#lots of info in this chapterrr but next up is the SMUT
sapphirestarxx · 4 years
Through the Night
Chapter 10
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After some phone calls they had all decided they would be making the out-of-town trip to the Shikon Shrine that coming weekend; five days hence. In the meantime they would all rest up and continue to focus on their recovery from the fight with Ayaka. Ordinarily the thought of all this sitting around would have driven Sango crazy-- she was a woman of action, after all-- but after solidifying her relationship with Miroku she found she didn’t mind the thought of waiting so much. She was enjoying the alone time with him, which isn’t something she had ever thought she would say.
One of those phone calls was to her brother, Kohaku, asking him to take over all her jobs until further notice, and explaining in detail the situation she was in, the foe they were chasing, and her current injuries. She had told her family before that she was working with Kagome and a couple others to solve this mystery and hunt down the person responsible but she hadn’t really elaborated on it until now. Then he had heard Miroku’s voice in the background, which of course had started a whole other round of questions into her personal life. Kohaku had agreed to help her, provided she come to the main slayer residence and introduce Miroku to them all. Soon. Wonderful.
To be honest, that had been the main reason she had avoided going to the slayers in person for the last month; she didn’t want to have to explain Miroku and deal with all the well-intentioned remarks of her family and the other slayers. Now that he was her boyfriend (that word still felt so weird to her) there was no reason to evade her family.
They spent the rest of the day on the couch, her curled up against him and his arm wrapped around her, watching a show on Netflix. Sango had picked out Supernatural, one of her favorite shows, after Miroku had said he had never seen it before. He claimed he had enough “supernatural” experiences in his day-to-day life but Sango had insisted, and he, of course, couldn’t deny her. As it turned out, it was a good choice. The show was witty and smart, not to mention very entertaining and funny; he and Sango discussed how accurate to real life it actually was and all the things they had gotten wrong. When it got late enough and it was time to go to bed, Miroku was expecting to sleep on the couch again when Sango spoke.
“Uhm, Miroku?”
“...You, uhm, if you’re okay with it I, uhm, I don’t mind sleeping together. I feel bad that you always take the couch, and well, we’re a couple now so…” Sango said, blushing in spite of herself. He was quiet for a long moment and she began to second guess herself, wondering if maybe she shouldn’t have suggested something so bold so soon. In reality, Miroku had to take a second to process her request and make sure he had heard her correctly. He was tempted to ask her if he was dreaming but didn't want to get smacked again.
“Sleep together?” Miroku repeated, speaking finally. “Are you sure?”
“Just sleep! Nothing else.” Sango clarified.
"I know that's what you meant." Miroku said, trying not to grin. He was positively ecstatic. "And I would be thrilled to sleep beside you, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Why would you make me uncomfortable?" Sango asked, confused.
"Because I may not be able to control the way my body responds."
Oh. Sango blushed crimson at that but after a few moments of silence she replied, "Th-that's fine. I don't mind, if you don't. But again, only sleeping!"
“As my lady wishes.” Miroku grinned, unable to contain his eagerness. He leaned forward and gave her a kiss. “Alright, I’ll wait out here while you go get changed. Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind about stripping in front of me?”
“Don’t push your luck.” Sango replied. Rolling her eyes, she shuffled off to get ready for bed. While she did that Miroku stripped out of his jeans and shirt, changing into his own sleep pants, forgoing the t-shirt; he respected Sango’s decision to wait for anything more physical, but that didn't mean he was going to make it easy on her. He waited a few minutes before knocking on his bedroom door and heard a quiet, “Come in.”
All the lights were off except for the one on the nightstand and Sango was already in bed, sitting up. She looked a little anxious, or maybe she was just shy. She glanced up at his entrance and her eyes widened as she stared. He smirked and couldn’t resist making a comment.
“Like what you see?”
She blushed, as he expected, but what he hadn’t expected was the way her eyes roved over his bare chest before resting on his face again.
“Maybe.” She replied with a small smile. Then her voice turned dry. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”
“I don’t generally like to sleep with one on. Is that a problem?”
“No.” She cleared her throat nervously then patted the bed beside her. “Well, come on. Get in.”
Miroku needed no further encouragement, taking the left side as Sango had already claimed the right. She was being much more assertive about this than he had been anticipating, which was a pleasant surprise. And God, the way she had looked him over had set his body aflame with desire for her.
“You don’t mind me taking this side of the bed, do you?” She asked, turning to face him.
“Not at all. Any side is fine as long as I’m sleeping by your side.” He winked at her and she rolled her eyes.
“You know, those one-liners aren’t necessary, anymore.” Sango said, giving his chest a small push. He chuckled a little bit.
“Maybe not, but I enjoy your reactions.”
“You mean the eye-rolling and exasperation?”
“You say that, but I suspect you secretly delight in hearing them.”
