denorteanorte · 1 year
Plenario para la Militancia Obrera de la "Mesa Política Sindical Massa 2023"
Tuvo lugar en la Asociación de Empleados de Casinos Nacionales, en Tigre, hoy miércoles. Participaron dirigentes y referentes de varios sindicatos con filiales en la región. Además de los anfitriones de casinos (AECN); hubo representaciones de ferroviarios (UF); UTA (Transporte); UPCN (estatales; STIA (alimentación). También municipales sanisidrenses (STMSI); de empleados de carnicerías (SOFECA);…
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cgus2014 · 2 years
La CGT Zona Norte cerró el año de trabajo
La CGT Zona Norte cerró el año de trabajo
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killfive · 1 year
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ridinvestment · 1 year
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Oggi, Piazza Affari sta tentando di recuperare dopo i forti cali di venerdì dovuti alle tensioni sui titoli bancari su scala globale. Gli investitori stanno cercando di riacquistare fiducia in un settore pesantemente colpito dalla paura di un rischio sistemico dopo i casi di Svb e Credit Suisse, che hanno visto anche Deutsche Bank crollare in borsa. Tuttavia, il titolo dell'istituto tedesco è aperto con un rally del 5% a Francoforte, incoraggiando gli acquisti su tutte le banche europee. Anche la notizia che First Citizens BancShares acquisirà tutti i depositi e gli impieghi di Silicon Valley Bank dalla Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ha aiutato ad allentare le tensioni sul settore. Questa settimana sarà ricca di appuntamenti sul fronte macro, con la pubblicazione di vari indicatori di fiducia e i dati sull'inflazione europea previsti per venerdì. L'indice FTSE Mib è in rialzo dello 0,7% intorno alle 9,40, dopo un balzo fino all'1,8% nelle prime battute. Il settore bancario italiano è in rialzo dello 0,4%, ma UniCredit e Intesa San Paolo frenano i rialzi allo 0,5% circa. Anche Banco Bpm e Mps annullano gli iniziali rialzi. In vista dell'assemblea sul rinnovo del Cda dell'istituto senese, il Tesoro ha definito nel weekend il tandem per guidare la banca a controllo pubblico nella prossima fase, confermando l'AD Luigi Lovaglio a poco più di un anno dal suo arrivo e affidando la presidenza a Nicola Maione. Perfino Fineco Bank azzera gli iniziali rialzi incoraggiati dall'avvio della copertura sul titolo con 'overweight' da parte di Morgan Stanley. Gli acquisti si stanno invece intensificando sui titoli del settore industriale, automotive ed energia, con Prysmian in rialzo del 2,4%, Iveco e Cnh dell'1%, e Snam dell'1,2%. #piazzaaffari #finanza #banche Investite con criterio. @ridinvestment https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSmQQXt6rk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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planetofsnarfs · 6 months
Expectant parents invite doctors and nurses into the delivery room, not police officers. But law enforcement agencies have backdoor access in New Jersey.
The intrusion starts within 48 hours after birth, when maternity ward workers prick an infant’s heel to collect blood for laboratory testing. The screening allows for early detection of rare conditions like cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease.
All states do this. But afterward they destroy the paper cards they use to collect dried bloodspots. New Jersey keeps the blood.
Without telling parents, the state has stored samples from each baby born since the 1970s, creating a secretive database with millions of entries. Blood samples stay on file for 23 years. DNA data might last longer on third-party servers.
New Jersey does not say precisely what happens to the data, but the state gives itself permission to share the genetic markers it collects with anyone it wants for any reason, including law enforcement. The risk is not just hypothetical. New Jersey already has turned over infant blood samples to police agencies without a warrant, leading to criminal charges for at least one father.
Technically, parents can opt out of the screening if they object on religious grounds. But hospitals hide this option, and some families report threats of being reported to Child Protective Services if they refuse. A half-page handout from the New Jersey Department of Health claims “all” infants are “required by law” to give blood to the state.
The handout says nothing about long-term storage.
Erica Jedynak, a mother from Boonton, New Jersey, was blindsided on her delivery day. She did not learn until later that the state would keep her son’s blood on file for unknown purposes. The intrusion felt like an eerie scene from Gattaca or some other dystopian science fiction horror film.
“There is something morally not right that the government would be tracking him or almost assuming the guilt of babies,” Jedynak says. “I have to protect him from what appears to be a very creepy database.”
