#lucky g two sure banker for today
mycryptosuite · 1 year
Our Free Banker On LUCKY-G For 04/07/2023
Our Free Banker On LUCKY-G For 04/07/2023 Our free banker on LUCKY-G – Ghana LuckyG Banker to Banker challenge with plan in the comments section below One Banker only, Lucky-g live 2sure for today. 2-Sure lotto numbers for lucky-g – 3 direct lotto numbers for today and the two sure lotto number for today lucky-g with the best two sure and banker for Lucky draw on 02 August 2022. Forecast for…
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 3850
Warnings: Mild Violence
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23
Pt 8 - Birthday Cash (part 1)
Sunlight shined through your curtains as the sounds of the city outside you started to wake you. Slowly you sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. When your eyes came into focus you took a look at the calendar you hung beside your bed. The date of it read October 1st, 2002. Today was your birthday. Shooting up from your bed you ran down the stairs of your home into the living room. Standing there were your two parents.
"Happy birthday!" Your parents exclaim
You looked around the room to see balloons and decorations everywhere. Every year, your parents went all out for your birthday. To both of them, your existence was a miracle and they wanted to show how grateful they were to have you. Even when you were small and they knew you wouldn't remember what they had done for your birthday they still went all out. You were their little princess and all they wanted to do was make your day the best it could be. As you looked around the room you saw decorations from wall to wall. There were streamers and balloons as far as the eye could see. You made your way over to your parents who both gave you a big hug. 
"Alright sweetie you sit tight right here and your father and I will be right back!"
Taking a seat on your living room couch you sit and wait for your parents. When they come back into the room you see your mom carrying a cake and your father carrying a box. Your mom places the cake on the living room table and takes a seat to your left side while your dad sits to your right. The two of them sing happy birthday to you and when you have your wish in mind you blow the candles out in one go.
"What did you wish for?" Your dad asks you
"Honey, you know wishes don't come true if you talk about them." Your mom says
"Oh fine, I won't pry." your dad responds "Anyway I've got one of many gifts for you right here. Do you want to open it?"
"Of course!" You reply excitedly
Your dad places the box in your lap and you gently undo the ribbon tied around it. Opening the box you remove the tissue paper and see the gift inside.
"No way! It's exactly what I wanted!" You exclaim
Inside the box was a replica of the diary for The Princess Diaries. The movie came out a little over a year ago and since then you were obsessed. You wanted the diary from that movie specifically because you loved how it needed a locket that fit it perfectly to open it up. 
"Well, you had been talking about the journal ever since you saw the movie. It took a while but we had it custom made for you. It's practically an exact replica except we had it so yours could fit more pages." Your mom explains
"Do you like it?" Your dad asks
"I LOVE IT!" You reply "But where is the locket?"
"Lift up the diary." You mom says
When you lifted the book up you saw not one but two lockets. 
"Why are there two?" You ask
"Well, we wanted to make sure that if you lost the first one you could have a second one handy." Your dad responds
"Keep the second one in a safe place." Your mom says
"I will!" You reply
You knew exactly where you were going to keep the second locket but for now, you spent some time with your family eating cake for breakfast and taking in all the time that your parents had spent to make your day special. When the three of you finished your cake your dad states,
"Your mom and I have one more surprise for you but we need to go to the bank to get it. Go get ready so we can head out." 
Excitedly you run upstairs and get ready. When you finish you eagerly wait for your parents downstairs. Once all of you have everything you need to go, you head out the door and off to the Capital West Bank.
Today was October 1st, 2002 but in the Hargreeves household, this day was just like any other. Reginald Hargreeves cared little for birthdays or the acknowledgment that his children were another year older. Like for past birthdays, he merely congratulated them on not passing yet and went on with his day. Unlike Reginald, Grace was much more sympathetic and caring towards the kids and tried to make sure that they all felt special on their birthday. When the children came down from their rooms for breakfast she made sure that each one of them got their favorite thing to eat. She also wished each individual child Happy Birthday as she handed them their plates. This was the routine that occurred every October 1st since they could remember, but this year it would be a little different because the kids knew that later today they would get to celebrate with you. While they kept quiet when their father was at the table, the minute he left the chattering of excitement amongst the six siblings was unstoppable. Each one of them presented their ideas for what they wanted to do for a fun birthday. Diego suggested,
"We should play pin the tail on the donkey but instead it's balloons and we have to pop them with knives!"
