#lsu women's boutique clothing
felisityrose · 2 years
Website: https://www.felisityrose.com/
If you wanted to find something cute and affordable, classy with a little bit of sassy, chic but on a budget, then you've come to the right place. At Felisity Rose, we pride ourselves in creating and displaying outfits that would appeal and cater to your body. Use all the pieces together or dress it up separately to fit your own unique style, you'll look fabulous either way. At Felisity Rose we design and pick outfits that would make anyone feel amazing when slipped on. I want you to be the best you, ALWAYS!
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sevendayslater · 7 years
Baby Shit.
August: (I’d been so preoccupied making sure that every step Phynix took down the cobblestone streets didn’t end with her falling over, I didn’t notice her dragging me into yet another baby store. I hadn’t realized how many boutiques and department stores were focused mainly on baby shit until this morning, when Phynix pulled me from one, to another, and another. This wasn’t my scene. We were still in New Orleans but these stores were on a whole other fucking level. One I wasn’t quite sure I belonged on. The sideways glances of other women pursuing rack after rack of baby shit seemed to agree. Either they were checking me out, or they were questioning why I was shopping for baby clothes with my daughter. Both possibilities make me fucking cringe. I stepped behind Phynix who had buried herself between two racks of ruffles and lace, leaning down to whisper in her ear while keeping my eyes on the women that stared.) These people think I’m your fucking father. Are you sure you can’t do this shit alone?
 Phy: {I rolled my eyes at August, pulling away from the clothes to look around at the others in the store. I had to admit, we were getting one or two odd looks but most of them were just those ‘aww, new parents’ looks} It’s okay…. Daddy. I really appreciate all the help {I turned to look at August and batted my lashes, biting my cheek to stop from outright laughing} Now help me find some gender neutral shit because we’re not dressing our little girl up in nothing but frills and lace. And no white. I am not about cleaning those stains. {I ran my hand over his side and leaned into him, pushing up on my toes to press a kiss to his jaw} We need to look at cribs and strollers too.  
 August: (When she called me Daddy, I grimaced. The innocent batting of her lashes up at me made me think of Daddy in a whole new, not okay, light. I cleared my throat and nudged her side, making sure I was gentle every time I touched her. The miscarriage scare had freaked me the fuck out more than I cared to admit, spending most of my days and nights stressing over if Phynix was alright or not. The only thing that distracted me from my worry was her smile. I slid my arm around her waist as she softly kissed the stubble lining my jaw, pulling her against me briefly before stepping away. I clenched my jaw, ignored the sudden tightening in my pants and took her hand, leading her toward the less fancy looking clothes.) But she’s a girl. She should dress like a girl. You don’t like pink?
 Phy: {My breath caught slightly as he pressed me against his side, if only briefly, I felt my cheeks heat in pleasure and I couldn’t help but smile. I was enjoying this new, open August. I seemed to constantly crave his touch and now I could have it all the time, it was heaven. I hooked my fingers in one of his belt loops and let him lead me towards a different section of the store, making an oooh sound as I found a cute elephant onesie and some lamb pajamas that came with a cute, little beanie} I mean, I don’t hate pink but I don’t want her to grow up with all that gender bullshit. I mean, boys can like dolls and girls can like football. {Speaking of football, I grabbed an LSU shirt and a little saints jersey to add to my growing collection} I guess I need to figure out the nursery situation… {I scrunched up my nose slightly, brow furrowing as I thought about the fact that I basically lived at August’s part-time right now and my own place was more of a studio than anything else. With a little shake of my head I pushed that worry to the side and picked up a “Daddy’s little girl” onesie and held it up for August to see, smiling shyly}
 Auggie: (I watched as the pile of clothes in the cart grew bigger and bigger, even adding something here and there that caught my eye. It amused me how sure she was that she didn’t want her daughter to be labeled a certain way, like she’d been thinking about it for a while. Phynix had gone from ignoring the child growing in her belly to fully accepting the fact that she would SOON be a mother. The change in her, the maternal instinct I watched grow every day, it made me fucking proud. I grabbed two more of the football jerseys and tossed them in the cart, along with the socks, blanket and miniature sized jacket that matched.) If she spends any time around me, she’s going to like football. (A smirk lifted to my lips as a vision of me and a tiny version of Phy sat side by side on my black leather couch, wearing matching Saints jerseys while we watched the game. My visions had been out of control lately, flashing in my mind when I least expected it. It didn’t care in the least. It was kind of freeing, for once not resisting my gift. Phynix and I made our way to the furniture section, stopping to check out an elaborate crib. I blanched at the price tag then watched Phynix out of the corner of my eye, digging up the nerve to ask her the question that had been brewing in my mind.) Where are you going to put all this shit? Your place is the size of my fucking closet and all the things I’m buying for you won’t fit.
