilt. This... this was definitely making onto his work belt
“I know you don’t like big expensive gifts. And I wanted to give you something useful. Just don’t go stabbing me with it”
Lance nuzzled into him, Keith kind of in shock. Like... he knew Lance paid close attention to the things he liked, and he felt like after Lance admitted he didn’t know much about cameras that it was Lance’s was of confessing he didn’t know much about him. He’d been totally wrong
“I won’t... babe... it’s perfect”
  Keith hadn’t realised Shiro was actually recording the whole present opening thing. His brother chuckling
“I guess we know who’s gift he likes the most”
It was when he flipped his brother off that he noticed. It was probably bad that he wanted to start training with it...
“I love it...”
“We can tell. Happy birthday, kiddo”
  Keith’s feelings flooded through him. The amount of love he felt for the group of people surrounding him was too much. He didn’t... he couldn’t thank them enough. Wrapping his arms around him, Keith hid his face against Lance’s cheek completely limp in Lance’s hold
“Happy birthday, samurai”
“It’s okay... you’re allowed to be happy. You’re allowed to be scared too... Pidge is pretty scary”
“Fuck you. I’m a nice person when I want to be”
Lance chuckled
“See. She’s a terror. Okay, now that presents are done, I’m totally going for a nap... Take care of Keith for me”
He didn’t get to come? Shiro chuckled at the pair of them
“Don’t worry about that. He’s got his blades to play with. We’ll keep an eye on him”
“I’d prefer you kept both on him, or he’s likely to lose one of his own, and I’m afraid I can’t let him. I love his eyes too much”
When Lance left for his nap, Keith felt kind of lost. He couldn’t help but worry if his boyfriend made it back to the cabin and if he was okay. Still overwhelmed, he found himself sitting on the veranda of the cabin, playing with his camera because Shay would probably freak out if he played with his knife. Inside the others had figured out how to hook Pidge’s laptop up, playing some interactive game with their phones, which Hunk didn’t seem to be doing well at. Hearing the sliding door open, he knew it’d be Shiro coming to check on him.
  Sitting down beside him, his brother looped his arm over Keith’s shoulders
“How you doing?”
“Okay... I... don’t really know”
“It’s definitely different to birthdays back in Rome”
“Yeah... louder... with more people and presents. It’s kind of weird”
“Really? I think it’s nice”
Keith looked up to Shiro who smiled down at him
“That’s because you’re weird”
“Nah. My baby brother is having the best birthday of his life. What more could I hope for?”
“Not to be surrounded by weirdos?”
“Nah. They’re fine. Is Lance okay?”
“He doesn’t like the cold...”
“I gathered that by how high the aircon’s been in the apartment. I also heard you kept a couple of wolves up last night”
  Keith blushed. He loved the sounds Lance made and hadn’t thought about his voice carrying
“Yeah... I know it’s sex... but with him...”
“It feels special”
Special didn’t come close
“Yeah. We hadn’t done anything since the accident...”
“I understand that. As long as you two are okay, that’s all that matters”
“Are you okay? Is Curtis?”
“Yep. He’s worried about Lance but knows Lance will talk to him properly when he’s ready. He’s missed having him back at the house”
Keith groaned. He didn’t want Lance going back
“I... it’s not fair but I... I get stuck thinking about what if he falls down the stairs again. We were so lucky the first time”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. I’m sure everything will be fine”
“The word for that is “macaroon””
“Let me guess, Lance decided?”
“Nope. We couldn’t decide what an “idiot crumpet” made when combined with an “anger loaf””
Shiro snorted with laughter
“He’s a bit strange with the bread analogies”
“He’s fine. I think you’re a croissant but it really depends on his mood”
“Because I’m delicious and a killer on the hips?”
Keith wrinkled his nose. His brother was too into this
“I don’t want to think about that. That can stay between you and Curtis”
“In that case let’s just say Curtis really likes croissants”
Thank god he didn’t say he liked buttered croissants or croissants with cream
“Ew... I’ve seen too much as it is. Is everyone else having fun?”
“Yeah. They get it. They don’t expect you to have to hide away what you’re feeling”
“Even when I don’t feel like I deserved everything they gave me. Them being here was enough”
“They chose gifts thinking of you. I gotta say, that GPS on your ankle would save me hours of worry”
“If you like it that much you should wear it”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
   A comfortable silence fell between the two brothers. Shiro had done so much for him. Keith wished he knew how to pay him back for everything. He’d given him first happy birthday memories that he could remember. The door behind the slid open, then closed, again, Curtis coming out to join them. Sitting down on Keith’s other side, he was squashed in an idiot sandwich
“Pidge is ruthless. She and Shay have broken Hunk and Matt”
That sounded about normal for them, Keith asking
“And you?”
“Came to see what was taking you two so long. I was sure you’d be with Lance”
“He wanted to take a nap”
“I’ve noticed the change in his energy levels. Don’t tell me. He will when he’s ready. I do worry about him in the cold... It won’t kill him, but he may become aggressive if his body temperature drops too low”
Shiro sighed at Curtis
“Don’t stress Keith out. I’m sure Lance is fine”
Or he could be huddled up freezing his arse off
“Nope. I’m stressed now. I’m going to check on him. Shiro, take care of my camera for me, I’ll be back soon”
  As Keith left the two idiots behind, he could hear Shiro scolding his boyfriend, Curtis protesting awkwardly. Their friends were so damn weird.
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