#luckily I traded her my beads for my boi back but idk how long it’s going to last man
keii · 7 years
I had such an intense and kind of fucked up dream last night. It was actually about Rein and it seemed as if I was watching a movie, so I decided to write it down LMAO. I’m pretty sure my dream was triggered from this movie I was watching last night-- Anyway ya idk I thought it was interesting how accurate dream Rein was lool.
He was acting undercover, pretending to be the “new” guy in this whole arms or drug deal (don’t remember tbh). They had to travel a lot, meeting with different clients to see who would offer the best deal. Some clients would try to be less diplomatic and try to kill them, but luckily Rein was there to prevent that. Each time, winning over the enemy’s trust little by little. The leader of this operation, who was this beautiful woman, favored him, whereas her trusted bodyguard didn’t like Rein AT ALL. It was a bit rocky at first, he got into fights with the bodyguard and Rein won. There was one deal where Rein saved the body guard’s life. He then learned that the guard and the leader knew each other ever since they were young. The guard told Rein that the leader meant everything to him and that he hoped Rein would learn to cherish her as well. Eventually they treated him like family and trusted Rein with their lives. As time progressed, the leader called Rein into her suite after they finished another stressful meeting with a client. There she told him that she was fond of Rein, where he cooly replies, “I’m fond of you as well.” She laughs and rephrased what she meant as she walked closer to him. Rein watches her closely— there she stops right in front of him. She stares at his face and inquired about all his scars, where did he get them, how— were there more located on his body? Rein only laughed and answered none of her questions except the last. He slowly lifted up his shirt, casting it aside to reveal his scar ridden torso. The leader’s eyes widen in surprise, not expecting so much. She used her fingers to trace along the long wounds across his chest, traveling down past his abdomen and following below his navel. Right before she could venture any further, Rein caught her hand, startling her. She looked up and was met with his glowing eyes. The corner of his lips curled into a sly grin, parting his lips slightly, he said in a deep voice, “Don’t go any further, or you might regret it.” He warned her. She noticed how sharp his fangs were, and it all just added to this newfound excitement. Her fingers danced slightly above his zipper, teasing him slightly, “I never regret any of my decisions.” Rein breathed in deeply, lifting his hand to brush away some of her hair that covered her face. He noticed there was a scar beneath her eye and he leaned in, kissing it. Pulling back slightly, he kissed a different area of her face, always making sure to avoid her lips. He traveled further down her neck, biting down, bruising her porcelain skin. It wasn’t the first time he slept with the enemy. It made him sick actually— but in a strange way it gave him satisfaction knowing he has them in such a vulnerable state, wrapped around his fingers. She called out his name between panted breathes as she dug her nails deep into his back, causing him to hiss in a mix of pleasure and pain. He quickly grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand while using his other hand to wrap around her neck. He gripped tighter and tighter, but not enough to fully choke her. Her face was flushed red and he leaned in closer, whispering in her ear with a deep voice saying, “I could kill you right now if I wanted to.” He watched the expression of her face changed, there was fear, but she did and said nothing for him to stop. In fact, he felt the walls around him tighten, catching him off guard for a moment. He loosened his grip and distanced himself where he lifted her legs above his shoulders. Her face in the beginning when he had first met her was cold and powerful. She had no mercy when it comes to the lives of others, regardless if they were innocent or not, young or old— it didn’t matter to her. Each life she took, Rein could only watch with his hands behind his back, nails digging so hard into his skin, enough that he bled. And now here she was, every move he made was his to control. He positioned her how he wants her to be positioned. He told her when she could look at him if he wanted to. He ordered her to get on all fours, ass up and to take it without any complaints... and she did. She repeated his name over and over that he got sick of hearing it. He told her to shut up and how she can only make a noise if he allowed it. In front of her men, Rein gave her the respect to be in control, but behind closed doors, she begged for him. His expression was cold one night as he watched her moaned in pleasure. The way her brows curled upwards, beads of sweat running down her flushed face— every detail he hated. She told him she was about to climax and he took it as a signal to go harder. Pathetic. It was the morning of the meeting with the last client. Rein was already awake, watching the sun rise out from the balcony. He blew out smoke, taking the cigarette out from between his lips to tap the ashes away. He felt small hands wrap around his waist and he turned around to see the leader. He put out his cigarette and pulled her closer to him as they watched the sunrise together. “Today’s the day.” She said. “Today’s the day.” He repeated after her. There was a moment of silence before she cleared her throat. “I was thinking...” she started, “After... this whole deal is over, maybe I should retire.” “Retire?” Rein asked, one of his brows raising slightly. He actually didn’t care. She nodded and looked at him, “Yes, I’d like to retire and live a cozy life. Somewhere peaceful with someone I love... I want you to be the one to share it with me.” It was quiet again and they