#luckily i did the msq first thing but please
the-dragons-knight · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021
Prompt #14 - The Dragon Queen
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<Post-Heavensward MSQ, Post-Dragonsong War, Slight Spoilers ahead>
Commend - ‘to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence’
“That sounds like it must have been so scary, but also like an amazing journey,” Maelie smiled up at Katsum as she petted the small dragonet in her arms, “To have visited another world…it sounds so very strange, yet so fascinating!”
Katsum smiled back as she handed Midgardsormr, who sat on her shoulder, another piece of the cookie she had in her hands, “It was quite the adventure, there is no denying that for certain.”
Ever since the day the True Brothers began their attack on Ishgard and took the refugees of the burnings in the Brume as hostages, the same day that Maelie was dropped from the top of the Vault and Katsum jumped after her only for both of them to be saved by Vidofnir, they had been good friends ever since, especially as Maelie began to have a fascination with the Dravanians. And who better to answer any questions she might have than the ‘Queen of Dragons’ herself. Katsum grew fond of the young girl and told her as many stories and tales that she could remember in hopes to share the beauties she’d seen of the world to another who could scarcely even have dreamed of seeing such things not so long ago. Each time she came home to Ishgard from a journey, she would seek out Maelie or the young girl would find her and they would walk the city’s streets as they talked, waving hello to all they passed by and marveling at how bright and cheerful the city had become since the end of its long war. There was still much to be done to make the nation whole again, the progress so far was still so beautiful.
The dragonet in Maelie’s arms purred as it butted its head against her hand, as she scratched its scales, “You’ve seen so many amazing things, Katsum. I would love to see the Churning Mists one day, and the vast and endless seas of water, but I imagine not all things were so beautiful and good…”
Katsum chuckled softly, “You are a smart girl, Maelie. Always have been. Yes, it’s true, but,” She looked at her seriously, “Don’t let that stop you from going to find your adventures. There are far more precious and wonderful things out there to outweigh the bad.”
Maelie nodded, “Right!”
“And next time Vidofnir, you should ask her if she can show you the Mists, I am sure she would be happy to.”
“Really?! Oh yes, I certainly shall! Ah, I’m so excited just thinking about it!”
Katsum laughed at the giddiness of the young girl as it reminded her very much of her younger self which only made her smile more brightly. They soon made their way to the aetheryte plaza in Foundation, still talking and laughing as the snow fell softly around him. Katsum’s feline ear twitched at the sound of a very familiar voice speaking not far away and she turned her sapphire eyes to lock onto the royal blue regalia of the Lord Commander, and a warmth fluttered through her chest as she smiled brighter. Sure, she had seen Aymeric this morning and every morning since they were married, but that didn’t mean her heart ever stopped fluttering when she would see him. As they approached him and Lucia, who was standing behind him, she noticed that he was speaking to a Lalafellan man and young woman, who were both dressed in fine robes and furs of an Ul’dahian fashion. Curiosity swept over her as she and Maelie moved in closer.
“Ah, good morning Lord Aymeric and Lady Lucia,” Katsum mused sweetly as she smiled brightly at them, her tail swaying happily behind her.
Aymeric’s ice blue eyes warmly met hers as he too smiled, “Lady Katsum, there you are good morning. And a good morning to you as well Maelie, Midgardsormr.”
The little dragon just nodded slightly as he continued to munch on his piece of cookie while Maelie nodded her hello.”
The paladin woman turned her head in question a bit, “Were you looking for me? Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all, but I was about to search for you yes. You see—”
“I can explain myself from here, Lord Aymeric, if you’d like,” The Lalafellan man rudely interrupted her beloved as he stepped forward with a grinning smile on his muschasted face, making a sweeping bow before her, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Katsum. My name is Aguda Kesuguda, head of the stock and trade of Kesugu Industries of Ul’dah. Before I begin, I really must commend your undeniable strength and poweress on the battlefield. I’ve heard many tales, and while I have not seen them for myself, they never cease to send my heart aflutter to recall them, yes yes!”
The miqo’te narrowed her eyes slightly as her smile shrunk into a rather small and fake expression of kindness, shifting her posture into a more regal and defensive stance; the posture of a queen. This did not go unnoticed by Maelie as she took a step back and watched cautiously. Aymeric too noticed, yet he didn’t not say anything, only sighed at the interruption and eyed the noble.
