#loveink fanfics
loveinkfanfics · 5 months
Finally posted the newest chapter to “Overexposed”!! 🥳
Really enjoyed writing this little one! 💙
Let me know what y’all think!!!
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loveinkfanfics · 2 years
She left him wondering what was an exciting story to tell in her book. He bet she had all kinds of them since she worked with dead people and all. "Will do," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Nice to meet you, Angel. "Angela opened her mouth to correct him then decided against it. She didn't mind the way the nickname sounded coming from the handsome man's lips. "You too, Juice. You guys have my number if you need anything else, right? ""Maybe I'll take it down again,"
Omg yes! I love this! Thank you @juiceortiz!!! 🥰🥰 Taking it waaaay back to the first chapter of “Hands All Over”! :)
Writing wise, I was still finding my voice and still flip-flopping between POV mid-paragraph, which I sometimes miss doing but know it can get really confusing (as a reviewer pointed out). Also, personal life wise, I started this story in 2011 (it took me awhile to work up the nerve to publish it to Fanfiction.net in 2012) after my grandmother, who I was very close to, passed away. One if my favorite authors in another fandom (the Fast and the Furious) started posting a Sons of Anarchy fic, and I kept getting the notifications for updates. SOA Seasons 1-3 were streaming free and because I loved her writing (big shout out to xsparklesthemagicalunicornx and her SOA fic “Stylized Violence”), I decided to give it a chance so I could at least understand the characters in her fic. I fell in love. The sense of family (at least in the first season) and the love between the brothers was just what my aching heart needed to get through one of the hardest times in my life. I was obsessed. I binged the first three seasons and bought season 4 just to watch that too…and it brought me back to writing. I had several false starts with this fic with all sorts of situations (starting with Opie/OC, then I fell in love with Juice midway through season 1…it was that smile, damn it). I have PAGES of Juice/OCs that never made it past a few pages and sometimes I go back and read them and smile. It wasn’t until I met a badass mortician with braids in her hair, a great sense of humor, and a toughness about her at my internship at a local Coroner’s office that this idea hit me, and the rest, as they say, is history. Through this story, I’ve “met” some amazing people (readers, authors, etc), and I’m so grateful for it. 💕
 But, I digress, this part is Juice and Angela meeting for the very first time! Juice sees this attractive girl who’s also interesting and intrigues him a bit. There’s a mystery about her that kind of draws him in...
He wants to know what story she’s thinking about, wants to hear more about her. Other than Old Ladies, Croweater, and the occasional TM customer, I don’t see Juice as having much time to sit and talk to women. The club is all encompassing, and he’s all about the club. Theo Rossi has mentioned in interviews before that Juice wouldn’t have time to date, and I honestly, don’t think he’s all that far off. The club is everything to him. He doesn’t have a lot of free time.  I think Juice is also mildly impressed that Angela’s not fazed by the group of bikers (little does he know, she has her own connection to them in her cousin), and she’s not being overly flirtatious or coming onto them. She’s just going about her business like her boss told her to and brushing off the very weird thing that they’re doing like it is nothing…which to any normal person, digging up a body to use for something that’s definitely not legal would be cause for alarm. Him calling her “Angel” instead of by her full name is also a little test. Will she correct him? Will she let the nickname slide which kind of takes the next step in a sense of familiarity? She doesn’t correct him, which, despite his oblivious ways, is a subtle open door showing she’s interested in some sort of relationship. At least, she’s not shutting him down.  
