#luckily they don't get into many stabby situations in the actual story. more spaceship fights
ishipgenfics · 1 year
Happy STS! But oh no! One of your characters has been stabbed! What chaos does this bring about? Who's been stabbed, who did the stabbing, who yanks the sword out without thinking, etc.? ♥️
Oh this is a fun one!
Birch(Your Human): Gets stabbed. It is a teenager with no experience in self-defense, if someone is trying to stab it with any degree of skill, they are almost certainly going to succeed. Plus it has bad experience with needles, so it might end up freezing up.
Rhy'cd(You): Panics. Panic panics panics. Someone tells them not to pull the sword out and they go, "Well then how long do we leave it in?Forever?! Besides, maybe you can pull them out for humans." She is informed that you in fact cannot, and starts panicking even harder. Eventually has to be dragged out of the room because her pacing around asking questions constantly is doing more harm then good.
Your pilot: Holds its hand. They're awkward and uncomfortable at first, people lash out when they are hurt and they know how dangerous humans can be, but all it is doing is screaming. So they whisper softly to it, and hold its hand as tight as they can, and hope everything will be alright.
Your engineer: This is not her job. She doesn't know how to do this. She focuses her energy on fighting off whoever stabbed them, on getting them off her ship. Later, she thinks something might be wrong with her, that the instinct to try and go help didn't even occur to her. She is wrong, but she will think it anyway.
Your scientist: It knows how this works. Its species might not have blood, but lots of others do, and its been doing research. Makes itself burn bright bright bright and cauterizes the wound after Rhy'cd pulls it out in a panic. It feels good about itself for being able to do something useful.
Bonus!(characters that have not yet been introduced)--
Alex: Alex is that kid who's really sure he knows a lot about first aid. He's just so sure that he knows what he would do if he got stabbed, but in reality he watched like two Red Cross videos and took a CPR course and that is the extent of his knowledge. He really thinks he's being helpful. He is not.
Ciralarus: I think Ciralarus probably has some actual medical experience. At the very least she's helped with kids before, so she knows how to tie up wounds and what to do in an emergency situation. She'd probably be the most helpful out of anyone.
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