"Diego, you would win that one automatically." Allison comments
"And? I want to be a winner on my birthday." He replies with a wide grin
"Well, I want to have a dance party for our birthday!" Allison says
"Oooh, I can get on board with that." Klaus comments
"I want to duet playing happy birthday with (Y/N)." Vanya comments
"And I think it would be fun if we just sit around and talk," Ben says
"Maybe if we're lucky she'll bring over presents and we'll actually get stuff this year!" Luther adds
"What do you want to do for our birthday, Five?" Vanya asks turning the attention to him
"I bet he wants to kiss (Y/N)." Diego interjects making kissy faces at Five "Mwah mwah mwah oh (Y/N) I love you so much!"
"Shut up." Five says looking away from his siblings, heat rising to his face
"You're not denying it." Luther teases
Luther and Diego start to tease their brother more and Klaus starts to sing,
"Five and (Y/N) sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Fi-"
"Ugh! Leave me alone!" Five says grabbing his breakfast and getting up from the table
Five then flashes away to his room. His siblings were so annoying no matter what day it was. Ever since he had accidentally told them about a month ago that he loved you, they relentlessly teased him about it. Well, Diego, Luther, and Klaus did with Allison chiming in here and there. Ben and Vanya were more so supportive and stayed out of his business, which he appreciated. Nevertheless, it was difficult to deal with their incessant teasing. Yes, he loved you and yes, he's thought about kissing you but he couldn't find the courage to go through with it. You were his best friend, his only friend and he didn't want to lose you because he felt a certain way and you didn't. It was a risk he just wasn't willing to take because he couldn't be sure how you felt for him. Five sat down on his bed and angrily munched on his birthday breakfast hoping that soon enough something would happen to make the day more exciting.
When you and your family arrived at the Capital West Bank you took a look around. It was very nice looking with high ceilings and a balcony upstairs that worked its way around the main room. Your father approached the counter and you followed. You ignored the conversation your father and the clerk were having and continued to look around. You saw many different people in the bank, some standing around, some going and then some coming in. As you watched a group of men walk in the door you grew suspicious. In your gut, you felt something shifty about them. Cautiously you watched them out of your peripheral to see what they were up to but to not be obvious about it. A bank teller then steps out from behind the counter and walks you over to a set of stairs directing you and your family up them. Bringing you to a back room the teller uses a key to unlock the door. In the room, you see wall to wall safes. Each one looking just as heavily secured as the next. Your father takes a step towards one of them and entered a passcode. When the safe opens in there is an exact replica of Princess Mia's tiara. Your father gently grabs it from the safe and places it on your head.
"A perfect princess tiara for our perfect birthday princess." Your mom comments
As you relish in the sweet moment with your parents you all hear some commotion from downstairs. Your family and the teller head out of the room and watch from the upstairs balcony as chaos breaks loose downstairs. You can hear the screams of other people in the main lobby as the men who you had a bad feeling about pull out some guns and start threatening people. The banker pulls you and your family back into the back room. Quickly your dad takes the tiara off your head and puts it back in the safe before closing it swiftly. The banker that brought you upstairs calls 911 and details the situation going on, but before he can finish talking to the 911 operator a couple of members of the who were in charge of this robbery shoot him. The criminals, uncaring of what they had just done to an innocent life proceeded to make their way over to you and your parents. Your parents get in front of you to put space between you and the criminals but it is useless because they end up forcing you three down on the ground and put duct tape around your wrists. As you're on the ground you give your mother a pleading look but she shakes her head no. You knew that you could use your powers to get you and your family out of this but your mom didn't want you to in fear of people taking you to do experiments. You let out a sigh as the robbers sit the three of you up. One of them sends the others outside to guard the room before turning to your father to interrogate him.
"Now tell me where this tiara is." The criminal commands
This is not how you expected your birthday to go.
For the Hargreeves kids, their birthday was going the same as always, which is to say not much excitement was going on. They all separated and started to do their own things but their activities were interrupted when Reginald yelled,
"Children come down to the parlor immediately!" 
All the children made their way down to the parlor as quickly as they could. Standing in an orderly line from 1 to 7 the children look to their father to hear what he has to say.
"You have been training to use your powers for years and now you have been presented the opportunity to go and demonstrate them to the world. The Capital West Bank is under siege by a group of robbers and the patrons inside have been taken as hostages. There has been a standoff with police for about two and a half hours at this point and I intend for you children to finish it. Get out of your pajamas and get in your uniforms, we leave in 10 minutes sharp."
