#lucida laminates
anishrathi · 4 months
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fragbot · 2 months
The Photograph belongs to that class of laminated objects whose two leaves cannot be separated without destroying them both: the windowpane and the landscape, and why not: Good and Evil, desire and its object
- from Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes
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plywoodsinchennai · 2 months
Top 10 Modern Unique TV Unit Designs For Ultimate Entertainment at Your Space
In today's era of interior design, modern TV units play a pivotal role in not just housing our entertainment devices but also in defining the overall aesthetics of our living spaces. The evolution of TV unit designs has seen a shift from bulky cabinets to sleek, multifunctional pieces that seamlessly blend with contemporary decor.
Tips to Modernize Your TV Unit Design
1. Maximize The Space with Shelf-Style TV Units
TV units with open shelves provide elegant storage and display items, ideal for smaller apartments. Customizable with Lucida laminates, these multipurpose panels are complemented by Virokill technology for cleanliness and durability.
2. Elevate Your Living Space with Wooden TV Units
Wooden TV units offer timeless appeal, versatile design options, and a warm atmosphere, blending in with various home interiors. The use of furniture laminates offers colour fastness, heat resistance, and moisture resistance.
3. Choose the Correct Size
Ensure that the TV stand's height is appropriate for the TV size. Make sure the stand is wider than the TV by a few inches.
4. Sleek Wall-Mounted TV Unit
Amongst the modern TV unit designs, sleek and minimalist designs are significantly popular. By mounting the TV on the wall and adding closets or storage units all around it, you can go for a minimalist look.
5. Multi-functional Media Center
Examine larger units that can hold the TV, media devices, and game consoles. These units may include shelves, cabinets, and compartments.
6. Built-in TV Shelving
Incorporate your TV into built-in shelves to display ornamental items. Such modern TV unit designs create a purposeful, eye-catching surround.
7. Floating Illusion TV Unit
Mount the TV on a wall panel or a specially-made shelf with hidden wires to create the illusion that it is floating.
8. Space-Efficient Corner TV Unit
Triangular units made especially to tuck into corners will maximize space in confined areas.
9. Sleek and Low-Profile Media Console
Choose low-profile, broader units that offer plenty of room for media equipment storage while maintaining a stylish appearance.
10. Hidden Storage TV Stand
When looking for neat modern TV unit designs for living areas, combine a TV stand with hidden storage to keep books, DVDs, and other items out of sight.
Key Factors to Consider Before Choosing Modern TV Unit Designs
Before choosing a modern TV unit design, there are some key factors you should consider. Firstly, make sure that the TV unit is at the proper eye level and complements the overall decor of your room. Secondly, choose a unit that provides sufficient support and ventilation for your television model.
To avoid messy, tangled cables and to maintain a sleek, modern look, opt for unit designs that prioritize compactness and a clutter-free setup. Additionally, you can use cable management solutions such as ties or concealers to keep wires organized and out of sight for a smoother viewing experience.
Lastly, evaluate your storage needs for media devices, gaming consoles, DVDs, and other accessories to ensure that the unit has enough space to accommodate them.
Upgrade your living space with these modern TV unit designs that combine style and functionality. Whether you prefer a contemporary, wooden, or shelf-style unit, each design enhances your viewing experience. These designs elevate your entertainment space, creating a trendy living room that seamlessly integrates style with technology.
Remember, your TV unit reflects your style, and it plays a crucial role in setting the ambiance of your living room. Contemporary living room TV units should blend seamlessly into the decor, using Lakshmi Veneer materials and Laminates for warmth, color, and visual appeal. So, explore these trendsetting designs and create a living room that uniquely defines you.
How do I determine the right size for my TV unit? Consider the size of your TV, the available wall space, and the surrounding furniture. Ensure there's enough clearance for ventilation and easy access to ports.
Are floating TV units suitable for all wall types? Floating TV units work best on solid walls or stud walls with adequate support. It's essential to use appropriate mounting hardware to ensure stability.
Can I customize the design of my TV unit to match my existing décor? Yes, many furniture manufacturers offer customization options, allowing you to choose materials, finishes, dimensions, and features that complement your décor.
How do I maintain the cleanliness of my TV unit? Regular dusting with a soft cloth or microfiber duster helps keep the unit clean. For stubborn stains, use a mild cleaner suitable for the material of your TV unit.
What are some budget-friendly alternatives to store-bought TV units? DIY projects using reclaimed materials, thrifted furniture finds, or repurposing existing furniture are excellent budget-friendly alternatives to store-bought TV units.