“Maybe a little bit.” Sango admitted. Then she looked at where her hand still rested on his chest and lightly traced a finger across his collarbone, stopping at the place where he had gotten injured in the fight with Ayaka and her mirrors. She moved her hand down to gently rest over it and felt the urge to kiss him there.
“You know, if you keep looking at me like that, and touching me like that, I can’t be held responsible for ravishing you right here in this bed.” Miroku said, his voice low.
Sango hastily removed her hand, looking away and suddenly embarrassed. Miroku took hold of the hand she had withdrawn and used his other hand to turn her face back towards him, pulling her into another kiss. His lips moved against hers, long and deep and slow, before breaking the contact.
“It’s okay.” He told her, smiling at her softly. “But we should probably go to sleep now, unless you want something more to happen here.”
“We should sleep. Sleep is good.” Sango agreed quickly, her body warmed all over from his kiss and the way he was looking at her. She didn't know if she would ever get over the way he kissed her.
Turning out the light, they both laid down and Sango closed her eyes, shifting onto her side. She had acted calm about it but her heart was pounding. ‘We’re just sleeping. It’s only sleep. It’s not a big deal.’ she silently told herself, but it felt like a big deal to her. It also felt right. She loved him, trusted him...why shouldn’t they sleep together in the same bed? Eventually, her heart rate slowed and she was able to drift off into slumber.
The next five days passed quickly and the weekend arrived before they knew it. By then Sango’s leg was completely healed and while the wound in her chest ached, it didn’t bother her too bad unless she pressed hard against it, like a lingering bruise. In another week or so it should be totally gone save for a scar, along with Miroku’s own injury. She knew because he continued to sleep shirtless, giving her an eyeful of his perfect torso every night. And while she didn’t tell him as much, she very much appreciated the view.
She had made sure to keep in touch with Kagome, who’s own wounds were also on the mend. Sango had shared the news that she and Miroku were officially dating and Kagome had been over the moon with excitement for her. It was almost comical. Unfortunately, she was still experiencing headaches but aside from that most of the side effects from her concussion were easing in their severity. Thankfully there had also been no sign of Tsubaki or any of her runes, allowing everyone to convalesce in peace.
At first they had discussed taking a train to see Lady Kaede, but in the end decided to drive to the Shikon Shrine by car. The main reason being it was slightly cheaper after factoring in the cost of gas and, more importantly, Inuyasha’s aversion to large crowds of people, making the train a no go. It also had the added benefit of making it easier to cart their weapons around just in case the need arose. So on the morning of departure, Miroku and Sango packed up his car and headed over to the Higurashi Shrine to pick up Kagome and Inuyasha for the long trip.
Sango hadn’t pried too much into her best friend’s love life over the last few days, but she assumed things had been going well considering she hadn’t received another tear-filled phone call. Another sign was the bright smile the priestess was wearing, positively radiating happiness, as they pulled up. Inuyasha wasn’t looking too thrilled but Sango had a feeling that was more to do with the prospect of being stuck in a car for four hours.
Exchanging greetings, Kagome and Inuyasha hopped into the backseat, Kagome sitting behind Sango, and Inuyasha claiming the other spot. Taking off, they were mostly quiet except for Sango and Kagome chatting a bit. Inuyasha just stared out the window with his arms crossed, his occasionally twitching ears the only sign that he was listening. Sango mentioned how she had gotten Miroku into watching Supernatural and they all excitedly talked about it for a little while. After about thirty minutes had passed Kagome leaned over and poked the back of Miroku’s seat.
“Hey. Can we get some music in here?”
“Of course.” He replied, turning on the Bluetooth in the car and opening his phone’s music folder. The song that played through the car's speakers made Sango stop talking and stare at him, unamused; Into You by Ariana Grande. It seemed he wasn’t done teasing her about it, yet.
“Really?” She asked in a flat voice and he let out a laugh, taking his eyes from the road for a moment to spare her a wink.
“I’ve decided this is our song, now. You confessed so many things to me while it played.”
“I’m going to run your head into a wall next chance I get.”
Inuyasha snickered and Kagome burst into laughter.
“So violent. Last night you weren’t so--”
“So help me if you finish that sentence! You are so lucky you’re driving right now or I’d push you out of this car.”
“Push him out anyway.” Inuyasha goaded her.
“Now I have to know what happened last night.” Kagome input, her interest piqued.
“Nothing! We just slept, that’s all .” Sango shot a glare Miroku’s way, as if daring him to contradict her.
“‘We?’” Inuyasha repeated, turning a leer on her. “And just sleep? With this lecher? I find that hard to believe.”
“I’ve been a total gentleman, I swear.” Miroku defended himself, letting go of the steering wheel with one hand to raise it in supplication.
“Yes ‘we’, as in together; he’s my boyfriend now. Is that so weird?” Sango shot back, blushing.
“I love when you call me yours.” Miroku commented, grinning at how worked up she was getting. She was so damn cute when she got flustered. It was part of the reason he loved to tease her so much.
