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#will only reblog bc of the last person's response to the second to last person (who is a terf btw if it wasn't obvious by their comment alks
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i’m just gonna make my own post bc i don’t wanna encroach on anyone
but i’ve seen some confusion over why Martin would go with Annabelle, and wanting to hear the conversation they had, which is fair!
i just thought i might explain what i think happened more comrehensively, extrapolating from what we learned in mag196, my knowledge of psychology, and my own experiences with manipulation
so in mag181, we get this from Annabelle:
Don’t worry, Martin. We’ll meet again. Hopefully when you’re feeling a little bit more…open-minded.
(emphasis mine)
there are a lot of ways to influence and manipulate people, the one i’m going to focus on is emotional manipulation because that’s what i believe Annabelle relied on, but first i want to remind you of what Annabelle said earlier in the same convo:
For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. The call was… clumsy. There are so many things to keep track of at the moment. I must confess it did perhaps lack my usual… nuance.
(emphasis mine, again)
to me, this almost sounds like the Web has “feelers” out all around this new world, and like a spider’s web, when something moves or shifts or disrupts any part of the web, the vibrations get sent to the spider, usually sitting in the middle of the web. that’s how she’s been keeping track of all the key players like Jon and Martin. and sending those calls to Martin.
going off that, she most likely continued to monitor Martin and Jon’s progress when they left. this is also how she decided when to kill Selesa.
so keeping that in mind, she probably also knew that Jon and Martin had a fight. and that fight is what matters.
so what happened that led up to and during the fight?
they found out that Jonah couldn’t be killed.
if they wanted to kill him, Jon would have to take his place.
Jon said Jonah won.
Jon talked about how this was the Eye’s whole plan; that Jonah was just a place-holder
Jon also talked about the possibility of taking up that position and changing what he can, where he can to make things even just a tiny bit more bearable.
Martin saw and acknowledged Jon looked envious of Jonah’s position.
that’s a lot to take in. now they’re emotionally unstable, which led to the fight, which made both of them more emotionally unstable.
when people are emotionally unstable, they’re more susceptible to manipulation. the emotional brain is older than our neocortext, which is what we use for logical decision-making, among other things. it’s why the teen years feel so intense, because the emotional brain is done developing and flooding the brain with emotional chemicals, whereas your neocortext is still developing.
because it’s older, it’s also why emotions often overrule logic, why emotional things feel so intense, why emotional memories are easier to remember, and which is why many persuasion and manipulation tactics rely heavily on pathos and not logos.
so persuasion and manipulation are even easier when someone is emotionaly unstable because the brain is already swimming in emotion juice, your neocortext doesn’t stand a chance (unless you practice, and even then, it can be difficult).
cue Annabelle (who, I presume, is keeping track of disturbances in the Force with her web, or the Web’s...web) swooping in to take advantage of Martin’s emotional fragility.
while Jon didn’t outright say that the only choice left, Martin’s own worries about Jon’s envious expression and then Jon talking about possibly taking Jonah’s place, he probably thought that meant Jon was giving in. now Jon has stormed off, Martin is alone, he’s afraid of what Jon is saying, and he’s worried there might not be another way to save the world.
that’s the perfect scenario for Annabelle to offer another solution, when it feels like there isn’t one. now, he’s more “open-minded.” pathos, remember.
Martin is frustrated with Jon, he’s worried there isn’t another solution, and now, Annabelle is using another presuasion/manipulation tactic: the false sense of scarcity. see, when people hear “supplies won’t last!” they’re more likely to go out and buy it because it hits emotional/monkey brain that says, “if supplies, like food, are scarce, and we don’t know when we’ll have access to food again, we need to get this immediately. it’s survival.”
Annabelle is 1) offering Martin another choice, which he previously thought might not be there at all (pathos), and now she’s 2) telling him if he didn’t go with her, right then and there, that option would go away forever (scarcity).
Martin, as much as he loves Jon, is still upset with what he said. and he knows that Jon will most likely be able to find him. he doesn’t want to lose this opportunity, so he goes.
65 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 01:50:37 GMT
hello i would just like to point out something the fandom probably already knew bc i came into the fandom 3 yrs late and now it’s been like 5 yrs since it first aired BUT
love that when viktor first moves to hasetsu, he says the seagulls remind him of st. petersburg but when he’s in spain for the grand prix final, the beach reminds him of hasetsu
70 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 17:41:19 GMT
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if “hurt” meant “angy” in the--you,you get it. you know the drill
original by me alskdjfkj (y’all it was abt s4. not that i don’t appreciate the notes but you’re several months too late lads; this is more accurate to how i feel now, after mag199)
111 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 17:05:33 GMT
me: *goes to look up the mag193 transcript so i can converse with a friend abt jonah’s chanting(? idk what to call it)*
me: *see this*
— that stinks of hate and wafts to him with promise of the fast approaching corpse that bears his face and holds within its chest the promise of his own annihilation carved in gouges deep and ragged cutting clean through bone that cracked to splintered powder cast of empty blackened earth that is his home again but something’s wrong with what he see upon the door is written not his name but words that mean no more to him than jumbled symbols twisting in the edges of his sight that tries to focus on the emptiness around him but the mist that curls its bitter weeping ache around his legs that bristle up with shivered gooseflesh stained with red that’s not his blood whose blood he bled but this is not from him and yet he knows he loved this blood when once it beat within a heart that joined to his through choice or circumstance but now it stains his weeping edges scarlet gloating now of all the butchered ugly fates that might already have befallen what you still might boast he loves at hands that might be moved by others or that might just now be his what have you done what have you done what have you done what have you done why do you hear upon the gloating wind the screaming of his name as now he begs him please to stop the razor slicing through that flesh but there is nothing he can do from here upon the threshold to a house she almost knows to be a home but empty hollow and devoid of all the trappings that could once have given comfort to the pale and weeping shadow of her life that has been left devoid and faded at the corners like a photograph whose sepia-tinted warmth has drained to just a crowd of faceless staring strangers among whom once she stood to feel safe as houses no-one dares to enter anymore in case they trip upon the mouldy corpse of memories that once gave hope and now provide her nothing but a smile upon the face of something grinning at her sharply and with teeth like rows of hungry needles desperate still to stick through skin like cloth into a tapestry of suffering that billows in the wind and gusts like sails upon a wide and pitch black sea with no horizon in the distance calling one and all towards it with a pull that makes her stomach drop to know she can’t resist the waves that lap and drag her over and across the surface still as cracked obsidian but deeper that the world could ever dream as something wakes and shifts below they grab the wheel and cry in panic at their howling crew to ready for a harrowed doomed escape from what begins to rise below them —
me: *closes tab*
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you guys are reading this disgusting block of text?
[begin image ID: an image of the “You guys are getting paid” meme. It depicts a young white male with close-cropped light brown hair. He’s wearing a pink, red, light and dark blue stripped polo. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is open in mid-sentence. He’s standing in front of an RV. end ID]
187 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 18:29:31 GMT
jon @ georgie in this new ep:
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[begin image ID: an edited screencap of Josh from the TV show, Drake and Josh. Josh is a young white man with short, curly dark brown hair. He’s sitting in an pale brown armchair, legs crossed, one hand resting in his lap, the other resting on the armrest, his hand aloft. His mouth his open in mid-sentence, eyes wide. He’s wearing dark blue jeans and a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt with red accents and a red and light-blue stripe across his chest. The edited subtitles read in all caps: I do not control the speed at which tape recorders appear. end ID]
395 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 18:57:07 GMT
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