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digitaltechside · 5 months
5 Ways to Achieve Affordable Luxury with Lucida Laminates
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Luxurious items are quite attractive, even for interior design lovers. Such information may include extravagant stonework, wooden flooring, and marble additions. Nevertheless, a few factors cannot be overlooked if one wants a luxurious look, especially the Lucida laminates. This remarkable trait distinguishes them: mixing sophistication with being cheap. Five ways to make your home “lush” with Lucida laminates.
1. Elegance in simplicity
Lucida laminates make it very easy to attain sophistication as simplicity and elegance perfectly agree with the statement “less is more.”- These laminates can integrate into any living space, whether it exhibits contemporary, minimalist, or classical interior design. They add glamour, clean lines, and uncluttered textures, making your environment look classy.
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raffreeflyart · 4 years
Recensione Aculei spilli
Critica del prof. Luciano Domenighini Rivendica in qualche modo il potere sconfinato della parola la recente opera poetica di Raffaella Amoruso,Aculei Spilli, il cui titolo, iterando due sostantivi pungenti, vulneranti, bene prelude al suo carattere e ai suoi intenti.La silloge, la cui impaginazione prevede una pagina di pausa e di “rispetto”, senza testo e numerata, prima di ciascuna composizione poetica, accorgimento questo non privo di una sua valenza espressiva, è formata da una cinquantina di liriche monostrofiche senza titolo (in genere dalla terzina alla sestina) composte da versi brevi ( solitamente dal ternario al settenario) che colgono e traducono l’essenza di un momento di vita, una sensazione, una percezione, un moto emotivo, un pensiero, uno stato d’animo, una suggestione, declinandoli, in un’eterogenea varietà stilistica, lungo molteplici registri in una lucida rappresentazione della realtà, umorale e disadorna, sull’ala di un empito sdegnoso e risentito, intriso di amarezza, che tutto ridimensiona a resto frammentato, a peso residuale.Un realismo pluriforme e politonale venato dal disagio di un periodo di “spleen” e di disillusione.Sorprende rinvenire questo clima poetico in Raffaella Amoruso, in altre opere conosciuta per il lirismo semplice e sorgivo, confidente e solare.Così ci s’imbatte in invettive veementi o a composizioni di taglio epigrammatico quando non epigrafico, alternate ad altre visionarie oppure sentenziose e oracolari quando non apocalittiche, ad altre meditative e “filosofiche”, ad altre di erotica fisicità, ad altre ancora elegiache e commosse, non disdegnando di tanto in tanto placanti aperture liriche di idilliaca descrittività.La lingua e lo stile sono, come detto, alquanto alterni:a volte rifiniti e ricercati ma, a tratti, di gusto granguignolesco, diretti, espliciti fino ad apparire brutali e truculenti.Ma é proprio l’insieme di questa varietà contenutistico-formale la cifra e, tutto sommato, la risorsa maggiore della raccolta poetica.Nella sua genesi rapida e bruciante, spontanea ed estemporanea, nell’ampia varietà dei temi e delle modulazioni che la informano, nella spregiudicatezza talora ruvida dei toni, nell’incoercibile urgenza liberatoria che la governa e la sospinge, Aculei Spilli, questa rapsodia intimistica e corrucciata, pur nella sua alternanza stilistica e nella discontinuità formale, si propone come un’opera poetica dirompente e conturbante ma, prima d’ogni altra cosa, profondamente vera. Luciano Domenighini Critica di Lorenzo Spurio Inoltrandosi nella lettura del libro si scopre un mondo per lo più inedito anche a chi, come me, legge numerose sillogi poetiche a settimana poiché Raffaella Amoruso con uno stile sicuramente innovativo e riuscito, ci trasmette una serie di sue “vedute” su alcune realtà (di interesse privato o sociale) o piccoli episodi con un linguaggio che rifiuta espressamente orpelli affabulatori, la retorica e la costruzione barocca o per lo meno “romantica” dei testi. Al contrario, il contenuto linguistico impiegato dalla Nostra è molto ampio dal punto di vista lessicale e rimanda principalmente a un’attenzione meticolosa nei confronti delle aggettivazioni (correlazioni soggetto-aggettivo) che ne denotano con una particolarità –a tratti addirittura spasmodica- l’intera poetica. Le poesie si offrono al lettore come lamine di un qualche materiale che si sfalda perché sottoposto a un peso eccessivo, sono tutte per lo più brevi e costituite da un’unica strofa; in linea con l’entusiasmo nei confronti del mondo aggettivale, risulta impoverita la componente verbale proprio perché queste liriche forniscono delle immagini (che vanno denotate, qualificate) e che non necessitano, invece, di una narrazione step-by-step.Raffaella Amoruso non descrive né narra (per questo credo che si avvalga del racconto) e la sua poesia fornisce immagini