#lost kingdom ibadora
mama-m1na · 5 years
Lost Kingdom: Ibadora
As the people around me jeered at us all I heard was the rattle of the chains around our wrists and ankles. They stood out against my tan skin.
As the people sent hateful glares all I could see were the looks of reassurance from my sisters and the reflection of the gold flecks within my brown irises staring back at me in a puddle.
As the people threw stones at us all I felt were the presence of those I cared about and my long black hair swaying in the gentle breeze.
At this point in time nothing mattered except the fact that we were all together and we could accept what would happen to us.
Once we entered the courthouse we were met with the disapproving looks of our parents as well as the High Council; however, we battled them with our own sense of calm and confidence in what we had done.
“Tijarah Charlize age 16, Samantha Fatimah age 16, Hannah Kreans age 18, Sophie Maki age 17, Rhamina Miyu age 17, Chloe Rayer age 14, Kerstin Vera age 16,” the judge read as we seven girls stood before the podium with emotionless gazes, “You have all been witnessed in the woods conducting in an unauthorized ritual while not being licensed magicians.”
The old man looked down at them from his papers before continuing, “What have you to say for yourselves?”
The others began to look at each other for how to explain without getting themselves in deeper trouble; however, I knew they wouldn’t listen to reason, especially with those from a more traditional background like the high council. There’s no point in trying to get them to think like us because they aren’t.
“What we did wasn’t wrong,” I said earning the attention of everyone in the room, “Magic is a natural talent that shouldn’t be restricted to only those classified as magicians when everyone is capable of using it.”
“It is a skill everyone possesses it just depends on if someone is willing to learn,” I continued, “We do this because we want to learn more than what all of you just tell us. I want to see the truth with my own eyes and not be spoon fed some stories.”
“Shut up, Witch, how the hell did you get those powers anyway?” an adult from the crowd exclaimed, “You showed no powers at your birth! You must have made a deal with the devil!”
I could feel the worried glances from my friends as those in the room began to vocally agree.
“So? What if I did? If that’s how you see magic, then all magicians have committed that sin,” I hissed looking straight ahead at nothing.
“What did you say, Rat?” scoffed one of the licensed magicians angrily.
“Magic is working with our own soul and the assistance of other spirits,” Tijarah explained from her spot on my right, “If you nothing of magic then you will see every spirit as the devil.”
“Tijarah, please don’t call them stupid right now,” Sophie whispered on Tijarah’s right.
“Silence!” the judge called as the village people got louder before he turned back down to the seven teenagers, “So you do not deny that you have conducted in such treason?”
“If it is treason to act upon a natural activity then yes, we have broken your measly human law that most definitely trumps the laws of nature,” I scoffed in irritation at how blind the people were though I couldn’t blame them it was a new concept and humans always feared the unknown.
The screams of hate got louder as soon as I finished my statement and the judge smirked down at us.
“Then it is decided. The Seven Witches of Utemelac are found guilty of their crimes and will be burned at dusk!” the judge declared.
Just as he was about to bring his gavel down the doors to the courthouse burst open and a female with short black hair and tan skin rushed forward.
“Wait!” she cried as the people stared at her golden armor and white cape.
“You can’t kill them!” she pleaded looking up at the judge with the golden flecks in her eyes complimenting her red irises, “If you do I’ll resign my position immediately!”
“Ms. Miyu, you can’t do that right now, we’re in the midst of a war!” cried one of the villagers.
“Then I suggest His Honor changes what happens to my sister and her friends,” the ravenette hissed not looking away.
My eyes narrowed at her as the judge sighed and said, “Life in prison then… For all of them.”
“I’m glad I was able to make it on time,” sighed the scarlet-eyed female as she turned to me.
“You shouldn’t have come,” I hissed as one by one my sisters were let out of the building.
“What? And let my own twin die?” she asked in confusion, “Hell no.”
“My sister wouldn’t sell out our secrets to the rulers of this fucked up kingdom,” I said bluntly as a pair of guard roughly grabbed me by the upper arms.
“Rhamina-” “So long, Marina,” I said not turning back to her as my bare feet met the cobblestone streets.
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mama-m1na · 5 years
LKI: Chapter 1
Warnings: None
It was a warm, Spring night in Utemelac Prison; however, one cell always managed to stay ice cold.
“What the hell have we told you about using magic, Witch?!” an armored male exclaimed as he struggled to open the door frozen shut.