The shadowy scheme also concerns Hannah Lovaglio, a mother from Cranbury, New Jersey. “It is a little off-putting to think that my child’s blood is sitting in some state facility in New Jersey,” she says. “I try to keep track of all of my kid’s things, but that is just totally out of my control and unsettling.”
Rather than go away quietly, both mothers are fighting back in a federal class-action lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. Our public interest law firm, the Institute for Justice, represents the class.
The case builds on earlier lawsuits exposing invasive uses of baby blood samples without parental consent. Plaintiffs caught Texas turning over DNA data to the Pentagon for a national registry. Michigan was selling newborn blood for research. So was Minnesota. Court rulings forced all three of these states to stop.
Other jurisdictions respect parental rights voluntarily. But holdouts remain. California, for example, continues to stockpile baby blood spots for law enforcement and research. A state bill would give parents more control, but legislation should not be necessary.
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution already guarantees the right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures. In the absence of a warrant, consent, or certain other conditions, all searches and seizures are unconstitutional.
Collecting blood from a baby just in case the child or a close relative does something illegal in the future falls far short of the standard. No judge, no matter how friendly to law enforcement, would authorize searches for evidence up to 23 years before a crime occurs.
Such warrants would put the United States in Minority Report territory. Yet this is where New Jersey wants to operate—minus the warrants. The abuse is just one way governments can treat people like criminals before they do anything wrong.
The Sheriff’s Office of Pasco County, Florida, uses a method it calls “predictive policing”—where people marked for scrutiny face surveillance, unannounced home visits, and hyper-aggressive code enforcement. All household members suffer. Tammy Heilman, who had a teenaged son on the “future criminals” list, endured five years of weekly and sometimes daily police harassment.
Houston, meanwhile, forces certain business owners to treat their customers like potential criminals. Since 2022, the city has required bars, nightclubs, convenience stores, game rooms, and sexually oriented businesses to install exterior lights and cameras, make recordings, and store the information for 30 days at their own expense.
Upon request, these businesses must hand over video files to the police without a warrant. The scheme follows the New Jersey pattern. Law enforcement agencies conduct searches in advance or make someone else do it, and then mine the data when a need arises. The difference in New Jersey is the seizure of biometrics—an extra layer of intrusion.
These Fourth Amendment violations must end. Even when a crime has occurred and the police have a suspect, they must follow the Constitution. Conducting searches and seizures in advance increases the risks of abuse.
If babies are not safe from the law enforcement overreach, then no one is.
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notiziariofinanziario · 11 months
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena ha fatto progressi impressionanti negli ultimi 12 mesi
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Monte dei Paschi di Siena presenta risultati solidi. "Siamo ora una delle migliori banche in Italia, con una capacità di essere redditizia in maniera sostenibile e di generare capitale in maniera organica trimestre su trimestre. Siamo solidi e ben equipaggiati per competere sul mercato". Lo ha affermato il CEO Luigi Lovaglio nella call con la comunità finanziaria che ha seguito la pubblicazione dei risultati al 30 settembre 2023. La crescita dei ricavi core ha supportato un margine operativo lordo 2 volte più elevato anno su anno, con ricavi in aumento e costi strutturali inferiori, sfruttando una forte base di clienti fedeli. Il costo del rischio è a 52 pb, confermando la guidance di fine anno a 55 pb. "La guidance sull'utile netto per il 2023 è stata aumentata a oltre 1,1 miliardi di euro, trainata dal margine di interesse, con un coefficiente CET1 di fine anno previsto superiore al 17%", ha detto l'AD. Sul fronte della remunerazione, ha spiegato che MPS ha "un ampio buffer sui requisiti patrimoniali e questo ci rassicura sul fatto che saremo ben attrezzati per remunerare i nostri azionisti in linea con le ultime guidance che abbiamo dato, ovvero anticipare il dividendo con l'utile 2024". Pressato dagli analisti su possibili anticipi nella distribuzione del capitale, l'AD ha detto: "Siamo contenti di avere una solida posizione di capitale, che sappiamo essere molto alta e superiore ai bisogni che abbiamo per sviluppare il business. Durante il quarto trimestre, guardando ai risultati dell'intero anno, studieremo una policy appropriata, tenendo in considerazione i possibili sviluppi positivi che potrebbero avere un