#lotb sasha
fandomandangstlover · 5 months
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did i start this last year & just finished today, just 6 days before the day this project was started? yes. yes, ah very much did.
ough.. this took... 13 hours.... & am so happi about it jahdgcjskalxjs. luv all of 'em<33
creators' paintings undercut:
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dance10jennas · 6 years
Tour Experience: San Jose, CA
Alright!! here we go. So getting to tour was an experience lmfao. I feel like every time I write one of these review posts I'm always talking about a hellish drive. Its been raining non stop here and the weather app said it was going to be clear. WRONG, it POURED as I was trying to leave school and rained the entire way there. Made it to the venue and struggled to find parking for a good 20 minutes. I ended up on the phone with my mom who was also struggling to find parking to realize that she was in the car right in front of me! 
We figured the parking out, get to the venue and my mom is like “we need wine..where’s the bar?” SO we got our wine, got to our seats (which were better than expected!) right as the show was about to start. 
EDIT: Omg in the stress of trying to get into the parking garage I somehow managed to leave my drivers side window rolled ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!! thankfully we were in a private garage so nothing got stolen but the entire way back to my parents house I was just like “I hope my stuff is still in my trunk” 
I’m copying Jasmine and going person by person because it seems like the easiest way to do this.
I’m gonna start with the ladies on this fine International Women’s Day 
Hayley: I love when she is partnered with Alan and Brandon. Their numbers together were lovely, Especially the contemporary with Brandon. Beautiful lifts. She is truly a stunning contemporary dancer. I love the moments she shares on stage with Britt, love those cute besties. 
Witney: I am so glad she decided to come back for this tour! I got to see her the first two tours they did and she definitely brings some killer energy to the tour. The AT with Alan was EPIC, as well as her numbers with Artem. 
Emma: Emma Slater is one of those people that truly brighten up a room. Personality for days, funny af! She brings so much to the stage and she’s another one of those dancers that is just so much better live. Bossa Nova Killed me, Elvis Emma is a gem. 
Britt: I was excited to finally see her live and I was expecting to be impressed...GIRL DEFINITELY DELIVERED! I was so so so impressed with her stage presence and her power. She is SO fun to watch. You Say was phenomenal as well as her rumba with Artem and her number with Alan. Pretty much anything she was in, my eyes were drawn to her. 
Jenna: Where to begin... Jenna Johnson is THAT dancer. You cannot look away when she is onstage. SHOOK through every single one of her numbers. LOLA?! are you kidding me? living for it. Girl Crush and LOTB ugh you can feel the love between those two. My mom didn’t take any pics of the show until she saw them coming down the stairs and have that little beginning moment.. that sent her scrambling for her phone to get some shots. She SHINED in You Say, you really feel the emotion when she performs. Mama and I cheered out faces off for that queen. It’s what she deserves. 
Now the guys 
Sasha: I thoroughly enjoyed Sasha on tour! He brings so much energy and fun to the show. His technique is incredible. I absolutely DIED at him running out after the flag number and flapping his little red flag at Val lmfao. The number with Jen seems so much faster live! it was INSANE, the crowd was loving it! 
Brandon: BRANDON! I am so so thrilled he was on this tour. The workout number omfg. He was such a standout in his contemporary with Hayley, and obviously in Lola. 
Gleb: Lol the ladies were right about Gleb being very into the numbers. Feeling Good was one of my favs, (and how incredible do those ladies look in that green 😍). His country contemporary with Witney was stunning, and obviously the bromance with Artem stole the show lol. 
Alan: Alan is another fun one to watch, I loved his hosting bit with Emma. He’s so high energy. Like I said earlier the AT with Wit was fantastic, his number with Britt, New Dorp New York, riding out on the stick horse lmfao. 
Artem: The way that man moves his body.....I CANNOT. He is literally velvet, the smoothest ever. There isn’t much else to say. My mom and I were living our best lives to say the very least. Flag number (for all the men...whew) , Another One Bites the Dust, and the foxtrot with Jenna are all standout numbers. 
Val: Val is truly the dancer that you cannot take your eyes off of. His love for dance is obvious when you watch him perform. He just brings something so special to the tour that was missing last time around. Him and Jenna match each other so well, and aside from the magic that was Girl Crush and LOTB (seriously those lifts tho!!!), his energy in Boy from NYC was off the charts. Such a fun number to watch! 
Joe: Who would have thought week one that Grocery Store Joe would have been the celeb to do the most stops on tour lmfao. I’m really glad that Joe was the one to fill in for JP so I got to witness the Joe/Val bromance first hand lol 
So there it was, I thoroughly enjoyed the tour and out of all the tours I've been to (all but Hot Summer Nights) this one was by far the best! 
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