#love u jihoon
hoshingi · 25 days
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Adore U (2015)
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qyuubu · 20 days
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hyusolk · 2 years
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bandzboy · 2 years
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savventeen · 2 years
to build a home
pairing: jihoon x gn!reader rating: T (for swearing) wc: 3.7k summary: on the train ride back to meet jihoon's parents in person for the first time, you realize you don't really know what it's like to have a childhood home — at least, not in the sense that most people seem to have. but it's okay, because you've found a home in jihoon instead. warnings: talks about divorce (reader's parents) tags: fluff, this is so sappy guys, kind of emotional hurt/comfort, soonhoon best frienemies (they’re ride or die dw their friendship is just based on mutual teasing lol), vaguely implied asexual reader, a truly excessive amount of handholding, i really made jihoon into a hand-holding fiend and i'm Not Sorry a/n: this might be one of the most self-indulgent things i've ever written since reader's experiences are 100% based off of my own lmao. also i can't believe i wrote almost 4k of them just talking on a train, like??? wow. also also, i listened to sleeping at last's cover of i'm gonna be (500 miles) on repeat while writing so i recommend giving it a listen for the Vibes haha
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Jihoon was nervous.
Not in a bad way, of course. But he was taking you back home to stay with his parents for the next four days and they would be meeting you in person for the first time and he was nervous.
Soonyoung, the bastard, could definitely tell and had made it his mission to embarrass the hell out of him until the last possible second.
It was only supposed to be Seungcheol and Minghao dropping the two of you off at the train station, but Soonyoung had physically crammed himself into the backseat between you and Jihoon and refused to let go of either of you until you’d reached the train station. Even then, you had to physically pry him off of Jihoon and promise to tell Jihoon’s parents that Soonyoung loved them and missed them and—
“—make sure to take lots of pictures of all his cringey old anime posters!”
Soonyoung’s insistence is only diminished by the effort he’s exerting not to be forcefully dragged back into the car by a disgruntled Minghao. Jihoon knows Soonyoung’s being even more of a handful for his sake, and Jihoon is both filled with love and also the desire to strangle his best friend with his bare hands.
Minghao is able to get him mostly back in the car, Seungcheol watching on with a slightly fond but mostly concerned smile, but before they can get the door closed, Soonyoung claws his way back to the doorframe to tell you, “Also, his mom keeps all of his baby pictures in a bunch of photo books by the—”
“And that’s enough from you,” Jihoon interrupts, forcefully shoving Soonyoung back into the car by the face, Soonyoung screeching with poorly disguised glee, and slams the car door shut.
Jihoon waves at Seungcheol who he can see laughing through the glass as he pulls away from the curb, leaving the two of you standing with your suitcases.
He hears you giggling, and turns around to face you with a sigh. “Ignore him.”
You give a thoughtful hum, drawing it out as you grab the handle of your suitcase and wait for Jihoon to grab his and start walking with you through the station.
“No, I don’t think I will,” you finally decide, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of your mouth.
Jihoon groans, tilting his head back as if to ask the universe why me?
“Why,” you continue, “embarrassed about your Nami posters?” 
Like Soonyoung, Jihoon knows you’re just teasing, and he falls into your easy banter with a smile threatening to tug at the corners of his mouth.
He glares at you half-heartedly. “It’s poster, singular. And no, I’m not embarrassed,” he adds as you both make your way across the platform and into the closest empty train car (the only benefit of leaving at the ass-crack of dawn). “Why would I ever be embarrassed about Nami? She’s badass.” He grunts as he stands on his toes and lifts his luggage to store on the overhead rack and then reaches out to take yours as well. “Plus, you’re one to talk, with your weird shrimp god poster—“
And this argument is familiar, too. He can’t help but smirk as you roll your eyes in exasperation and slide into the seat next to the window.
“It’s shrimp heaven,” you exclaim, “we’ve been over this.”
Jihoon just shakes his head, and he knows he sounds more than a little besotted when he says, “You listen to the weirdest shit.”
You give him a Look that manages to be both deadpan and undeniably fond, and no one except a few untitled projects saved on his external hard drive knows exactly how much he adores that particular look. “I am aware, yes, thank you.”