And on Angela’s side, that’s most definitely why she lets the nickname slide. Here’s this sexy biker man who’s giving her this killer smile calling her by a sweet pet name? She’s not about to correct him. Same with the sly way she gave him her number. They’re feeling each other out. Angela was offering her number in the most covert way possible. She knows one of them has the funeral home number, of course they do, but she’s trying to see if Juice wants her number. If he’ll catch on to what she’s offering. And for once, Mr. Oblivious takes advantage of it and takes down her number for himself just so he has it. It’s a bit of a dance for the both of them. Also, Angela’s trying to make herself look a little more mysterious than she is with saying she’s seen “weirder shit” than them exhuming a body. That’s a lie (she tells him so about 40 chapters later in the story). She was playing it cool, trying to look nonchalant and enigmatic…and it worked. ;)
Plus, Angela’s been hurt by biker boys in the past (Esai), so she’s hesitant to go whole hog into it, and Juice hasn’t had a “normal/civilian” girl show interest in him in a long time (that he’s noticed. I’m sure there have been others, Angela’s just a bit more obvious). They both are intrigued by each other because they’re different (if that makes any sense). To Juice’s knowledge at this point, Angela is a non-club-affiliated girl with a stable but weird job that he’s intrigued by (probably from video games and comic books because I’m sure Juice has read his fair share of zombie shit and played all the Resident Evil games).  Being Happy’s cousin, Angela is used to a…tougher kind of biker. Sure, she has Kozik to be more light hearted, but she saw him through a dark patch of his life when he was struggling with addiction. Juice with his big goofy grin doesn’t quite exude the same commanding, somewhat intimidating presence as the SAMCRO boys she’s used to, which I think is what makes her more curious and attracted to him too. I mean, who wouldn’t be after being on receiving end of one of his smiles? ;)
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Aaaaand I think that’s all I got! 🤣 Sorry for the rambling, but it was insanely fun to explore!!! I haven’t read the first chapter of this story in a LONG time. >.<
THANK YOU for the snippet!!  
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loveinkfanfics · 1 year
I mean I need at least a whole paragraph, girl. Why u playin?? 😁
Hahaha so I've been playing with this little one shot of Juice and Angela on her first day at the office so between "Hands All Over" and "Overexposed"...and it is waaaaaaay over a paragraph, but I couldn't stop! ;)
Ben nodded enthusiastically. "You gonna try to get a piece of that Angela girl? Dino’s new assistant?"
Juice stopped working for a moment, waiting for Derek's answer. The cocky kid shrugged a shoulder. "I dunno, man. Work place relationships are not always a good idea," he answered easily. "Would hate to break her heart and then have to see her at work. Probably make her quit 'n' then D would kill me."
 He snorted in response to that. "Yeah, right," he muttered under his breath so they wouldn't hear.
 "Shit, here she comes. Act natural," Josh said, smacking Derek lightly.
 Juice sat up a bit straighter, excited to see his wife. He hadn't seen her all day since he'd had to leave earlier than she did. Once she was closer, he couldn't help but stare. No wonder the guys were drooling over her; she looked like something out of a catalog in her tight, navy pencil skirt with her light blue blouse tucked into it. And heels. He swallowed hard; she hadn't worn heels in a long time, and he'd forgotten how good she looked in them. "Jesus Christ," he whispered as she neared, stopping at the entry of his cubicle.
 "Hey," he greeted, his voice cracking a little. He shook his head, clearing his throat as he nodded to her. "Hello."
 The smallest hint of a smirk turned up the corner of her lips. She knew how good she looked, and he had a feeling she'd done it for him. "Hi…"
 The awkward pause made it seem like she didn't know his name, but she wasn't acting. She'd always called him 'Juice' or 'Juan Carlos'; she had no clue what they called him here. "Jay," he supplied with a smile.
 "Right, Jay. Hi," she nodded, though the smallest crinkle in her nose showed she didn't like the way it sounded. 
 "Angela, right?" It was strange to call her by her full name. He usually only did it when he was pissed or introducing her to someone new, but he didn’t know what she wanted to be called in the office.
 Angela quirked her head to the side and nodded. "Uh-huh," she replied, playing with her wedding rings. "Dino told me to get you. He's got a question for you."
 He smirked at her, running his eyes over her figure once again and biting his lip. "Yeah?"
 She nodded slowly, her dark eyes filled with lust as she stared him down. "Yep."
 He pushed up from his chair, giving her a wink. "All right, then. Lead the way."
 Angela nodded, swaying her hips as she walked ahead of him towards Dino's office. She stopped short of it, leaning against the doorway. "Hey, do you think you could show me where the supply room is later? Need to quickly get a few reams of paper."
 Juice raised an eyebrow at her. "A quickie re-stock, huh?"
 She grinned naughtily as she nodded. "Yup. Just a quickie."
 God, he wanted to kiss her. Just push her against the wall and put his hands all over her. But he couldn't, not out in the open like they were. "Yeah, sure. Let me see what the big boss wants, and I'll show you where it's at," he told her, giving her a wink before heading into Dino's office.
~More coming soon to "It Won't Be Soon Before Long" ;)
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loveinkfanfics · 1 year
3, 6, and 9! (Even though I know the answer to 6…but we all love talking about our OCs!)
