#love how grossed out lottie is lmao
robotic-poet · 7 months
Scott pilgrim anime was SO good. Might make some art. Also ramble on tags
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anifever · 4 days
Hii, can you make Johnny cade or the gang with reader kinda like Charlotte LA Bouff from princess and the frog because I'm just thinking that it would be so interesting having kind of s/o so spoiled but kind and not a brat too, I love Lottie tho✨😭
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Gang w/ a Lottie!Reader ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The Outsiders x Fem!Reader
୨୧ : The Curtis gang with a reader whose like Charlotte La Bouff from “Princess and the Frog”
A/N : AHHH I’m sorry this took me so long I’ve been busy w other stuff. Anyways, I always wanted to be Lottie when I was younger 🥲 hopefully I got this close enough to her character also sorry these are shorter than normal <\3
˖⁺‧₊˚ 🎀 ˚₊‧⁺˖
୨ He’s honestly a little jealous of you
୨ He feels like you have everything he doesn’t
୨ That being said, does NOT stop the man from loving you once he sees how sweet and generous you are
୨ Your personalities are super different tho
୨ You’re so bubbly and bright and he thinks it’s endearing
୨ You definitely keep him on his toes
୨ You also keep him young
୨ Whenever he seems to be struggling more than usual with finances, you swoop in and save the day
୨ He’s like “??? Honey, I can’t take this,” and you’re just like “Too late, Dare-Bear, don’t worry about it 😊”
୨ Whenever you sleep over you wear a frilly pink sleep mask he has trouble not smiling over
୨ You love his cooking and are always drooling over it
୨ It’s a habit for you to bring pastries, etc from a bakery on the other side of town whenever you come over
୨ Earlier in the relationship/before you started dating, he knew how spoiled you were and he was like “..how am I supposed to compete with this.”
୨ Luckily you find him extremely muscly, attractive, and sweet so it makes up for his money 😋😋
୨ Either way, he still buys you whatever he can when he has the spare cash
୨ You have him wrapped around your finger
୨ Couldn’t hold back his laugh when he saw a childhood picture of you dressed as a princess for Halloween
୨ You guys honestly go together so well
୨ If you have the same type of accent Lottie has- even better
୨ The first thing you said when you met his sister was “Well aren’t you as pretty as a peach!”
୨ Safe to say that made him more smitten
୨ You walk him like a dog it’s so funny
୨ He doesn’t spend as much money on beer anymore cuz he saves a lot up for you
୨ Found a stray kitty on the street and you started squealing when he brought it to you
୨ He was cheesing from ear to ear
୨ Has tried to get you to kiss a frog before after you told him you always wanted to when you were younger (mwahaha) and you freaked out
୨ That being said, he picks up random bugs all the time to try and gross you out- which works
୨ You never hurt them though⁉️⁉️ You just run away and start screaming
୨ Whenever he starts insulting people if they’re mean to you or something, you start dying of laughter which spurrs him on more
୨ He’s torn between thinking you’re a brat to also being extremely attracted to you
୨ He assumes you’re a mean girl who lives off daddy’s money (the second part being lowkey true)
୨ Doesn’t stop him from drooling tho
୨ Contrary to popular belief, you were actually really nice
୨ Like you came into the DX one day, giving him a huge tip while talking super animatedly and he was just like “Ah..”
୨ Whenever he talks about cars you have no clue what he’s talking about
୨ You have a pretty pink ‘62 Ferrari 250 GTO and that’s all you know!!
୨ You buy new clothes constantly and have lil’ fashion shows for him
୨ “Yeahhh, could you jus’ spin around one more time so I can see the back? 😇”
୨ “….Steve.”
୨ Whenever nobody else is around (Soda, etc) at the DX, you give him WAY bigger of a tip than normal lmao
୨ Brags about you to Soda all the time
୨ He thought you were so annoying at first I’m sorry 😭
୨ Even with that, he still tried to get in your pants
୨ You slapped him for it which just made him want you more (he’s on that freak timing)
୨ You know what you want and he’s honestly really attracted to it
୨ He ends up spoiling you though, he can’t help it when you give him puppy dog eyes and pout your glossy lips
୨ Hilariously different
୨ Whenever he’s in your room he’s so out of place
୨ He’s surrounded by so much pink, stuffed animals, expensive jewelry and clothes, a big canopy bed, a crystal chandelier, etc
୨ His ego gets boosted when he’s out in public with you
୨ Like he’s with the prettiest and richest girl in town??? Yeahhh he’ll never let this go
୨ You not caring about his/his friends status’ is really important to him and he appreciates it even though he’ll never outright say it
