#love how i based baozis design off of Baozhai bc I thought it would be funny lol
countinglegoclowns · 1 year
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I’ve been experiencing a lot of su brainrot lately so. Take these lol I’ve put a stupid amount of thought into them
Rambling under the cut
Pigsy is a Rubellite!
They’re often confused with rubies, and they have similar jobs, though rubellites are a little tougher and more stout
They’re often confused with rubies, and they have similar jobs, though rubellites are a little tougher and more stout
His weapon is his rake
Tang is an Amber!
Ambers are only a tiny step above pearls, though much shorter, and are often used to categorize information. They became largely obsolete in later eras as it was hard to make them.
Tang can summon wings and his weapon is a khakkhara
Their fusion, Baozi, is a Carnelian!!
Ultimate dad, totally balances out pigsy and tang
Always cooking/eating something
His weapon is a large, spiked club
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