effetto. Comunque ora è troppo presto per dare dettagli su come utilizzeremo il capitale in eccesso, ne parleremo con i risultati annuali". L'AD ha spiegato che "l'utile netto è stato trainato da una forte performance operativa supportata dalla crescita del NII e dalla riduzione dei costi strutturali legati principalmente ai 4.000 prepensionamenti volontari dello scorso anno". Il NII "è stato in rialzo anche in questo trimestre del +4,6% portando ad una crescita del +62,7% a/a dopo 9 mesi, trainata da un ulteriore miglioramento dello spread al 3,40% (+162 pb) grazie all'aumento del tasso di prestito e al pass through gestito consapevolmente". Lovaglio si è soffermato sull'evoluzione dei procedimenti legali e delle richieste stragiudiziali. A seguito della sentenza della Corte di Cassazione su Vigni e Mussari, la banca ha proceduto a declassare da "possibile" a rischio "remoto" il rischio relativo ad alcuni procedimenti legali e richieste stragiudiziali; di conseguenza l'ammontare complessivo di contenzioso e richieste stragiudiziali connessi alle informazioni finanziarie diffuse nel periodo 2008-2015 si è sensibilmente ridotto, passando da 4,1 miliardi di euro di giugno a 2,9 miliardi di euro a settembre. "La maggior parte delle azioni stragiudiziali sono promosse dalla stessa società di consulenza per conto di investitori istituzionali, nella maggior parte dei casi caratterizzate da carenza di documentazione, mancanza di legittimità e di nesso causale", ha detto l'AD. Il CFO Andrea Maffezzoni, rispondendo alle domande degli analisti, ha detto che "stiamo lavorando a stretto contatto con le agenzie di rating che stanno monitorando la nostra situazione" e "ci aspettiamo una revisione del rating, anche se non possiamo confermarlo perché non dipende da noi, nel 2024 e forse anche prima". Read the full article
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kritere · 1 year
Mps, il Tesoro indica Maione presidente, Lovaglio sarà a.d.
DIRETTA TV Il ministero dell’economia e delle finanze, con riferimento all’assemblea degli azionisti di Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena convocata per giovedì 20 aprile, in quanto titolare del 64,23% del capitale ha provveduto a depositare presso la sede la seguente lista per la nomina del nuovo Consiglio di Amministrazione e per il nuovo collegio sindacale. Lo fa sapere il Mef. Nella lista per…
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noisynutcrusade · 2 years
Appointments, the first test bench is Mps. Tomorrow new summit at Palazzo Chigi
Probable internal solution for Monte. We are moving towards the reconfirmation of Lovaglio as ad. The League asks for the president Source link
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pcasabona · 2 years
Nosotros le sigue dando cucardas a Susana Balbo: es el Vino del Año para James Suckling
Nosotros le sigue dando cucardas a Susana Balbo: es el Vino del Año para James Suckling
La bodega Susana Balbo tuvo un gran 2022 con premios y grandes puntajes y un cierre de año con Nosotros Single Vineyard Nómade 2019 en el primer puesto del Top 100 del renombrado crítico estadounidense. Además, otros 4 vinos de la bodega integraron el ranking. E. del Pópolo. Susana Balbo. José Lovaglio Balbo. Ana Lovaglio Balbo El pasado viernes 2 de diciembre, Nosotros Single Vineyard Nómade…
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morettino89 · 2 years
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Striscia di fuoco (Salvatore Lovaglio - 2007) Nella seconda domenica di Avvento risuona per tre volte la domanda: “che cosa dobbiamo fare?” (Lc 3,10b.12b.14a). È il Battista il protagonista vocato a dare risposta. Il suo è un “battesimo di conversione” (Lc 3,3b) annunciato con toni apocalittici e polemici. Cristo, nel ministero, si scosterà da questa immagine troppo umana e metterà in difficoltà lo stesso Suo precursore. “Egli vi battezzerà in Spirito Santo e fuoco” (Lc 3,16c). Si ha l’impressione, a volte, di come ancora predichiamo un annuncio stantio e un battesimo troppo lontano da quello del Cristo. Il rischio è quello di assumere toni pre-cristiani. Il rischio è fare un cristianesimo senza Cristo. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPoqdTKTOh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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your-dietician · 2 years
Italy's MPS nears finish line on securing banks' support for stock sale
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/italys-mps-nears-finish-line-on-securing-banks-support-for-stock-sale/
Italy's MPS nears finish line on securing banks' support for stock sale
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Only two banks out of eight still missing
Underwriters had refused to commit without investor support
MPS raced to gather necessary documents from investors
MILAN, Oct 12 (Reuters) – Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS.MI) has secured backing from most of the banks that are due to guarantee its 2.5 billion euro ($2.4 billion) share issue after racing to persuade investors to buy in, three people close to the matter said.