The children run off to their rooms and rush to get ready for their first-ever mission. This was not quite the excitement they were looking for but nonetheless, it was better than nothing. Within 10 minutes' time, all the children were ready to go. Quickly, they made it to the bank. The six children with powers devised a plan to get inside while Vanya stayed with Mr. Hargreeves looking at the scene from afar. All the kids minus Luther make their way into the bank through side entrances trying to not get caught. As nonchalantly as possible Allison walked towards the main part of the bank. As she did so she saw one of the criminals talking on a walkie talkie.
"Hey get them behind the counter," He said to some other robbers using his gun to gesture "Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't wanna do. SHIT!"
She approaches the man and stands their innocently.
"Hey get back with the others!" The man commands to Allison
"I heard a rumor... Allison replies
"What? What did you say?" The man asks
Allison then leans in towards the man and repeats herself. Putting a hand up to her mouth she says,
"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."
Under the command of Allison's power, the man turns to his accomplice and aims the gun at him.
"Hey dude, what the hell?" the other man asks
The man under Allison's power then shoots his friend in the foot before shooting again. The other man falls to the ground and accidentally shoots off rounds from his automatic weapon. The hostages of the bank scream in fear. A crash then comes from the ceiling as a bunch of glass rains down into the bank. Along with the glass is Luther who jumps down into the bank, grabs one of the criminals banging his head against the counter before throwing him out of one of the high windows. Within seconds Diego runs in brandishing his weapons of choice,
"Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!" He exclaims throwing his knives and redirecting them towards one of the gunmen 
The knives manage to hit the gunman in the shoulder and his heart. After the one gunman got hit by Diego's knives, the man standing next to Allison came out of his trance and ran away from her towards the counter. As the kids and robbers continue to fight chaos continues to ensue throughout the whole building.
You and your parents had been in the backroom upstairs for what felt like hours at this point. The man who stood before you kept yelling at your father to tell him where the safe that had your tiara was. Somehow your dad had avoided the question thus far but the criminal was becoming inpatient. The robber was about to speak again when the sound of gunshots rang out from downstairs.
"We're gonna have to move this along. If you're not going to tell me straight up then I'm just going to have to force it out of you!" The robber yells
The robber then grabs you and holds the gun in his hand against your head.
"You should let go of me before something happens." You comment calmly
"Aw, what are you gonna do? Cry?" The man mocks
"You asked for it." You reply
In one swift motion, you phase backward through the man and kick him towards a desk that was in the room. As he falls over it you grab the letter opener and stab the man in the back with it hitting his heart. Undoing your parents' bindings you tell them,
"Stay here."
"But-" Your mom interjects
"STAY HERE" you command them
Within a second's time, you had phased through the door and into the middle of the upstairs hallway. Making yourself visible you use your powers to manifest the tiara in your hand and hold it up.
"Hey!" you yell grabbing the attention of the armed robbers "Looking for this?"
The angry men start to chase you but you turn invisible.
"Where'd she go?" One of them asks
One of the men walks down the hall to see if he can find you. Once the men are on two opposite side of the hall you reappear and taunt,
"If you want this crown you'll have to kill me for it."
The two men turn their guns on you and start to rapidly fire but you use your powers to make them go through you harmlessly and the two men end up killing each other. After you confirm they were incapacitated you hear a voice yell,
"Get back you freaks!"
Looking down from the balcony you see a man standing on top of the bank counter surrounded by Allison, Diego, and Klaus in their academy uniforms. You wonder when they got here but continue watching. the man points his gun at each of them he demands,
"Hey be careful up there buddy," Klaus comments
"Yeah, wouldn't want you to get hurt" Allison chimes
"Get back now!" The criminal demands
Five flashes behind the man so he is sitting criss-cross on the counter.
"Or what?" He asks with a cocky smile
The man turns his attention and gun to Five and starts shooting but Five had flashed away before any bullets could hit him. Flashing behind the man once more he crosses his arms, a serious look on his face. The man on the counter turns to him and starts clicking a stapler at him. Five looks down at the stapler before sarcastically commenting,
"That's one badass stapler."
Immediately after though Five forcefully pushes the man's hand. The stapler hits hard causing a gash in his head and the man to fall off the counter. Your jaw drops and your heart starts to race a little. 
"Damn," you whisper to yourself
Something about him kicking that guys ass was really attractive to you. Forgetting that you were in the middle of fighting one of the robbers grabs you and takes the tiara out of your hand. You phase out of his arms and say,
"Either the crown goes down on the group or you go up in the air."