First of all, I just have to say I LOVE your writing and have been meaning to go back and re-read your Juice/Olivia stories because they're all amazing!!
3. What's a fic idea that you have but haven't written yet?
Oof. I haven't had a good fic idea in a long time besides the ones I'm writing (and I feel like I haven't been inspired for one of them in a long time...). Life threw me quite a curveball, and I've been feeling a bit uninspired unfortunately. :(
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs?
YES!! I've written several!! I've got my Sons of Anarchy OCs and the Fast and the Furious OCs. I haven't written for TFAFT in YEARS, so they're a little far from my mind, though I'll always love Michaela and Alex (I still can't believe I used my own name for this one. I was pretty green writing wise and couldn't think of a better name than my own. She's nothing like me, though lol), but I love my SOA OCs especially Ms. Angela Ruiz. ;) She's a kickass mortician who was inspired but a mortician I met once before. I work in the "death care" industry myself (adjacent to what Ang does), but I really loved researching her side and being able to add it into the fic. I also loved writing a counterpart to Juice who's nerdy in her own way, loving, and there to provide him with support. Their original story is Hands All Over, but I've recently been writing an AU (She Will Be Loved) where they started out as close friends, and I'm loving their relationship in this one even more. :)
9. What's your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written? This is a hard one! Like picking a favorite child or something. >.< I very much love the way I ended 'Hands All Over' (I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it). I still can't believe I was able to bring it full circle and use that last line. I also love Ch. 51 of She Will Be Loved. ;) I also just love writing fluff and the cheesy moments. Those are my favorite kinds of scenes. :D I'm not sure that really answers the question, but this one was tough! lol
THANK YOU for the asks!!! This was so fun!! :D
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loveinkfanfics · 1 year
What is your most popular fic?
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
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For the writer ask game!!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! 😁🥰
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What is your most popular fic?
Most popular fic is definitely Hands All Over and its sequel Overexposed. I still can't believe how much love it got first on FF.net and then when it was updated/revised on Wattpad. Honestly, thinking of doing the trifecta and uploading it to AO3 with a significant revision there as well since my writing change has changed so drastically.
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
Definitely She Will Be Loved. It didn't get much love on FF.net or Wattpad, but I have some amazing loyal readers that always give me love! I feel like I'm a lot more confident in my writing style and its improved so much in this story and it's sequel It Was Always You. Not gonna stop writing it and uploading it, of course, because I absolutely love writing this story and its been so therapeutic for me, but it'd be nice to see a little more love for it. :)
What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
I don't have any new ideas! I really wish I did! I've been going through a lot of personal stuff that's got my brain super overwhelmed, so its been stifling my inspiration a bit. >.< But I'm off work for the next two weeks and hoping to get some breathing room to be creative again! :)
Thanks so much for asking!!!!! Also, @darqchilddaydreamz, I have NOT given up reading your fic and love it so much! I'm hoping to get back into it this week!! 💜
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
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She Will be Loved - Ch. 4 Confidence (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/MK1QMS0iUU Juice Ortiz and Angela Ruiz met by chance one night in Central Park. Over the years, their friendship grew stronger and stronger until a twist of fate sent Juice to Charming. When she moves there for a job some time later, will their friendship grow into something deeper or will an ex-boyfriend and a rival club member get in the way? Juice/OC AU using my OC, Angela. The circumstances are different, but the characters are the same. ;)
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
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FINALLY got around to updating!! Thank you all for being so patient with me!! :D Hope you all like it!!! 
Overexposed - Ch. 21 Rest (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/90ggXWhfkV Sequel to "Hands All Over". Juice and Angela finally got their happily ever away from SAMCRO, but Charming has a way of pulling people back in. (Juice/OC, Happy/OC)
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
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NEW STORY, Y’ALL!! Same characters, different situation! HUGE thanks to @juiceortiz, who gave me the idea and has been so awesome and encouraging! :) Her blog is fantastic, and you should go follow it!! :D 
She Will be Loved (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/OH58a3l97T 
 Juice Ortiz and Angela Ruiz met by chance one night in Central Park. Over the years, their friendship grew stronger and stronger until a twist of fate sent Juice to Charming. When she moves there for a job some time later, will their friendship grow into something deeper or will an ex-boyfriend and a rival club member get in the way? Juice/OC AU using my OC, Angela. The circumstances are different, but the characters are the same. ;)
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
I miss your updates to overexposed and it wont be soon before long :( no pushing but it's helped me a lot
Aww, thank you Anon! I’m so glad my stories have helped you through whatever it is you’re going through!
