siren-virus · 2 years
And now it's time for another round of questions :D Flee: There has been enough angst with all the implications of all the messed up things that happen in the burrows communities thus far, and as such in order to recover a little I'll make a question that goes more towards fluff now. Has there been any moment where our dear found family has been able to show off their teamwork with all their might and get a positive response from anyone witnessing them? Like, I know that they'll eventually make enough friends that such a thing will be common, but with a stranger? SWUP: Everyone's reactions on Derrick if possible please, because even though he might be careful enough to not be seen by anyone, I can already imagine James (Was he the one interested in aliens and all things related like a conspiracy theorist?) being between over the moon for another alien race that he can look from afar (I'd say study, but considering how dangerous Derrick is, it's better to not get too close), and Vicky stressing herself out into keeping him far from him when she isn't busy in a fight or, worse, fighting Derrick himself XD LuckyBen!AU: Would Ben (nekomata), Gwen, Kevin and/or Rook ever try ranching out in anything they do? Like, perhaps Ben has a youtube channel where he does tutorials into some exotic coffees (different from the ones he does in the coffee shop though (unless his boss watches his channel and chooses to make them too :V ) ), Gwen perhaps taking in an intern or 2 to teach them the ins and out of alien ambassy so she can have her workload loosened up a bit, Kevin pirating programs because, let's face it, he would totally do that if only to screw with the owners and probably steal some money from them in the progress, and Rook could write a humans guidebook, like the one used in the tag "Humans are Space Orcs" XD Gecko: Let's leave the characters for a bit and make an ask about the town itself, how is the situation in that place? I imagine that they have a very peculiar customs regarding their situation, as well as some... interesting idiosincrasies between the townspeople that I don't doubt would look very sketchy among the outsiders (I can think of an example from another show that isn't really exploited that much in fanfic but I don't wanna accidently drag you into another fandom XD) And that's all I got to say for today, let's see what you come up with for these asks now :3
OOp sorry about the delay
A lot of stuff happened- good stuff. Kept me off the computer for a bit
Anyways I'll be bouncing on again to answer your lovely questions!
FLEE: I would deffinitely say that Leo and Tristians protective elder brothers trope over Robin has been a thing. Robin may be a savage child but that won't stop the pair from using their own bodys as meat shields to protect her. It took Leo a while to get to that point.
As for the rest of the potential members, I haven't thought too much into it- I'll deff think about it now though.
With strangers, Tristians a lot more friendly, willing to help. It makes him very naive and suseptable to possible kidnappings/robberys.
But Leo is there to kick ass, and Robin is there to bit ankles.
SWUP: James is in LOVE with Derrick. An alien? a possible anti-hero!? Oh my god. He swoons. It's just like his one comic book about the anti-hero alien dude. James must know more. James must... Become his friend.
Derrick's a lil creeped out, but is happy to accept any and all compliments. The little narcisist he is.
James' Police dad (i forgot what i called him ;;; ). Has no clue of Derricks existence. Derrick is right under his nose like a bad smell. But he just can't find the source of the chaos. So naturally he'll blame it on SWUP.
Sara doesn't know whether to like him or not, he runs circles around poor SWUP, but does he mean any harm? He's never hurt SWUP... I mean he has, but SWUP recovers fast. And the way SWUP acts around Derrick makes Sara just... confused. She's neutral, so maybe he's ok?
Courtney despises Derrick. He commits crimes? Illegal, bad. How dare he. He must be arrested. Does he have a license for flying? No? Illegal. Must be arrested. He parks in a spot with paying for a ticket. Ooh. He must be jailed.
Charlie. Like James, loves Derrick. But to a lesser extent, James is Charlies numero uno!
And of course poor... poor Vicky has to do her best to keep everyone away from Derrick. Easier said than done.
LuckyBen!AU: Ben has no online persona. Too paranoid- if someone were to recognise him through the way he talks it's over.
Of course Gwen is happy to teach new recruits. She doesn't do it often cause she's required to be upfront on the battle field. She normally just volunteers in her free time.
Rook is the same, all work no play- except for the times he goes to see his family or grab a coffee.
Kevin would so do that. Loves his tech, loves his computers- a little bit of a nerd- but if it makes his tech work better, faster, stronger, he'll do it.