 Phy: {I flinched when August asked me the question I’d been avoiding answering, I shrugged slightly and bit my bottom lip. I wasn’t sure. Maybe a new place was in order? Or some rearranging at the studio? I flicked my gaze to him and then to the crib, shaking my head and moving to the next one} I don’t know. I’ve been avoiding thinking about it. {I’d had an answer when I was still with the coven but now it was one more thing I had lost but it was worth it for what I’d gained. I moved past the cribs, reaching back to catch August’s hand as I pulled him towards the strollers} Maybe the crib can wait, I definitely need one of those smaller baby bed things to put by the bed. And a stroller because I don’t have a car and I don’t drive anywhere anyway. {I stopped when we passed one of those baby backpack looking things, glancing at August out of the corner of my eye and fighting back a smile as I thought of him being one of those guys that carried the baby around on his chest}
 Auggie: (Phynix’s hand was warm in mine as she paraded me around the store, talking about shit I had no knowledge of. She might have been avoiding the pressing issue of where her and the baby would stay but I knew exactly where I preferred she be. She spent time at my place more and more each day and with the way I was growing to enjoy her company, I wanted her with me. I caught the smirk on her lips as she held the backpack in her hands, taking it and adding it to the cart before she even asked.) You don’t have a car, and the weather isn’t exactly fitting for you to be pushing her into town on your own. I think-- I think maybe you should stay with me. My place is central to everything and I have more than enough room. (Our eyes met quickly before I directed my attention to the line of strollers, surprised by the eagerness I felt at having her move in with me.)
 Phy: {I stopped and stared at August, not shocked really but something akin to it. It seemed like a logical step but it was a fight to get August to give up a bit of his space, the fact that he was offering to give up his privacy completely to me and an infant made something warm bloom in my chest} Yea. Okay. {I nodded, tucking a curl behind my ear and shuffling up beside August so I can press against his side. I rubbed my face against his side and tried not to cry, swallowing down the stupid, hormonal tears} We need a stroller that can handle the cobblestone and brick roads of the city. Something that’s easy to maneuver around people or sturdy enough to just knock people out of the way. {I nudged a flimsy looking stroller with the toe of my purple chuck, scrunching up my nose} Should I move in soon? I mean, before I’m too big to do anything but waddle?
 Auggie: (My stomach clenched at the surprise brightening Phynix’s eyes. Maybe she didn’t want that, and I wouldn’t exactly blame her. She wasn’t the first person to give up on me. I wasn’t the easiest person to be around but she’d put up with me for this long. It wouldn’t be fair to ask any more of her. When her eyes blurred with tears and she brushed up against me, I sighed in relief. Chuckling deeply, I pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head before we focused on the strollers in front of us. She was right, we needed something sturdy enough to handle the streets in the city. Over my dead fucking body would that baby ever be in danger, even from something as simple as cobblestone. I smiled down at Phynix, trying to imagine her big enough to waddle as I nodded slowly.) You can move in now if you want. Today, tomorrow, whenever. The sooner we get you and all your shit settled, the better. I would hate to see you waddling around while you unpack. (I couldn’t help but smirk because I couldn’t wait to see her belly grow big enough that she could hardly move.)
 Phy: {I narrowed my eyes at that smirk and dug my elbow into his side, huffing out a laugh and rolling my eyes because I just knew he was thinking about me waddling around like some penguin.} I guess we can go over to my place tomorrow with a few boxes and pack up what I need. I own it so I can keep the unnecessary stuff there and store some stuff over there. {I nudged him over to one of the all terrain strollers, running a finger over the bright streaks of purple on the side. I looked around for an attendant to unlock it from the display so we could check it out} Can I paint the guest room? {Resting my head against him I lifted my gaze and arched a brow} It’s ugly.