While this is the first time the two of you are traveling back to where Jihoon grew up, it is not the first time the two of you have traveled together. There’s a well-worn ease to the way your shoulders draw together like magnets, Jihoon offering up one of his earbuds as he balances his iPad across your joined knees.
It had scared him, the first time he felt himself leaning into your presence without a second thought — as easy and unthinkingly familiar as pulling on his favorite hoodie when he’s cold or the sound of his keys clinking against the countertop every night when he gets home. He’d never been one to seek out physical affection before, not unless he was desperate. But now he can’t help but feel like a flower seeking out the sun whenever he’s with you.
He leans his head against yours as he asks, “Want to watch some Bonobono?”
“Yeah,” you reply with a happy hum.
Jihoon presses play without further ado, and the two of you settle in for the next few hours.
You get through a few episodes quickly before taking a quick snack break, and it’s only a few minutes into the next episode that Jihoon notices you aren’t really paying attention. He turns his head where it's resting on your shoulder to get a better look at your profile, but he’s not able to see much since you have your own head turned to look out the window.
He finishes the episode and gets halfway through the next one, glancing over at you every few minutes, before deciding it’s time for him to check in.
Starting conversations is still not one of his strong suits, but he’s discovered interesting ways to wiggle himself into them, mainly by tricking you into getting the ball rolling for him. It’s in these moments that he channels his inner Soonyoung (he is taking this train of thought to his grave, mind you) and asks himself “How would cat-me ask for attention in this moment?” (Again, taking this train of thought to the fucking grave.)
So Jihoon leans away from you just enough for him to be able to turn slightly in his seat and gently plonk his head against your shoulder. When he gets no reaction, he does it again. And again, before doing it one more time as your turn to look at him with an amused smile. “Hi? You having fun, there?”
“Yep,” he says, popping the “p”. “The funnest.”
You snort and shake your head at him. “Okay, babe.” You turn your attention back out the window and Jihoon frowns.
With a quiet huff, he plonks his head on your shoulder once again, pushing in with his forehead and rubbing it back and forth against your sweater.
You start giggling — and god, it’s still one of his favorite sounds, he doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of hearing it — and you turn to look at him again with a single eyebrow raised. “Yes, Jihoonie?”
He moves so his temple is resting on your shoulder and he can look at you properly. “You okay?” he asks, lighthearted and warm. “You’ve been staring out the window for a while, missed the last couple of episodes.”
You blink, a little surprised, and look down at the iPad still balanced between the two of you. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine, sorry.” You give him a smile and shrug the shoulder he’s leaning on. “Just thinking.”
The automatic retort of “oh, dangerous” is on the tip of his tongue, but he holds it back with a small frown. He’s never liked when you apologize unnecessarily, but he knows it’s something you’ve been working on, so he decides not to bring attention to it this time.
“What about?” he asks instead.
You’ve turned your attention back to Bonobono at this point, and you respond with a distracted “Hm?”
Jihoon pokes your temple with one finger. “What’re you thinking about?”
“Oh.” You look at him, considering, and then you huff out a short laugh as you reach over to pause the video. “You actually,” you tell him, tucking the iPad into your lap as you turn in your seat to face him fully.
That was not what Jihoon was expecting. “Me?”
“Yep,” you say, popping the “p” just like he did earlier. “Your bedroom, more specifically.”
That was definitely not what Jihoon was expecting. Both of his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “My bedroom…” he trails off, voice dry and seeming to ask, are you really implying what I think you’re implying?
Your expression morphs into one of disgust so quickly Jihoon barks out a startled laugh. “Ew, no, don’t look at me like that, that’s not what I meant.”
Jihoon lets out a few of his own giggles as he asks, “What did you mean, then?”
He almost coos at the adorable way you pout as you cross your arms in faux anger. “Ugh, no I’m not telling you anymore if you’re just gonna tease me.”
“Aw come on,” he cajoles, reaching out to pry your crossed arms apart. “I only tease those who deserve it.”
You roll your eyes even as you let him pull your hands into his own. “Tell that to Soonyoung.”
“Are you kidding? He deserves it just for existing.”
You lift one of your conjoined hands to awkwardly point at him. “I’m gonna tell him you said that.”
Jihoon narrows his eyes. “Good. He needs the reminder.”
You fold over as you snort, falling into Jihoon’s space for a moment before you straighten back up with a beaming smile. “You’re such a terrible friend, Lee Jihoon.”
