#lsa kazer
laputaskies · 3 months
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Kazer bantering with Arena
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nirgilis · 16 days
Lost Soul Aside some thoughts and speculations
This post will use a mix of 2021 and 2023 versions of gameplay demo, since 2023 has more polished graphics, but 2021 has English subtitiles. Also this translation of 2023 presentation with developers was used in the process.
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Piece of fabric, which could've been a scarf but isn't, waving in the wind seems like a wing? Something akin to Sephiroth's black wing, but not corporeal.
It's somewhat peculiar that he has green eyes. Especially protags tend to have almost any other eye color, but not green. And even if they do, it's more likely to be paired with blond hair, not black.
In a way in himself Kazer collected all base RGB colors. Blue from Arena-weapons, Red from his clothes and Green from eyes. Though this might hardly has any meaning.
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2. Ventas
There might be a possibility that at some point Ventas will take off his modern looking religious dress/coat? Bc underneath he clearly has a blue suit with golden ornament. (Author of the post can't help it, but this belt under the coat which is possibly purposed to additionally make sure the coat won't fall off, looks like a car seatbealt).
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While Ventas' clothes are heavenly/holy themed, most of his skills seems cosmic.
Swords orbiting him to create a shield.
When his sword leaves shining afterimage it recembles an arm of a galaxy.
These things aren't cosmic objects, but there's maybe no better way to describe them but "throwing stars."
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4. Ability which, bc of visible rings, recemblases armillary sphere or astrolabe, but ultimately is supposed to be a celestial body with him at the core.
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3. Story speculations
Very doubtful that this manga and its anime could've been one of inspiration for LSA, it probably has only a combination of elements, which can be present in other media, but author of this post recalled this one. Somehow LSA shares some main characters' elements with 2006 manga Hakkenden and its 2013 anime.
There's an older than protag character, Satomi Riou, who is aligned with Church in theocracic country, having not low, but nor the highest position there, but his interests aren't 100% aligned with the Church. They have complicated relationship with protag, in some ways being both enemies and friends.
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Protag Inuzuka Shino is in symbiotic state with the strongest demon, Murasame. Murasame is initially is a living sword spirit and can't have a physical form unless has a vessel, which uses Shino as. While not in a connected combat state Murasame takes a form of a crow and usually follows Shino around. If Shino will fall unconsious and thus won't be surpressing Murasame, he will go berserk.
As both Murasame and Riou's familiar are demons, the Church views them as enemies. But in Riou's case he comes from a family of 1 of 4 Sacred beasts, power of which the Church wants for itself, so it takes chosen by beasts children under its wing.
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Shino came into possession of Murasame on the edge of death, when Rio gave him a choice, either to die, or accept the demon to survive.
The event of Shino surviving has a number of rather strange circumstances happening in the row. That Riou visited the village when it got attacked, that he had Murasame with him, with it's being unknown how he got it.
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With similarities between Hakkenden and LSA, and assumption what kind of character Ventas is supposed to be judging from characters he was possibly based on, Ravus from VS13/FF15 and Vergil from DMC.
Ventas' words about Kazer "This inhuman power, seems like I've got the right person," might have another meaning, that he had a hand in Kazer meeting Arena and it was his intention for things to happen like this.
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Regardless of this assumption, it doesn't seem that Ventas will really pursue Kazer, since when he was leaving what he said was close to: "The next time we meet, I want to ask you something."
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And their fight is more of a duel, otherwise there's not much point in crossing blades at the start then to move away in different directions.
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4. Collectible items
Choice of colors for collectible items might've been for gameplay reasons, that they will be decently visible even in dark environment. Though this might still change for the release.
Kazer's clothes is black and red, which in manhuas and donghuas is used as a sign that character has relations to demonic side, so Kazer might be walking a rather dark road from a worldview of general population in LSA.
Somehow collectible items are of the same color as Ventas' robe, so in Church colors. Even though Kazer might be at odds with the Church, what looks like its small blessings in the form of collectibles is still useful to him.
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shadowcatgirl09 · 2 years
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“Do you think, Louisa will also dream of stars?”
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laputaskies · 2 months
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Kazer using his wings in battle
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laputaskies · 6 months
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laputaskies · 4 months
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