“Kiss my ass, Warden!” barked a ravenette as her unique eyes were locked onto the book in her lap.
“This is why you’re always in solitary, dammit!” the male exclaimed as the door finally gave way and opened.
“And the way you run your mouth is why you’re still single,” replied the teen who sat on her cot perfectly comfortable in the below freezing temperature.
“Your sister is here to visit you,” muttered the male earning an immediate glare from the female.
“My sisters are locked up here with me,” she growled as she snapped the book shut and placed it under her pillow, “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” the male sighed as he stepped aside to expose the open door, “Come on, Rhamina.”
The shackles around her wrists and ankles rattled as she followed the male down the hallways lit only by the torches on the walls to a room where a gold-clad female sat.
“Rhamina!” the female knight said in happiness as she stood and hugged her almost mirror image.
Both females had tan skin and jet black hair; however, the knight’s was cut extremely short, like a male’s and Rhamina’s hair was long and silky just reaching her upper thighs.
The most iconic parts of each female however, were their eyes. Rhamina’s were brown while the other’s were red but they both shared the gold flecks that seemed to float in their irises.
“Why are you here, Marina?” the prisoner asked in a low tone keeping her arms to her sides, “Better question, why do you keep coming here, Marina?”
“Oh, silly, I came to wish you a happy birthday because I won’t be able to come here tomorrow,” the knight said backing off of her hug, “And I keep coming because I want to make it up to you.”
“For the past near seventeen years I’ve been alive here’s the one thing I’ve learned the hard way,” Rhamina said with a sneer, “Never forgive, never forget. Otherwise you’ll be a tool for the rest of your existence. I will no longer be that way and there is no way you will be forgiven.”
“We really are too similar, Rhamina,” Marina chuckled pitifully as her eyes began to water, “I know that lesson, we learned the first half together you know? I’m fighting a war right now.”
“An unnecessary war,” the younger twin spat, “You’re killing innocent people just so this kingdom can gain more territory to control when the people who live here currently suffer enough.”
“This war has been going on for two years already. One year before we were caught and continuing on through this day,” she continued, “The more money spent on it, the higher the taxes will be. Already most of the people cannot pay them and the more the people on the streets will suffer, the number of those on the streets will increase. And from what I’ve noticed we’re lucky to end up here because we get better housing and more food than the citizens currently. Do you know how fucked up that is? Why exactly did this war start again? Was this kingdom defending or was this kingdom trying to consume more land?”
It went silent after that until the warden returned and said, “It’s lights out, the witch has to return to her cell.”
“Good night, Rhamina, I love you,” Marina said as she stood giving the ravenette another hug.
“Don’t waste those three precious words when you don’t mean them,” the sixteen-year-old hissed as she ripped away and followed the warden back to her cell.
“Why must your words be daggers towards Lady Miyu?” the warden asked without looking back at the ravenette, “she did save your life.”
“And she was the one who endangered it. Not only mine but also the lives of my sisters. Let my words be daggers and may the wounds I inflict never heal.”
The next morning Rhamina was awoken by the sound of her cell lock turning.
“Morning, Witch,” one of the younger guard greeted, “Time for breakfast.”
“Morning, Cuntface,” the ravenette yawned causing the male to sigh, both parties already used to her disrespect to the authorities.
“Heard it’s your birthday, today,” the male said trying to dissipate the silence as he walked her to the cafeteria.
“Awe, how sweet you remembered it’s been one year since I was put in this hell hole,” the ravenette replied while rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
“It’s pretty sad you know?” she asked upon reaching the door, “If we had met in the village we probably would’ve been good friends but can’t change the past.”
Before the guard could reply the teen disappeared in the large room and lined up to get her food.
“Mina!” called a shorter female dashing to stand right next to the ravenette.
“Hello, Chloe,” she greeted grabbing a tray and handing it to her.
“You got put in solitary again.”
“Yep,” Rhamina replied as food got put onto her tray.
“Mina, that’s not good,” the fourteen-year-old said.
“Bitch, deserved it,” the ravenette said nonchalantly with a shrug as she took her tray to the usual table her sisters sat at.
“Mina, you yeeted a guard over the wall during morning time. Hoot!” Chloe said dashing to keep up with the ravenette.
“He was talking shit on a kid who did nothing,” Rhamina scoffed taking her seat to be bombarded by affection from three of the females already there.