“I really wish I wasn’t here right now.” Sango muttered, rubbing at her temples.
“Yeah, you and me both.” Inuyasha groused.
“Oh come on, you don’t mean that.” Kagome said, looping an arm through his and leaning into his side. She looked up at him sweetly from where her head rested on his shoulder and he blushed. “I mean, I’m here.”
“I just don’t like bein’ cramped in a car like this for so long.” Inuyasha hedged. “It’s nothin’ to do with you. You know that.”
Kagome giggled in happiness and raised herself up to place a quick kiss on Inuyasha’s cheek.
“It appears Sango and I aren’t the only ones... strengthening our bond.” Miroku remarked with a smirk.
“Keh, don’t lump me in with yourself. I’m not a pervert like you. We haven’t done anything.” Inuyasha protested.
“I’m telling you it was just--” Sango started.
“Inuyasha just kisses me. Unfortunately.” Kagome muttered, losing her cheery expression. Okay, and maybe a little heavy petting, she silently admitted. But anytime it got too heated he always pulled away, much to her disappointment; it was frustrating to say the least. She realized they had only been “together” for about a week now, and maybe it was moving too fast, but she felt ready.
There was also no one else she had ever wanted to be with… she couldn't possibly see herself wanting to be with someone else ever again. Inuyasha was her one and only; but he refused to go further for fear of risking something happening to her powers. Not when they were in the middle of pursuing Tsubaki and fighting all her minions. And while she believed him, it was hard not to get insecure about it.
“‘Unfortunately?’” It was Sango’s turn to twist around and pin a look on the half demon.
“Look, can we not discuss this again in front of everyone?” Inuyasha half snapped, half pleaded, his ears flattening against his head.
“You never want to discuss it when we’re alone, either.” Kagome returned sourly.
“I’m not going to be the one responsible for you losing your powers!”
“That’s not going to happen!”
“What do you mean ‘lose your powers’”? Miroku and Sango asked at the same time.
“He thinks if we mate I’ll lose my spiritual energy, or they’ll be corrupted, or something ridiculous because he’s part demon. Which I’ve told him is crazy!” Kagome replied.
“Hmm.” Miroku mused. “True, a demon mating with a priestess is rather unheard of, and I can understand your concerns, Inuyasha. But perhaps you are being overly cautious. I don’t think fate would decree her as your mate if--”
“Can we just drop it?!” Inuyasha burst out and everyone fell silent, the only sound the music still playing. Mercifully, everyone respected his need for a topic change. Or maybe it was the way he had borderline snarled the words. Whatever. He had no idea how the mixing of the youki in the mating mark was going to mix with Kagome’s reiki; two opposing energies so very different in nature. True, he could try to have sex with her without actually marking her, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to control his instincts if it got that far. If he went all the way the urge would become too much to resist. Fuck, he could barely control himself when they would lay on her bed and share heated kisses. Her hands were never idle and damn--all he wanted was to taste her. He knew he hurt her when he would pull away but he had to control his inner demon. It would take her without hesitation, he would mark her as his; and he wasn’t willing to risk that even if she was. Not yet.
The rest of the car ride passed uneventfully but there was slight tension from the heated conversation about Kagome and Inuyasha’s intimacy. When they finally pulled up to the Shikon Shrine, they were all dying to get the hell out of the car. They had stopped once at a rest stop but otherwise it had been a straight shot there. Lady Kaede was standing outside, waiting for them; that morning Miroku had called the shrine and Lady Kaede had graciously accepted his request for a visit and the reason for it. He hadn’t touched too much on the subject while on the phone with her, figuring it could all wait until they arrived. And while it was true he could have probably gotten all the information from her over the phone some things were better done in person.
Everyone exited the car, stretching their legs before approaching the entrance to the shrine, where Kaede was patiently waiting for them. She had long gray hair pulled back into a low ponytail and her face was lined with age, her back slightly stooped. A black eye-patch covered her right eye and she was dressed in traditional priestess garbs. Sango felt underdressed in her own black jeans and simple turquoise sweater.
“Welcome. I am Kaede Nakamura, the current Head Priestess of this humble shrine. Please, come in.” Kaede greeted them, bowing slightly before turning to lead the way. They all bowed except Inuyasha and followed her past the torii gate and up the steps to the shrine itself. Upon entering, they all removed their shoes, and Kaede slid the shoji door to the washitsu aside, stepping inside and beckoning them all to come in, then slid the door closed behind them.
“I receive all visitors in this room here. I hope it is acceptable. Please, make yourselves comfortable for I am sure we have much to discuss.” Kaede spoke as her eyes lingered slightly on Kagome.
“This is perfect. Thank you again for agreeing to see us. You are most gracious.” Miroku politely inclined his head as they all arranged themselves around the chabudai in the middle of the room, settling themselves on the tatami flooring and making introductions.
“Yes, we really appreciate it. Anything you can tell us would be a huge help.” Kagome agreed.
