#lot of people bitching really meanly about found family dynamics online lately! not into it!
altschmerzes · 2 months
y'know. i really think that like... people need to calm down and stop experiencing other people interpreting their fave ship differently or disliking it as an attack on the ship itself. i've seen a lot of posts recently about how like... 'can you shut up about how x and y are siblings to you stop calling it incest when people ship ''''found family''''' and i'm like okay. there's one of several options here for what happened that prompted this post.
1. someone else's interpretation of the dynamic of their ship is making them personally feel a little weird and instead of curating your experience they are projecting their weird feelings onto that person and making it their problem when all they did is have a different take. which is ironically what they are accusing that person of doing. somebody having a familial interpretation of your ship does not mean that person thinks you are Doing Incest lmao grow up.
1.5. they saw someone express on their own blog that they feel weird about the ship or don't like it because of their personal interpretation of it, which is familial in tone, while saying nothing at all about people who DO ship that ship and enjoy it. the post is only about the op's personal feelings based on their interpretation. and for some reason decided 'i am being attacked' as a response to this.
2. that was blatant ragebait or a one-off post by someone with a lot of really big weird feelings and they are now holding everyone in the fandom accountable for one (1) weird guy they should've just blocked and ignored.
or 3. you're referring to adopted siblings as 'found family' and you need to re-evaluate a lot of things about your choices.
like... all i'm saying is i see a lot of shippers harassing people who have a specifically named found family interpretation of a dynamic and absolutely none of the reverse. could it happen? i guess. but the prevalence of those posts is not remotely equivalent. and when it DOES happen odds are it's someone who is like, 14 years old. who then got screamed at for being a 'puriteen' i'm sure rather than just being blocked and allowed to be a cringe child in peace like everyone else.
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