#love and support npd havers we're trying our best. love and support npd sasha waybright they're trying THEIR best
sashannarcy · 3 years
ok i'll bite. why does sasha have NPD
alright I'm gonna finally answer this I am very sorry to keep u waiting GJDKFJD it's just hard for me to talk abt NPD w/o going on and on and on BUT! I'll try to keep this informative while not talking for hours. enjoy the essay under the cut
NPD is usually hard to describe to people in general bc it's a HUGE uphill battle due to the crushing stigmatization surrounding narcissism, but first things first, narcissist ≠ manipulative abuser, so that is NOT what I'm saying Sasha Waybright is. yeah, they happen to be manipulative; it doesn't make them inherently bad. in any case I'm just gonna pull from the 9 basic DSM criteria for NPD bc I feel like that's the easiest way to go abt it, but ofc the base criteria are not a catch-all bc this is a mental disorder and it's nuanced. anyway. here we go:
1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
they're a child soldier. not only that, they were put into place as the literal lieutenant of the toad army after... what. trying to escape from imprisonment? ofc that's gonna get to their head! have we SEEN Sasha's takeover of the Amphibia theme [go watch it if u haven't!]. they might have issues but they are living BIG and they know they are. she’s very clearly not humble abt how successful she’s been, esp when she meets up w Anne again, so we can def say she has that inflated ego.
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
I gotta say this one is less obvious to pick up from the narrative, but. not to push my Sashanne agenda or anything. HOWEVER. look at the way Sasha treats Anne in Reunion and at the end of s2 AND in Turning Point. if we make the allowance that Sasha has feelings for Anne, literally next to ALL of their actions in these parts of the plot can be seen as them obsessing over how they can create this ideal solution for Anne's troubles and how they can be a sort of savior. she urged Anne to leave Amphibia w her in Reunion; she had this whole master plan for Anne towards the end of s2 and True Colors as far as sending her home to be w her parents; Turning Point is now showing that she's committed to making things right w the whole "someone that deserves you" line. it's all just very. idk. they're clearly chasing this ideal situation where Anne can be happy and they can protect her again and I think that speaks for itself.
3. believes that they are “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
throughout the show we don’t really see Sasha trying to make friends with anyone OTHER than character who have helped them in some way; these characters really need to work their way into their heart for them to consider them worthy of their attention [and they’re only just now starting to improve on this w the events of Turning Point]. look at the way they acted in Reunion: they were dead set on proving to Anne that none of the frogs in this dimension mattered and all they should focus on was getting home. Grime only became important to Sasha after he essentially manipulated her into becoming lieutenant; she had no choice but to stick around him, and he was there for her to lean on after Reunion, so he became worthy in her eyes. like. do you see what I’m getting at here.
4. requires excessive admiration
UM. LMAO. THIS ONE’S KINDA OBVIOUS? DID WE ALL SEE BARREL’S WARHAMMER...... she was fucking DISTRAUGHT over learning that Marcy and Anne were hanging out w/o her LIKE. they need attention constantly and they fall apart w/o it. they need validation and when they feel like they’re lacking that, their sense of stability crumbles. when Anne blows up at them in True Colors, they literally just sit there on Andrias’s throne moping. they lose their purpose. someone get this kid therapy I don’t think their parents gave them enough love
5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations
this one is LITERALLY canon. it is LITERALLY canon I cannot express this ENOUGH. look at Reunion look at their arc in late s2 look at ALL OF IT. they have plans for how things should go; they have ideas of what’s best for everyone and those ideas are rock solid and absolute in their mind. you can tell she’s not used to having her plans questioned from the way she gets more and more manipulative and nasty towards Anne both in Reunion and their initial fight in True Colors, when they’re yelling at each other in the throne room. anyway if I haven’t convinced you yet that this bitch is a narcissist don’t worry there’s more
6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends
GESTURES WILDLY AT THEIR ENTIRE ARC???? DO I NEED TO SPELL THIS ONE OUT. no you know what I’m not going to because out of all 9 this one is the most obvious. although as a quick aside here I hate how this criteria is phrased and just want to point out that the NPD base impulse to exploit/manipulate people can’t be controlled and is not inherently malicious; it takes practice to not act on it BUT it can be managed so as not to hurt others. and that is reason #5483 why narcissists are not bad people thank you for listening and we are moving along now
7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
this one goes hand-in-hand with 6 in that it’s what allows narcissists to manipulate w/o many qualms; they’re not typically thinking abt the effect it’s gonna have on the person being manipulated. in Sasha’s case this criteria shines the most [imo] when they get shocked at Anne not just immediately agreeing to whatever they want; their mind can’t process why Anne can’t just leave everyone behind or just let Hop Pop die or just allow the toads to take over Amphibia. she even threatens to send her home to her parents when Anne doesn’t want to comply in True Colors; she’s not trying to be EVIL, she just literally can’t understand the fact that yes, Anne would be happy to see her parents, but she can’t just leave the Plantars behind. and the easiest way to explain why Sasha can’t comprehend this point of view is due to a lack [OR JUST LOWER LEVELS] of empathy; they struggle with putting themself in other people’s shoes.
8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them
again this is a behavioral thing that’s maybe not explicitly obvious from the narrative but can be reasonably inferred. plus. Barrel’s Warhammer. my good friend the Barrel’s Warhammer episode. there is an EXTREME amount of jealousy there in Sasha learning that Anne and Marcy have teamed up w/o them, to the point where they endanger their life in order to prove a point because they are so blinded by their own rage and envy. it’s uh! a little abnormal! get this kid a FUCKING therapist
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
NOT TO DISS THEM OR ANYTHING BUT THIS IS SASHA WAYBRIGHT..... GJRKJDJKDF....... THEY ARE JUST LIKE THIS. I don’t need to elaborate we all know this is just an integral part of their personality and we love them anyway
in conclusion the DSM criteria for NPD is not QUITE the best because this is very textbook definition and, again, mental disorders are heavily nuanced, BUT. they technically only need to have 5 out of these 9 criteria to have NPD and uh. there’s evidence for all of them. and yes I know she’s only 13 but lord if you’ve watched this show you know she has issues so I cannot help but think her personality is a bit disordered <3 anyway uh! Sasha Waybright is a narcissist in my heart. make sure to like comment and subscribe
in conclusion [2]:
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