“It is nice to see that some of the younger generation still has their manners.” Kaede smiled at them. “Now, what do you wish to know? The young monk here told me you seek information on Tsubaki."
They all began to tell her of the happenings in Tokyo thus far and what they currently knew about Tsubaki and her methods, which wasn't much at all. When they were finished Kaede was silent in thought for a moment.
"It is as I feared." Kaede sighed, her voice solemn.
"What does that mean?" Sango asked.
"First, allow me to tell you the history this shrine has with Tsubaki. It began years ago, when we first accepted her as a priestess at this shrine. At first, she appeared to act as a proper priestess should; she pursued her studies and duties diligently. She progressed very quickly in her training and was quite gifted, gaining the respect of many, including that of my elder sister, Kikyo.
“After some time it became clear she possessed a heart too selfish and vain; it began to corrupt her. Her powers were almost a match for my sister’s and Tsubaki soon began to see Kikyo as a rival. Kikyo was very beautiful and very powerful and Tsubaki became jealous of all the attention and praise that she received. In fact, it was even spoken that Kikyo was the most powerful priestess to live since the days of Lady Midoriko.”
“Lady Midoriko? You mean the warrior priestess who lived in the feudal era?” Kagome asked, unable to keep from interrupting. Midoriko was practically a legend. If this was true then Kikyo had indeed been a force of nature.
“Yes, exactly so. My eyes are not what they used to be, but it is uncanny, for you bear a striking resemblance to my late sister, and I do hope you will forgive me for such an observation. While my powers are quite dulled, I would say too that your own powers and the strength of your soul are in the same league as those of Kikyo’s.” Kaede replied and Kagome fell quiet, unsure what to make of that revelation.
“Wow, Kagome. I knew you were strong, but that’s incredible.” Sango commented and Kagome flushed slightly under the praise and scrutiny.
“I-if it’s true.” She demurred, but she also wondered at the truth of the words. She had always been told she was extraordinarily powerful and had come into her powers so strongly at such an early age, and she wondered now if it had been some heavenly intervention in preparation for this impending fight with Tsubaki. Or maybe it was all a coincidence. There was no way to really tell.
“And then what?” Inuyasha asked, growing impatient and wanting to take the attention off of Kagome when it was clear she was uncomfortable at Kaede’s assertion.
“Unknown to all of us, Tsubaki began to dabble in other darker magics. Eventually, Tsubaki’s jealousy grew to be too much and she attempted to curse Kikyo with a shikigami. The curse was two-fold-- marr her beauty and take her powers. My sister had suspected she would try something and thus thwarted her attack and Tsubaki was banished from the shrine, having revealed herself as a dark priestess. But it, unfortunately, did not end there.
“Tsubaki’s ambition knew no bounds and she worked tirelessly to elevate herself in the eyes of the evil demons. She craved power, eternal life, and eternal beauty; she felt it was her due. And perhaps most of all, revenge against my sister. For in deflecting Tsubaki’s attack, Kikyo had turned her own curse back upon her. Tsubaki escaped with her powers but Kikyo’s deflection had caused it to enter back through her right eye, leaving behind an ugly mark.
“As I’m sure you know, most demons have learned to co-exist with humanity but not all were content with such a life. They missed the blood, the fear, the recognition of their terrible power and their ability to lord it over those weaker than they. After being shunned, Tsubaki sought out the help of these demons, making deals and contracts, and attracted the attention of one of the most powerful demons to live. He was known as Naraku and was a foul being, ruthless and depraved. Despite being only a half demon he was more powerful than many full-blooded youkai and his name became one to fear.
“They began to work together, combining their objectives into a single goal. Naraku would give her all that she desired so long as she continued to lend him her power in his conquest. You see, Naraku detested the human part of him and thus hated humans, viewing them as weak and lesser. Tsubaki seemed to be the only exception to this, for while they had started as uncertain allies they grew close, and Naraku eventually took her as his mate.”
“Naraku mated with Tsubaki? She was his mate?” Miroku interrupted, stealing a glance Inuyasha’s way. His friend’s golden gaze had sharpened at the words and he knew Kagome had to be also listening intently.
“Yes. I do not know if I would call it love, for they were both too removed from anything resembling human emotion for something so pure. Tsubaki had even once told my sister that a priestess’ true power came alive when they abandoned all human feelings. What they had together was dark and twisted, a perversion of nature, almost a co-dependency. She and Naraku had a fierce loyalty and devotion to each other, and perhaps to them it was love.
“Her powers only grew more tainted and she began to rely more heavily on the darker arts, becoming adept at many magics, mirror magic and illusions among them, although she was not limited to these only. Her abilities spanned the full spectrum, which is part of what made her a truly frightening opponent.”
“Are you saying mating with him corrupted her powers?” Inuyasha demanded.