"You're not getting this back." The man states
"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."
And with that you make it so this man's molecules are extremely light and hang him upside down in the air over the lobby of the bank. Freaking out he throws the tiara over the balcony and it lands by your feet. Not part of your plan but you are satisfied nonetheless. You continue to leave the man hanging as you watch your friends downstairs. Outside the vault five of the six children stand in a semi-circle around Ben.
"Do I really have to do this?" Ben asks
"C'mon Ben there are more of them in the vault," Luther says
"I didn't sign up for this," Ben says in a resigned tone
Ben enters the vault and begins to take out the men in their one by one. From across the room the man you were holding yells,
"Put me down!"
The five children left outside the vault switch their attention and see a man dangling upside down in the air. Looking slightly above him they can see you standing on the balcony above.
"I said put me down you crazy bitch!" 
"You got it." You reply with a smirk before making the man's molecules extremely dense
The man rapidly falls down towards the floor of the lobby and impales himself on a flagpole. Five looks up at you an admiring smile on his face and awe in his eyes (even if they were hidden behind a mask). He had never seen someone so beautifully kebob a man. 
"Wow." Five said to himself
The hostages in the bank start to run out of the building screaming. You transport yourself downstairs to the middle of the lobby and watch the bloodbath occur behind the translucent glass of the vault. When it stops you see Ben slowly step out from behind the door and he can be heard saying,
"Can we go home now?"
You see the children walk around the counter to make their way over to you. Even behind their masks, you could see the excitement in their faces especially that of Five. The children approach you but as they do you can see one of the men still alive get up and quickly make their way over to your group. Raising their gun up, they point it in their direction. He could've aimed at any one of you but he pointed his gun at Five. Quickly reacting you yell,
"Five watch out!"
You then transport your molecules so that you are between Five and the gunman. The gunman pulls his trigger but you push his arm up so that the shot hits the ceiling. You wrap your hand around his neck and look him in the eyes. Adrenaline rushing through your veins all you could think about was how this man almost killed the boy you loved. You were about to say something when,
Your entire top part of your body was covered in red. The body of the man falls backward and you see that all that was left was the shoulders down. You blink a couple of times coming to the realization of what you just did. Slowly turning to the group of kids Diego exclaims,
"Uh, thanks." you comment before gesturing to yourself and adding "Hey Ben, looks like we're twins now.”
You see a smile appear on the face of the boy who didn't want to be here in the first place. He didn't say anything but it brought him comfort to know you were in the same boat as him. You watch as Five opens his mouth to say something but before he can you hear someone screaming your name from above you. Turning around you see your parents. You wave to them from the lobby floor.
"Hi, mom! Hi dad!" You say as if nothing was wrong
You and the Hargreeves kids all watch as your parents rush down the stairs to get to you. When your mom gets to you she crouches down looking all over you for injuries.
"Oh my god (Y/N) are you okay? You're all covered in blood!" She cries
"Don't worry mom, it's not my blood!" You say with a positive attitude
Your mom wails in distress at the sight of her baby covered in someone else's blood.
"Honey, I don't think that was the right answer." You dad comments putting a hand on your mom's shoulder
"Oh uh, well then it is-" You start to say
"No don't finish that sentence, that's not it either." Your dad adds
Your dad helps your distressed mom off the floor and places a hand on your back escorting you all to the door. As the three of you walk he says,
"You know what. We're gonna go home and you're gonna get all that blood off you and then your mom and I are going to lay down for the rest of the day while you do whatever makes you happy for your birthday.”
The six children watch as you make your way out the door with your parents but before you exit you turn to smile at them knowing that you would see them later. As soon as you leave the kids rush out to the front steps so that the public can acknowledge them for the first time. This was the most exciting birthday they had had so far but they all knew it would only get better once you came over to celebrate later.