“Happy birthday, Bitch!” Kerstin exclaimed as she, Sam, and Tijarah began to smother the now seventeen-year-old.
“Awe, Mina-chan is old now!” Tijarah chirped at the struggling ravenette.
“Fuck off and let me eat dammit!”
“Awe, Mina, you’re such a floof,” Sam cooed completely ignoring the female who just wanted her food.
After a few minutes the other girls sat down as Rhamina glared at them before taking bites of her food.
“Happy Birthday, Mina,” Sophie greeted as she passed a large parcel underneath the table before whispering, “It’s from me, Hannah, and Jaylin.”
“Awe, you guys are too nice,” Rhamina replied managing to secure it in the waistband of her pants, “Also I’m pretty sure I just got more days on solitary.”
“What? How?” Hannah asked.
“You know how it got pretty hot last night?” Rhamina started, “Well, I made it not hot in my cell.”
“God dammit, Mina, we were planning on spending your birthday together!” Sam chuckled.
“Seven Witches of Utemelac, you are summoned by the royal family get your shit!” one of the guard exclaimed.
“The fuck?” each of the girls asked in unison but got their asses up anyway the only one in shackles being the ravenette.
They were led by a large group of royal guards to a carriage which they somehow crammed into to fit.
Chloe was on the floor clinging onto the ravenette’s leg by herself as Rhamina took out the parcel from her waistband.
She then proceeded to unwrap the brown paper and twine that held it closed and smiled at the familiar black book in her hands.
“How were you guys able to get this?” Rhamina asked as she opened it to reveal a deck of oracle cards in the hollowed out portion of the the book.
“Jaelin was able to go to your old house and get it,” Hannah explained as the ravenette could still feel the energy running through the cards.
“Thanks guys,”Rhamina smile while reaching over to give the pair hugs, “But I really wonder why we were called up by the royal family.”
“How much you want to bet it has something to do with Marina?” Tijarah spoke as she looked out the small window attached to the door on her side.
“Wouldn’t be surprised I mean that bitch has been trying to have a solid conversation with Mina for a while,” Sam added, “Even though she is the reason why we got caught anyway.”
“Fucking screw this kingdom, my dudes,” Rhamina sighed as she put the cards back into the book, “They’re so close-minded it hurts.”
It took about half an hour to reach the castle from the prison despite it still being in the capital city.
When the girls arrived they were led into the castle by the guards and on the way they earned stares from the staff and any nobles who were by chance there.
Quickly getting irritated at all the eyes on her Rhamina hissed at her audience who immediately turned away or left the room which earned loud laughs from all of the females.
“Hush up, Witches,” hissed one of the males.
“Eat a dick you know it was funny,” Rhamina replied with a smirk earning a glare.
“Aw, what are you going to do? Kill me? Go ahead but there’s no guarantee I won’t haunt you,” she pushed as they neared the throne room.
“Mina, calm down we don’t want to mess around here,” Hannah warned earning the sad fish face.
As the doors opened the male announced, “Your Highness, the Seven Witches.”
“Thank you, now leave us please,” the king requested as the two ravenettes locked eyes from across the room.
As soon as the door closed Marina stood up and greeted, “Happy birthday, Sister.”
“It was,” Rhamina stated as she and the others walked closer to the throne, “Until I saw you again.”
“Come now don’t be like that,” the King laughed, “I have a proposition for you girls.”
“Mhm, and what would that be?” Tijarah scoffed as Kerstin and Sam not so discreetly kicked her in the shins.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of Ibadora, yes?”
“Yeah,” Sam interjected in a judgemental manner while rolling her eyes, “It doesn’t fucking exist.”
“Funny you should say that am I right, Kitsami Verum Princeps Ibadora?”
Rhamina’s head snapped up at the mention of the name she had not heard since her childhood.
“What other secrets have you exposed now, you idiot?!” she barked at her golden-clad reflection.
“Rhamina, please just listen,” the older twin pleaded noticing the ravenette’s locks slowly start to float in the areas surrounding her body and the temperature drop.
“My proposition is that if you lead us to Ibadora then you will be pardoned of your crime,” the King spoke earning an immediate response.
“Absolutely not,” Rhamina snapped earning a gasp from Marina.
“Excuse me?” the King asked glaring down at the seven teenagers before him.