GECKO: The people are quite blissfully ignorant to the outside world. Their normal is our strange. Of course they don't see the odditys Mac has run into, unless they somehow do. Of course they're a secretive people, so you never know if they actually know.
They're also very friendly, offering newcomers (MAC) free snacks as he gets settled into the neighbour.
Unless you meet Hamish. One of Macs coworkers. Great guy, friendly, talks a lot. You think he's full of shit, like how continues to brag about his sexy hot beautiful girlfriend. But he's actually telling the truth.
He also talks about a lot of disappearences that happen to tourists/newcomers. He doesn't elaborate. He says it so easily it sounds like it's normal.
Does Hamish know more than what he lets on?
There's also Macs landlady. She's a little harsh- she lives on her own in the outskirts of the town. She knew Mac's mum as a kid. She mentioned at one point that there are more people that houses in this town. Of course Mac thought she meant there was a homeless problem. But as Mac grew to know the town better, there would be no homeless. The streets were empty after dark.
Most people discourage going out after dark.
There's something in the woods. Watching.
Again sorry for the delay, life is busy.
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siren-virus · 2 years
and It's time for another round of questions :D Flee: Have you thought of any character that may become a character foil for anyone in the found family? In the absence of such characters (whether because of choice or not) then could you deepen a bit how the group foil each other please? SWUP: From what I gathered of Derrick thus far, he would essentially be something akin to an inspector, sent to Earth to learn about one thing only to discover another one, potentially un-Earth-ing (sorry excuse of a pun totally intended) a conspiracy of the enemy goverment that might help tip the scales of the "non" alliances of the neutral third parties that take part of this war. Of course, as long as the Dragons don't have a conspiracy of their own that might tip thing in facour of the Unicorns XD LuckyBen!AU: Would Ben ever expand his information network outside Undertown? Like, he lives and work there, but he also has his job as Nekomata both inside and outside of the underground city, so of course he would have to know more about what happen outside as well; there's Charmcaster, Hex, the Forever Knights, Animo, Invaders from outer space, etc... What I'm saying is, would Ben use his coffee employee/information brooker persona to expand on his information network, or would he do that as Nekomata? Gecko: Did you manage to get more ideas for Gecko after I sent the last ask? Anyways here's the question intended to be answered with something specific instead of just a vague answer XD Is there any visual indicator whenever anyone is using the powers gained from their Geckos? Also I'm assuming that the sock puppet in the trailer is Skittles XD And that's it for today, hope you have a wonderful day/week and I'll send another ask next time, you know already when to expect it XD
Hey duuuude, really sorry about the delay
Had no internet and no space to work for the last few weeks!!
Anyways I'll dive right into your questions, I've made you wait long enough!!
I haven't thought that far ahead as to adding more characters to the family. But I'd say Leo would deffinitely be a foil to the found family the most. He's got severe mummy and daddy issues. Also pretty bad trust issues.
Did I ever mention he had a fiance he left? Cause he did. She's pretty pissed too. But she's a good lady. Not kind hearted though, she's just as nasty as Leo, if not worse.
I'll add this little tidbit-
To keep the flying-type hybrids living there's this whole forced marriage thing. They gotta keep that gene thriving. Going outside of it you could have a baby that has no ability to fly- rip. Resources are thinning out so if that happens- well.... they'd be killed.
Derricks an investigator in his heart. He's actually from a well-off family that's free from the war (cause they got moneyyy to pay for him not to be inovolved.)
However Derrick still does his best to distance himself from his family. He wants to help put a stop to the war- so he's essentially joined up with the rebellion.
Love the pun- keep at it.
He was sent to Earth- because its an unassuming planet where it's dominant species hasn't even made it to lightspeed. It's the safest option. If the son of a noble family were to die- well. You know.
However as he ended up on Earth he found that the war is somehow linked to this planet.
Now his interest is peaked at SWUP- human turned unicorn lady. She knows nothing- but he's still gonna harass her for any info.
Not to say he'd be kind about it either. He's a pretty scary dragon.
Dragons have their own little secret too- not turning other species into weapons- they're a little more kinder about that. There's is more based around other kinds of weaponry.