“Yes, I believe I’ve heard your name mentioned before in brief passing. ‘Tis a pleasure, yes, yet what is it that you sought me out for?” She knew that pleasantries from a merchant of Ul’dah meant only one thing: they wanted something done for them. She had not the patience or care for such games either.
Aguda grinned and shrugged, “Ah yes, a woman of action, of course. Forgive me, it is but the habit of nobles to win over the other with flattery, but you and yours here I see are far too smart to play in such nonsense.” Katsum just stared at him and he cleared his throat, “…more so than I thought too. Ahem, I came to beseech you aid in a most urgent matter. I have a shipment of resources and supplies I am trying to transport to the warfront, and every time it begins to leave on its journey to Ala Mhigo, it has been attacked by bandits trying to steal its contents! It’s not been anything terribly dangerous of course, but I wondered if I could ask for your assistance in protecting it to its destination. Or rather, one of your dragons.”
The group stilled and Katsum’s eyebrows arched in confusion, “ I beg your pardon? And please do not repeat yourself, it is just an expression of my astonishment.”
The noble nodded, “Of course, of course. My reasoning for such a request is that while I could hire a group of mercenaries to protect the cargo, such beings can be unsavory themselves and cost right much gil you understand. But dragons are loyal and ask for nothing, with just a word from you and they fly to your beck and call. And what better way to show your power as a queen than having one of your subjects deliver rations and supplies to the soldiers and people of a wounded nation, hmm?”
There would have been a time that Katsum would have shouted at this man that he knew nothing of dragons and nothing of her throne, and to leave their city before she threw him out herself, but instead, she remained quiet and listened to his greedy words with that simple expression of thought on her face.
Aguda seemed to take that bait as a sign of winning her over as he continued, “So, what do you think? Could you spare a dragon to help out a poor old merchant deliver his wares to those in need?”
She saw Aymeric narrow his eyes, “Would they not appear to be supplies from Katsum herself then if a Dravanian were to be protecting them rather than from you yourself Lord Aguda?”
Aymeric had already caught on Katsum knew, and luckily he was laying out the road for Katsum to ride down as Aguda answered.
“I suppose they would, but I have little worry for that. As long as they get the resources they are due, yes? Plus, they would be packed in crates bearing my seal so a bit of publicity for everyone, hmm?”
It is a very interesting suggestion, my lord, but first I must ask,” Katsum clasped her hands in front of her as she asked, “Are these provisions truly yours?”
Aguda froze in that moment and her eyes sparkled silently; she had him, “Whatever do you mean by that, my lady?”
Katsum smiled to herself as she feigned a curious and oblivious expression, “Pray, forgive me for causing such upset, but I had heard the most awful rumor of stolen goods and provisions meant for refugees of Ul’dah recently, and even more unsettling takes of the people trying to take them back from the thieves only to be injured and then arrested on false charges. As some of those provisions were ones that Ishgard and Dravania both had traded with Ul’dah for such purposes of aiding those less fortunate, it seemed only right that the Sultana inform me of these most dreadful events. So again…I ask you,” Katsum’s expression narrowed and her eyes almost seemed to glow in her fury, “Are these provisions truly yours? And I would beseech you to speak the truth, good sir, for we shall know if you do not.”
The noble’s jaw dropped as she moved her first piece into the winning square. Indeed, she and Nanamo had been speaking on the subject just a day or so ago and how the Sultana was worried about how restless the people were getting at being wronged so, and Katsum had offered to keep an eye out. It had been her cargo originally anyway, and such fine Dravanian resources should not fall into hands they were not meant for.
Aguda finally got over his shock and glared at her then, “Uh! The audacity of such claims! I came to seek assistance, not to be blamed for such villainy!”
“Nay, you came here for a dragon —for a “free” guard as you said—that would discourage anyone wearing only tattered rags for clothing too afraid to step forward to take back what is rightfully theirs so that you could spread the name of influence into the city of Ala Mhigo, thus earning potential buyers for future trade. it was made plain the moment you spoke of dragons ‘asking for nothing’. Dragons are loyal to their kin and to those they have come to trust, yes, but if you truly believe they are so blind to follow mine or anyone else’s word and ask for nothing in return like a hound, you are far blinder than you believe them to be.” His jaw dropped again, yet she did not wait for him to answer as she pressed further, “Now, if that is all you wished to discuss, I suggest you take your leave of our city and see to the return of those goods to their rightful owners. Unless…you would like me to inform the Sultana of the information I have just come across and let her and the Brass Blades handle it..?”