Tag list: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @eddiomyspaghettio @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind
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ancientbrit · 4 years
Natter # 19  09/04/2016
Subject: MI MG Natter #19 Date: September 4, 2016 at 10:16:01 PM PDT Cuttings continue to delight me. Out of the pot of eight "Seven Sons" I took on the 9th of July, I notice that there are at least two cuttings sending out new growth. Given the date and not knowing their growth rate I will probably need to protect them over the Winter. That's probably true for all the other cuttings that I am seeing now sending out new growth, amongst which are Fuchsias - at least eight different varieties and about 30 total in number. Then there is the very precious Daphne and the two Viburnum carlesii, two different Jasmine, and others. It has been a rather successful Summer I think. I have really enjoyed the eight or so propagation talks I have given so far and I am just starting to hear back from some of the attendees about their successes or otherwise. I have one more talk to give, in September I think it is, but I cannot remember when or where, so I hope whoever asked me to do it, remembers in time to remind me! Today I lifted the last of my Ailsa Craig onions and I will check their weights in a few days to see if I can challenge my record. The shallots are doing very well too and I will probably lift them next week after the expected rain has moved through - might make them put on a little weight. Right now they are about the size of a soft ball so they are not doing badly at all. I will be lifting my spuds in the next few days too I think, although I don't expect too much from them. I was a bit lax in looking after them this year, forgetting to earth them up, so I am not sure what I can expect, but I will soon find out I guess! Further to that, I had a few seed spuds left over from the planting. I had cut them to make the most  of the seed, but I ran out of space and they have been sequestered in the garage since I bought them at the F&G show in February! I was totally amazed that they are still viable, although the original seed tubers have shrunk somewhat. As an experiment I took them over to the ex-Onion patch and planted them today, just in time to catch the first rain drops. My hope is that they will grow and produce a few small spuds in time for Christmas Dinner. They will take a little while to show above ground being a bit whizzened, but with the promised rain to come in the next few days I think they will make it. If they don't there is always TJ's to rely on. My next year's veggie crop will be somewhat different I feel. For a start I won't grow Sun Gold tomatoes again. Great taste though it has, the skins are rather tough and the plant itself grows like a weed. I find it difficult to get into my greenhouse right now as it has grown up to the roof and has come down again in several places and I am fed up with ducking every time I go in. It has also compromised a nearby cucumber which has since stopped producing, when normally it has produced something like 3 every two days. I will probably return to my old favorite English Heirlooms - Ailsa Craig and Alicante - lovely fruit about the size of a golf ball and masses of them. Perfect fruit, red, no blemishes and great flavor. Plus of course my banker - Early Girl. My Melons haven't done so well this year either. Although they were kept watered every day, the leaves have shrivelled and although they set fruit which has grown, the whole lot fell down the other day, so down they stay and I hope they do something - grow a bit bigger and ripen, but who knows now that Autumn seems to be here. I will have erected my fence too before Winter comes, to keep out those dad blasted deer. They have totally destroyed my runner bean crop, by eating every leaf and flower from ground level up to about seven feet. What set above that had been hidden until yesterday and now I find that they are too far gone - just tough and stringy. A total waste of time, money and effort. The Cool Plants & Hot Topics event gets ever closer and just to give you a heads up, you should know that together with Joan Helbacka's talk on Spring Bulbs, you will be offered the chance to order some of those self-same bulbs from Brent & Becky's Bulbs then and there. We have arranged to have Brent & Becky's catalogues available at the event, so that bulbs that take your fancy at the talk can be ordered before you forget. I have ordered their bulbs for years and I have to say that they are of first class quality and then some. I do hope that you will all attend the event and/or volunteer in some way. Whichever, be assured that your presence is needed - we won't be able to do it without you - quite literally and as we hope that it will become an annual event we must remember that you only get one chance to make a first impression. As of this moment, there is just one volunteer for the afternoon shift and I am not sure what we are going to do about that. There was a request sent appealing for volunteers a few days back but the response has been miserable, hopefully it will be alright on the day, although I would rather KNOW it was going to be okay before going in. Last week a client referred to me as "The Hat guy without the hat". I had to explain that both hats are in the shop for their annual refurbishment. The BIG hat had become a trifle heavy on long periods giving me a headache. My birthday hat was starting to get a little the worse for wear and so my friend who made both hats is also refurbing this one too. Bracing things up, probably replacing a couple of tea bags and shuttlecocks and generally giving it the dust & clean it deserves. One or the other, or maybe even both will be back in service by September 24th - wouldn't be a MG plant sale otherwise now would it? Today (4th September) Karin, Paula and I started under several clothing layers. 