“She was already corrupted; her heart was made impure by her greed and vanity.” Kaede answered. “I cannot speak for how the mating affected her spiritual powers, but it appears she is still formidable even now. How much of that is her spiritual powers versus how much is black magic I do not know. For she now possesses a tome of the blackest spells known to exist, if what you say is true.”
“You called their mating a perversion of nature. Are you saying that just because she was a priestess and he was a half demon?” Kagome questioned, unable to keep the hostility from her voice.
“No, young one. The both of them were so evil, their souls so black, that to call their mating anything other than a perversion of nature would not do justice to the chaos they created in the wake of their joining. It is also unclear if they were bonded by fate or by their dark desires.” Kaede told her and Kagome relaxed a bit at that.
“What was Naraku’s ultimate goal?” Sango asked, unable to contain her curiosity. She knew Kaede was probably not done recounting her tale and would get to it eventually but she had to know. She had heard whispered mentions of a demon named Naraku from her grandparents when she was young but hadn’t realized he had had any association with Tsubaki. He had decimated half their household fifty years ago in his attempt to rise to power but she didn’t know much beyond that. The slayers had tried to put an end to him and had suffered unimaginable losses for their troubles. It was understandably a sore subject for her family to talk about, plus demon slayers in general just weren’t very open with their feelings, preferring to act rather than talk.
“Patience, young slayer.” Kaede gently admonished and Sango blushed a little in embarrassment. “All in due time. I was just getting to it.
“As I had said, Naraku despised humans. He chafed at having to hide his true nature from the world, feeling that humans were so far beneath him, that they should know their place. He desired to out demonkind to all of humanity, so as to subject them to his rule, his evil whims, as he thought was only right. He was so powerful and humans so weak; why shouldn’t he be able to do as he pleased? And with Tsubaki’s help and encouragement he became almost unstoppable.
“A long string of murders began, and the Japanese police attributed it to a serial killer. Such a thing was not unheard of in this country, but still uncommon enough to cause major concern. Of course, those responsible for these murders were none other than Naraku and Tsubaki. He killed when it suited him, whether to further his own agenda or to punish those who had displeased him, and she used the kills as sacrifices for her own dark magics.
“Kikyo was the only one with the strength, the power to put an end to them. She plotted and bided her time until at last she took them both on, determined to end their reign of terror before it escalated into something that could no longer be hidden from ordinary folk. She fought for three days and nights before finally vanquishing Naraku and purifying his evil from this world. Despite my own modest abilities, I assisted her and almost captured Tsubaki, but she managed to escape, taking my right eye as revenge for what Kikyo had done to hers.
“In the aftermath, Kikyo was so grievously wounded that she barely clung to life. She held on for a day before succumbing to her injuries and passing on into the next life. I would say that was the end of it but now it seems Tsubaki has resurfaced all these years later.”
Everyone was quiet, thinking over what they had just learned. There was so much to process, to consider, with so many revelations out in the open now. There was one thing Kaede had still not touched upon, however, and Miroku was quick to point it out.
“That is certainly much more than we had known before, and I thank you for taking the time to recount what must no doubt be a painful tale for you to tell. I realize this was many years ago, but still, you have my condolences for losing your sister in such a way.” Miroku started. “However, before you began this story you said ‘it is as I feared.’ What do you think is happening, here? Please, tell us.”
“Ah, yes. My apologies, this old mind is prone to bouts of forgetfulness. And I thank you, but as you said, it was many years ago. That particular wound of the heart no longer aches as it once did.” Kaede replied, bowing her head graciously. “Tsubaki and Naraku were mates. It is not common knowledge among those with such holy powers but when a demon takes a mate their lifespans become intertwined. Although, I’m sure you were already aware of such a thing, slayer.”
Sango gave a nod of acknowledgement and waited for Kaede to continue.
“Upon his death, Tsubaki should have perished soon after, as her mate was no longer of this world. However, she has clearly used her dark magic to preserve her life, and now that she has that evil spell book stolen from your shrine in her possession it seems she has put another plan of hers into motion.” This last part she directed towards Kagome, who also gave a nod of acknowledgement. “There are many forbidden spells and rituals contained in the pages of that book, and among them is a spell for the resurrection of a demon. Even a half demon such as Naraku was.”
“What?” Sango breathed out. “Are...are you saying Tsubaki is trying to resurrect her dead lover?”
“I cannot speak with absolute certainty, but based on all the other information you have given me, I would say so. The harvesting of souls, and of spiritual powers...these are all important components for a magic as vile and taboo as this. There are few other things she could be trying to accomplish.”
“You said Kikyo purified Naraku, which means his body turned to ash. There’s nothing to put his soul back into.” Kagome pointed out. “Or are you saying she’s not just bringing his soul back, but his body too? Recreating it?”
“Yes.” Kaede replied simply.
To accomplish something so huge and grand in scale...undertaking a feat such as that would certainly require an extraordinary amount of power. It would definitely offer a plausible explanation as to what Tsubaki’s endgame was with all of this. And if it was true, they had no choice but to stop her, for the alternative was unthinkable.
