#loved Missy tho. she was a fun villain
canonicallyginger · 7 months
Been watching doctor who with a friend. 12th doctor is quickly becoming my favorite despite there having been an episode we skipped bc it was specifically about the doctor being annoying and weird about clara's boyfriend
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Doctor Who S12 Premiere
But I like 13's reaction to the Master reveal. And every time the Master is involved, there is something related to Gallifrey and the Time Lords. And the forest place Yaz and 13 ended up in seemed to be recognized by 13. Is it Gallifrey-related? The Timeless Child thing? As for O, he was inquisitive, resourceful, charismatic, and seemed to make for a great companion. I was hoping he'd stay longer, a la Captain Jack Harkness. With all the subtle foreshadowing, I was hoping that nothing would happen to him. Besides, he looked good in a suit. I was all for the Yaz and O moment, whatever that means for the future. It was sweet. Basically, GIVE YAZ MORE DEPTH. Whatever happened with her and the aliens seems to be a setup for more in the season. Will it lead to more i.e. Rose and Bad Wolf/Clara as the Impossible Girl? Also, the Torchwood reference got me bad. I'm still obsessed with the show; I miss Jack's team so much! Give us back Torchwood. And I guess this means that Gwen and Jack's revival of the org isn't on the same scale as it used to be, tho I haven't heard the Big Finish audios yet.
As someone who started watching Doctor Who in July 2019 and caught up on all the seasons (+ Torchwood and some books), here are my thoughts on the Doctor Who S12 premiere "Spyfall Part One." Of course, this means SPOILERS. SPOILERS!!!!!!! SPOILERS!!!!!!!!
I’ll tag this and anything I reblog from now on as “doctor who spoilers.” Block that tag, cause I’ll probably be reblogging a lot of posts. Also, everything is under the cut.
Before I begin, while I like 13/she's everything a Doctor should be, I found her lacking in some of the danger and edge that 10, 11, and 12 possessed. I think Whittaker was a good choice and that it was the writing that lacked some 'oomph.' I can't wait to see her in s12.
As for Chib's writing, I liked some of his Torchwood eps, but really only Rosa, DoP (I'm desi, sue me), Kerblam!, and Witchfinders stood out to me. I liked Yaz, but she needs more depth, tho Ryan and Graham are kinda interesting. And I mostly skipped the s11 finale.
The callbacks to the last season are nice. Yaz's family. Ryan's struggles with the bike. Grace's death. The Doctor working on the TARDIS. Even before that, the hacked car reminds me of ATMOS. It was funny to see 13 drive, not really something we see the Doctor doing that often.
MI6 transporting the TARDIS gives me S8/S9 UNIT flashbacks. Speaking of UNIT, this is exactly what UNIT and Torchwood existed to do, world! It was literally their job to keep an eye on the alien and protect the Earth when the Doctor couldn't. Good job defunding UNIT, Britain!
Also, the Torchwood reference got me bad. I'm still obsessed with the show; I miss Jack's team so much! Give us back Torchwood. And I guess this means that Gwen and Jack's revival of the org isn't on the same scale as it used to be, tho I haven't heard the Big Finish audios yet.
The spy gags are kinda funny. Yaz and Ryan make terrible spies, though they are trying. And the aliens/creatures remind me of the ghosts from Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. 13 and Graham fair slightly better with O. I was so excited to see a South Asian spy/agent.
Was the party supposed to be in Napa? Anyways, the Fam all looked dapper, but I particularly liked Yaz's outfit the most. The motorcycle chase and the plane scene was also very Mission Impossible-esque. Lots of Bond moments too, especially with the casino. That much was obvious.
I was all for the Yaz and O moment, whatever that means for the future. It was sweet. Basically, GIVE YAZ MORE DEPTH. Whatever happened with her and the aliens seems to be a setup for more in the season. Will it lead to more i.e. Rose and Bad Wolf/Clara as the Impossible Girl?
As for O, he was inquisitive, resourceful, charismatic, and seemed to make for a great companion. I was hoping he'd stay longer, a la Captain Jack Harkness. With all the subtle foreshadowing, I was hoping that nothing would happen to him. Besides, he looked good in a suit.
But that reveal was unexpected as FUCK. I knew the Master would come back at some point - c'mon, no way that Missy was actually dead, but didn't expect it so SOON in this season. I'm all for it, tho. First Master reveal that has ever made me gasp.
From what I remember, Sacha Dhawan was a great Iron Fist villain. This Master seems charismatic and maniacal, a really "master" of disguise. Now that we know the truth, we can already tell that he was a great rapport/dynamic with the Doctor. I'm excited to see more of him.
But also...which Master is this? He could be from before Yana. He could be between Saxon and the Master (WIBBLY-WOBBLY, TIMEY-WIMEY). (Side note, how many regenerations does that Master have?????) But what I find to be saddest of all would be if he's a regeneration after Missy.
Because that would negate all of 12's efforts and the remorse Missy went through in s10, which made her rapport with 12 all the more sweeter. It would also imply that the Master cannot reform and is destined for malignity. That also gives his dynamic with 13 so much depth.
But I like 13's reaction to the Master reveal. And every time the Master is involved, there is something related to Gallifrey and the Time Lords. And the forest place Yaz and 13 ended up in seemed to be recognized by 13. Is it Gallifrey-related? The Timeless Child thing?
TDLR: There was a lot going on in this episode. I loved the Yaz moments and previous callbacks. The episode was fun. Interesting enough for a premiere, especially with that final reveal. Lots of unanswered questions. Can't wait to see the rest of s12.