IF and when Ben gets the chance to travel outside of Bellwood for long periods of time- he'd deffinitely use his personality to his advantage- picking up odd jobs in "unassuming places". Maybe coffee related maybe not.
The perks of being the grandson of a magister means that he can get jobs in alien-run places.
He's even worked under Hex as an assistant- Yes, Hex knows his identity. Hard to hide a strong amount of Mana when you're made of it. Charmcaster surprisingly doesn't- she's not a bright light.
Yes I did. I found that working in an out of order episodic form helps. I got a story about an abandoned meat factory, an axe weilding murderer, a centipede house wife--- oh what fun! I can tell you bits and pieces about the meat factory!
Crystal and Kai are part of an organisation- intelligently named Gecko. It's secret- but since Mac has been kind of forced into it by association with his gecko, he's been dragged along.
Kai says for training. Crystal says- "Kai's so boring on missions, like there's some kind of stick up his ass."
Inside the meat factory is a bit of a mystery- it was shut down three years ago because the owner mysteriously died. The meat factory was abandoned shortly after- believed to be haunted.
Oooohh what happens you ask! Let me type it out in a comprehensible format ;;;
Maybe I should just write a book ;;
As for the visual indicator- most Gecko hosts don't have any changes- cause the Gecko is basically melded into their brains.
But Mac is different- as protagonists would be-- His Gecko has it's own personality- So for Mac- When Skittles takes over, Mac's eyes change colour and shape to match the gecko.
And yes the sock puppet is Skittles. It's basically a visual gag I wanted to use- so it didn't look like Mac was talking to himself.
He also has some interesting mirror conversations- it's easier to use the sock puppet though. Mac hates it when Skittles trys to express himself through Macs face.
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siren-virus · 2 years
And now, it's time for the next batch of asks for you about all of the things you've done that I'm keeping up with XD FLEE: right now we've got the first of potentially many many MANY fucked up things that happen in the vast wastelands with Leo's backstory of running away from his fiancee to avoid being chained down to the community he was residing in thanks to his flight. Would you mind telling us another thing that's normal for their society but it's still pretty fucked up? Or in case you haven't thought of any yet, how would that community react to him should the group ever have to get there or nearby? SWUP: I can already see poor SWUP (I gotta re-read the asks I've sent you if only to remember everyone's names XD) being both worried sick about Derrick and done with his shit once he has settled down as something more of a regular part of her band of rougues instead of just an enemy that might pop up whenever to ruin all of her stuff and kick her ass XD I can see her being similar to Ben against most of the regular enemies in Omniverse, in that she'd be tired of his shit after a while and just wants to get everything done to go back to her regular day to day life LuckyBen!AU: Ooohhhh, Ben using his position as granchild of a magistrate would be very interesting, considering that he could most likely use that as a way to get into more secure places without trouble, or perhaps troll some Plumbers into thinking that he's there as a representative since his dear old grandpa couldn't make it due to unforseen circumstances, or as a surprise inspection :V Also lol, Hex knowing Ben is Nekomata and doing absolutely nothing with that info. Like, what would he do, tell the Plumbers? Please, he's also in their wanted list. Tell another criminal to hunt him down? Why? He takes care of the competition pretty well. Let him be a playmate of Charmcaster so he can have some time for himself? If only the girl knew his identity, though watching the teen dance around her about it is plenty fun in it's own right XD Gecko: Who are Kai and Crystal? From what I recall you haven't said anything about them before, or perhaps you've said something about them and I just missed the posts :V Anyways, can we know a bit more about them please? And that's all I have to ask for this asks, I'll see you when you reply to this and I begin thinking of new questions once that's been done XD
Eyo welcome back
I'll get right into it
FLEE: Certainly! There's the whole selective breeding- or forced marriages thing happen in most burrows. Some are a little more encouraging of free will than others.
In Leo's specific burrow community- humans are killed on site- doesn't matter if they're weak, injured, elderly or an infant.
Sometimes if a hybrid were to give birth to a normal- human looking child that doesn't have any mutated features- they're killed instantly.
For people with Wings like Leo- they're forced to go off on their own to search for food and water- even if they're quite old or young. I guess they're the seekers. If they're injured in the process they're still sent out- unless they've lost all capability of flight.
