#lovely muts
curiositydooropened Β· 3 months
πŸ‡ πŸ›Ό πŸͺ πŸ”ͺ πŸ“š
Ziggy, lemme kiss you on the mouth. πŸ’‹
πŸ‡ β‡’ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?Β 
Original characters are soooo much less pressure. And they're also always pieces of me. I have so many OCs than I'm such so partial to. They are my children, and no harm will ever come to them. Except all of the emotional and physical torture I put them through throughout the course of their stories.
πŸ›Ό β‡’ describe your latest wip with five emojis
πŸ” 🌧 πŸ›Œ 🌲 🚁
πŸͺ β‡’ name three good things going on in your life right now
People are really kind to me online, and that's lovely. 2. I went to the library the other day and wrote a scene in my novel, and I really love it. 3. My hubby's getting me McD's for breakfast this morning.
πŸ”ͺ β‡’ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Fully anything having to do with the military. It just makes the least amount of sense to me, and somehow all of my stories involve it in some way shape or form. I've gotta be on a watchlist somewhere.
πŸ“š β‡’ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?Β 
My notes app is so boring. I don't use it often. But I do use it to keep my karaoke list. So I shall give you three favorites. - Fuck You by Cee Lo Green, Goodbye, Earl by the Chicks, and Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks.
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gunsatthaphan Β· 5 days
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Bonus: Mahasamut's shocked pikachu face
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bird-inacage Β· 1 month
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Love Sea Trailer | Tongrak x Mahasamut "I don't believe in love"
Is it me or does Mahasamut look like he's been crying in the third gif, especially with the way Tongrak kisses him so gently?
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rayandgay Β· 2 days
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Why is your name Mahasamut? Strange. And why is your name Tongrak? It's strange too.
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laurenkmyers Β· 4 days
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My dad cut ties with me a long time ago. My dad and I have never really seen eye to eye. He kicked me out of the house. So, I ran away and never returned...you can ask anyone on the island, everyone knows about it. I was around 15 back then...I went to live with my aunt, and did every odd job I could find. I bet you won't believe that I've done every job on this island. Whatever gets me paid, I've done it all.
Why won't you go back home?
My dad never takes back what he says. I suppose that's the only thing we have in common.
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prapaiwife Β· 4 months
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Peat said Tongrak pajamas is just this shirt to sleep without pants hello!?!!
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marshmallord Β· 3 days
me: man i hate it when actors play the same roles over and over again
memindy: peat is deeply traumatized and fort is a brazen playboy that treats him gently and helps him heal
me: peat is deeply traumatized and fort is a brazen playboy that treats him gently and helps him heal 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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red-hibiscus Β· 4 days
As an immigrant who grew up in a popular vacation spot, I really appreciate Mut talking about the struggles of the locals
The only people who can afford to vacation where I do are rich people or those with families here. I grew up with a mother who cleaned the houses of rich people, never any mansions, but I know plenty of others who've done that. I grew up with a father who worked at a grocery store (very) frequented by tourists on their way to the beach. I worked as a camp counselor for celebrities and upperclass as a teen.
The messes I've seen. And no, the tourists don't care for the locals. It's like we live in separate worlds. They don't go to the family owned restaurants. They go to the high end ones where everything is $50+. They also have the option of going to the less conveniently located specialty grocery store.
They don't live in a small overpriced houses that locals can't afford to buy. They buy the large houses they only use for 2 months of the year and have local immigrant mothers clean the place that has dirty laundry tossed around randomly cause they were in a rush to head to the beach. Their gardens and homes are built by immigrant men who wait by the side of a 7-eleven to be picked up on the morning by passing trucks. And I can tell you none of these people are paid well.
Them buying these houses are also the reason landlords charge so much. Cause they know someone can and will pay, but it's not locals. Not to mention no local that doesn't come from old fishermen families (or the local upperclass families) can afford boats much less yachts. Yet the amount of boats I see at every port (gotta be at least 10 of them in 3 towns)...
I have respect for Mut, cause I know the bullshit locals have to put up with when it comes to tourists. People like Mut probably have it worse than I do. So even more respect.
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silverraes Β· 5 days
this is.. weirdly wholesome after all those horny shenanigans. hello? sirs? my heart??
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curiositydooropened Β· 3 months
Hi lovely πŸ’› You know I can't help but ask more than onnee!
- @superblysubpar πŸ’›
Taylor!!! Let me kiss you, too. πŸ’‹
πŸ“ β‡’ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
Honestly, I think I was 10 and browsing HP and LotR websites, and I just wanted to go to Hogwarts so bad, or I wanted to be an elf like Legolas (jokes on me, I am the most Hobbit-coded) and so I just wrote soooo much self-insert. And have been doing so for 20 years.
🦴 β‡’ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
All of it? I think everything I've ever consumed has inspired me in some way. I'm a big movie-watcher, and I think I gain most inspiration from directors I admire. Steven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson, etc.
πŸͺ² β‡’ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Ahhhhhhh okay, below the cut. 75 words.
You weren’t surprised at his strength. He’d offered you a helping hand with more than one injury in the field. You’d seen him pull women and children from burning buildings. That one time he hauled a sheepdog from the river, both man and beast soaking wet and panting, dog tossed around his broad shoulders.Β  β€œBetter?” His gruff voice fanned your forehead, deliciously warm.Β  You hummed, reaching aching cold hands out to warm against his chest.Β 
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gunsatthaphan Β· 5 days
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"I'll be more gentle next time."
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gaspriceboner Β· 8 months
Hello everyone how’s your day been
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bird-inacage Β· 12 days
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Love Sea Episode 1 | "Please don't cry. Let me wipe your tears."
Holy crap, if this is the levels of tenderness we're getting right off the bat and nothing's even happened between them yet, then we're in for a real treat.
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littleforeignaffairs Β· 4 days
I thought I was ready for a new Mame series.
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I was prepared
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Lord Jesus help me I'm not ready for this.
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laurenkmyers Β· 4 months
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it's fine if you won't choose me, but remember, you have to love me. (khun tongrak mahasamut)
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