#lucky for me dual destinies is actually normal so i wont have to delete the liveblog channel /j
kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
oh your currently watching dual destinies case 4? I thought you didnt want to get to the second trilogy bubble like last month ago? What changed that mindset?
i actually lied a little, it's not me who's watching it. i don't have time right now to sit down and watch a full gameplay because of school and stuff, but i am watching my friend xy liveblog! they're sending screenshots of funny moments and generally explaining the plot so i guess you can say im living vicariously through them.
i'm going to be honest: i didn't want to watch the second trilogy purely because of aa4. my other friends who were into the series told me i likely wouldn't enjoy what they did to phoenix even though they think i would like apollo very much. and they were Right. xy was a brave soul and powered through the game to get context for aa5 and aa6 (which we were excited about because yippee old man yaoi!), so my friend group all ended up really liking apollo justice (the guy) as expected. still we were all salty at what they did to phoenix even though the game turned out to be pretty great in a bubble
i had always intended to check out dual destinies and spirit of justice regardless, i was just too scared to pass through the threshold that was apollo justice ace attorney. and now that we all agreed to just pretend the game was set in an alternate universe where phoenix had no friends for whatever fucking reason we're enjoying the second trilogy much more. i hope this makes sense
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