Aguda’s face paled, and he tried to retain some of his noblistic confidence, “Why you—”
“Father, please!” Finally, the woman behind him spoke and stepped forward to stand in front of him with a deep look of concern on her face, “She offers you a way to fix it yourself, don’t throw it away with your shame of being caught! I told you you mustn’t do something like this and look where you’ve put us now!” His head dropped as the girl turned to Katsum and bowed her head, a look of sadness filling her eyes as she looked up at her, “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that he had gone through such lengths as this. Please, forgive us, and I will see to it that the supplies are returned to Ul’dah and given out to the less fortunate personally. Please, my lady.”
Katsum stared at her for a moment, looking her over and her lilac colored garments and grey furs. Her eyes showed sincerity yes, but the eyes can be made to fool anyone who looked into them. She glanced at Midgardsormr, seeing he too was staring at her closely, taking in his assessment. With a breath, Katsum summoned Raihogg’s gaze as the dragon’s eye gem began to glow softly and his voice whispered through her mind.
“Her words are genuine as her heart is broken by her father’s deeds. You may believe her as she indeeds to do just as she says.”
The eye in her necklace fades back to its shining red and blue color as Katsum’s eyes softened and she asked the girl, “What is your name, my lady?”
“Kemoda. Kemoda Kesugada, m-my lady.” Her voice trembled as she answered.
Katsum smiled, “There is no reason to fear, Miss Kemoda. I thank you for your honesty and in your offer to right what has been wronged. In return for the good being returned to their rightful owners, I will only speak of the matter being closed with her Grace, nothing more. No names, no suspects. But I will be checking in to be sure our goods were returned as promised.”
Kemoda nodded furiously, bowing low as she breathed, “Oh thank you, my lady! Thank you! You have my word, I shall fix this right away!”
The miqo’te nodded and the lalafellan woman turned and glared softly at her father amidst her worried expression, “Come father, we have much to work on.” With that, she started on her way towards the gates of Ishgard with a determined step in her stride.
Aguda glanced back at her for a moment before looking up at Katsum again and glaring at her, hoping to get in one final word she guessed.
But Midgardsormr hissed first, “Go now, mortal, while I still allow it.”
The deep voice of the ancient dragon seemed to be enough to send the lalafellan man running after his daughter, any thoughts of sassy retorts dying on the squeak of his shout of terror. Midgardsormr chuckled at this before going back to snacking on his cookie and Katsum took a deep breath and shook her head.
“I will never get used to politics and the games you must play,” She sighed.
“No one ever does I’d imagine,” Aymeric mused, stepping up to. her and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, “But I dare say you are getting better at playing them. Well done, my queen.”
Katsum blushed lightly as her ears fell back shyly, though her warm smile spoke of her happiness, “Not in front of the child, Aymeric, please.”
He chuckled, and they glanced over to both blink in shock at the wondrous look in Maelie’s eyes as she watched them and she hugged the dragonet tight. She blinked as they looked, “Sorry, I don’t mean to stare, you both are just like a fairytale come true. ‘Tis a love I hope I find one day too.”
Katsum blushed again as Aymeric did and they laughed lightly as Katsum nodded, “I never thought I would have it myself, but thank you, Maelie. That is very sweet of you.”
The girl nodded before Lucia stepped forward then, “Regretful as I am to cut this beautiful moment short, there are other matter that require attention, Lord Commander.”
Aymeric sighed and nodded, looking to Katsum as he drew her into a short yet loving kiss, “Thank you for your assistance, Queen of Dragons. I shall be sure to repay your kindness as soon as I can.”
Katsum grinned knowingly, “And I shall look forward to it. Until tonight, be safe, both of you. And farewell.”
The Lord Commander nodded warmly as he reluctantly pulled back from her and turned to follow the First Commander back to Congregation. katsum watched him go before she turned to Maelie with a grin, “Well, shall we continue our walk?”
“Yes! Or course! Oh, I wanted to ask. How did the Dravanians first come to this world? You mentioned they were from another star right?”
“They did indeed. We’ll be happy to tell you.”
4 notes · View notes
yukihime242 · 4 years
I have been spending the past week toggling between three accounts and I am quite pleased with the progress I have been making. 