Closing his eyes, he nods solemnly. “I am aware of this, yes. It is my curse.”
“Oh my god,” you laugh, making him smack himself in the shoulder with your still joined hands. “You can be such a dramatic little shit sometimes.” There’s a glint in your eyes that tells Jihoon you’re about to say something purely because you know it’ll rile him up, and he’s proven right when the next words out of your mouth are, “Soonyoung must be rubbing off on you.”
Jihoon’s jaw drops in offended horror. “You’d better take that back right now, I swear to god, y/n—” He doesn’t give you a chance to respond as he untangles your fingers and digs them mercilessly into your sides.
You squeal at the onslaught and try your best to deflect, but Jihoon’s relentless and you’ve always been extremely ticklish, so it’s only a few moments later that you’re choking out through strained laughter, “Yield! Yield! Fuck, I yield, you absolute ass!”
Jihoon glares at you as he stops and generously lets you trap his fingers in your hold. “Take it back.”
“Yes, I take it back, geez,” you pant. He’s pretty sure he hears you follow it up with a near silent “Why are both of you so insane?”
He raises an eyebrow. “What was that?” He wiggles his fingers pointedly.
“Nothing,” you say quickly, glaring at him half-heartedly before rolling your eyes. “Absolutely nothing.”
“Good,” he smirks, wiggling his fingers again, but this time so he can lace them once again with yours. He brings each of your hands up to his face and kisses your knuckles before bringing them back down to his lap and letting himself drink you in.
You’re looking at him with something teetering the edge between incredulous and fond and over-the-moon, and Jihoon thinks he probably looks like a smitten fool just based on the way his cheeks ache and his ears feel like they’re on fire.
He’s come to love moments like these, where the both of you take a moment to just… take each other in — to simply exist in each other’s presence and soak it all in like sponges. And he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to put into words exactly what it feels like to look and be looked at like this. To see and be seen.
Jihoon doesn’t try to find the words this time, just lets himself bask in your glow with a soft smile.
After a few moments, he brings himself to break the ambient quiet of the train. “Hey,” he murmurs.
Your response is as soft and quiet as the smile you tuck into the corner of your mouth. “Hi.”
He stares at you for another moment before saying, “You never ended up telling me, y’know.”
“Telling you what?”
“What you were thinking about earlier.” He starts idly rubbing his thumbs across the skin of your hands, tracing gentle arcs with the pads of his thumbs.
“Oh.” You scrunch up your face a little before smoothing it out with a small shrug. “Eh, it wasn’t anything important.”
“Hmm.” Something tells him it probably is something important — to you, at least. And even if it isn’t, he still wants to know. “Tell me anyway?”
You tilt your head and look at him with a confused sort of amused smile. “Why do you wanna know so bad?”
Because I’m highkey obsessed with you and always want to learn more about you and how you think, is what he doesn’t say. At least, not out loud and not right now. He knows it’d probably fluster you and he doesn’t want to distract you from answering any more than he already has. (And maybe he’s still struggling with saying his sappy thoughts directly to your face instead of hoarding them in various notebooks, but that’s a problem for future Jihoon to work through.)
“Just curious,” he murmurs with a shrug. “And we still have a couple of hours left on the train.”
You stare at him for a moment like you don’t quite believe him and are trying to find the lie somewhere on his face. But eventually you mutter, “Okay.” You take in a deep breath and let it out slowly through your nose. “Well,” you start, after a moment of collecting your thoughts. “I said I was thinking about your bedroom, right?”
“Okay, so.” You purse your lips as you tighten your hold on Jihoon’s fingers, just for a moment, before loosening your grip with a quiet exhale. “I was mostly just trying to imagine what that’s like.”
Jihoon blinks at you. “...What having a bedroom is like?” His tone comes across more deadpan than he means, confusion flattening his question into more of a statement.
“No, no,” you shake your head. “What having a childhood bedroom is like.”
Jihoon blinks again, furrowing his brows. “...I don’t understand.”
“God, I’m not explaining this right,” you mutter, chewing on your lip in obvious thought. “Okay, so like… You know how in movies and books and stuff, a lot of times there’s this— trope, I guess, where a character goes back home and stays in their childhood bedroom and it’s like a glimpse into their past? A lot of times for comedic reasons?”