୨ You guys both have a big line of people who want you
୨ Power couple!!
୨ You’re really ditzy- not necessarily stupid, but not all there
୨ He relates.
୨ You guys just sit there and look pretty
୨ Like you definitely have won various beauty pageants and have kept all the tiaras and sashes
୨ Makes you try the tiaras on every time he comes over
୨ He takes you to a drag race or rodeo and you’re like “Shew- Soda, I’m sweatin’ like a sinner in church,” while fanning yourself
୨ Probably because you’re wearing some expensive dress from a boutique in town made with thick material, but he’ll never smart off to you by saying that 🤍🤍
୨ Has a habit of ruining his DX shirt and you always pay for him to get a new one
୨ He already knew he was attractive, but it was only when you came along and started buttering him up that he started getting giddy about it
୨ He sucks up so hard to your mom and dad; they love him
୨ Probably teased you a bit with Pony before you guys officially met
୨ After the initial iffy feeling he had about you wore off, he was head over heels when he knew you better
୨ He genuinely sees you as a princess
୨ You’re always wearing some shade of pink and some form of pearls and he’s mesmerized
୨ He thinks you deserve a lot better since he can’t give you much
୨ You literally couldn’t care less though since he treats you so well
୨ He’ll save up random coins off the street if he had to tho
୨ Your house is huge so you let him stay in a spare room which eventually just becomes his own
୨ Your house also did nothing to help his idea of you being a princess since it was way bigger and more extravagant than anything he could’ve imagined
୨ Your cat(s) love him, he’s a little overwhelmed at first but after that you’ll always find him with one around/on him
୨ You’re so comfortable fawning over him constantly and he gets pretty embarrassed about it LMAO
୨ He has a thing for pretty rich girls so this is fitting
୨ Once again, he also assumed you were mean and stuck up
୨ When you guys talked for the first time, he was definitely surprised
୨ You were definitely a bit out of touch with reality, but who cares!!!! You were pretty and nice!!!!
୨ Saw you stand up for one of your greaser friends once and felt his heart skip a beat
୨ Heard through the grapevine (he asked around) that you were enamored with some ‘pretty boy’ and couldn’t stop talking about him and he was like “Awww shucks 😞”
୨ He became extremely confused and denied it when Two and Johnny kept saying it was him after they saw you two interact at school
୨ He finally picked up on the heavy flirting one day and was like “…OHHHH”
୨ Whenever you get excited about something, he has a hard time understanding you since you start talking so fast and freaking out, but he just watches with a lovesick grin
୨ Your sass put together is on another level
୨ It scares Darry.
୨ And Steve.
୨ Back to the point I made earlier, you’d stand up for him about his status no matter what
୨ So in love it’s nasty
୨ Everyone in the gang is confused about how he bagged you especially considering he’s the youngest
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goresevraq · 1 year
about your comment in that yellowjackets ask: tai isn't shown to be wealthy in the 90s tho unlike lottie and it seems that she had been having visions since before the plan crash. i feel like the show did try to say something about the structure of society (also from the writers own words) in season 1, what with jackie being the first one to die and be eaten, but there hasn't been much since; none of the girls seem to feel specially guilty or grossed out about the cannibalism or blame themselves or each other for one of them dying. it kinda feels like stuff happens and they react to it and then move on. like the birds that fell from the sky, apparently they ate them and moved on.
sorry for ranting in your inbox lol! but idk season 2 has been kind of disappointing so far because there has been little conflict among the girls that would lead to them turning into rival clans, their main dispute rn is lottie's cultish antics instead of everything else going on. it feels like whatever the writers set out to say about society, that girls could do lord of the flies and all that seemed to have stopped in season 1 so far.
anon, tumblr deleted my entire long response to this and i cannot retrieve it. hellsite. anyway bullet point response
imo it's pretty key to tai's character that she embodies a specific dream of middle class upwards mobility. it's both a result of her glaringly middle class upbringing (esp in comparison to van and tai's home lives) and her like, 'hard work get things done' attitude. there's a pretty distinctly racial context to that (i.e. black women are pressured to work twice as hard to get half as far, etc), which the show explicitly points out and problematises. see: "you're like a queer kamala", tai bringing up representation rhetoric in her chat w the intrusive rich white lady, nat constantly pointing out her money and connections, etc. in a literal diegetic sense she has more to lose than her white peers (in money, status, etc).
where it gets interesting & where i hope the show will go is what this means for tai's relationship with wilderness and civility. like you said, she's had visions/hallucinations for years, and this is p explicitly set up as 1) a condition her grandmother shares and 2) thematically yoked to caretaking and old age. what this means for 1) is that the wilderness is a uniquely hereditary sort of haunting for tai--it's the sort of vast terror that precedes her and can't be silenced with hard work and a bootstrap mentality. + tai struggles acknowledge her sleepwalking self unless it's through memories of her grandmother or secondhand accounts (she seeks external confirmation a lot, e.g. "you know how bad it gets"): in both cases her interaction with her alter is facilitated by care and external recognition.
