#lowkey want the AU where corona was ianthe's cav from the start
liesmyth · 2 years
ianthe wants to have her coronabeth and eat her too. to this end she will cut her up in the style of the infinite chocolate bar. this is my formal alecto prediction
Ianthe would and she could! She’s a flesh magician. She can eat a bit of Corona then heal her up right away, there you go, infinite sister loop. I’m putting this on the Alecto bingo card next to “River wizard Augustine is the reason why something is fucked up with the River” and “John and Alecto asleep together in the tomb forever.”
(tbh unironically I wouldn’t put this past Ianthe in... certain cases. Not canon Ianthe IMO, and probably not in the short timeframe of the series, but with enough time and enough resentment. Listen. I 100% believe the point of all of Ianthe’s necromantic research is to figure out a way to make Corona immortal, but once she’s safe from death what then? She perfected her Lyctor education at the school of Jod “what is bodily autonomy” Gaius after all)
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