molto chiare, che si stendono sulla tela in modo molto pratico, immagini che portano con loro un universo concettuale (a volte anche esistenziale) definito, tanto da apparire come impressionanti prove artistiche dall’incommensurabile talento pittorico. A livello semantico si osserva una ricorrenza a tematiche e immagini che si avvicinano al mondo dello splatter, se non del macabro, con riferimenti ricorrenti ad uccisioni, sangue e quant’altro.Le tematiche che qua e là affiorano sono molteplici e generalmente non completamente unite tra loro, a ulteriore testimonianza di come il momento di ispirazione e il conseguente atto creativo siano frutto di un istante, di una suggestione, di un’associazione di idee, di un profumo o di un colore, elementi che la Nostra è in grado di cogliere in maniera molto attenta per poi giungere ad ampliarne i significati. Si accenna alla libertà, all’importanza di saper(si) riconoscere la propria femminilità, ma anche di sentimenti meno edenici e più aggressivi come quando si fa riferimento a una situazione di acredine (Sfogherò l’odio/ Giurando vendetta., 23) o si contrappone la violenza delle fauci alla spensieratezza del cuore nella lirica che viene introdotta da un verso lapidario e concretamente vero: “Non c’è saggezza/ Dove il dolore è padrone”, 25).Sfogliando le varie pagine, la Nostra ci dona micro-cosmi diversi dove domina a volte la sincerità e la necessità di confessarsi, altre volte la rabbia, altre ancora la spregevole situazione del mondo. Quest’ultime non assurgono alla forza vera e propria delle poesie civili anche se ne condividono il punto di partenza: una riflessione amara sui tempi che corrono e la necessità della poesia di occuparsi anche di ciò che accade fuori dal nostro cervello e dal nostro cuore. Nelle categorie logiche che descrivono questa attualità del presente si sottolineano i punti di sutura di quel mondo dove domina l’ipocrisia o la falsa convinzione nelle idee assieme a un “menefreghismo opprimente” (27).La consapevolezza di vivere in un mondo che non va esattamente come ci si augurerebbe (la Nostra non fa riferimenti diretti alla politica, né alla società né a particolari realtà nello specifico) è chiarificata dalla Nostra da quella sciaguratezza e insieme pazzia dell’essere umano, metaforizzata ancor meglio in quegli “aculei spilli” del titolo, sintomo di un male minuto, non visto, ma che produce lentamente un senso di tormento e di dissanguamento, inteso come perdita delle energie e della lucidità.Molti termini impiegati dalla Nostra richiamano un mondo di dolore e di angoscia (bestia, satanico, perversità, putredine, sangue, pozza di sangue, tenebre, disordine, l’acqua torbida, spirito del male, …)  che si fondono a una vena poetica che nutre un certo gusto per il truculento e per la vivisezione delle vicissitudini. Ecco perché anche una stagione florida e piacevole come la primavera viene avvilita e stuprata da un linguaggio duro per intuire una partizione della stagione in “uno squarcio di primavera” (61) quasi che quello squarcio fosse una ferita aperta dalla quale sgorga sangue o, per ritornare al mondo della pittura materica, un taglio concettuale alla Fontana. Se è vero che non è possibile individuare un filo rosso alle varie poesie, di rosso c’è senz’altro molto: le varie gradazioni del colore che vediamo in copertina e il tanto sangue che scorre tra i versi, in un certo senso legittimato da una lirica di vendetta: “Sangue si paga con sangue” (71).Il contemporaneo conduce una vita che tra rituali (che sono degli automatismi) e lo svilimento del lavoro (la durezza del lavoro per chi ce l’ha, la nera disperazione per chi non lo trova) che ne minano lo stato di salute rendendolo con un’ “anima alienata” (53), priva di un reale progetto, di una destinazione, di una finalità perché soggiogato da tempi beffardi dove l’ipocrisia sembra ammorbare ogni ambito (“[l’]irreale imbroglio”, 53). Ma non tutto è perduto; anche se la speranza sembra in un certo senso bandita dalle liriche qui contenute, da quel carico di truculento che descrive la parabola del sangue è anche vero che la poetessa non si rinchiude in un pessimismo che degraderebbe l’anima, rimanendo, invece, una profeta dei tempi presenti e una conoscitrice dell’animo umano dove anche nelle più gravi situazioni sociali  gli “inganni [possano] svela[rsi]” (93) per affidare al cittadino ligio al bene e solidale, una più approfondita comprensione del mondo e dei suoi meccanismi. Lorenzo Spurio
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contestwingo-blog · 7 years
Guess The Laminate And Chance To Win Goodies
Guess The Laminate And Chance To Win Goodies
Guess the laminate name by looking the given picture carefully and you could win goodies from Century Plyboards India Limited. The granite finish laminate is intense and impactful. Find out the name of the shade of Lucida Laminate in the picture and win exciting prizes. Click to find the clues.
