lowadrmg · 8 months
Tree Warp Low% AD in 4:03:00 by MichaelK
Regardless of the ruling on Tree Warp, MichaelK would run with it.
MichaelK__ (He/Him) — 05/10/2019 2:18 PM i'd say we call this lowwwad and keep the old lowads 👀
It took Michael only two days to route and run Tree Warp Low% AD. On May 12, he posted an RTA viable method of Tree Warp as Bunny Link.
This method takes advantage of the fact that trees never go inactive, so the top tree fills three slots. Bunny Link can then lure the Moblin and Thief to the bottom tree. The only issue is that enemy RNG is not easy to control. Because of that, there is a risk failure, which may take the form of a game crash.
The dungeon order would remain unchanged from LowTAD. The difference is the item collection: Ether is collected with a Tree Warp immediately following Castle Tower. Fighter's Sword/Shield and Tempered Sword are skipped.
After re-climbing the tower, Michael encountered a surprise:
It turns out the route has a bonus boss fight – Agahnim 2 at Agahnim 1. Aga 2 appears because Tree Warp takes place in the Dark World. Since there is no world transition to return Link to the Light World, the Dark World version of the boss awaits at the top of the tower. After the re-fight, Ether drops as the dungeon prize. Unfortunately, Link is "softlocked" because there is no automatic transition out of the dungeon. But thanks to the diagonal walls of the boss arena, we can clip out and then save & quit.
The full item list is:
master sword flippers glove bow hook fire rod ice rod ether lamp hammer somaria mirror
And of course, 10 heart containers. Soon, however, that would no longer be a given.
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lowadrmg · 8 months
Tree Warp
In May 2019, kan posted a brand new glitch in the ALTTP Discord.
The glitch was Tree Warp, an example of Dynamic Sprite Spawn Overflow. Essentially, we can spawn a Wallmaster in a grabbing state to take us back to the last place we entered. This occurs when we load a talking tree, which is three sprites (two eyes and one mouth), when only one sprite slot is available. The explication can be found here: https://spannerisms.github.io/treewarp
Glan recognized that this could be used to reenter Aga Tower in LowAD to collect Ether, thereby removing the second rain state sequence and skipping Fighter's Shield. Additionally, since our Master Sword is not downgraded to Fighter's Sword, we do not need to upgrade to Tempered Sword.
However, since it was called an actual wrong warp, there was a question of whether to allow it in No EG/DG/WW.
Incidentally, kan's video demonstrates Qirn's finding of throwing sprites past transitions. This would not be the last time Qirn tech would influence LowAD.
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