There were quite a few huge developments (for me, at least) as I continued playing the game. First, Colby evolved. AND ITS A FEMALE?
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Correct me if I’m wrong but it definitely looks like its a female. I always assumed it was a male. But, anyway, just two more days till I get my very own dragon pet! 
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Its morphing is quite big though.
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Ah... I will miss that small little Colby. It was actually quite cute.
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Okay, moving on...
The second huge development was that I did not know I could scale the buildings of Tokyo. I mean I knew I could “fly” (by pressing “Dash”). With that knowledge, I began searching high and low for Adams to collect his intel to give back to Eva. 
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It took me a few days until I threw in the towel and went to search online for all of his locations because it was tiring trying to look for him everywhere. Ultimately, I completed it and went back to Eva to receive my reward.
And what do you mean by “breaking Adams”, Eva?
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The third thing that took me awhile to find out was that I could unlock a basketball outfit by simply playing basketball.
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However, it requires you to get a perfect score in all 10 of your shoots in order to unlock the outfit. So, practice before doing the assessment!
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Also, it occurred to me that in the event Snowman BG (sorry if the title is slightly off), you can run when you take your opponent’s crystal. But when you take the Thunder crystal, you walk? 
Okay, I will just assume that the Thunder crystal is fragile and needs to be handled with care. Luckily, no one was attacking me as I transported the crystal back to base (wasn’t expecting perfect team work...).
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As for the other two accounts that I am toggling, things are progressing smoothly. 
I made my Soul Dancer answer some questions on trash (why is there such a thing in the game?). There wasn’t any fantastic rewards but at least there’s exp points.
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Also, I learnt that it is best accumulate the ally recruit command (gold). I used it for the College recruit event, and disappointed not being able to get the College guys but I at least got Ruri!!
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So, I guessed it’s still a win :D
Yeah! Hopefully things will still progress smoothly for all three. Although I have already reach level 85 for my Assassin, but still gonna continue doing events to hit a higher level for her. Hence, there won’t be any updates on the MSQ for the time being. 
14 notes · View notes
blueyemxn · 5 years
My Persephone (Pt. 3)
Giver of Life
Spoiler Warning: Content below contains spoilers for the lvl 80 Shadowbringers MSQ, if you have not reached this point in the game and do not wish to be spoiled please refrain from reading. Otherwise enjoy my trash shipping at your own risk.
Mature Warning: The content below features mature themes pertaining to blood, swearing, and descriptive injuries.
Relationship: Emet-SelchxWoL
Ao3 Story - Here    Part One: Here    Part Two: Here    Part Four: Here    Part Five: Here    Part Six: Here
“Yes, you certainly would love that wouldn’t you?” He asked, a sort of venom in his tone as he looked at a hastily written letter. He cared not for the wanted secrecy between Persephone and her mother, only that she had been so kind as to mention where it was, this sanctuary. All he had to do was make haste from his current location, determination in his step; determination not to lose anyone else in this accursed war Hydaelyn brought to the planet.
Thankfully, he knew all the shortcuts in the city and whatever blocked his way was met with a variety of spells to deal with a variety of problems. He tried to be conservative, only opting to use when necessary, but it was already taking a toll on his body. He was sweating profusely, his legs trembled and he had a hard time walking without staggering and risk falling flat on his face. There was also dust everywhere that hadn’t settled from the buildings that had collapsed; his lungs felt constricted so catching his breath was an agonizingly slow process. It felt like his was dying along with the world around him. But he wasn’t going to stop, he couldn’t stop, she was all he had left. He wasn’t going to lose her too.
He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t lose her. Not now. Not ever. He won’t. He won’t. He won’t. HE WON’T. HE CAN’T—
A thought, a voice nearly caused him to tumble over as it permeated all of the scattered thoughts inside his mind. Hades stood straight, trying to assess where it had been coming from. At first he thought it was a plea for help, but where he currently was, that was nigh improbable; which only meant one person.
With his mind and soul, Hades reaches out to the source, desperately trying to prompt a response. He went to take a step forward as worry clouded his mind, but at that moment a disturbance caught his attention and he saw something large in his peripheral vision. A whip-like appendage soared towards him, the tip razor sharp to use as a piercing weapon for any creature it snagged on. Luckily for him, it only made it to the side of his cheek before it snapped away suddenly. 