stared at each other. Her face was soft, there was a glow to her skin and a shine to her eyes when she said that. There was a strange feeling in his heart that twisted him inside, and the way she was looking at him right now made it seem as if she was innocent... pure. Her lips looked so inviting. Not once at the start of their fucked up relationship did he kiss her on her lips. For some reason, at that moment he wondered how it would taste. He held her chin with his hand, lifting her head slightly as he began to lean down. Maybe... Just this once he’ll have a taste of the forbidden fruit. His lips stopped when the moment was interrupted with a loud knock on the door, telling them that they they’ll be heading to the rendezvous point in an hour. Rein regained his senses and pulled back. There was a slight disappointed look on her face as she walked away to get ready. Rein only turned away and gripped hard onto the railings of the balcony. Letting out a deep sigh in frustration, he thought, “What the hell was I thinking?” If he had kissed her at that moment, he really believed that he might have fallen in love. It wouldn’t even be real. None of it was real. It was only a cheap imitation— a sick illusion. God, was he pathetic. The two parties met inside a docked shipped. Both making sure that each one had their respective items of trade... the leader with the drugs/weapons and the other with the promised payment. The other leader smiled, content with the deal and he held out his hand for the agreement. She smiled and took his hand... but at that moment, she pulled out a blade she had hiding up her sleeve and slit his throat. Blood flowed out of the deep gash with eyes staring at her with disbelief. Her men quickly took care of the rest of the enemy and she walked over, picking up both her case and the case full of money. “Alright boys, you know the usual.” She told them. Rein walked up to her, “What happened to retirement? Wasn’t that supposed to be the client you made a deal with?” She only laughed, placing a bloodied hand on Rein’s cheek. “My dear, we have only just begun. I have received a message from our provider that we have double the amount that I could sell. So I can hold off the retirement a little bit longer. I hope you can as well. Now, if you could, help the boys get rid of the bodies and after you’re done, meet up with me in my yacht so we can get cleaned up.” Rein watched her leave and he went back to the other men. There was a smile on his face and when asked why he was grinning, he simply said, “My job here is done.” They were all confused, and Rein pulled out a mysterious sword from beneath his coat and unsheathed it, revealing a blade that looked completely different from what the scabbard was shaped like. The men were startled and like lightning, Rein disappeared and from the corner of the room, they saw him slice off one of their heads cleanly. He kicked the decapitated head towards the direction of the other men and laughed. “Come.” He said. Bullets slipped passed him, knives were swung, but never cut him. There were a few lucky hits here and there, but those were short lived. One by one, they fell. He was faced with the bodyguard, the only true threat to him. He wasn’t a human, but a Mayari (a different race in my story) and they were always tough to kill. Rein provoked the guard, questioning what the Mayari felt towards their leader. “Did you love her?” Rein asked, “Or are you obsessed with her?” Rein knew the answer already. It wasn’t a secret. He knew the guard stood outside their hotel door, listening in on the conversations Rein and the leader would have... and much more. He just wanted to see how angry he could make the guard. Despite the Mayari becoming more dangerous the angrier he got, he was also a lot more reckless. With a stab right through the Mayari’s heart, Rein had only one more target to go. He made his way to the leader’s yacht. She wasn’t in the room, but then he noticed her clothes sprawled across the floor and realized she was in the bathroom. Before entering, he found her phone and slipped it in his pocket.
Rein opened the door, seeing that she was in the bathtub, back towards him. The lights were off, but candlelights surrounded her, the fresh aroma of jasmine along with the rose petals scattered in the tub filled Rein’s senses. He let his footsteps be heard and she turned around, “Oh, you made it—“ her voice stopped upon seeing how bloody he was, “Rein?” He said nothing and she gave him a nervous smile, “W-Was there a surprise attack?” He grinned and he slipped off his coat, revealing his blood stained sword, sitting on the edge of the tub as he looked down at her. “No.” He placed his hand in the water, the blood spreading across the surface. There was a defending silence between them, she quickly opened her mouth to scream for her bodyguard, but Rein covered her mouth with his still bloodied hand. “Shh...” He hushed, “For you, my love, I’ll make it quick.” Tears streamed down her face and he pulled his hand back. “Who do you work for? I can pay you more! You know I can!” She started listing out names of other underground leaders and he laughed, tracing the bloodied blade up her throat. “I don’t work for any of them.” He told her.
Her eyes widen in realization, “You’re an A-Axil agent aren’t you?” He smiled. “Why Rein? I loved you! We treated you like family!” She said through her sobs. Rein hushed her again, calming her, slightly pulling his blade back and leaned in. He kissed her gently, stroking her cheek, wiping her tears away. The taste of iron filled his mouth and he pulled back. It was bitter, but warm. Sweet, but so tooth achingly rotten. The kiss was bittersweet. That was the word to describe this. The blade he held went through her abdomen. She stared at him with betrayed eyes. The last thing he heard him say was “I already have a family.” And everything went dark.
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