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spacejew · 5 years
Doctor who spoilers, beware
Okay holy fuck that episode
also so so sorry for all the typos, not used to their keyboard and too sleepy to correct them all
Some quick comments (and then my THEORIES)
- first of all very fun episode I was SO INTRIGUED
- good ass vfx
- absolutely adore the gang and their irl consequences of doctor travels. Maybe this season they have to rethink their "easy" choice to travel with her?
- I was loving the mystery but. As soon as master reveal I'm now very worried that the explanation to these mysteries won't be as satisfying? I was so pumped for a brand new, totally original serious threat , and suddenly the master being involved kinda dampens that. You know? I hope it still ends up being super creative and cool and satisfying
- the last five minutes left me confused straight up. Where'd the Vor guy vanish to? The house ourside the plane? Did they like. Teleport? Was it like, evidence of a weird simulation type of thing? Just a little lost, I need to rewatch. (Edit: OH the house was flying, probs the Masters TARDIS then, got it)
- must reiterate, GREAT ACTING AND DIALOGUE, I love team TARDIS holy fuckkk my babes. Ready for some juicy juicy conflict.
Okay theory time bitches
- they are Inside the Masters TARDIS!! Too many references to our beloved TARDIS being insanely gigantic on the inside. Karaoke buses? Water slides? Rainforest?? Chibs is hitting the audience over the head with "the TARDIS contains multitudes". It would make sense as a reminder or foreshadowing that either the whole episode or some portion like the evil dimension being actually inside the Masters TARDIS, all part of a simulation of some sort. Hence weird happenings, and a dampened sonic, and things breaking into thirteens TARDIS. "Everything is a lie", so everything may or can be fake and simulated by the Masters TARDIS
- alternate universes, an obvious one based on that alien code decyohefing projection bit. Like, duh, multiple Earths means multiple Earths, doc.
- the master is either: from an alternate universe himself, or at least a master before Gomez . I loved Missy and her character development was a real emotional journey for me. I would hate it to be neglected or retconned. An earlier master would be interesting, and respect Missy's death.
- the Light Aliens exist in some kind of computery way. All that talk about Vor and data and technology? They say they blipped around those windows like lights on a server or visual code computations? That evil dimension Yaz was in being full of stuff that could either be DNA strands or Data cores or like giant neural pathways? With the light aliens manifesting as electrical pulses running through them? Very evocative of brains/computers. Either they're projections of code, or exist as energy and have a computer hivemind going on, I think it's their big "thing". Also lends well to the simulation bit.
- obviously parallels to The Army of Ghosts, Cybermen, alt universes, etc. But personally, really hoping it's completely unrelated aka definitely not Cybermen. Even though the shaped do fit? But A. Don't act like Cybermen B. Their head shapes are also reminiscent of that Raknos looking aliens from the trailer. So hey. Maybe it's those?
- when Yaz came back from the evil dimension, she was like downloaded to their computer thing, and when she was re-uploaded to our reality, she may be augmented with extra "code" -- just like The Vor ceo guy, she may not be 100% human. 7% not human can mean there's not totally rewritten dna, but just extra dna, from the aliens, full of code. Like a sleep agent almost?? As SPY?????? HMMMMM????? trust nobody!!!! Yaz could be a sleeper agent or unwitting spy with extra alien stuff in her now, is what I'm saying.
- going off of that, that's what happened to all the dead spies - the aliens were experimenting with getting their own spies onto earth via human spies, but they accidentally rewrote too much of their dna, totally killing them. They've perfected it now?
- aliens are obvs from a diff dimension entirely. Lie the Boneless were! I hope maybe they're relayed? Would be sick as hell I loved that episode
- here's a fuckin Longshot! Last seasons thirteen mentioned scary stories she was told as a child. Referring to the Frog Universe, what was it called? The Anti-verse or some shit? Y'all know what I mean. What matters is that my fav Chibnall episode, The Power of Three, set up another "scary story told to gallifreyan children" that the doctor couldn't believe was real, and seemed to be coming from like another dimension? The Tally!!! It was never followed up on even though I thought it was an amazing setup, so maybe The Tally is involved somehow. Or, god willing, they'll come back later this season in an unrelated plot.
- trust nobody! Everything you know is a lie, says the master. Maybe Yaz was replaced entirely? Who else is a fake? Alternate universes? So many ways things could be totally faked. No concrete theory here but, I'm going into the next episode literally not trusting shit. All a simulation? Simulated time travel? Who knows.
- Masters TARDIS is one of the cool sets we saw in the trailer that was tardis-like
- Vor ceo guy is actually a good person trying his damn best to help stop the aliens and assist the doctor, but cannot let anyone know he's actually helping. So he just lets them get away with snooping, investigating, but really needs to keep his distance. Also he probs thinks he's helping with some technology trade with the aliens? Y'know, in a capitalist way lol.
- oh yeah duh, the aliens could all literally be made up by the master as part of a totally unrelated plot to take over earth, as he does. Killing spies is just part of the misdirection and to draw in the doctor. I'd be a little bummed by this tho
Im honestly nervous it may be a let down, but, I'm really hoping everything that was set up this episode was important and relevant and will pay off with a really cool villain, new concepts to play with, and the master being a real good threat and an enjoyable version of himself. (I'm not sold and I'm a little sad after seeing him play it so.. cringey? It's like a Simm impersonation but a little hokey idk. But we only had five minutes of him so I'm excited to see how it goes!!! Maybe I'm legit just salty that it's not Missy or a lady or something. I'll give him a chance!!! I'm hoping for the best. I WAS legit totally surprised, even tho I knew something had to be off about O... Good reveal!)
Hopefully I get time off work this weekend to see Part 2 in theaters and have a grand ol time. Legit very pleased and hooked by this premiere. So fun
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