“Why should she let you have access to Ibadora when you’re such a shitty ruler to your own people?” Sam questioned earning glares from Hannah and Sophie despite the fact they agreed.
“Knowing you, you’d use its resources for another pointless war,” Tijarah added.
“That’s enough!” the King boomed as he rose violently from his throne, “I tried to be reasonable and let you choose correctly on your own; however, it seems that will not be happening.”
“Damn right.”
“Guards!” called the King as armored males entered, “Store them in the dungeons until their voyage tomorrow morning.”
As soon as a hand touched her shoulder Rhamina grabbed the male by the arm and threw him directly at the king.
“Y’all bett keep praying to that god of yours because you do not want to see me in hell,” she growled as the male hit a magic barrier set up by Marina.
The clang echoed throughout the dungeons as the cell door was slammed shut.
“You better not freeze the entire fucking cell, Mina,” Sam warned to the girl who had already gathered herself in a back corner under the barred window.
“No promises,” she snickered, “it is pretty hot down here.”
The rest of the girls groaned as the ravenette cackled like the witch she was.
“Can you shut the fuck up?!” one of the other criminals barked from across the hallway.
“You shut the fuck up, Faggot!” Kerstin replied as she through a rock blindly through the cell bars.
Thud! “Ow!”
“Holy shit, I actually hit him!”
That night an advisor to the King went down into the dungeons to speak with the witches.
“For the last time I couldn’t lead anyone to Ibadora even if I wanted to,” hissed the irritated Rhamina.
“And why is that?”
‘Mother fucker I should cut off your fucking dick-’ “Because I don’t have my notes or my relic,” she seethed, “I had to hide them before we were arrested.”
“Then we’ll just have to retrieve them,” the male stated as if nothing were wrong.
“Sounds easy but I for-fucking-got where I hid them,” the ravenette voice with a smirk.
“Both of us know that’s a lie, you’d have to be stupid to forget something like that,” the male sighed, “Now where is it?”
“Fuck you that’s where.”
“They aren’t being touched by anyone but me,” Rhamina finally said after the male looked at her like an she was an idiot.
“Fair enough,” he shrugged, “Guard, unlock the door.”
Once the cell door opened Rhamina stepped over her sleeping companions and followed the advisor up the stairs.
“So where exactly did you hide them?” he asked as had a carriage prepared.
“The forest.”
“How cliche.”
“What did you expect?” Rhamina scoffed, “I had a limited amount of time and nowhere else to hide it.”
The trip was silent for the most part with the teen looking out the window at the moon.
Upon arriving to the forest the female led to the advisor and the guard deeper and deeper into the forest until he asked, “Are you sure you know where you’re going?”
“Yes, now shut the fuck up we’re almost there.”
After a few more minutes they came upon a clearing with a large lake in the middle.
“How is this here?” the advisor gasped as he and the guard gaped at the landmark not yet recorded on their maps.
“She only lets those she deems worthy in,” the ravenette said before turning to the large body of water, “Come now, friend, return what I desire.”
Suddenly a woman rose from the center of the water.
She had fair skin, long wavy blue hair, and a flowing white dress.
As they floated across the water towards the ravenette a metal box could be seen in her hands.
Once she left the container in Rhamina’s hands her eyes drifted towards the two males and she gave a sneer before her body turned into water before dropping back into the lake.
Slowly the lake and clearing began to fade back into an endless sea of trees.
“What was-” “I told you already, the Lady of the Lake only lets in those she sees worthy.”
The ride was back was very similar to the one they had taken there the only difference being Rhamina stared down at the box in her hands instead of the moon.
“Alright back in you go,” the guard said opening the cell door for the ravenette.
As she walked back into the cell the male felt the temperature drop a few degrees; however, he missed the smirk on her face while she gripped onto the metal box.
The next morning the girls were awoken by water being poured on them.
“Get up, Witches, you need to get prepped then you’re off,” one of the guards growled.
“Lick my ass,” Rhamina groggily hissed as she began to ring out her hair.
As she stood up she took the metal box into her hands earning the gazes from her sisters.
“You’re actually going to show them?” Sophie whispered recognizing the box from the year prior.
“We’re going to have to see if I can even find it myself,” the ravenette chuckled as the girls were led to a separate wing of the actual castle.
Their confusion only rose when they entered a luxurious bathroom and turned to the guards with raised brows and even more when he unlocked the shackles on Rhamina’s wrists and ankles.