“All the souls she’s taken, do you have any idea what she’s doing with them?” Kagome asked. “I know she’s apparently using them as part of this incredibly difficult and complicated spell to resurrect Naraku, but where are they being kept? Or have they already been sacrificed? The priestesses, priests, and monks that have fallen victim to her are still alive, but they exist in a solely comatose state, their souls completely gone, their reiki completely drained. They’re basically living husks.”
“Again, I cannot speak with any certainty, but she has most likely trapped them somewhere until she must use them, waiting until she accumulates the necessary amount of spiritual power and number of souls needed. Perhaps a mirror, considering her affinity for mirror magic. Once she has gathered everything that is required, the souls will be used as a sacrifice in payment for the resurrection of his own evil soul and they will all likely die.
“Their spiritual powers will be used to recreate his body. As you know, reiki is the opposite to youki, and in nature they act as a balance to each other. The reiki will likely represent the human component to his body, and I am sure Tsubaki has taken many demon souls, along with their youki, for the demon element. There were plenty of demons who did not align with her and Naraku’s vision, and they are no doubt among her victims. You just have not heard because you are human, and as such are only concerned with human matters. Aside from you, of course.”
That last sentence was directed to Inuyasha, who scowled.
“I try to mind my own business and don’t get out much.” He said. “My brother would probably know more, though. Also, how do you--”
“Wait!” Kagome spoke up, staring at him. “Hold up, pause. Can we backtrack for a second to the part where you said ‘brother ’? You have a brother??”
“Yeah. We don’t get along.” Inuyasha scoffed.
“You have a brother and you never told me!” Kagome exclaimed. “What’s his name, where is he, and why haven’t you bothered to mention that little detail?”
Sango and Miroku exchanged a glance. Sango raised her eyebrows in a silent question and Miroku shrugged, nodding. Miroku knew Inuyasha had a brother but they weren’t close by any means; they typically tended to act as if the other didn’t exist. It was an arrangement that suited the both of them just fine.
“Because it doesn’t matter!” Inuyasha returned, torn between annoyance and not wanting to upset Kagome. He honestly didn’t see what the big deal was. “His name’s Sesshomaru. He’s mated to a powerful wind demon and lives in a nice big house with his mate and kids. We don’t keep in touch. Kagura aint so bad but he’s a fucking dick. He’s a full demon and I’m not, and he reminds me of that every fucking chance he gets.”
“Sesshomaru? As in the Lord of the West?” Sango cut in. As a demon slayer she had definitely heard of him; he was basically the ruling lord of all demonkind in Japan. While the daiyoukai was not particularly fond of humans, he didn’t seem to totally hate them either, nor did he cause problems. Furthermore, he seemed to keep most of the demon population in line and so the slayers didn’t bother him. Sango had never seen Sesshomaru in person, but now that she thought about it, she had heard he was a dog demon.
“Yeah, the very same bastard. Again, doesn’t fucking matter.” Inuyasha brushed it off like it was nothing, and to him it probably was. Then he pinned his bright amber gaze upon the older priestess. “Like I was about to ask-- how do you know so much about these spells? I wouldn’t think a pure priestess like you would be so knowledgeable about such things. Plus there were only supposed to be two copies and your shrine ain't one of the two chosen to protect them.”
“For a time, one of the books was in the possession of our shrine. When my sister grew into her power and proved herself strong and worthy, it was presented to us at the Shikon Shrine to guard and protect. After her death I decided to hand it off to someone better suited to keeping it safe. My sister died before she could marry and have children and my own spiritual powers are rather modest. It seemed the wisest course of action, and so I inquired if those at the Takagi Temple would take over its protection. Kazuma graciously accepted such a task. After his passing, the duty fell to his brother, your uncle, Mushin.”
Kaede addressed the last sentence to Miroku, who was looking at the old priestess intently. Sango looked from him to her, and realized she had just learned two things about Miroku in the last ten seconds. The name of his father, and his own last name. She didn’t know why, but in the last month it had never come up. He probably didn’t even know her own last name either, something she resolved to fix soon. Now that they were dating it was kind of embarrassing not knowing such things about your partner.
“So that’s how it came into our possession. Very interesting.” Miroku said, and his voice was calm but he had tensed slightly beside her. Sango wondered why. Was it the mention of his father?
“Indeed.” Kaede said. “Do you have any other questions to ask of this old priestess?”
They all shook their heads and Kaede inclined her head.
“I want to thank you again.” Miroku spoke. “This has been very enlightening.”
“Yes, thank you so much.” Sango added. “Thanks to you we all have a better understanding of Tsubaki and, more importantly, an idea of what her ultimate end goal is, something that explains everything that has been happening. You’ve been extremely helpful. I realize there is some distance between us but regardless, should you ever need to, please do not hesitate to call upon the slayers of Tokyo. We will assist you free of charge. It’s the least I can do.”