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freesampleinindia · 7 years
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#GuessTheLaminate Contest – Free Gifts Prize Products Sample Check out the picture carefully. There is granite finish laminate is intense and impactful. Search for the name of the shade of Lucida Laminate given in the picture. Win free prize samples 2017. Play the guess and win contest. Get freebies samples. Visit Here Offer Page Post it on facebook Win free samples
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anishrathi · 6 months
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anishrathi · 7 months
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anishrathi · 1 year
Laminates are a good choice for kitchens because they’re durable and clean easily. However, different types of laminate can be better suited for different spaces. For example, a glossy laminate is perfect for an entrance or hallway because it looks sleek and modern. In contrast, a matte finish is better for a kitchen because it’s more resistant to dirt and fingerprints
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anishrathi · 2 years
CenturyLaminates is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a wide variety of products which includes its vast range of laminates. CenturyLaminates are available in numerous designs, textures, colours and can be easily used for decorating any part of the house. They offer high gloss laminates such as Lucida laminates, European matt finish Silk Tuff laminates, textured wooden laminates and many others.
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plywoodsinchennai · 3 months
Transform Your Home with Budget-Friendly Luxury Laminates in Chennai
Luxury laminates have become a game-changer in the world of interior design. These versatile materials offer an affordable way to transform your home into a haven of style and sophistication. In this article, we'll delve into the rise of luxury laminates, explore the advantages they bring, and guide you through the process of choosing the right options for your home, specifically focusing on the vibrant city of Chennai.
The Rise of Luxury Laminates
Luxury laminates, once seen as a cost-effective alternative to pricier materials, have now emerged as a design trend in their own right. With their ability to mimic the appearance of natural materials like wood and stone, these laminates have gained popularity for their versatility and aesthetic appeal. Interior designers worldwide are incorporating them into various projects, making them a staple in modern home transformations.
Get Affordable Decorative Laminates to Improve Your Space
One of the best things about purchasing decorative laminates is their affordability. They generally come in a range of 1mm laminates that work in every space. Decorative laminates bring you a sleek and smooth finish while always being sturdy. Hence, they have reasonable pricing that does not weigh your budget. You can find the exact pricing of the laminate you want by requesting a personalised price quote from Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood. The price quote will give you a precise idea of how much you will spend after getting the desired laminates.
But there is another way to check the price of your required range of decorative laminates. You can visit the platform of Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood to get an idea of the price. And if it is within your budget, you can browse through the shop to purchase the laminate you want. Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood has created all the ways to discover the price of laminates on your own. Hence, if you purchase from a third-party dealer, you will know the price you must pay. In contrast, if you want the most authentic materials, you can get them straight from the e-shop at an affordable price.
Different Ranges of Decorative Laminates
Decorative laminates come in various ranges. They include Lucida, Silk Tuff, Starline, Anti-Fingerprint, Moncore, and Specialty Laminates. One of the most popular is the exclusive Lucida decorative laminate which comes in various colours. It is a high-gloss laminate that will give your home a shiny and vibrant look. All the different ranges of laminates come with their further varieties of colour and texture.
You can choose the style that best suits your needs from its medley of textures and colours. Besides, no matter what you choose, certain features and benefits are available on all of them.
Furthermore, the decorative laminates' different colours can brighten your space if you plan a specific colour theme. However, if you do not like bright colours, you can always go with a vintage or darker shade. Even if your laminates are not bright in colour, they will still look equally amazing. Vintage and dark shades have an old-school charm that gives an air of sophistication.
Unique Specialty of Decorative Laminates
Decorative laminates have some great qualities that are unique to Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood.
You get anti-bacterial and anti-viral laminates, premium decorative laminates that are borer and termite-proof, and boiling waterproof. Worry no more if you have been concerned about your laminates getting damaged by high moisture or termites. With Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood, you can find great qualities that boost the longevity of your furnishings.
Advantages of Luxury Laminates
Durability and Longevity
One of the primary advantages of luxury laminates is their durability. Unlike some natural materials prone to wear and tear, laminates are known for their resilience, making them ideal for high-traffic areas in your home. Additionally, their longevity ensures that your investment pays off in the long run.
Aesthetics and Design Options
Luxury laminates offer a vast array of design options, allowing you to achieve the look of expensive materials without breaking the bank. Whether you prefer the warm tones of hardwood or the sleek appearance of marble, laminates can cater to various design preferences. The versatility in patterns and textures opens up endless possibilities for creating a unique and personalized home interior.
