#lovely interstellarspacecadet
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
My partner introduced me to your blog..
Your ideas are VERY entertaining.
Hope you don't mind a stalker!
...and maybe random doodles if you're cool with it.
Well hello! :D You can come chill whenever you like, I don't mind lol. I am more than cool with random doodles, people sharing joy over stuff I like/discuss/write sends me over the moon, even more so when they express it through art or writing. Like... oh my gosh, that's a huge reason I enjoy tumblr, we can all just be excited over stuff together. :)
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kandidandi · 1 year
Hey! Practicing my font art with different names and themes. I hope it's ok that your name was one I practiced on. >_>;
Tumblr media
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sbnkalny · 7 years
garbage-empress: Once set pi to as many people as i can find a peace settlement.
miraakcultist: Kalny help i think someone has a secondary effect on both a cd and a dvd, in order to bring peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of truth with lies, the Ministry of peace concerns itself
miraakcultist: Poor quality of work an issue with a few people deeply in love with torture and the Ministry of truth with lies, the Ministry of peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of peace concerns itself with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with updog down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with legalize cis with hate down with hate down with hate down with hate down with hate down with hate down with hate down with hate down with legalise
interstellarspacecadet: "the Ministry of peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of peace concerns itself with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with cis down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with twerfs down with things happening: great for nu metal, and however unlikely as it should be; 99% of human bones, can you hook me up? i'm just trying to sate your unquenchable thirst for human blood, you weiner!? didn't your parents tell you my number one is and what do you envision as the ideal world? where are you located at?
miraakcultist: Propositions, like everything else except experience in its construction. nothing is worse in comparison with trying to sate your unquenchable thirst for human blood, you weiner!? didn't your parents tell you what it would be an axolotl, but they do have unicycles which can be human means becoming one with a shield
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kandidandi · 1 year
I, instinctively, smile at random strangers when i accidentally make eye contact (10 years of retail work)…so the waving at random strangers seems kinda cute to me!
YEAAH LETS GOO making strangers days brighter one smile at a time!
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kandidandi · 1 year
I...do not play or enjoy fortnite but I would enjoyed watching Eclipse getting his butt reamed just because of your stuff.
Allow me to date myself for a moment.
"Get gud scrub!"
MUHAHA YES eclipse is such an old man he uses old terms like git gud and nub he probably has Xx_3CL1P53_xX as his username hagargsfg
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kandidandi · 1 year
WHY you gotta mess with my heart with this Astronomer AU?! This is my schtick. My jam. MY VIBE.
*Paps you furiously...with all due affection* You're killin' me here.
(Though now I just want someone to come into the daycare to do a Nasa thing w/ Sun, Moon, and all of the kids. You know, the ones were you can ask the astronauts questions and stuff...because Sun or Moon getting to ask questions too!)
EHEHE YESS I KNEW YOU'D LIKE IT!!! you inspired it tbh hshsfdgjfg
ALSO YES YES YES IM PICKIN UP WHAT YOURE PUTTING DOWN!! i love those educational talk things so much awawa!!!!!!!!!
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kandidandi · 1 year
Daily Dose of Space:
62 more moons have been discovered orbiting saturn! This brings the count of moons, that Saturn has, up to 145!
Apparantly a group from the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics did this using a method called "Shift and Stack". As far as I can understand the method (And hooooo boy am I simplifying my understanding here) is sort of like this:
Take a picture
Calculate where the suspected moon will move to
Shift the focus to there
Take another picture
Rinse and repeat until satisfied
Overlay all the images
(I may be wrong, correct me if need be)
But the fact remains...they did this to discover 62 MORE MOONS. How much time and effort did they have to put into that?!
imagine having that many moons the tides there must be insane
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