 Auggie: (I barked a loud laugh, shaking my head at Phy as I gently tugged a few strands of her hair.) It’s not ugly, it’s sophisticated. But yes, I can paint it for you. You’re not allowed near any chemicals. (Arching a brow right back at her, I waited for her to argue me while a store employee undid the lock on the stroller and helped me lower it to the ground. The purple was fitting and to me, it looked like the stroller was a fucking tank. I mentally calculated where we were going to put all this stuff in my place while Phynix wheeled it around. I paused mid-thought to watch her, smiling at the uncertainty in her eyes as she glanced down at the stroller. It was hard to believe she was going to be a mother on the days where she would pester me until I thought my ears would bleed. Then, on days like today, when she was pushing a fucking stroller down a small isle full of baby shit, she looked like she was exactly where she was supposed to be. I cleared my throat, rubbing my hand over the tight spot in the center of my chest before I stepped behind her, leaning down to whisper in her ear.) Is this the one?
 Phy: {I closed my eyes and pressed back against August, tilting my head back and looking up at him with a shy smile} What do you think? {I pulled his hands up to the handle so he could try it out, stepping under his arm and standing to the side} I like that it’s got the storage under it so I can put the diaper bag under there, and it’s got the flap in the hood so we can see her and she can still be covered from the sun. {I rubbed at my belly, smiling down at my bump and looking over to August} Try closing it up, see if it’s easy. I don’t want to be one of those idiot moms with the stroller that won’t open and close. {I shifted from foot to foot, resting my hand at the under curve of my stomach and rolling my head slightly. I was starting to tire, it hit me randomly these days. I could be fine one minute and then ready for a nap in the next. Sighing, I reached out for the cart, leaning my weight against it slightly and waiting for August to finish trying out the stroller}
 Auggie: (My fingers curled around the handle of the stroller as I stared down at it, unsure of where to go. Catching a few curious glances of the store worker and a customer, I shoved the stroller the rest of the way down the aisle then leaned down to try and figure out how to get it closed. After a few shoves and kicks to the bottom of the thing it collapsed into the ground. I smiled proudly as I ran my hand through my hair, satisfied the thing could withstand my irritation and probably the city streets. Turning back to Phynix, the smile on my lips fell when I spotted her leaning against the cart. I stepped forward and took her hand, motioning for the store clerk to come over.) We’re finished. Total up all this stuff and I’ll call you with the payment and delivery address. Come on, Phy. It’s time for some food and a nap. (Gently squeezing her hand, I led her from the store and down the street.) I don’t have shit for food at home. Do you want to stop at the bar and grab something before we head back? (Home. The word had taken on an entirely new meaning in few minutes since we spoke about it. A large part of me was happy to have my space become her space, and then the baby’s space. An actual home.)
 Phy: {I smiled at August, amused at how quickly he was ready to rush to my rescue just because I was a little tired. Something had shifted between us after the miscarriage scare and the hospital, he hadn’t left my side even when the nurses tried to get him to leave. There’d been more touches, more smiles, and I was happy. He’d stepped into the hole I thought I was going to have without the coven. Humming softly I stepped into August’s side and pulled his arm around my shoulders, leaning into his warmth and letting him lead me out of the store and down the street.} I think Sarah was trying one of my new recipes this week and I want to see how it turned out so, yes to the bar. Besides you need to pick up the quarterly financial papers and sign off on those before we send them to the accountant. {I yawned and turned my face against his side, lifting my hand to run my fingers through my hair before rubbing at my eyes} And, today’s a pie day. I want pie.
 Auggie: (I grimaced at the mention of business and anything money that had to do with the bar. Since I’d purchased it from the old bitch earnings had doubled and then some. Partly because I had lightened the place up a bit but mostly because of Phynix’s food. She was the missing ingredient that changed everything, for the bar and for me. We wandered down the street arm in arm until the front door of the bar came into view. It was the slow time between lunch and dinner so hopefully we could get in and out without having to deal with any bullshit. The instant we stepped through the front door, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Freezing just inside the room, my eyes met a set of familiar ones. Dark brown and full of emotion I hadn’t seen in far too long. And for a reason. All at once, the memory of every argument and angry word Delilah and I had screamed at each other returned, picking painfully at the gaping hole in my heart where my love for her once was. Trapped in my shock, I stood and stared at my lover whom I hadn’t laid my eyes on in years.) Delilah.