There's limited resources, so if they're permanantly downed and can't reproduce- they're killed. Same goes for any other hybrid- however if they've recieved a permanant disability they're killed off- not even kept alive to care for children.
It's a harsh world- but with limited food and water, it's just what they have to do.
Fortunately The group have not encountered Leo's home YET. Zara's burrow is a little kinder.
SWUP: Yes!! It's a love hate relationship between the 2. Derricks really likes to stir the pot with her.
She's so over it, wants to get smoothies and chilli frie- oops wrong show. jkjk
But yeah, SWUP doesn't have many reoccuring enemies- she's a very strong woman and an encounter with her usually ends up with her enemy being scarred--- physically or mentally in the worst way.
Sometimes it's intentional. Other times, she just looks so scary her enemies will piss themselves in fear.
LuckyBen!AU: He doesn't use his grandpas position often. Of course it doesn mean discounted flights- hehe- Plumbers would bend over backwards to help him get to locations thinking it would benefit them and their own positions.
And yes some trolling is done- but it's far and few between.
He also takes advantage of the plumbers who really like to gossip about secret missions. Most plumbers assume he's in the know.
Exactly, Hex has know reason to see Ben as a threat, maybe a tad bit annoying, but it's like having a nephew. Often he'll tell Ben to "play nice" with Charmcaster- I mean Charmcaster is a little bit like a loaded gun at times, tad bit unhinged- but less crazy then the OG verse.
Hex hates it when Charmcaster barges in on him to bitch about Nekomata.
GECKO: ooH, my bad ;; Kai and Crystal were the two other people in the trailer. Yes Gecko has a trio/quadro main character group.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Crystal a little bit unhinged herself, and crazy strong- loves a laugh and is just a goofy girl.
Kai is a little more uptight- like there's a stick up his ass. He's so strict and well maintained that it's irritating.
Crystal does everything in her power to push his buttons. Sometimes it works out, cause Kai loosens up, maybe has a laugh too. Sometimes it ends up with Kai using Mac as a meat sheild.
Together these two are Mac's worst nightmare. They torment him on a regular. They might both be hot- but god. Please leave poor Mac alone, he's going to go grey before he's 25!!
They're both fun characters though, they mean no harm... kind of. They're also quite protective of Mac. They're basically all the same age, but because Mac got his gecko a lot later than everyone else- the usual age is like 6-12years old- he's like a baby to them.
Thanks again for asking!!
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siren-virus · 3 years
Time for another set of questions, yet again only 1 for each idea/au/project you have :D FLEE: Have there ever been an ocassion where the trio is separated and they have to find their way back to eachother, either in a small town or in different locations altogether? SWUP: Can we get a bit more about Courtney, Charlie and Derrick? Courtney sounds like would have to fight a bit of the bias present in the books she studies from, and it seems that Charlie, her little brother, is in love with James XD Derrick meanwhile doesn't seem like a bad guy if he keeps his fight outside of human eyes/influence if he can help it; wether that's because of the goverment or because he really worries about the humans is another story :V LuckyBen!AU: Has Kevin ever in this AU got transformed by his many attempts to absorb the Omnitrix? Considering all the things that are different from the OG series in this AU, I'm not sure if he's even been able to do that in the first place, or how it could've been solved if he managed to do so Gecko: Here I'll help you focus a bit on the writting of your story and throw you a bone, please tell me as much as you can without spoiling anything of the story. Usually just writting what you have already or telling someone else can get your creative juices running, and help you focus enough to continue the story :D Welp, that's all for today's batch of questions, good luck focusing in your current projects so they might sail smoothly from here on out :3
I'll jump right in.
Many times, I mean one is always with Robin because, poor baby can't defend herself. Much as she likes to say otherwise.
It generally happens when Trisitan loses his patience to Leo's hostility. Otherwise he'd always track Leo down when he has one of his tantrums.
An exception to this is when they'd be forecably seperated, be it from humans, hybrids, goliath bobbit worms, OR zombies.
No specifics of course, without spoilers...
Oh lord I have to think about other characters. deep breaths!! Jk, good writing practise.