He peered over to see it’s host body, pummeled into the ground by a bare-footed, half sized Amaurotine with pink hair and fierce pink eyes that blended in well with the red consuming her sclera. The air fizzed, static heating up the area as what seemed like lightening curled over her form, sending shock waves and denting the ground into the size of a small crater. 
Flesh squished between her toes as her weight crushed the monster, making sure to give a few extra points of muscle in her legs just in case. When there was no movement, Persephone took a deep sigh and the charged air around her dissipated, her eyes changing back to normal. 
He continued to stare, frozen in place and unable to summon his voice, but managed to make a step towards her. She looked like her normal self despite her clothing being torn in various places and the bags underneath her eyes. But other than those peculiar features she was fine; in fact, there wasn’t a scratch on her as far as he could tell.
“Persephone…” Finally he found his voice, though it was more like a whisper when he desired to call to her. Not that it mattered, she noticed him right away and that smile he had loved shown itself on her face.
“Hades! Are you okay?” She asked, jumping down with ease after staggering once. “You didn’t get hurt by that thing did you?”
It took him a moment before he managed to give a signature quirk of the brow; him getting hurt? “Me? Hurt? Persephone, might I remind you that I’m one of the Convocation? ‘Tis nothing but a scratch at most I assure you.” He paused. “Though I suppose your timely arrival did save me an inconvenience. Bravo, hero!” 
Ah there it was, the dramatic arrogance that she was so used to. It was nice to know that he seemed to be okay... still—
“Don’t patronize me! This is a serious situation right now!” Persephone narrowed her eyes, wondering exactly what it would take for Hades not to be a teasing bastard if not the end of the world. 
“I am being serious, my dear Persephone, though it is not I you should be worrying about.” He took a slow step forward, eyes gazing down at her, back hunched and arms behind said backside as if he were analyzing her. “You look far worse for wear, how long have you been here fighting off those things?” He asked, gaze a bit more accusatory than she would have liked, Persephone really didn’t need him to try and guilt trip her from her own decisions. 
“I’m fine. Do you see any wounds or scratches? No? Then you can stop acting like I can’t take care of myself.” In her heart she knew that he was just worried, but even at the end of the world people seemed to treat her as if she were a child, even with this gift of strength she had been given. 
She couldn’t understand and she really, really hated it. 
“Anyway, we need to—” Persephone half turned, ready to move on from the subject when another appendage came out of nowhere and pierced right through her shoulder. “Oh fuck that hurts!” She growled before grabbing the appendage and ripping it out of her shoulder, doing her best to ignore the pain and blood gushing from the wound. Instead she focused her attention on the monster which was a near identical to the one she just killed, just way smaller; an easy kill.
Wrapping the appendage around her hand and gripping it with her Olympian strength, she pulled it towards her and subsequently punched it so hard that most of the organic flesh within splattered out and oozed onto the ground, killing it instantly. 
She touched her shoulder lightly, but couldn’t even breathe a sigh of relief before Hades grasped at her. “Tsk, tsk, still reckless as ever I see, you should be more careful hero." He said before his hand reached out for her shoulder, but Persephone took his wrist, shaking her head. 
“Hades, its fine—” she started to say, but the tightening grip on her arm and the look he gave her signaled a defiance of whatever it was she was going to say. But she wasn’t going to back down either. “Don’t— look, just watch.” She said as her eyes directed to her shoulder as it started glowing, the wound closing on its own. 
Hades peered closer, eyes squinting and even touching where had been moments before. There wasn’t even a scar or any sign that there had been a wound there at all, save for where her clothes were torn. “See? I’m okay, my wounds heal up on their own.” She was smiling as always, but he could tell she was strained. Her skin was lackluster compared that beautiful bronze he loved to kiss and touch and her eyes had lost some of the fire that completely enamored him.
Persephone’s expression then changed, as if she had just remembered something. Her eyes darted around, scanning the area but frowned when she didn’t see what she was looking for. 
“Hades...Where’s Daeus…?” She asked, a concerned look over taking her features as she looked back to him.
Hades felt his entire body grow cold, the pit in his stomach threatening to tear him apart from the inside. 
“Save your energy Hades… it’s far too late for me…” Hythlodaes’ voice was still as soft and calm as ever, though the shallow breath was a good indication that the Amaurotine was close to death. His friend put a weak hand on his shoulder in some vain attempt to give comfort. “It would be in bad taste… to die for another who is slated to pass on. There… there are others waiting for you.” 