'Twas a mite nippy at first, but eventually were rewarded and things warmed up - clients started to arrive too, which is always a good thing. Old friends and new arrived over the hours, including my old drinking and dancing partner from last year. Lovely lady and I don't think I will ever forget the story. Just wonderful! I have been sticking cuttings into one of Alison's "Forsythe pots" as she has great success with hers. everything seemed to be going well, although the center pot was getting through water at quite a rate which puzzled me - until that is a looked through the windows one day and saw my cat Pickle drinking from it! There were several samples brought in that had obviously been effected by the dry Summer. Cucumbers, other squashes, tomatoes and on. At least I would hope that by next year people will remember about watering regularly and sufficiently. Previously I had no idea that irregular watering and/or varying temperatures caused cucumbers to develop bitterness, in spite of what Carin had to say. I just have never had the problem, thinking that since cukes are about 90% water they obviously need a fairly copious supply to grow properly. Perhaps I have been lucky in that regard. Rhododendrons also seem to be getting affected, as we had a second sample brought in with collapsed leaves and shrivelling stems. We suspected a nasty sounding fungal attack - 'can't remember the name now and I certainly couldn't spell it without referring to the treatise, but we sent it in for confirmation. The year seems to be dwindling down quite noticeably now, although I did promise an Indian Summer to a couple of ladies, so I will keep my fingers crossed - it has always worked in the past, but maybe this year........! Until next time then, Your fearless leader, Gordon
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
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Today Midweek Ghana Lotto Sure Banker 17/08/2022
Today Midweek Ghana Lotto Sure Banker 17/08/2022
Today Midweek Ghana Lotto Sure Banker 17/08/2022 Today midweek ghana lotto sure banker and with the best two sure lotto number for today midweek ghana lotto 2sure and 3direct today and we are sure we are going to come out today victorious. Midweek lotto two sure live – midweek is sure forecast and nothing is going to stop us from winning midweek lotto prediction for today. (more…)
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Ghana Lucky-g Lotto Sure Banker Forecast For 21/06/2022
Ghana Lucky-g Lotto Sure Banker Forecast For 21/06/2022
Ghana Lucky-g Lotto Sure Banker Forecast For 21/06/2022 Ghana lucky-g lotto sure banker forecast – You can try Sure Banker from Abc Naija Lotto about Ghana Lotto Prediction tool to predict numbers for the next draw any game you will play. Lucky-g key lotto prediction – forecast for today’s lucky g ghana lotto game, ghana lotto lucky g banker for today, lucky g banker for today. Live banker lucky…
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Click And Win Lucky-G Lotto 2Sure Games Today
Click And Win Lucky-G Lotto 2Sure Games Today
Click And Win Lucky-G Lotto 2Sure Games Today Click and win lucky-G Today with a strong 2sure from Abc Naija Lotto forecasters, lucky g ghana lotto forecasting 2sure, ghana lucky g lotto forecast for today. Prediction for today lucky tuesday – forecast for today’s lucky g ghana lotto game, lucky g prediction for today, lucky tuesday two sure. Lucky-g ghana lotto 2sure – Best Ghana Lotto…
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Check Two Sure For Lucky-G For Today
Check Two Sure For Lucky-G For Today
Check Two Sure For Lucky-G For Today Check Two Sure for Lucky-g and Here are the best two sure and banker for Lucky draw on 17 May 2022, Tuesday – Lucky Prediction for Today, Lucky 2Sure Lotto Numbers for Today. LuckyG unfailing banker live – Here are the best two sure and banker for Lucky draw on 05 January 2021, Tuesday – premier lotto lucky g live banker. Ghana lucky-g 2sure prediction for…
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Lucky-G Lotto Live Draw For 29/03/2022
Lucky-G Lotto Live Draw For 29/03/2022
Lucky-G Lotto Live Draw For 29/03/2022 Lucky-g lotto live draw today 29th of Match, 2022 ghana lotto lucky g today live banker, live banker for today monday special live banker for today. LuckyG unfailing banker live – Here are the best two sure and banker for Lucky draw on 29 Match 2022, Tuesday – premier lotto lucky g live banker. Live lucky g lotto banker is not going to fail us today again…
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mycryptosuite · 3 years
2Sure Ghana Lotto Lucky-G Draw Today
2Sure Ghana Lotto Lucky-G Draw Today
2Sure Ghana Lotto Lucky-G Draw Today 2Sure ghana lotto lucky-g ” i want two sure for today lucky tuesday and event to win and live banker ” nla live banker for today lucky tuesday, sure banker for today. LuckyG unfailing banker live – Here are the best two sure and banker for Lucky draw on 05 January 2021, Tuesday – premier lotto lucky g live banker. Ghana lucky-g 2sure prediction for today’s…
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