what does it mean that this wilderness obstructs tai's ability to care for her wife and son, but provides the basis for a connection with her (white) ex? idk man but it's fascinating
WEB du bois' double consciousness comes to mind as a (possibly on the nose) reference.
she practiced land use law. she tried to leave the wilderness behind by exercising influence over how land would be portioned and commodified through the legal system. fuck!!! yellowjackets is not a subtle show and we love that for her.
haven't caught up on s2 yet but that's really disappointing to hear! it sounds like they're pulling punches when they should be pushing the tension, which. ugh. why do prestige shows always trip into this pattern lmao
afaik the only black woman on the main writing team did not return for season 2, so. hmm. hmmmmm
wait one more. can we talk about how in death tai's grandmother became the vision that she feared in life? that her grandmother joins the ranks of those haunting her?
and that tai is biracial and this is very specifically her maternal grandmother?
i love taissa turner sorry lost the plot of your ask there anon
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bicrsacks-archived · 7 years
munday meme: the ones you havent done already!!!
fjkrf i lov u 
☠ which muse is The Worst™
this is such a relative term but I am gonna go with ZAIDEN just on principle, because who doesn’t think White Guys™ are the worst?
👅 which muse is the kinkiest
GEEZ okay… this is a tie between ZAIDEN & JULIA, my nasty little fucks. ZAIDEN wants to tie you up and fuck you and choke you and it’s fucking gross lmao and then there’s JULIA with her strong af daddy kink. ‘nuff said.
💑 who would make the best couple of two of your muses together
hm, good question… probably MADDOX & LULU ? they’re both such pure beans and loving af, sweethearts af.
💔 who would be the worst couple of two of your muses together
God, ZAIDEN & ALESS hands down, jesus christ. these two would be the most toxic, ugly mess you’ll ever see. rough, kinky, nasty sex and screaming matches for hours on end and just manipulating each other and ruining each other’s lives, it would be toxic.
👑 which muse is most likely to take over the world
i really want to say ALESSANDRA but she’s such a mess, i think i’ll default this title to LUCIFER LESTRANGE because he’s… well. ready to establish a new world order.
👎 which muse secretly (or not so secretly) loves terrible movies
JOEY WARREN because he’s a cheesy little shit, that is all.
😍 which muse is the biggest heart breaker
ehh, i suppose by nature this would go to either DARCY or ZAIDEN or maybe even ALESS… but mostly DARCY or ZADE.
💎 which muse is the biggest drama queen
LOTTIE or DARCY, fuck, no competition jesus.
🍒 which muse is the most innocent
that’s a loose term but I suppose at face value, JULIA.
🎭 which muse is the easiest to write
ZAIDEN & JULIA, hands-down. I’ve been playing them a lot over the past year and their muses just flow easily for me without any real help.
🌛 which muse is the biggest dreamer
CHANEL, just because she has big goals and a wild heart and an even freer spirit.
🐢 which muse always runs late
ALESS–this bitch doesn’t know how to organize anything much less her time.
🏠 which muse is a happy homebody
MARCELINE, because she’s kind of your typical, old-fashioned hosuewife type.
👛 which muse is the most frugal
JOEY I would assume, because he’s from a poorer family.
👠 which muse loves shopping sprees
ZAIDEN & ALESS are tied. Zaiden is a slut for shopping and Aless loves binge spending.
🎉 which muse loves planning parties
ZAIDEN, the party animal.
💕 which muse falls in love too easily
JULIA & ALESS, though Aless would never admit it if she could manage, but she falls hard and loves harder.
👍 which muse would you most likely get along with
ALESS, probably, or JULIA!
🔪 which muse would you most likely be enemies with
ZAIDEN FUCKING HENDRICKS!! BURN WHITE BOYS FOREVER i would literally kick his scrawny twig ass as hard as i could because FUCK i would want to MURDER him. he has zero respect for women, no boundaries, is a sexist pig, arrogant, and acts like he’s god…. KILL. HIM.
🍕 which muse is a terrible cook
ZAIDEN, ALESS, JOEY... list is long tbh.
💘 which muse have you written the longest
ehh long story. ZAIDEN i’ve been writing under different names since I was about 11 or 12; his original incarnation was SETO KAIBA from yu gi oh, call me a weeb rip. and then eventually i developed him into ZAIDEN about 2 or 3 years ago. next would be ALESS who was an anime catgirl OC from when I was about 13 named MIYUKI.
🎶 what song makes you think of (specify muse)
okay well i’ll just go with my Problematic Son™ ZAIDEN–”Legend” by Drake.
💪 which muse is a health nut
JULIA LAURY my vegan bean who loves working out and detoxing and healthy living
🐷 which muse is most likely to win a pie eating contest
JOEY because he could eat an entire house if you let him.
🍁 what inspired you to write/create (specify muse)
all my muses are my babus i get hit randomly when listening to music or something tbh
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