Others. Others. What others could there be—
Hades’ heart nearly stopped when he realized what he was about to say out loud. His lips trembled as he attempted to get a hold of his own mind and banish the overzealous thoughts and feelings bursting at the seams. He was supposed to be more composed than this, more in control of his emotions, but he was falling apart. His planet was dying, his friends were dying, his people were dying. Everyone was dying and there wasn’t a thing he could do about. Even such a powerful sorcerer as he was helpless in this situation and such despair could only hasten the panic overtaking his mind. 
A slight grip on his shoulder planted Hades back into reality and he looked over to Daes. In his other hand was a piece of parchment. “This is… a letter from Fandaniel— to Kore… before she… died. She’s… probably there… at the garden. Go to her… quickly now. You won’t want to lose her too… You are…hope… both of you…” the last of his energy and his dear friend slumped over, his soul finally flickering away.
How was he to tell her about that? That even as powerful as he was, he failed to save him? 
“He’s dead, isn’t he?” Her tone of voice, usually warm and energetic, was cold and rather distant; it caught him off guard. He looked at her, seeing her eyes go to the floor, her attempt to stop her mouth from quivering by biting down on it. “I should have known... he… he was supposed to be here by now… dammit.” Her clenched fists shook, her mind wandering the ‘what ifs’ the ‘should have beens’ if she hadn’t just stood there and waited for Daeus to come to her. She should have went to him. She should have been able to save him when he was hurt. She should have--
Before Persephone could finish her thoughts, Hades was already embracing her, the tip of his nose nuzzling into her hair, his soul emerging and caressing hers in a way that sought to give comfort. “Hades… I… I should have been there for him…”
“Hush now, we’ll have none of that,” he cooed “He was at peace when he passed, I made sure of it. When all of this is over, we will summon Zodiark again and He will be able to revive all of our loved ones back, I promise.” He squeezed her lightly, trying his best to give her some comfort, to let her know that all wasn’t for naught, that there was hope. Their people could live again, rebuild again, it would just take some time. 
Yet, despite his confidence, Persephone was not comforted nor was she given any hope that such a being such as He would be able to bring back the dead. Her mother was convinced the god had no intention of doing so and Persephone was prone to believe it as well. Zodiark was powerful, that could not be disputed, but he was never meant to bring back the dead, all he wanted was more energy, more aether, more sacrifices. His hunger seemed insatiable and she feared that it WAS.
“Trust me, Persephone, things will return to normal.” He assured her, as if he read her thoughts. As if it were so easy to believe. As if everything that has happened in the last few days, weeks, months would disappear from their minds and never be mentioned again. No, there was no going back from this, there was no washing this pain and agony away even if things returned to normal. Nothing would be normal again, not with what they knew now; what she knew now. 
“We should go,” she said, wiping her eyes and backing away from his arms. “Our world is being torn apart and if we don’t leave now we won’t find mother’s sanctuary—” Before she could finish, Persephone heard something crack before a foreign object made an impact within her chest cavity. At first she froze, eyes wide, slowly blinking before she looked down and saw a hook-like appendage sticking out of her chest. “Oh.”
Another crack boomed behind her and Persephone was pulled back at an alarming rate, her body being thrown against a wall once, twice, three times, leaving her quite bruised. Her hand gripped at the hook to try and get it out, but severe pain coupled with being thrashed around made it difficult. She started to feel dizzy, her ears ringing from being slammed over and over again as her headache started to pound merciless against her skull. She could feel blood pouring from her head over her eye now and her vision was rapidly declining.
“Scurry and Scatter!” As sudden did Hades call out did she feel her body fall to the floor, the limb holding her now detached from the body. The impact to the ground, while being a short distance from where she had fallen, sent sharp pains through her chest. Her ribs pressed against the hook, making it sink deeper into her flesh and letting more blood spill onto the ground. She was feeling light headed, but until the monster was killed, there was no way she was going to let herself die, not like this.
Hear… Feel… Think…
For a moment she heard her mother’s voice; calm, encouraging and wise as it always had been, echoing through her body, giving her strength she didn’t know she had and she actually managed to prop herself up on one knee. With one eye open, Persephone turned her head to where she had heard the battle pressing on.