I just posted an update to Overexposed, actually! You can find it on Wattpad here (x) or Fanfiction.net here (x).
I am so sorry it took me so long!! Life has been crazy busy lately, but I haven’t forgotten about this story and I absolutely love writing it! :) 
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
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She Will be Loved - Ch. 3 Making Plans (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/cyf7ZblUSU 
Had some fun writing Hap and Koz in this one!! :) 
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
Haha I just had this mental image of Angela and Juice hanging out with the Mayans and Angel being there with the Santo padre guys and whenever Juice calls Angela "Angel" everyone is fucking confused and EVEN BETTER can you imagine the laughs when they find out about Juice's Angel tattoo ?! That'd be hilarious. Poor juice they'd take the piss but still ... Cute 🤣 I love your characters btw. So much. Whenever I rewatch SOA in my head I'm like "this is where Angela works" etc.
Oh my gosh! I LOVE this!! :) Haha Angel and the rest of the guys would give Juice so much shit for that. I can just see Juice saying something and Angel being like, “Whatever, man. You got my name tattooed on your chest.” Bahaha >.my name. You wish it was yours.” 
And thank you so much!! That’s awesome!!! I’ve been trying to write more lately, I’ve just been so busy with work! :( I’ve been enjoying the Mayans (especially Angel) though and might start adding a little more of them here and there in the story! ;)  
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loveinkfanfics · 6 years
Angela Ruiz!!
Gah! YES! 
For those of you who don’t know, Angela Ruiz is my OC from my SOA fanfic “Hands All Over”. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Her best quality is her selflessness. She’ll do anything for the people she loves.worst quality: Her selflessness…she will put herself in danger to save her loved ones without thinking twice. She’s also pretty damn stubborn. Not a great combo.ship them with: Juice Ortiz :)  brotp them with: Kozik for sure and Hap, of course. Also Lino and Chloe (two other of my OCs)needs to stay away from: Jax and Chibs. Ugh.misc. thoughts: Angela has been my girl for years now, and I’m so glad people like her and enjoy her story. I’ve written her for so long, she feels like a part of me, so thank you to everyone for sticking with me and my Angela stories! :) 
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loveinkfanfics · 7 years
Finally got around to updating! Sorry it took me so long!😅 Real life’s been a bit of a roller coaster, so I didn’t have much time to write! Thank all of you lovely readers for sticking with me! 💕 You all mean the world to me! 💕
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loveinkfanfics · 7 years
FINALLY got around to updating!!! Thank you all so much for your patience! This one was tough to write. 😬 Hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think!! 🖤
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loveinkfanfics · 3 years
I'm loving these!! Thanks!! :)
This one here is from the next chapter of Overexposed (x). :)
Chloe spotted Happy in the driveway, one eyebrow raised as she walked towards him. He turned off the motorcycle, nodding a greeting to her. She nodded back, head tilted to the side while she looked him over. “You going to coming in anytime soon?”
“That an invitation?” he asked, taking off his helmet.
“Hap, your mom is staying with me. You don’t need an invitation to see her,” she replied, her voice a little sad. “Unless you’re a vampire and need one to cross the threshold, then sure. You may come in, Dracula.”
Happy smirked; he’d missed her random pop culture references. Usually, he only picked up on half of them, but this one he knew. He wished he could sink his teeth into her neck, drag his tongue over the mark. She'd gasp and then sigh in the sweetest way. Thinking about it now was starting to turn him on a little. He had to think of something else before she noticed. He thought about his sick mom inside, of the reason why she was at Chloe's place to begin with. Hospice care. Sighing, he nodded slowly. “Thanks.”
She shrugged a shoulder. “Not needed,” she said, waving off his thanks as she turned back towards the house. “C’mon, Lowman. Your food’s getting cold.”
He followed after her, catching up with her easily. “Thought I missed dinner.”
She scoffed at him, and though he didn’t catch it, he knew she’d rolled her eyes. “As if your mom would ever let you go hungry,” she said, opening the front door.
Thank you for the request! Honestly, they've been giving me motivation to write more! This little snippet didn't exist until I got your request! ;)
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loveinkfanfics · 5 years
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FINALLY updated a new chapter!! Hope you guys like it!! 💙
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