#love how I wrote an entire thing about Julie’s dahlia emblems and then just ‘Trevor is so very gay’
Oooo JatP headcanons??? Also know I am laying on your floor on a fluffy rug and staring at you upside down while asking this. And also I have befriended your cat!
JatP headcanons!! I haven’t laid these out super well, and I stole a few of them, but here we go.
• Julie is a cat person. So is Luke. When they get an apartment together they adopt a cat.
• Reggie is obsessed with eyeliner, as shown in that one post we all saw about Reggie using up Julie’s eyeliner (where I also added some suggestions but that’s not the important part)
• Reggie is ace. Not sure if this was decided by the entire fandom or just me.
• Carlos and Willie pull the worst pranks on Alex. The worst.
• If Julie got married she would make sure she was surrounded by flowers and the people she loves. I had a drabble I wrote about jukebox getting married on a lily pond, but I lost it to docs. I may have accidentally deleted it.
• Ray met Rose at a coffee house similar to Eats & Beats, after the Petal Pushers had been performing a set. Ray had been the coffeehouse’s set videographer and also the bartender, and he and Rose bonded over music and mochas. • Trevor is so very gay.
• Butterflies and Dahlias are recurring themes and therefore signify important events in Julie’s life and so right after getting back from her first ever big time tour she gets a tattoo of a butterfly resting at the centre of a dahlia, around which is ‘you can do it, Julie’ in Rose’s handwriting. And then when she adopts aforementioned cat, she gets their collar engraved with a dahlia. And when she moves into the apartment with Luke, they hang a larger-than-life piece of watercolor art of a dahlia on their wall. To remind her of Rose, and that every day, she helps Rose’s legacy live on.
• Julie’s background is a picture Reggie took of Jukebox sleeping on the studio couch together. (Yes, it’s a To All The Boys reference, leave me alone)
• Nick and Reggie if we’re in canon, Boggie and Nick is aroace if this is an everyone-is-alive-at-the-same-time-and-is-like-16-or-17 AU.
• Julie’s hair smells like raspberries and roses
• Luke had a cat as a child that was a very sleepy small grey cat, and when he left home, that was one of the things he was most sad to leave. When he regains life 26 years later, the cat is miraculously still living with Emily and Mitch (the cat has ghost powers but no one knows this and non one ever figures it out) and runs to Julie’s house about six hours (it was napping) after Julie gifts life to the boys, reuniting with Luke.
• Mitch and Emily live about a block and a half from the Molinas. Nothing bad happened to the cat
So those are the headcanons I can remember right now!! I have more but those are the major ones.
We are having a sleepover and my cat is cuddling your side while your stare at me upside down on the fluffy rug whilst listening to me talk about headcanons. She is attempting to knead your side.
BONUS!! Pictures of my cat from today!!
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Love you!! 💜
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