Standing tall, confident and wholly arrogant, Hades was always one to show off the power he wielded, especially when he had an audience. But this wasn’t him, this was a Hades filled with rage; eyes constricted, mouth in a snarl and magic so wild it lashed out with reckless abandon; he was angry— no livid. A rare sight to see and Persephone would be a liar if she said it didn’t terrify her a small bit. But within that anger, while his head was clouded of thoughts of protecting her, protecting what was his, protecting what he had left, he did not realize just how much danger he was in.
Even now she could see his ragged breath, his blurry eyes, his staggering legs. How he was standing when he was exhausting himself was beyond her, but she had to put a stop to it, and the only way to do that was to kill the monster before it ended up killing him or he ended up killing himself.
Suddenly she had energy again. The aether within her body manifesting itself, humming and crackling to the rhythm of her determination as her muscles gained back their strength. She took a hand and gripped the remaining talon in her chest and ripping it out with such vigor that a chunk of flesh still clung to it. She could feel her chest burn and in her haste to remove it she coughed out more blood and fluid, but even with her own constricted breath her eyes laid on her prey.
Persephone was on it in a matter of moments, talon in hand and, using her herculean strength, shoved it straight into its head, cracking through the skull and embedding it into its cranium. The creature made one last howl before it eventually stopped moving entirely.
The air became still, the only sound being their ragged breaths. She gave a long, drawn out sigh of relief; it was over, it was finally over—
Or so she thought, but as the monster lay dying, twitching as the last of its life sucked away back into the aether, it did one last push, one last act of violence and stabbed her with every hook it had. Blood poured from every wound profusely, spilling upon the ground and flowing into the cracks of the floor like a river styx.Her breath became still, her lung caught in her throat, unable to make a sound other than a pathetic squeal as she fell. As she collapsed she could hear someone calling her name and her glazed eyes focused on he who called for her, who loved her, who would mourn for her.
Hades had been frozen utterly, his words caught in his throat as his Persephone, as strong as she was, fell to the final attack by that monster. The world was eerily silent, his breathing the only thing he could hear other than the loud beating of his heart. He felt it again, pits of despair sending cold fires into his stomach, panic wrecking havoc and chaos in his mind, legs refusing to move as another one, as the one he loved the most fell to her knees.
When she finally landed on the ground he managed to get the energy to move again, rushing to her side, trying not to collapse himself as he gently picked up her body. He attempted to remove the hooks from her body, but as sudden as he got the energy to move it was gone again, leaving him heavy and unable to support himself as the pain from the battle came into effect. His lumbering limbs, his stinging, open wounds provided by some of the hooks that were still latched onto his flesh, his lack of ability to breathe properly. He felt like he was being strangled, that death was there, squeezing at his neck, sucking out the last of his life as his soul would be transported to the life after death.  
With the last of his energy, Hades managed to pull the remaining hooks out from his body in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain, throwing them lazily on the floor. He began closing his eyes, clutching onto Persephone’s body, holding her close as he embraced the hold death had on them, the idea of both of them passing on together bringing him a sense of peace.
Yet, from within his arms she moved, her eyes fluttering open, though it was easy to tell she was straining herself to keep them so. Her arm was heavy, but she managed to lift it, touching his face, rousing him from the start of his deep slumber, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. When he opened his own to peer down at her, she gave that grin that filled his heart with light and love, though it was tremendously weaker.
He started to speak, but a finger to his lips stopped him. Slowly she lifted herself up, moving both hands to hold his face, leaning into his slouched form and kissing him softly. At first he stiffened up, but it only took a moment for his body to relax, closing his eyes as he felt her soul wrap around his body, giving him comfort and love in their final moments together. Warmth enveloped his body, his mind feeling at ease, rested as the weight of his limbs lifted and the pain of his wounds dissipated.
You are strong, stronger than I could ever hope to be. It can only be you.You must not die, not yet. 
His eyes shot open as he heard her words through his mind and before him he saw the life from her body slowly draining, pouring it into his own. 
Persephone— Kore stop! He commanded, trying to push her away, but her grip was fierce, refusing to budge as she continued. 
This is a gift to you, my beloved Hades; a gift of life.
He was screaming. He was screaming and thrashing and begging and pleading as waves of despair washed over him, the pit of his stomach churning and churning, threatening to rip itself apart. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want this gift. Take it back. Take it back. Take it back take it back take it back TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK—
But she never did; she continued on, her tears mixing with his as the warmth of her lips faded and her body grew cold. 
Remember us. Remember that we once lived. 
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