Yeah Courntneys major character arc would straight up have her having to rethink her whole career, and life. Aliens exist, the police aren't so great, being by the books has consequences when it comes to street smarts. Speaking of she has none.
Her little brother, Charlie- less so in love with James, more so idolises, like to an unhealthy extent (don't meet your heros kids.). No teen romance for Charlie.
Derrick, I actually had a design for him, I refuse to show it off cause it looks hella crusty dusty musty. Like my deviantart days had me drawing shit haha ;; His original personality was the worry wart mum friend, but no. That character trait belongs to someone else.
Derrick though, he's not a good guy, he's not a bad guy. Chaotic? yes. Neutral? Also yes. His original intention for coming to earth was to look into suspicious unicorn activity on a Level 1 civilisation. Finding that Vicky was originally human, he's decided to stick around and figure out why some humans are being turned.
A big dragon policy is not to mess with lower level civilisations. They're harmless and mostly defenceless.
For the most part it happened once- the first and the last time he dared to approach Gwen without a backup plan. It happened during Gwen and Max's summer vacation- (which Ben missed out on).
They had met, Gwen and Kevin, a few times before, some were on good terms others were on bad terms. This day was a bad term.
Max had gone into a petrol station (gas station) to grab snacks and Kevin used that as his chance to attack. Gwen, unprepared used her omnitrix arm to shield herself from any blows. Kevin accidentally absorbed the omnitrix, but fortunately (for him) it was in small volumes until he was blasted away by the omnitrix's power surge. Also sent Gwen flying.
His arm was stuck as heatblasts for almost 2 weeks, but it made him realise pretty quickly that the omnitrix was too powerful for him to absorb. This universe's Kevins quite smart.
IT wasn't difficult to resolve the issue of his arm, but it also wasn't easy. He just had to really relax for a bit. Hard to do for an edgy bastard.
ooh. tryna make me think huh? well, ok.
Here's what I got for ya: (incoming biiiig paragraph.)
Mac is the protagonist of this story, he suffers from some mental health issues- but it's a common theme through most of my storys.
Mac moves to a small isolated village after the death of his mother, inheriting his mothers, mothers house- which was devided into a duplex. After settling in he starts to enjoy his life, far away from the busy city, only to find his world tilted in the wrong direction after discovering a talking gecko. Dubbed as Skittles, from Mac- because the gecko wouldn't say his name and there's no backsys.
Their meeting did not go well, Mac had launched the poor Gecko after discovering it talks, nearly killing it. So for the gecko to survive it merely asks for some blood. Some little shop of Horrors vibes going on there. https://youtu.be/L7SkrYF8lCU (if you haven't seen it it's really good)
To Macs surprise Skittles pulls and uno reverse and enters Macs blood stream- now Macs forced into - what he calls a parasitic- but is actually symbiotic relationship with his new friend.
As Mac continues living his life in this town he realises things aren't exactly normal, I mean he's gotta gecko living in his brain, duh.
Especially with these odd people who keep approaching him, normally dressed in some form of black. Who also are in the same predicament as him- but their's is SEEMINGLY by choice. And their geckos don't talk to them.
There also seems to be quite a fair few monsters in this town, they usually stay hidden from humanity- but Mac has been forced to fight them more than once.
gotta be vague here.
Join Mac on his journey of discovering the secrets of Mint Town - (which has herbs as its street names - hehe)
Thank you once again for your questions, and today I had great focus- I lost some blood to a blood test- but iron tablets help for that
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siren-virus · 3 years
alright, since you gave me the green light to ask about basically everything I know you have in your head, I'll send 1 question for each thing so as to not overwhelm you
FLEE: How would the group pass the time while traveling the wastelands (I can't remember if it has a name proper or not the space outside the domes XD)? I can imagine it can get pretty boring pretty fast when you walk through some l almost deserted lands that have little things to look at no matter where you see, and a bored Robin will be extremily chaotic, just as a bored Tristan can be really bothersome if he starts asking questions a lot. Only Leo would be safe from the dangers of boredome, if only because he's been living there his whole life and is used to this kind of stuff XD
SWUP: What are the other members of the cast studying/have studied? I can imagine that some might still be in college studying while working part time at the coffee shop *cough*Sara*cough*, while some others might find the aliens thing interesting enough that they start studying them whenever they appear *cough*James*cough*
LuckyBen!AU: Has there ever been an occasion where Nekomata teamed up with a villain in order to solve an even bigger problem? I imagine that in this AU he would be a bit more in the grey area than og Ben, who has a rather but not quite white and black mentality; meanwhile the public might or might not have trouble with those things popping up once in a while since, let's face it, some of the villains might have supporters themselves, while also having a majority against them, even if Nekomata is teaming up with them to fight the BBEG
Gecko: Has there been any advance since the time you uploaded the trailer that appeared in the link from my previous ask? That was uploaded a while back and I imagine that progress has been made since then.