With markets gripped by fears about recession, conflict in Ukraine, inflation and higher rates, the eight banks due to underwrite the MPS sale had refused to take on the risk without reassurances about how much stock they could be left holding.
By late on Wednesday six banks, including global coordinators Bank of America (BAC.N), Citigroup (C.N), Credit Suisse (CSGN.S) and Mediobanca (MDBI.MI), had signed the guarantee contract, the sources said.
Among the four bookrunners, Barclays (BARC.L) and Societe Generale (SOGN.PA) have already committed, unlike Santander (SAN.MC) and Stifel (SF.N), two people said. None of the lenders had immediate comment.
The two banks still remaining are expected to join in overnight or at the latest on Thursday once they get approval from internal investment committees, two of the sources added.
Five years after an 8.2 billion euro ($8 billion) bailout that handed the state its 64% stake, MPS plans to raise the extra cash to lay off staff and bolster capital.
Italian taxpayers will provide up to 1.6 billion euros, while the rest must come from private investors in order to meet European Union state aid rules.
The eight banks due to underwrite the MPS issue are willing to backstop only a third of the 900 million euro private portion of the capital raising, one of the sources said.
They have demanded written commitments from investors for an amount roughly equivalent to half the overall figure, accepting pledges which are not in writing for the rest to get to two thirds of the total, the source added.
MPS CEO Luigi Lovaglio had until recently not produced the written commitments, triggering a race in the last few days to get all the necessary documents signed.
If the missing signatures arrive overnight MPS’s board would convene to approve the terms of the rights issue on Thursday, after being forced to postpone a meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday.
A delay may force it to review the timeline of the offer, whose prospectus Italian market regulator Consob is at present expected to approve in time for its launch on Monday.
The Tuscan bank has so far secured support from its insurance partner AXA (AXAF.PA), local banking foundations and asset manager Anima Holding (ANIM.MI).
Investors in the share issue, according to one of the sources, are also set to include French businessman Denis Dumont and Italian financier Davide Serra, who are both close to Lovaglio from his time at small bank Creval.
After rising through the ranks at UniCredit (CRDI.MI) to lead the Italian banking group’s former Polish unit Bank Pekao (PEO.WA), Lovaglio returned to Italy to steer Creval toward a takeover by France’s Credit Agricole (CAGR.PA).
Failure to get an underwriting contract on Tuesday prompted selling of MPS’ riskier junior bonds, which have seen their prices sink to roughly half their face value amid concerns it may have to resort to a debt-for-equity swap.
The yield on the September 2030 Tier 2 bond closed at 34.39% on the Tradeweb platform, up from 32.93% on Tuesday, but below a session high of 36.72%.
A January 2030 bond yielded 41.68% at closing after spiking to 45.44% from 39.95% on Tuesday.