“Clean yourselves up, you’re having breakfast with the Royal Family,” the male explained as he walked out the door, “clothes will be delivered by maids in fifteen minutes.”
It was silent for a few moments as Rhamina looked at the dark marks left on her wrists from trying to escape them so many times.
There would be definite scarring but she couldn’t help but feel at least a bit more free than she had been.
“I call the bath first losers!” Rhamina cheered as she raced towards the marble tub and began to run the water.
As she began to prep a hair mask for herself made from egg, honey, and olive oil the other girls began to start their own cleansing routines.
While the water was warming up Rhamina let her hair absorb the vitamins and proteins soak into her dirty and greasy locks. She had kept it as soft as she could in prison but felt so happy upon being able to return to her usual hair routine prior to getting arrested.
Of course as she ran her hands through the soaked locks she casted small glamours to keep her hair softer and luxurious as it always was.
After about ten minutes she rinsed her hair in the shower area and sank into the now filled tub to shampoo and condition her hair before she let herself completely relax into the warm water.
Her wrists and ankles stung but she could slowly feel the water caress her wounds as if welcoming back a lover, slowly relieving them of their pain.
Five minutes later a few maids came in to leave clothes for the girls which were all black tank tops, black pants, and black boots with golden chains to accent the boots and act as a belt.
“I bet, Mina, is loving the outfit choices right now,” Sam teased as the female was drying herself off.
“True, but I would love them more if those chains were only a fashion statement and didn’t mark us as prisoners,” she replied summoning small gusts of wind to dry her hair.
After everyone got dressed Rhamina took the box in her hands and the others gathered near her.
“Did you already open it?” Kerstin asked looking down at past memories.
“Only to put the cards in it, I haven’t looked at anything else.”
“Well, no time better to look since we’re going to need that shit,” Tijarah said placing a hand on Rhamina’s shoulder.
“You right,” she chuckled placing her right hand over it.
Her hair began to float again as a soft blue light came from under the girl’s hand and the others could feel magic slowly start to fill the room.
When the light died down Rhamina’s hair stopped floating and she moved her hand away and the lid of the box flipped open.
On the top was the book containing oracle cards which Rhamina moved to give view to a red, hardcover book and a necklace with a large, tear drop shaped, aqua colored crystal with a sigil engraved into it strung onto a golden chain.
“Still the same as we left them,” Rhamina smiled as she put on the necklace feeling a new surge of energy flow through her before looking through the pages of the book to see the language only she and her twin could read.
“Lucky the ink didn’t run,” she chuckled before snapping the book shut, “We should get going now.
As soon as the girls exited the bathroom the guard led them to the dining room where they were met with the King, Queen, the three princesses, and Marina already seated at the table.
Around Marina’s neck Rhamina noticed the glint of a red crystal with etchings in it.
“Good to know you didn’t lose it,” Marina smiled cheerily earning a glare from her sister.
“I should be saying that to you considering the fact you easily lost my trust,” Rhamina replied while crossing her arms.
Marina looked sadly at her younger sister eyes widening when she saw the dark marks around her wrists but before she could say anything the Queen said, “Sit please.”
The girls obeyed takings seats as far away from the individuals dressed in bolder colors.
“Might I ask why we are having breakfast with you if we were basically treated like pigs last night?” Rhamina asked as food was placed in front of everyone.
“Well, we wanted to apologize for what happened to you last night,” the Queen spoke, “It was not just for you to be treated that way when you’re helping us with an expedition this large.”
“Really?” Tijarah and Sam asked with cocked brows.
“That is complete and utter bullshit,” Kerstin stated with a growl as the princesses stood up with glares.
“How dare you speak that way to us!” the youngest exclaimed as she slammed her hands down on the table.
“Do you know who you are addressing?!” the middle added only to gasp in horror as she met glowing gold irises.
“I hate when people try to apologize without meaning it,” Rhamina stated with her arms crossed and hair floating as the temperature dropped, “It’s a blatant lie and if there’s one thing we learned in prison it’s how to pick out lies from the truth.”
“You just want to get on our good sides so we don’t sabotage this mission of yours right?” she continued as the royals and Marina looked to the group in front of them with fearful expressions.
Their combined auras melding together with rage, hate, sadness, and betrayal dying the room dark.