That's all for the asks and thanks for answering them all, I also enjoy talking here through asks XD
Heyoo Again sorry for now getting back to you,
Been out in the town a lot and blegh exhausted I swear I need a new outlet cause art block is really beating the shit outta me, and genshin isn’t helping any
Also don’t worry about overwhelming me, I work in fast food. So I’m good with pressure
Idk about names, maybe just the world, the terrain, mad max… When they’re not panicked running away from humans, weird radioactive zombies, or goliath sand bobbit worms, yeah they’re pretty bored.
Leo can cope with the boredom, it was part of his job to travel from terrain to terrain in search of food and water.
But Tristian and Robin would get bored terribly bored. Between the two of them they would constantly ask “Are we there yet???” Knowing full well that there’s no destination in mind.
Tristian will also play eye spy with Robin, she’s pretty good at it, but hates the game. At some points the game would go on for hours- Leo, at his wits end would turn, almost on the verge of tears, begging for them to shut shutup for 3 goddamn seconds.
Then Robin, the devious thing she is, would count to three and continue the game.
Poor Leo…
Sara, is in culinary school, she’s a great cook and although she’s comfortable being a barista, being a chef would be fine too. She’s quite well off in terms of funds so she can afford to hop around careers.
James WAS supposed to go to university to study nursing- but the idea was ditched as soon as he graduated highschool. Now he still lives at home with no job, but his parents don’t mind. They do, however mind that he keeps bringing Vicky over and that she basically lives there too. She’s more than happy to cough up for rent though.
Hmm other characters you know what lemme just make up some side characters on the spot ;;;;
Courtney: a regular at the café. She’s in the popo academy, very studious, and hoping to push her career until she’s on the detectives team. A potential enemy for SWUP- since Courtneys super by the books.
Charlie: Courtneys younger brother, still in school, also a major comic book fan, wants to go into an arts degree. Follows James around like he’s some kind of idol.
Except James is closer to a neckbeard- with a nice fashion sense… and kind of good looks.. and quite charismatic when it doesn’t have to do with aliens.
Dragon man, kind of a douche. Likes to tease SWUP. Is somewhat knowledgeable about earths laws. Tries his best not to fight with SWUP near human populace.
Apologies Ben is dead to me. Jkjk
Ben has on more than one occasion teamed up with charmcaster. He shares a similar dynamic with her that Gwen does in the OG timeline. They’ll especially team up if it has anything to do with a magick anomaly.
But usually after they’ve finished their quest charmcaster will attack ben. She must be the better spellcaster- and usually ends up getting her ass whooped.
There’s also been a time where Ben begrudgingly teamed up with Morningstar- with was not a good time.
There’s also the odd team up with Fist Rick. Idk why but he seems like he’d be a fun recurring antihero/villain character.
And yeah you’re right, villains would have their own supporters. Especially if those villains are good at presentation.
Absolutely, design wise for several of the characters and the fact that I’ve made a more characters.
I’ve also ended up subverting the genre. Super natural being the main genre, sub genre of horror, mystery, paranormal and also some comedy. It’s gonna be quite complicated to write out a horror story- since I don’t really read often and I can’t watch any horror movies (esp those with zombies- even though there’s zombies or some form of zombie theme in EVERY FUCKING STORY I MAKE.) love hate relation ship man….
I’m working on a story right now wit some of the side characters. More for portfolio reasons- but also wrapping my head around storyboarding. (gotta get me another job)
For now I just gotta write for a bit so I can reignite my artistic abilities. Pray for me and my horrible focus.
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