Easy Maintenance
Busy lifestyles often leave little time for intensive home maintenance. Luxury laminates provide a solution with their easy upkeep. Simple cleaning routines can keep them looking as good as new, making them a practical choice for families and individuals with hectic schedules.
Budget-Friendly Options
Home transformations shouldn't come with a hefty price tag. Luxury laminates present a budget-friendly alternative to traditional materials, allowing you to achieve a luxurious look without overspending. Whether you're renovating on a tight budget or simply looking for a cost-effective solution, laminates provide the perfect balance between affordability and elegance.
Chennai's Design Revolution
Chennai, known for its rich cultural heritage, is experiencing a design revolution with the increasing adoption of luxury laminates. Homeowners in the city are embracing these materials to add a touch of opulence to their living spaces. The local design scene is evolving, blending traditional aesthetics with modern elements, and luxury laminates are at the forefront of this transformation.
Choosing the Right Laminates for Your Home
When selecting luxury laminates, it's crucial to consider the specific needs of each room. Factors such as moisture resistance, durability, and aesthetic compatibility with existing decor play a vital role. Whether you're renovating the kitchen, bedroom, or living room, understanding these considerations ensures a seamless integration of laminates into your home.
Installation Tips and Tricks
The installation of luxury laminates can be a DIY project or entrusted to professionals. While DIY installations are possible, hiring experts ensures a flawless finish. Avoid common pitfalls like improper measurements and inadequate surface preparation by seeking professional assistance. A well-executed installation enhances the visual appeal of laminates, contributing to the overall success of your home transformation.
Case Studies: Transformations in Chennai
Let's explore real-life examples of how luxury laminates have transformed homes in Chennai. From outdated spaces to contemporary sanctuaries, these case studies showcase the incredible impact that well-chosen laminates can have on a home's ambiance. Witness the before-and-after scenarios and draw inspiration for your upcoming project.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Options
In an era where sustainability is paramount, luxury laminates offer eco-friendly choices. Many manufacturers prioritize environmental considerations, producing laminates with recycled materials and sustainable practices. When opting for laminates, you not only enhance your home but also contribute to a greener planet.
Maintenance Guide
Maintaining the beauty of luxury laminates is a straightforward process. Regular cleaning with mild solutions and avoiding abrasive materials can preserve their appearance. By following a few simple steps, you can extend the lifespan of your laminates and keep them looking pristine for years to come.
Where to Find Budget-Friendly Luxury Laminates in Chennai
Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood offer a wide selection of budget-friendly luxury laminates and Plywood in Chennai. With a commitment to quality, affordability, and sustainability, the company stands as a beacon in the industry, providing customers with the perfect blend of style and cost-effectiveness.
Future Trends in Home Design
As technology and design continue to evolve, so do the trends in home design. The future holds exciting possibilities for luxury laminates, with innovations in materials and designs. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring upcoming trends and incorporating them into your home transformation plans.
Transforming your home with budget-friendly luxury laminates Sheets in Chennai is a decision that combines style, durability, and cost-effectiveness. As Chennai experiences a design revolution, embrace the versatility of laminates to elevate your living spaces. Whether you're renovating a single room or the entire house, luxury laminates offer a practical and visually appealing solution.
Thus, making decorative laminates by Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood is so budget-friendly and useful. Not only that, even interior designers and constructors prefer Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood for renovations. So, what are you waiting for? Purchase yours today and design an amazing luxurious interior decoration with these affordable Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood!
Are luxury laminates suitable for high-traffic areas? Yes, luxury laminates are known for their durability and are suitable for high-traffic areas.
Can luxury laminates mimic the look of natural materials? Absolutely. Advanced printing technology allows luxury laminates to convincingly replicate the appearance of natural materials like hardwood and stone.
What is the maintenance routine for luxury laminates? Maintaining luxury laminates is simple. Regular cleaning with a soft mop and avoiding abrasive cleaning agents is usually sufficient.
Are luxury laminates eco-friendly? Yes, luxury laminates are considered eco-friendly as they produce less waste during the manufacturing process compared to traditional materials.
Can I install luxury laminates as a DIY project? Yes, many luxury laminates come with user-friendly installation systems, making them suitable for DIY projects.
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anishrathi · 1 year
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anishrathi · 3 years
Century laminate offer best high gloss laminates. These lucida laminates are best for your kitchen cabinet. It come with various colours and texture & is scuff resistant, stain resistant, impact resistant, abrasion resistant which make laminate highly durable.
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