 Phy: {I was oblivious to the world around us as we walked towards the bar, humming softly as we walked. I was tired but not in the exhausted, drag me down and knock me out kind of way, I wasn’t even sore anymore so I could just enjoy the walk and the day. I was smiling when we walked into the bar, looking for Sarah as soon as we stepped across the threshhold so I could talk to her about the new recipe and getting some pie. I stopped my searching when I felt August tense beside me though, his grip around me tightening enough that my attention was pulled to him. I glanced from August, smile falling away as I saw the hurt and anger flash across his face, to the woman that was standing by the bar. The look on her face had me stepping back, one hand going to the curve of my stomach as the other rested against August’s back. There was fire licking over my fingers, responding to the tension and my sudden need to protect myself and August.} August? {I licked over my bottom lip and looked up at him, watching this girl, this Delilah, from the corner of my eye} Who’s this?
 Auggie: (I couldn’t tear my gaze away from Delilah’s bold, blue stare, paralyzed in shock from seeing her standing in my bar. The room and the patrons within it blurred as my heart thumped so hard within my chest, my entire body trembled. I tried to count the days since I had last seen my ex but my brain refused to function properly. All I know was that it had been a long fucking time. Phynix’s voice snapped me out of my haze, glancing down at her then registering the slight knit in her brow. My lips parted as my brain searched for some kind of proper explanation. None came. Just a mess of emotions and memories I wasn’t exactly prepared to deal with.) Uh… This is uh… (I glanced to Delilah who had taken a step toward us then stopped and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. She looked just the same as when she had left me. Of all the fucking times for her to show her face, it would of course have to be when Phy was with me. It was as if we’d walked into the bar and straight into an episode of the Twilight Zone. Words failed me as I raked my gaze over Delilah’s form, a surge of annoyance tightening in my chest as I frowned.) This is Delilah. My ex.
 Phy: {I watched the emotions flicker across August’s face, too subtle for anyone else but myself and maybe this ex. I glanced to her, stepping closer to the man next to me as I did. I wanted to wrap my fire around us, protect us from the person that could make August lose his words, who could put that look on his face} Oh. {The polite thing to do would be to properly introduce myself, maybe shake hands with the Barbie wannabe but I couldn’t bring myself to move. I didn’t want to leave his side, so I didn’t. I offered her a tight smile, violet eyes no doubt flaring with fire as I studied her.} Hello. I haven’t seen you here before, did you need something? Or did you just wander in randomly? {I tried to sound pleasant but it was a struggle, after everything we’d been through in the past month I didn’t really have the patience to be nice to some ex-girlfriend who wanted to show up fucking randomly to My August’s bar. To My bar. Honestly, I wanted to bare my teeth and hiss like some dragon protecting her treasure. The feeling built in my chest as Delilah practically looked through me and focused on August, I shivered at the look she gave him. An I just touched something gross shiver, not a ‘August just touched me shiver’. I turned to look at August fully, hiding the face I made as she spoke. To him, because I don’t exist.} Let’s talk in private, August. {Something about the way she said August’s name made me tense even more, back going straight and hand going to my belly as the motion pulled slightly. I stayed quiet though, waiting to see what he wanted instead of lighting this chick’s hair on fire.}
 Auggie: (It wasn’t until Delilah actually said my name that I snapped out of the state of shock I’d been reduced to. I glanced down at Phynix, my brows narrowing as I caught the flicker of temper in her gaze. She had developed this sense of protectiveness when it came to me. One I didn’t necessarily see coming but could recognize in my own feelings that had developed for her. I knew what Phy must have been thinking, or at least had a vague idea. Every time I thought of the piece of shit she was with before me, I wanted to kill somebody. I didn’t even need to see the fire in her eyes to know that she wasn’t happy about Delilah’s appearance. Neither was I. I wasn’t sure what the fuck my ex could possibly want or where she developed the balls to track me down but she needed to leave. Preferably without me having to have a conversation with her. I turned my attention to Delilah who was staring daggers at both me and Phy, clearing my throat as I tightened my arm around Phynix’s shoulder. We were in the middle of a good day and it had been sorely needed after everything we had been through. No blast from my past was going to ruin that for either of us.) I don’t know what it is you think we need to discuss, Delilah, but I’m not interested. We have things to do. (I stepped in front of Phynix, blocking Delilah from her view before the entire bar ignited into flames. The heat radiating from Phy’s hand warned me that we needed to leave. I swallowed the thick lump in my throat then led Phynix and I toward the door without looking back.)
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