“Thank you, young one. Your offer is most appreciated.” Kaede smiled at her, rising to her feet and everyone else followed suit. “I wish you all the best of luck in defeating her. I hope you succeed where my sister and I failed.”
“Thank you.” Kagome said, bowing slightly. “We will take care of Tsubaki. I swear it. Between the four of us, we will take her down.”
“You must keep her from completing the spell at all costs. If Naraku were to rise again, I fear what sacrifices would be required to overcome him a second time. The first time my sister Kikyo paid with her life. I do not wish for any more lives to be lost to that demon. He has taken enough already.” Kaede told them, her voice solemn.
They left the shrine and, after looking at the time which read seven-thirty in the evening, decided to just stay at a hotel and travel back to Tokyo in the morning. They had all brought a change of clothes just in case. Arriving at the inn, they booked two rooms and Kagome turned to Sango, clearly expecting to room with her best friend. Sango took her friend’s arm and looked at her, cutting off her chatter.
“Kagome, if you really want to room with me I will, but I, uhm, I just thought since you’re dating Inuyasha now and I’m with Miroku that we would stay with our b-boyfriends.” Sango told her, stumbling a little over the word “boyfriend.” It still felt strange to her, probably because she had gone most of her life without one. Even in the two instances she had had one, it hadn’t lasted long. Her high school relationship had been the longest one at eight months.
Kagome looked at her with wide eyes at first, as if taken off guard. Then her gaze turned calculating and Sango knew her friend well enough to know she was thinking of all the ways she could spin this to her advantage with Inuyasha.
“Okay.” She said simply, accepting it easily.
Sango relaxed at her agreement, breathing a silent sigh of relief. She didn’t want to say it but in the span of five days she had gotten used to sleeping beside Miroku. The sound of his breathing, the heat of his body right next to hers, and the way their bodies would sometimes inevitably entwine in the middle of the night were all things she had come to enjoy, take comfort in, and even look forward to. He was careful not to touch her when they laid down at night aside from a goodnight kiss, but she always awoke with him spooning her, an arm draped lazily over her side pulling her against him, and she felt so indescribably happy and loved in those moments.
There had been a few awkward moments where she had felt him grow aroused behind her and he had apologized to her, not at all embarrassed but also not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. To be honest, the only reason she had ever felt uncomfortable during those times was because it had incited her own need for him, wetness beginning to pool between her legs. He had excused himself to “take care of business” as he put it, with a wink, and she had laid there blushing and knowing exactly what he had gone to do. She was unable to keep herself from imagining it, which only made her grow wetter for him.
Her body was clearly ready to take that next step, and honestly she was considering telling him yes soon, but the insecurities over her scars along with her general difficulty at being open about her feelings and voicing her wants were holding her back. Still, she was reaching the point of giving in to her desires.
Blinking, Sango brought her attention back to the present and noticed Miroku looking at her intently with a small smile. She returned it and walked to his side, looping her right arm around his left one and leaning into his side. He kissed the top of her head affectionately.
“What?!” Inuyasha’s exclamation caught the attention of them both.
“Please don’t make a scene in the middle of the hotel lobby.” Kagome said through gritted teeth. Some of the other people around them had stopped to give them curious looks.
“I am not sharing a room with you.” Inuyasha responded, almost desperately, lowering his voice so that only his companions could hear him.
“Am I really so terrible that you can’t even share a room with me?” Kagome practically hissed.
“Of course not!” Inuyasha argued back. “But to stay the night in the same room as you, I-- I--”
“You what? Might actually want me? God forbid.” Kagome’s voice was scathing.
“Would you stop it! You know why!”
“Yeah, and I don’t care.”
“I know, which is why I have to care for you!”
“That’s not necessary. We’re rooming together. Okay??”
“Miroku! Tell Kagome to room with Sango.”
“Not happening, Inuyasha. I’m sleeping with Sango. Don’t be a cockblock.” Miroku replied. That last part earned him a glare and elbow in the side from Sango, which he gamely ignored.
Unhappy but also outnumbered, Inuyasha gave up on arguing his case and they all took the elevator to their floor. They had gotten rooms right across from each other to make it easier to seek their friends out in the event anything happened. Kagome had taken the opportunity to grab Inuyasha’s hand in the elevator and they walked hand-in-hand to their room.
“See you in the morning! Ten o’clock, right?” Kagome called to Sango and Miroku as they were about to enter their own room.
“Yes. Good night!” Sango affirmed and they each entered their own rooms.
Kagome shut the door behind her and Inuyasha then proceeded to take in the room. There were two double-beds along with a small TV, a nightstand in between the beds, and a table off to the side. Pretty standard accommodations for a hotel room.
She turned on the TV to pass the time and found a channel marathoning episodes of a popular drama. Eventually, she got ready for bed and then during a commercial break, she turned to Inuyasha who had, of course, settled on the opposite bed.
“Are we going to talk about it yet?”
“Talk about what?”