Jihoon slowly nods his head. “Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, well.” You give a self-conscious little half-shrug that makes Jihoon’s chest hurt for some reason. “I was wondering what that’s like. Like…” You trail off for a moment, gaze drifting off to the side and focusing on the middle-distance. Jihoon forces himself to wait patiently as you try to find the words you need to explain, his thumbs continuing their silent metronome across your skin.
“What— what’s it like to have lived your entire childhood in the same house?” you start, gaze still locked somewhere off to the side. “To have the same four walls watch you go from toddler to kid to preteen to moody teenager and then reluctant adult? And to know those same walls are still watching you grow up.” You give a wistful little sigh and focus back on Jihoon with a crooked smile. “I’m trying to imagine what that’s like. Hadn’t realized how much of a foreign concept it was to me until I really started thinking about it,” you finish with a small huff.
During your whole little spiel, you hadn’t sounded sad or bitter or anything other than genuinely curious, but it still pokes at that little ache in Jihoon’s heart. He knows your parents divorced when you were young, and there’s a part of him that wishes you could have had the perfect childhood he knows doesn’t actually exist. He also knows you’re not one to really talk about yourself or your past, so he’s grateful for the vulnerability you’re sharing with him in this moment. Softly, he encourages you to share more with him. “You went back and forth between your parents a lot, right?”
“Oh, god yeah,” you laugh. “And not only that, but my mom could never stay in one place either. Growing up, I think my dad only moved like… four times? But my mom moved… uh.” Your brows furrow deeply for a moment. “Hang on, I need to think this out.”
Jihoon almost whines when you detangle your fingers from his, but manages to turn it into a pretty convincing cough. (It’s actually not at all convincing, but luckily you’re too preoccupied to properly clown him for it.) He watches you mutter to yourself with a small pout and then he looks back down at your hands like he can make them hold his if he just stares hard enough. Your fingers extend one by one as you count, and his pout falls away as one fist and then the other blooms fully. And then one fist closes again, leaving a single finger standing.
“So… eleven? Eleven times.”
He’d known you’d moved at least a few times as a kid, but… “Holy shit.”
Gently, he reaches out to hold your hands again. Squeezes. “And how often did you go back and forth?”
“Oh, god. That was a mess, too.” You’re laughing, but that ache in his chest keeps spreading, digging deeper. “We had different schedules that would change like— every few months. We did three days on, three days off, alternating sundays; we did two days on, two days off, with alternating weekends; at one point we even did every other weekday with alternating weekends… it was insane. Looking back, it seems even more insane.”
“Jesus.” He can’t even begin to imagine what that must’ve been like — almost constantly being on the move. Especially as a kid. “How old were you when they split again?”
“Yeah.” You sigh, long and gusty. It doesn’t sound sad, at least, just tired. Maybe a little bit like release. Then you send a small, amused smile in his direction. “So you can kinda see why the whole “childhood bedroom” thing is such a foreign concept to me, right?”
He can see why. And it aches. “Yeah,” he breathes.
Some of that ache must show on his face because you gently scold him, “Hey, don’t look like that.” You untangle your fingers once again to cup both of his cheeks, thumbs pressing into the corners of his mouth and smoothing out his unconscious frown.
You look at him, soft and warm and so full of love Jihoon’s breath catches in his chest. And then you adjust your grip so you’re pinching his cheeks, and you wiggle his face a little bit. “This wasn’t supposed to be a sad thing, Hoonie. Just a “we had vastly different experiences” kind of thing.” You stop pinching his cheeks and go back to simply holding his face between your palms. “Like, I know it helped me understand the concept of “home is where the heart is,” yanno?”
And, oh. Oh, Jihoon is so very head-over-heels in love with you. He can feel that love pooling and swelling inside him, curling up between his ribs and tickling the tips of his fingers as reaches up to cover your hands with his.
“Hmm.” His mouth moves before his brain can catch up. “And where is your heart, y/n?” he breathes.
For one infinite moment suspended in time, you and Jihoon are the only two people to exist. The world around him disappears as your eyes bore into his, and Jihoon gets to watch something in them soften, melt — pool into something that looks a lot like love as you turn your hands to let go of his cheeks and hold his fingers instead.