“As much as I would love to we wouldn’t dream of it because the whole reason I taught them how to find their magic was to go on a huge adventure together and what bigger adventure is there than finding a lost kingdom?” the ravenette chirped as the room returned to normal and her hair returned to its original position.
With the aura gone the seven females began to eat the luxurious meals in front of them as the others could only watch them in shock of what just happened.
“What’s wrong, Marina?” Rhamina asked eating slower than the other girls, “You’re coming on this expedition too, you should eat for who knows how long it will be before you can get a meal like this again.”
“Holy shit this is so good!” Cough! Cough! Choke! Cough!
“Fucking idiot,” Sam, Rhamina, and Tijarah muttered as Kerstin ate her food then proceeded to choke on it.
About and hour later the girls were led by Marina and the guards to a large ship where they would be for the next few months accompanied by its sister vessel.
“So we know the kingdom was somewhere in the Donnaholm Ocean but we don’t know exactly where,” Marina explained showing the other ravenette a world map.
“That’s true but you didn’t expect a straight shot right?” Rhamina asked looking up at her sister with a raised brow.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you still have your book?” Rhamina asked causing the knight to give her a black book written in the same language as the red book.
Turning to about the fifth page Rhamina read skimmed it before reading out loud, “Eht tsrif tsaeb seil nihtiw eht sretaw fo eci.”
“The first beast lies within the waters of ice,” Marina translated with a confused expression.
“Yes, in order to open the gates of Ibadora we have to fight seven beasts first or did you forget that?” Rhamina spoke clapping the book shut, “Are these ships capable of handling that?”
Rhamina sighed at her sibling’s silence and explained, “The first beast should be somewhere in the Cold Bay.”
“That area is riddled with pirates!”
“You want to find Ibadora don’t you?” Rhamina glowered, “Then suck it up.”
“Mina!” called Chloe from the door.
“What is it, Owl?”
“Are we allowed to use magic?”
“Yes, why?” Marina asked as the ravenette with hair down to her butt narrowed her eyes.
“What the fuck did you retards do?” Rhamina growled.
“It wasn’t me!” Chloe squeaked, “This time..”
“What even happened?” the knight asked hearing crashes and screams from just outside the room they were in.
The three walked out to see a very wet black cat attempting to jump onto either Kerstin or Sam to claw their eyes out.
“Tijarah, calm down!” Sophie called as she and Hannah were trying to pick her up.
“Hell no!” the cat exclaimed, “They fucking dumped water on me with magic!”
“Jesus christ,” Rhamina muttered with a face palm before she stomped her right foot causing four walls of ice to surround the cat and one right in front of Kerstin and Sam so they ran into it, “What the hell did you fucks already do? It’s literally been ten minutes since you could legally use your magic.”
“They fucking dumped water on me!” the cat hissed with its fur raising.
“Why the fuck are you a cat anyway, Tijarah?” Sam retorted rubbing her nose, “I thought you hated cats.”
“I do but the mother fuckers are agile as fuck!” Tijarah cat hissed just before Rhamina picked her up out of the ice box and scratched behind her ears earning a pur.
“Guys, act fucking responsible with your magic,” Rhamina scolded, “And if you were going to get her wet you should have used magic to throw her into the ocean.”
“Mina!” Sophie gasped.
“You know it would’ve been ten times as funny as just dumping water on her.”
“Mina, you traitor!” yowled the cat right before the ravenette used her magic to summon a warm breeze to dry off the feline.
“Okay turn back now,” Rhamina said.
“No. I like being carried.”
Thud “Ow!”
“Looks like not all cats land on their feet,” Rhamina commented as everyone else burst into laughter.
“Hannah!” a male voice called to the red head.
“Jaelin!” she cheered running over to the shorter blonde knight who she started dating in the year they were in prison.
“I didn’t know you were allowed to be on this ship for royal expeditions,” Sophie stated as they were kissing.
“I got permission from Marina,” the blonde answered as he plus the seven girls gave her a pointed look.
“I thought it would make you all feel more comfortable if you had someone familiar to you,” she smiled but Rhamina could tell it was fake.
They were too similar. They knew almost everything about each other and could almost always tell when the other was lying.
‘She is such a two-faced bitch,’ she thought as the glared harder at her twin, ‘So am I but she actually betrayed us. She will never be forgiven. Never.’
~~~Fin. Chapter 1~~~
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