“You know what. Mating. Inuyasha, I want you to make me yours. At this point I feel like I’m begging you, and I don’t like it.”
“Then stop askin’.”
“Nothing is going to happen to my powers!!” She shouted, and her insecurities took control. She had gone through her whole life wanting no one. No one ever appealed to her; there was never any spark. She had resigned herself to a life of priestesshood. Then she met Inuyasha; strong, courageous, a little rough around the edges but--their banter had become so familiar. Genuine. His actions, while she initially thought they were because of his duty, spoke louder than words. The extra care he gave her, the actual words he did finally express--she couldn’t take the rejection time and time again!
“If you don’t want me then just say so! You say this mate thing is instinctual, which means you didn’t choose it, so if you don’t really want me then just be honest! You’re still half human so I get it; maybe you don’t feel the same way I do and th-that’s ok. Just--stop stringing me along!”
He faced her and stared at her intensely before turning so his legs draped off the bed before he spoke. “Kagome, are you stupid? Did you forget everything I told you? I love you. I need you. And I don’t say that lightly, okay? I don’t do the mushy stuff. I’ve never said that shit to anyone before. But for you, I’m willing to open my heart and fucking try.
“Understand one thing right now-- I want you so bad, you couldn’t even fathom it. Every time I kiss you it’s fucking magic. I have to force myself to stop. When your scent changes--fuck everything in me wants to drop you to the bed and forget your honor and mine. I want to not give a damn, but I have to.
“Did you not hear Kaede? Tsubaki mated with Naraku and look at her. She’s so warped and twisted and there’s no telling how much of her spiritual powers survived, and if they did, whether or not they became perverted by Naraku’s own demonic aura.”
“She was already a dark priestess when she met Naraku and mated with him!” Kagome argued. “She still has her powers, however corrupt they became thanks to all the black magic she’s been performing! Kaede even said their coupling was against nature! Ours wouldn’t be if you’re being honest about me being your mate!”
Inuyasha sighed.
“Kagome, the possibility is still too great for me to risk it. Not when we’re in the middle of facing off against Tsubaki and all her fucking minions.”
“Fine.” Kagome let out a shaky breath, getting herself back under control and swiping at the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. “Okay. Inuyasha, I love you but God you are so frustrating. But fine. I’ll relent on one condition.”
“What’s that condition?” Inuyasha asked warily.
“Once we defeat Tsubaki, no more excuses. Right now I am a part of this fight and my powers are necessary. Furthermore, I insist on seeing this through. Especially if I’m somehow linked to Kikyo. Maybe it's part of my destiny or maybe it's all a coincidence. But once Tsubaki is no more, I don’t care anymore. Nothing is going to happen to my power; you can worry all you want but I'm certain of it. I am just as certain in my love for you. But on the off chance you’re correct, we will wait until then, but after that-- no more waiting. I want you to mark me as yours, I want to officially become your mate. Please.” She said the last part softly in a pleading voice.
Inuyasha was silent for a moment in contemplation before he nodded, “Alright. If you’re sure. I promise you.” He knelt down in front of her and took her hand in his. “I will protect you with my life. After Tsubaki is defeated, I will claim you as mine and mine alone.”
She blushed from such a proclamation and couldn’t stop the tears that began to flow from overwhelming happiness. He promised her. They were finally going to mate! She couldn’t stop herself as she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him and burrowing her head into his neck.
Stammering slightly he relaxed, realizing her tears were from happiness. He wrapped his arms around her small lithe body and pressed his nose into her hair.
When it came time to sleep Kagome wordlessly crawled into bed beside Inuyasha.
“Wh-what are you doing??” Didn’t she realize what a horrible idea that was?? How he was basically an animal, admitted so just a little while ago?
She merely curled up next to him and wrapped her arms around him, saying simply, “I love you...Please. I promise I’ll control myself. But...I want to sleep beside you. I feel the safest in your arms.”
As much as he knew he shouldn’t, Inuyasha was unable to deny her; especially not when he wanted to have her in his arms as much as she wanted to be in his. He kissed her, slow and passionately, their breath mingling together. Barely able to reign back his demonic half, he reminded himself they were courting. While they were mates and she accepted him, she deserved a chance to see the kind of mate he would be. His inner demon simmered down, accepting the simple touches they gave each other. It would do.
Kagome held true to her word, refraining from immediately brushing her hands freely along his body. She merely stroked his chest and caressed her way to her target; his ears.
He was the one that almost lost himself as he expelled a soothingly happy rumble of pleasure and snaked out his tongue to her previously closed lips. She excitedly allowed him entrance and also explored his own mouth, especially his fangs.
Realizing her scent was starting to spike, he pulled back, growling to himself. He really wanted her. Fuck did he want her.
When they pulled away Kagome was smiling at him and felt like he could drown in those cinnamon eyes as his raging blood calmed. Tucking her head against his chest, they settled down onto the bed and fell asleep that way.
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