You bring his hands to hover in front of his face, and you roll your lips between your teeth like you’re trying to hold back a smile. What you’re trying to say finally clicks in Jihoon’s mind when you glance down at his hands and then back up at him with a raised eyebrow.
All of the blood in his body rushes directly to his face and ears so quickly that Jihoon thinks he might burst into flames.
 “Nooooooooo,” he whines, hiding his blazing blush behind your entwined hands and ignoring the way you’re outright laughing at him now. He lowers your hands just enough so that he can glare at you from over the tops of your knuckles. “How are you able to say the cheesiest things without actually saying anything? I can’t stand you.”
“Then sit,” you giggle, like the absolutely adorable little shit you are.
Jihoon growls in frustrated adoration before licking the back of your hands in retaliation.
You screech and try to yank your hands back, but he’s the stronger one between the two of you and he refuses to let go. “Lee Jihoon, you animal, what is wrong with you?!”
“Vengence,” is all he mutters.
You splutter. “Vengence for what?”
He continues to half-heartedly glare at you as he brings your hands down and presses them to the left side of his chest. Vaguely, he wonders if you can feel the way his heart is pounding against his ribs. “For stealing my heart,” he pouts.
The sound that comes out of your mouth reminds him of a dying seal, and that’s how Jihoon knows it’s over for him — because he’s never heard a more endearing sound in his entire life and he thinks that maybe he’d do anything to hear it over and over again.
You continue to tease each other back and forth, your love for each other a steady undertow, and Jihoon realizes that while they may be heading back to the house he grew up in, it’s not home in the same sense any more.
Not when he looks at you and his heart sings a steady home, home, home inside his chest.
The thought doesn’t scare him nearly as much as he thinks it should.
Home, home, home.
He likes the sound of that.
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vcrnons · 1 year
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woozi for romantic crown.
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monamipencil · 5 months
it's 01:46 rn and I'm eargasming instead of sleepin
audio so clean it feels like it came directly from jihoon's computer
never been so obsessed with an instrumental like IDUBILU. need to inhale whatever crack that's been laced in this (lee jihoon)
ohh! i love idubilu's instrumental too. man, i love this song so fucking much. jihoon is such a talented producer. i seriously admire his talent. i can feel you :) he deserves a good head for this lmao.
also, hope you slept well!
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moonlantrn · 2 years
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세븐틴의 우지 ♥︎ Seventeen woozi!
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godofmagnets · 5 months
any block b fans still out there. how we feeling
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woozi · 6 months
the way being on caratblr never fails to bring me joy no matter the circumstance and no matter how much time has passed </3
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hoshingi · 5 months
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WOOZI 'Maestro' Official Teaser 2
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mosviqu · 1 year
started watching at a distance, spring is green
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spamgyu · 7 months
Jihoon when I catch you. I love that half of your inbox is people asking for you to roast their big 3 and then the unlucky ones who almost died while listening to svt
this is so funny
BoomBoom - Tboned
HIT - rear ended and spun out
FML AND April Shower - full double whammy sprained ankle fell in a ditch and had to walk
we need to be compensated
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ashmp3 · 1 year
sorry guys i fainted today i’ve been out of it heheheheh but i just saw they fr will have title track called Fuck my life. 24th can’t come sooner i am SO excited jeonghan told me in a dream it will be so good please trust me. him. Us.
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cbgisland · 2 years
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I posted 271 times in 2022
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#*seungcheol - 24 posts
#*vernon - 14 posts
#*dino - 13 posts
#*all - 12 posts
#*mingyu - 9 posts
#ideas too dangerous for main - 6 posts
#*wonwoo - 6 posts
#💔💔💔 - 5 posts
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#guys i don’t wanna get ahead of myself or anything but this may be the best piece of literature i’ve ever read in the history of life
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😮‍💨 workin hard
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so basically what i’m hearing is i’m the bridge connecting the big three☝️
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junkissed · 2 years
hello, I wanted to drop by and say not to holy night is so so good!! I liked the whole entire storyline and really enjoyed the different settings and how the story developed!<3
ahh thank you!! so glad you liked it :)) most of my fics i've noticed just take place in like. one or two scenes in the same setting so i definitely tried to give this one a little more variety lol! it took me a while to write it sgdkfjh but i'm really happy with how it turned out 😊
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