($1 = 1.0303 euros)
Reporting by Valentina Za in Milan, Giuseppe Fonte in Rome and Pamela Barbaglia in London; Additional reporting by Sara Rossi in Milan; Editing by Alexander Smith and Lisa Shumaker
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Read the full article here
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denorteanorte · 1 year
Mesa político sindical apoya a Massa desde Victoria
Son dirigentes y referente sindicales de varios gremios, por caso, la Unión Ferroviaria (UF); Minoridad (SOEME); La Bancaria, el Sindicato de la Industria de la Alimentación STIA, entre otros.  Estuvieron el ferroviario, Ricardo Lovaglio (UF); también Luis Graña de La Bancaria; Sergio Ceballos, de STIA. Participaron, asimismo, Sebastián Della Porta, coordinador regional del ministerio de Trabajo…
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Monte dei Paschi in final ditch push to see by capital elevate By Reuters
2/2 © Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Folks move in entrance of a department of Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), the oldest financial institution on the earth, which is going through large layoffs as a part of a deliberate enterprise merger, in Siena, Italy, August 11 2021. REUTERS / Jennifer Lorenzini/File Photograph 2/2 By Valentina Za and Giuseppe Fonte MILAN (Reuters) -Monte dei Paschi di Siena’s (MPS) capital elevating plan is coming into a make-or-break stage with CEO Luigi Lovaglio and the banks because of assure the sale hammering out last particulars, folks near the matter stated. MPS, which is 64% owned by the state after a 2017 bailout, is trying to elevate as much as 2.5 billion euros ($2.5 billion) by issuing new shares. The share sale on Oct. 17 would permit MPS to boost funds to assist pay for workers cuts beneath early retirement guidelines that expire on the finish of November – barring new laws to increase them. To satisfy the deadline MPS should approve the phrases of the share problem on the very newest by the center of subsequent week, two folks stated. And earlier than that it must safe the assist of a gaggle of eight banks which have made a preliminary dedication to mop up unsold shares. With markets gripped by fears about recession, inflation and struggle, the banks see the deal as too dangerous to undertake with out a pre-commitment from cornerstone buyers. To this point nonetheless, solely French insurer Axa, which sells its merchandise in Italy by MPS branches, has provided to supply assist. Lovaglio has didn’t take up an analogous provide by one other MPS business associate, Anima Holding, as a result of in contrast to Axa the Italian asset supervisor has additionally sought a strengthening of the distribution settlement as a part of the deal. Below the construction envisaged by the group of banks, Anima would supply a assure dedication that will come earlier than the financial institution ensures, that means it will tackle extra threat, an individual with data of the matter stated. The lenders had anticipated Lovaglio to have by now obtained commitments in writing from cornerstone buyers, two folks near the transaction stated. The diverging views between the consortium and the CEO on proceed means it will not be clear till the beginning of subsequent week whether or not the capital enhance will happen as deliberate. The lenders, that are led by Financial institution of America (NYSE:), Citi, Credit score Suisse and Mediobanca (OTC:), can stroll away due to a clause that topics the underwriting to constructive investor suggestions. With MPS’ market worth equal to lower than a tenth of the quantity the state-owned financial institution is trying to elevate, the banks are uncovered to potential losses on the shares left on their books, which can initially worth the Tuscan financial institution above more healthy friends. Below European Union state help guidelines, the state can cowl 64% of MPS’ capital elevating, based mostly on its stake within the financial institution ensuing from the 2017 bailout. The remaining 36% should come from personal fingers. Anima and Axa might collectively present at finest solely as much as 300 million euros, sources have stated, including the consortium had hoped to have formal pre-commitments additionally from different buyers sounded out by Lovaglio, equivalent to holders of the financial institution’s junior debt. The danger of a conversion into fairness has pushed the worth of MPS’ junior bonds near half of their nominal worth. ($1 = 1.0216 euros) Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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cgus2014 · 4 years
El presidente Fernández recorrió la Casa de Perón en Vicente López
El presidente Fernández recorrió la Casa de Perón en Vicente López
La CGT Zona Norte y varias asociaciones sindicales la pusieron en valor y está como nueva, tanto en el exterior como en sus ambientes interiores y el amplio fondo con jardín.  Es la residencia que le compró el movimiento obrero al ex presidente Juan Domingo Perón, a su regreso del exilio en España en 1972. Está en Gaspar Campos 1065. El Presidente fue recibido por el ferroviario, Ricardo…
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conanaltatis · 5 years
Latvia vs Italy: Ralfs Vilcans decisions Maurizio Lovaglio at ‘LNK Fight Night 12’ in Jurmala
Latvia vs Italy: Ralfs Vilcans decisions Maurizio Lovaglio at ‘LNK Fight Night 12’ in Jurmala
Undefeated boxer Ralfs Vilcans of Latvia was one of the winners at “LNK Fight Night 12.” Presented by Vadim Milov and Eugene Sapronenko, the combat sports event featured six boxing bouts, one kickboxing contest and three mixed martial arts matches.
World Kickboxing Network president Stephane Cabrera attended “LNK Fight Night 12,” which took place at the SemaraH Hotel Lielupe in Jurmala, Latvia…
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kritere · 1 year
Il Tesoro conferma Maione e Lovaglio alla guida di Mps
DIRETTA TV Il ministero dell’economia e delle finanze, con riferimento all’assemblea degli azionisti di Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena convocata per giovedì 20 aprile, in quanto titolare del 64,23% del capitale ha provveduto a depositare presso la sede la seguente lista per la nomina del nuovo Consiglio di Amministrazione e per il nuovo collegio sindacale. Lo fa sapere il Mef. Nella lista per…
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